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Diversity & Colour in This Generation


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Case closed. You've pretty much proved my point.


Yes stating a bunch of very well received/GOTY contenders is proving this...


Remind me of how the Wii U's first year was? It had no AAA's and pretty much nothing that appealed to 90% of Western gamers.


Give me that software line up over anything on PS4's first year any day.

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I've heard Destiny is a really fresh experience - never before have gamers literally been bent over and shafted so hard with rip off DLC.


Grind grind grind through the same handful of missions over and over to level up your character so you can grind some more.


Destiny, the Order, Drive Club, Master Chief Collection, AC Unity... buggy, broken or just plain $hit AAA games.

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Grind grind grind through the same handful of missions over and over to level up your character so you can grind some more.


Destiny, the Order, Drive Club, Master Chief Collection, AC Unity... buggy, broken or just plain $hit AAA games.


Which of those have you played?

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I'm guessing none of them, but he's seen some numbers, so it's fine right?


Seen some numbers lol. We all know that the PS4 exclusives have been underwhelming. Funny, you jump all over Nintendo exclusives when ever you get the chance.


But let's face it, Knack, Driveclub and The Order have been major let downs.


Nintendo have got a lot of things wrong - the price, the gamepad, the online infrastructure, the lack of voice chat, the account system etc. But one place Nintendo always knock it out of the park is with well finished and highly polished pieces of software.


Nintendo have never released a piece of software as a half finished buggy mess.

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I'd rather not guess. Personally, I've only played two of them, Drive Club and Destiny. Of those two Destiny is great, but it's also a mess but the community make it a much better game than it is - but that's what makes it a great experience (yeah, in spite of Bungie, playing with other enthusiastic gamers is really what makes it). And Drive Club had an abysmal launch - like impressively bad - but it's a whole different game now. Drive Club is a stunning racer now. The old adage of 'A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever', simply isn't true any more - for better or worse.


I haven't played Unity, I heard it got patched pretty heavily, too. Was it?


But I don't know, I'm asking.


I also want to know, if I'm looking for a short, pretty, action game if The Order is what I'm looking for. I don't need everything to be revolutionary, sometimes I just want a short story. I mean, if that's the kind of game I'm looking for, is The Order still $hit?


Also, what about games like Alien Isolation and Far Cry 4? They're both ace. I'd recommend those over almost all those games listed (bar Drive Club). Alien Isolation was a little buggy but that's fixed now.

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I'm a bit confused that people are saying DriveClub was disappointing...From what I've heard the game is simply incredible!


It's improved so much since launch. But it's first impressions were terrible. Really, it should have been delayed a couple months for the weather patch but even then, it's the player feedback that's been taken on board that's made it as playable as it is now.


So imagine a feature-lite game that doesn't play to well turning into a finely-tuned feature-packed beast of a racer. It's completely understandable that people were disappointed at launch and then never looked back.


The best thing Sony could have done was to release it like a Stream Greenlight game; in alpha and then bate and finally Gold as they increased the price and quality of the game. Because it needed that player feedback.


I'd urge @Ronnie and everyone else to give it another go but I wouldn't blame them if they didn't. It was a terrible launch.

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Has it not occurred to you that you're probably in that 10%?


So basically you're suggesting Nintendo should stop making their usual standard of games and instead develop endless grey first person shooters, just to appeal to this arbitrary 90% of the market you speak of?

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So basically you're suggesting Nintendo should stop making their usual standard of games and instead develop endless grey first person shooters, just to appeal to this arbitrary 90% of the market you speak of?


I never said that :confused:


I suggested that the reason why you believed the Wii U's first year to be so good was down to the fact that you were in the 10% of consumers that would happily shell out £300 for games like NSMBU, Pikmin, TW101 etc. You clearly believe the Wii U's first year was fantastic when most would say the opposite. Surely that's proof enough?


Chill out man :wtf:

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^ Was that post supposed to prove that colourful games exist in AAA PS4 line ups? If so it really doesn't, AC, Bloodborne, Mordor especially. I applaud games like No Man's Sky and Ryme, they look absolutely fantastic and are a breath of fresh air to the usual generic shooters/action games.

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I never said that :confused:


I suggested that the reason why you believed the Wii U's first year to be so good was down to the fact that you were in the 10% of consumers that would happily shell out £300 for games like NSMBU, Pikmin, TW101 etc. You clearly believe the Wii U's first year was fantastic when most would say the opposite. Surely that's proof enough?


Chill out man :wtf:


I'm perfectly chilled out :confused: - You asked us to remind you what the Wii U's first year was like, and whilst it wasn't perfect (what console's first year is?) it had some real gems in it.

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^ Was that post supposed to prove that colourful games exist in AAA PS4 line ups? If so it really doesn't, AC,


AC games on PS4:


Black flag:






AC Unity:









A game set in a Victorian inspired kind of hell. So it's obviously going to be dark. And as for Shadow of Mordor, it doesn't look so drab to me.



I applaud games like No Man's Sky and Ryme, they look absolutely fantastic and are a breath of fresh air to the usual generic shooters/action games.


And Drive Club, and Witcher 3, and Assassin's Creed, and Destiny, and Persona 5.


Then look at that. Suddenly, any argument that the console is mostly full of grey games vanishes into the depths of your bountiful ignorance. Just stop.

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I'd also include Darksiders II as a great launch game in Wii U's first year. Sure it came out a few months after the other platforms but it's a terrific game. I'm playing through it currently. If people haven't played it, you need to. You should be able to buy it relatively cheap now.

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What does it even matter if some games are grey? Thats exactly the colour I would expect a game like The Order for example to be. Its such a stupid complaint these days. I would rather have a nice mix of different styled games.


It's a Victorian setting, as is Bloodborne.


As is the next AC:




Victorian settings are defined by darks and greys, and adds to the atmosphere of the game. Frankly, I think that AC shot looks incredible.

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A game set in a Victorian inspired kind of hell. So it's obviously going to be dark.


I know these games suit grey, my point is why no games that are meant to be colourful instead of the same drab, bleak, gritty stuff we've been getting? It's my opinion, I didn't mean it to cause such a fuss.



Suddenly, any argument that the console is mostly full of grey games vanishes into the depths of your bountiful ignorance.


Its AAA games are mostly shooters and third person action games the likes of which use a very muted colour palette. That's all I'm saying.

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Frankly, I think that AC shot looks incredible.


It absolutely does look incredible. As long as you forgive the probable buggyness and disgraceful in-game plugs to buy services or apps like in Unity. I'm not saying grey games can't look stunning, just that there are a lot of them. My original point was in reply to @Goron_3 mentioning that the Wii U's first year had games that wouldn't appeal to 90% of the western market. So my question was what should Nintendo do about that? Make games that do appeal: drab, grey shooters/action games. Personally I say no thanks. I love the range and look of Nintendo's game. It's definitely needed in modern gaming.


Infamous and Sunset Overdrive were both big AAA exclusive titles that were blindingly colourful.


I'd definitely put Sunset Overdrive alongside No Man's Sky in the 'breath of fresh air' camp. But Infamous was just as drab as the rest. Doesn't mean it's not a great game though obv.

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