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Xpert 11 Season 32: A Universe full of life


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Solid start to the campaign. Not entirely sure what my aims are this season, I don't really think I'll be contesting the title, but we'll see how games go.


Played the last 5 or so minutes of the match with 10 men because one of my players got slightly injured and I had used up all my subs. It's this kind of situation where I wish you could be more versatile with your tactics. I had ticked the "substitute slightly injured box", didn't realise that translated to players walking off the pitch!

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Played the last 5 or so minutes of the match with 10 men because one of my players got slightly injured and I had used up all my subs. It's this kind of situation where I wish you could be more versatile with your tactics. I had ticked the "substitute slightly injured box", didn't realise that translated to players walking off the pitch!


I've never seen that happen before! Usually when I've made all my subs and a player gets slightly injured, he's stayed on the pitch for me even with the "substitute slightly injured" box ticked. Maybe they've made a few subtle changes without announcing them yet. Or maybe it's a glitch, Winston had one in our game today (see game comments) and I had one in my offiical league team today too. I bought a keeper with 'king in the air' trait but the trait didn't show up next to him on the squad page although it did on the player's page. However, it rectifed itself later in the day fortunately...thought it was the Montreal screw job all over again! :p

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Win the Elite League title ;)


It'll be in the trophy cabinet by the end of the year.


Great work with the first post @Haden - as always a terrific read! More than happy to split the writeups - a week on and off or how do you want to split it?


Strong start for Winston, big game against Zell next and then I'll be in cruise control for a bit.


Roger update

Roger says he's going through a rough patch with The Crew and keeps forgetting to set tactics but he vows to be back. He also claims to be too scared to show his face on here for a while after the lack of write ups last season.. I think he's just having a tough time getting over the Wimbledon final.

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Just like that river twisting in the sand.


Elite league winner: Eights United

Elite league demoted teams: Coloccini FC, Silverdale Salmon, Rossers Rovers


Middle league winner & promoted teams AC Elites, Aquila,Russian Revolution

Middle league demoted teams Leeds M.O.T, Madpool, bob


Lower league winner & promoted teams Lords of Hydra, The 64s, The Great Mcoy

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My 4-1 victory wasn't exactly hard earned as it appears Madpool never set his tactics :(


Still, nice to see not everyone use entirely defensive tactics against me this season...Charlie.


As a newly relegated side you can be assured I'll be going all out defence against you. :)

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The first randomnly selected interviewee for this season's Inter View will be The Great Mcoy!


The way it works:-


- Please feel free to post all your questions to the man on the xpert site where I've created an Inter View forum.

- I'll wait until the forum runs dry of questions then post these to Mcoys inbox.

- Mcoy can then pick & choose which questions he'd like to answer, if not all of them and reply with his answers to my inbox, not the forum.

- I'll then pile it all together and present it all as a press release + here

- Mcoy can answer in as little or much detail as he likes.


With no further ado, time to fire away with your questions to Mcoy on the forum (not here)...

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@nikos - liking this new format! I'll bung a question in the mix when I get a chance


@Haden - want to do week one of reports or how do you want to split it?


Brilliant start for Winston. Got a few relatively easy games, need to start blooding a smattering of youth which I wasn't so hot at last season.


Lol at Eights struggling against Rossers Rovers. Another disappointing season in store?


Cheers Haden for smashing Inter for us xx

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Mcoy is pretty happy to get a result out of that game. Mcoy thought there was little to no chance originally until he saw that Fedex seem to not be changing things up a lot? A bit of a shame for Fedex as they definetly have a squad strong enough to destroy Mcoy at his place.


Mcoy managed to get a lucky goal and escape with 3 points.

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@flameboy if you wanted to apply for one of the inactive teams in the n-e league the invite link is here: http://www.xperteleven.com/?lid=120161 you will have to resign from Ghana first or @Zell can inactive your team which should leave you free to join.


You should be able to apply to join Fake Team 1 or 2 (I recommend 2 as a more rounded team if you're looking to continue with the same team next season). You can rename the team but if you still want your own team from scratch next season that's fine too and you can either wait or you can leave whichever team you join and re-apply next season :)

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Lol at Eights struggling against Rossers Rovers. Another disappointing season in store?

Not at all. A win is a win :yay:


I think it's been a good week. Two away matches and six points. Next week is going to be tougher though, away against Inter and home against Submarine.

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Big win today not sure what is going on with Inter but I will gladly profit from it as any 3 points are gold dust for me this season!


Looking forward have two big away games now with Yellow Submarine and Coloccini, damn this league is hard! :(

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The next spotlight is on next Tuesday's match between Intergalactico Stars and Eights United. Please predict the score and how many players from the match will make it into the Xpert Eleven.



