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Play Destiny less would do. Although it's 3pm on reset day and I haven't done Nightfall or the Weekly with any of my three characters and I'm not even raiding until tomorrow. Think I'm getting over Destiny. Finally.


Think I might stop raiding until Hard is out maybe. I hit lvl 32 last week.


Last year I became a Dr, so that's nice. Not that I really set it as a resolution or anything.


Aside from a couple of months at the end of year when I first started work here, this year is kind of the first proper year that I'll have been working outside of academia. So I guess I'll work hard and aim for promotion.

2013 was sadly another year with my head in the sand. I started off with good intentions, my driving lessons were going well (ish), I was handing out CV's and whilst I wasn't getting many interviews at least I was trying.


But as the year went on things just went kind of tits up again. I became quite the recluse this year, and whilst I've kept in touch with my closest friends, I have distanced myself from a lot of people. I feel especially distant from pretty much everyone at work now.


My overall mood has been pretty terrible too. I can be perfectly fine and happy the one day but then sometimes I'll just wake up and feel so down it's unreal. I can't shake it either, I'll just spend the whole day feeling utterly terrible. Sometimes it can be like this for weeks or more. But I've been like that for as long as I remember, so yes, what I should do is get help, maybe. Sometimes I can't tell if I am depressed or just a typical angsty young'un still trying to break out of teenage habits a bit late.


But yeah, my usual derpessive spells and anxiety keep holding me back from changing anything that makes me unhappy in the first place. So my number 1, and probably the only important thing for 2014, is to sort my damn head out.


Until that happens, I'll be on Instagram posting pictures of Banjo.


But yeah, in 2014 I'll hopefully improve my outlook on things! I think this is the first proper New Years Resolution I've made that hasn't been a hollow 'lose weight' situation.


EDIT: Just noticed my Christmas name, Jolly indeed :p





Reading back, I was in a right state this time last year. Crazy thing is, things got even worse a few months in but I'm glad to say things last year eventually improved MASSIVELY.


I really started to sort out my depression/anxiety and made some changes that really needed doing. Shed a lot of people from my life but kept some of my greatest friends.


In August I was the best man for my brothers wedding and did a full speech infront of everyone, something I totally couldn't have done at the start of the year.


Finally got the courage to quit the job that I totally hated and managed to find employment in care about a month after which is what is been meaning to do since leaving college.


Reconnected with a lot of friends and family I'd distanced myself from and have learnt so much in the latter half of the year from being unemployed and starting a totally new kind of job on days and on nights. Met loads of really great new people in and outside of work too.


So here's to 2015! Hopefully I can make more positive changes this year! I won't make any specific resolutions, just to keep looking up.


Last year:


This year I want to lose weight as I'm PODGE-TASTIC. Also want to move into my own place. I've achieved a lot of other stuff that I didn't set up as resolutions so it's not all fail for 2013!


Weeeell... I probably put more weight on, but I don't care. Moved into a house with some chill people - a step forwards. Overall 2014 was an investment year.



- go to New York

- Move out, and in with my lady

- Get promoted at least two more times (:P)

- Start, like, saving and stuff. Be better with finances

- Be a better friend. Spent a year just wallowing and avoiding people

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