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ATI interested

Atomic Boo

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Swinimer: What I can say is that ATI is focused, as is Nintendo, in making Revolution a great, gaming entertainment platform. I know that a lot of journalists are very focused on specs. It's the big thing; as a geek, I look for that too. The key thing to keep in mind is that Nintendo, with ATI's help, is trying to create a game console where you don't have to look at specs.


from planetgamecube btw


they sound much more enthusiastic than most developers. EA dont sound that bothered, oh well they make mostly crap stuff anyway

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How vague, ATI is focused on delivering a chip.. because there's a lucrative amount of money in it for them.

This isn't new information.. hell it's not even interesting, sorry.


We know ATI are developping a chip called hollywood, we know it will be cheap, we know it wont be as powerful as the xbox 360 or the PS3, we know they still want us to be wowed to the highest degree on a standard television, we know they wont be releasing the specs.


edit. EA games are crap IMHO, I think the only one I remember enjoying in the recent future was EA BIG's SSX series.

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EA is kinda like the hollywood of games. The games that they make have are great to watch, the sound effects are great but they lack character. For example the call of duty 2. With a decent surround setup it's a real treat. But as far as war games go it can't compete with Operation Flashpoint.

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Well, if games made with the support of EA (the publisher) the games are 'by EA'. Just like SSBM is by Nintendo while really HAL Labarotory made it. Please don't make a fool out of yourself just for the sake of fanboyishness. EA has a much better average quality than publishers like THQ or Eidos.


Anyway on-topic: that statement by ATi is pretty pointless marketing BS if you ask me. I hope they give Nintendo a decent chip - I hope the Hollywood design team has the same skills and creativity as ArtX had.

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HAL labs is part of Nintendo. They have HAL's interest at heart.

My comment stated that C&C hasn't been all that great for a long time (ever since Westwood got bought up). And Lionhead are not owned by EA, therefore will have the normal developer/publisher relationship. It's only financial support. They have little interest in publishing games that the devs are happy with just what they themselves are happy with.

I wasn't fanboyishly bashing EA. "Anymore" referred to the above: "name me 5 good ones" comment.


I'm not a fool.

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Stop Hateing EA. They have bought alot fo good companies and produces alot of good games.


Battlefield seires

SSX series

Buront 3 and Revenge

Need for speed series

Time splitters

alot of sportgames.

LOTR: Battle for middel earth.


And Black Looks amazing.

Yes they also make some crap games, and yes thers alot of new shit in old wraping. But Thats no reason for hating EA.

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They themselves are not as good as they used to be at making games. but i like how they all that cash to help other developers launch their games and just with the EA logo make them sell good


DICE - BF1942/2

Criterion - Burnout

Free Radical - Timesplitters

Lionhead - B&W


still they do release the same game 6 times if it is a succes

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HAL labs is part of Nintendo. They have HAL's interest at heart.

My comment stated that C&C hasn't been all that great for a long time (ever since Westwood got bought up). And Lionhead are not owned by EA, therefore will have the normal developer/publisher relationship. It's only financial support. They have little interest in publishing games that the devs are happy with just what they themselves are happy with.

I wasn't fanboyishly bashing EA. "Anymore" referred to the above: "name me 5 good ones" comment.


I'm not a fool.

HAL is a second party to Nintendo - they make the game, Nintendo publishes it. Same goes for EA Pacific (Westwood), Criterion, Free Radical and all the other teams that make great games. You could consider them EA's second party - the situation is really the same as HAL (or Alphadream, or Bungie), but they publish for every console instead of one. They make great games, EA makes great games - so your comment sounds silly. How do you know EA's relationship with the studios is worse than, say, Nintendo with Camelot? Do you think they wanted to make two Mario Golfs and Mario Tennises? Do you think Hudson wants to make a Mario Party update every year? The entire industry works the same way - they're all companies trying to make a profit.

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The only thing I don't like about EA is their release schedule of certain games. I mean they shouldn't call their next game Madden 0x but instead more something like "Rooster Update 2006".


They produce games for the masses and heavily rely on their franchises. I am curious to see how one of their new games like The Godfather will perform.

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The only thing I don't like about EA is their release schedule of certain games. I mean they shouldn't call their next game Madden 0x but instead more something like "Rooster Update 2006".


They produce games for the masses and heavily rely on their franchises. I am curious to see how one of their new games like The Godfather will perform.


Yes because that doesnt have a famous franchise behind it does it?

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Concerning games: NO.



The Godfather is a master piece and especially Marlon Brando is the actor of the century and this story gives also a lot to put into a great game. I just hope EA can do this ... last thing I heard was that it was pulled back because the quality was not quite what was expected by the movie studios.

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HAL is a second party to Nintendo - they make the game, Nintendo publishes it. Same goes for EA Pacific (Westwood), Criterion, Free Radical and all the other teams that make great games. You could consider them EA's second party - the situation is really the same as HAL (or Alphadream, or Bungie), but they publish for every console instead of one. They make great games, EA makes great games - so your comment sounds silly. How do you know EA's relationship with the studios is worse than, say, Nintendo with Camelot? Do you think they wanted to make two Mario Golfs and Mario Tennises? Do you think Hudson wants to make a Mario Party update every year? The entire industry works the same way - they're all companies trying to make a profit.


We are talking games that EA make. In a similar way to Nintendo R&D 1 and 2 and EAD. So at the beginning of the game boot up, all you get is the Nintendo logo or the EA logo. I am talking 2nd party devs. You're the one that brought up HAL. And yes, I am sure HALs relationship with the publishing side of Nintendo must be different seeing as Mr. Nintendo = Saturo Iwata = Mr. HAL labs.

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