Recall United: 2

Russian Revolution: 1


Current guesses -

Nikos9: 0-2 and 4 in the x11

Grantspinks: 0-1 and 3 in the x11

Haden: 0-3 and 5 in the x11




DuDs Baggies, Leeds M.O.T, Lords of Hydra - 22

Coloccini FC, AC Elites, The Sixty-Fourthers - 21

Intergalactico Stars, AFC Dedede, Recall United - 20

Eights United, bob, Spurs - 19

Lylat Wanderers, The Roger Federer Crew, Fake Team 1 - 18

Winston Garden Lions, Kippen FC, Fedex United - 16

Rossers Rovers, The Familia FC, The Great Mcoy - 16

Silverdale Salmon, Atlético Aqui1a, LiVeRpOoL - 15

Hadens Legends, Russian Revolution, Blue Rogues - 10

Yellow Submarine, Madpool, Gibbs Probies - 8


Middle League Report: Round Two


The Roger Federer Crew 1-0 Leeds M.O.T


Leeds did well to hold Federer off in the first half even after a serious injury to their stand-out midfielder, Jonny HOwson but in the second half Federer broke into the lead. The first goal was scored in the 49th minute by Egon Fosatti and Federer maintained dominance for the rest of the match. Leeds only attempts on goal came in the second half which left Federer fans in baited breath but Leeds were unable to score.


Kippen FC 7-0 bob


bob's fans are used to seeing lots of goals in their games but not usually all against them! Kippen FC walked all over bob this round with 10 chances to 2 and 7 goals to 0. Both Marcelo Galvão and Willy MacEllar scored two goals for Kippen with Gregorio Lazzarini, Marc McMoist and Seung-Joon Ja all scoring one goal each. This is a welcome victory for Kippen after their first round loss to Atlético while bob are stuck on one point from their home match against the Russians.


The Familia FC 2-3 AC Elites


Familia went into the match looking strong and dominated the midfield but Elites' strikeforce were on top form and were a danger every time they got the ball. Familia scored first with a goal from Petrica Milosevici in the 10th minute but Charlie Zell scored for Elites in the 19th minute to make it 1-1. Familia kept pushing and scored again in the 29th minute, this time Rupert Bachmann was the one to beat the keeper. The first half was very nearly up but Elites broke through for the second time in the 44th minute with Charlie Zell getting the second goal. Familia's players started to look tired in the second half after apparently going all out to get their 5 chances in the first half but Elites were biding their time and in the 76th minute, Scottie Pratchett scored the winning goal of the match for AC Elites!


Madpool 2-3 Atlético Aqui1a


Atlético caused an upset in the pools this round by beating Madpool away from home but although the scores were close, Atlético were quite dominant in the game. Ferdi Isler scored from a freekick in the very first minute to put Atlético ahead from the start and Marlon Dujanic increased their lead after 18 minutes. Spence Monk kept Madpool in the game with a goal in the 21st minute and the excitement of the first half ended there. Atlético pushed further ahead in the second half with a goal from Dujanic again in the 59th minute but their line up was weakened in the 88th minute with defender, Gustavo Rocchi being sent off the pitch. Reggie Hales took a freekick for Madpool right after and Rocchi's absence was all too clear as the ball sailed directly into the net. Fortunately for Atlético the match was over 2 minutes later before Madpool could press the advantage.


AFC Dedede 2-0 Russian Revolution


Dedede had a strong line up today and the results prove it. With 5 chances to 0, Dedede took full control of the game leaving Russian Revolution looking on in despair. Dedede kept things humble with a goal in each half, the first one being scored by Sol Ainsworth in the 28th minute and the second by Dara Dunn in the 62nd minute. Both teams went away with three bookings each which could cause trouble down the line but for now Dedede are looking like contenders for promotion while Revolution would be lucky to avoid relegation!


Most Valuable Player - Gregorio Lazzarini, Kippen FC


Fan Favourites - The Familia FC vs AC Elites


Manager of the Round - Ellmeister, AC Elites

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@nikos - liking this new format! I'll bung a question in the mix when I get a chance


@Haden - want to do week one of reports or how do you want to split it?


Brilliant start for Winston. Got a few relatively easy games, need to start blooding a smattering of youth which I wasn't so hot at last season.


Lol at Eights struggling against Rossers Rovers. Another disappointing season in store?


Cheers Haden for smashing Inter for us xx


I can do week one if you like? I will try and get it done on Tuesday and leave this week for you?

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Xpert 11 Season 32 Reports





Inter fans are used to a slow start to seasons but unused to losses so it was a week of familiarity and surprises both of which were unwelcome. The familiarity began when Inter after some positive football that saw Scabos hit in a long range shot were pegged back by a Coren header to draw 1-1 with Winston in the opening game of the season. While a slow start can be excused having not lost for 14 games a 1-0 loss in a very tight game to Hadens Legends was a shock. After an early Legends goal Inter seemed to have nothing to reply with giving Legends a shock victory on a platter. The Inter manager has released some cryptic PR's suggesting his team is heading for a period of hibernation for an unknown reason. The next game for Inter is against Eights United expect this to reveal more about the season Inter will have.


Champions elect




One team who have been acting like champions is Eights Untied, they are the only team left in the top league with a 100% record and this came after two away wins. While it was against Middle league promoted sides it has been impressive none the less. Eights dominated Hadens Legends with 6 chances to 1 and converted 3 of them with an offensive 3-5-2 formation. They then edged past Rossers Rovers 2-1 again making 6 chances but this time playing 4-5-1. It seems the midfield will be key for them this season. With such a strong start it is worth remembering Eights will have two home games against Middle League promoted sides to finish their season off, already they are looking like a strong favourite to win Season 32.


Winston Garden Lions 2-0 Yellow Submarine




This was one of those ties that fans had pencilled in to watch and analysts made sure they studied to seek clues about where this seasons title was heading. Winston lined up with a 3-5-2 formation while Yellow Submarine countered this with a 5-3-2 set up. This led to Winston dominating chances 6-2 but Yellow Submarine able to hold out with a very strong defence. The game saw three injuries and became a duel between the two midfielders Akera and Viana. Viana trying to create opportunities with little time and space while Akera dictating the pace of the game and marshalling his side. In the end Akera's Winston got the breakthrough when Tobin dummied a shot and passed to Benmouih who fired home an irresistible drive. The pressure then became to much as a late penalty was given which Joyce ran up to and deftly tucked into the left hand corner to make it 2-0 with 6 minutes to go. Yellow Submarine tactically did very well in this match but ironically for them were not creative enough. For Winston despite a couple of injuries the influence of Akera won out over Viana and they passed their first test at home with flying colours.


Rossers Rovers 1-1 DuDs Baggies




A game that may not have had the romance of the previous but was enjoyed by many Rovers fans was Rossers Rovers 1-1 DuDs Baggies. This was Rovers first ever game in the Top League and was a brilliant start for them. They played without fear against a far superior opponent, both teams played 3-5-2 and both created numerous chances. Baggies bosses possession 57%-43% and when Izon hit in a long range shot it looked to be over for Rovers. However the Rovers captain Przhevalsky nailed an opportunity of his own making it 1-1. Both teams then had numerous chances but you thought Baggies had to eventually break Rovers down for the 2nd. However Brezhnev the Rovers goalie was having the literal game of his career. Shearer, Izon, Nixon they all tried but Brezhnev parried, saved, hit away and smothered chance after chance. At the end of the game the Rovers fans were chanting his name it was truly a day for him and the club to remember as they earned their first ever top league point with a valiant draw.





Team of the Week:


Eights United


Eights have done what no other team could do in week 1 and that is win both their games. The fact that they were away games makes this achievement all the better.



Top League Star Players


Goals Scored: At the moment Beck stands above the countless others who have scored 1 goal the veteran midfielder proving age is no limit on his abilities.


Eights United, Beck: 2.


Assists Made: Again it is an Eights United player who stands above everyone else and again it is a veteran player Hapnes at 33 years old shows he has the vision to provide for others.


Eights United, Hapnes: 2.


X11 Appearances: The strikers Falcao and Goodison show Winston and Yellow Submarine have potential to score plenty of goals this season but also with 2 X11 appearances and providing stability at the back is Celvan for Eights Untied.


Eights United, Celvan: 2

Yellow Submarine, Falcao: 2

Winston Garden Lions, Goodison: 2



















Game edit


Had a few chances but couldn't quite get the breakthrough to tie the game up at 1-1.


Big game against Coloccini next and my best striker decided to get himself suspended for it...

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The spotlight competition this week was on Intergalactico Stars vs Eights United. Participants were to guess the result and number of players from this game that would make it into the X11. No one guessed for a draw so Haden wins as he correctly guessed there would be 5 players in the X11.



Recall United: 2

Hadens Legends: 1

Russian Revolution: 1


The next spotlight is on next Tuesday's match of Madpool vs The Roger Federer Crew. Madpool will be looking to stay clear of relegation while Roger Federer needs to keep himself in line for promotion. This could be a close match so please predict the scores and the possession for each team.



Lylat Wanderers, The Roger Federer Crew, Fake Team 1 - 21

Silverdale Salmon, Atlético Aqui1a, LiVeRpOoL - 21

Winston Garden Lions, Kippen FC, Fedex United - 18

DuDs Baggies, Leeds M.O.T, Lords of Hydra - 18

Eights United, bob, Spurs - 17

Coloccini FC, AC Elites, The Sixty-Fourthers - 17

Intergalactico Stars, AFC Dedede, Recall United - 16

Rossers Rovers, The Familia FC, The Great Mcoy - 15

Yellow Submarine, Madpool, Gibbs Probies - 13

Hadens Legends, Russian Revolution, Blue Rogues - 9

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