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Gaming Podcasts: A Thread about Listening to Others

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Just finished listening to it this morning. Cracking episode....well, except from Greg butting in when the guest was talking about the NX.


Yeah I listened while we were playing Zelda last night :) Great episode. The views on NX is pretty much what I"ve been thinking! Just hope it can work like that.


I've not enjoyed the podcast quite as much since he's left, I don't think James is a great host (though i find him way less irritating as I used to) and although I think Greg is a great contributor, his butting in is getting really really annoying... Last night just showed how good he was at hosting :(


But yeah, good chat about NX. It's clear what the NX is sort of is, but the details is what will make it either incredible or a disaster. Also want to download Krazt racers now :D

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Yeah I listened while we were playing Zelda last night :) Great episode. The views on NX is pretty much what I"ve been thinking! Just hope it can work like that.


I've not enjoyed the podcast quite as much since he's left, I don't think James is a great host (though i find him way less irritating as I used to) and although I think Greg is a great contributor, his butting in is getting really really annoying... Last night just showed how good he was at hosting :(


But yeah, good chat about NX. It's clear what the NX is sort of is, but the details is what will make it either incredible or a disaster. Also want to download Krazt racers now :D


Yeah, I miss Jonnys banter. :(


James has calmed down a lot since he took over as host. Greg is just annoying. Poor Gui didn't have much to contribute during the NX chatter.

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't quite finished, but I'm working my way through the Nintendo World Report's Telethon podcast in aid of the Child's Play charity. The future of NX etc with Jose Otero was a highlight of an hour, so was the 'business' section. While most of it is informative and a laid back listen, two contributors rubbed me up the wrong way. The 2 ladies, Kim and ?Kate?, what a nightmare. Talking about Games they love to hate, they'd name a game, and then, like, say, like what's up with that? It's totally lame, like, like, do not buy that, like. I told a friend, like, don't buy it, like, but she totally bought it, like, and like, she totally, like, didn't like it, and I was like, see I told you not to buy it, like, like.


Jesus they must have a collective IQ of 6, and had nothing to add to any intelligent conversation of why a game they disliked fell into that category. Just, like, I hate it, like.


I tortured myself for the full hour of listening to the word like 1,000 times to see if anything resembling an intelligent idea of game design reared it's head, and I can confirm, it didn't. So vacuous. Even Josh's ramblings on Hey Pikachu! voice app for the Wii U opening Porn hub couldn't save this.

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I haven't quite finished, but I'm working my way through the Nintendo World Report's Telethon podcast in aid of the Child's Play charity. The future of NX etc with Jose Otero was a highlight of an hour, so was the 'business' section. While most of it is informative and a laid back listen, two contributors rubbed me up the wrong way. The 2 ladies, Kim and ?Kate?, what a nightmare. Talking about Games they love to hate, they'd name a game, and then, like, say, like what's up with that? It's totally lame, like, like, do not buy that, like. I told a friend, like, don't buy it, like, but she totally bought it, like, and like, she totally, like, didn't like it, and I was like, see I told you not to buy it, like, like.


Jesus they must have a collective IQ of 6, and had nothing to add to any intelligent conversation of why a game they disliked fell into that category. Just, like, I hate it, like.


I tortured myself for the full hour of listening to the word like 1,000 times to see if anything resembling an intelligent idea of game design reared it's head, and I can confirm, it didn't. So vacuous. Even Josh's ramblings on Hey Pikachu! voice app for the Wii U opening Porn hub couldn't save this.


To be honest, there are very few women on podcasts that I can stand listening to when they talk about videogames. Most of them are either over the top or simply don't have a clue about what is being talked about.


A few months ago on podcast Beyond they had Kallie and some other lass who runs the anime podcast on the show. Hands down one of the worst podcast episodes I have ever had to listen to. Everything was "Super Fun!" or "Adorable!". It was murder having to listen to them. I have the same issue when Gui invites his missus on the show.


The 8-4 podcast was a no listen zone for me for a while when they hired an intern called Sarah. She constantly talked with an upward inflection which stopped me from listening to the show.



Luckily she wasn't there for long and I can now listen to it again.


Saying that, I love it when Syrene makes a guest appearance on Radio Free Nintendo. She knows her stuff, works on games, keeps up to date with the gaming news and contributes to the conversation. This is what is needed, not some happy go lucky teeny bopper.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This weeks Radio Free Nintendo had the guys doing their predictions for the year. Gui's predictions were hilarious, as always. His Tingle one got a good chuckle out of me.


I was annoyed again with Greg this week. There were multiple times where he once again kept butting in when people were talking about their favourite games of the year. Dude really annoys me at times.


It was great to have Jonnys list of games on the show. Nice to see that he still has a bit of input here and there.


James had me in stitches during the the games of the year segment. The guy just couldn't keep track of what number everyone was on. The fact that he missed Jonny off completely during the last round was just nuts. :D


@dazzybee I know you enjoy some good Nintendo banter and I came across another podcast over the Christmas period. The podcast is called Power Pros and I think its ran by a couple of ex Nintendo Power people. It's a pretty young podcast ( only 30 odd episodes in ) and there's just the two guys doing it but I found the few episodes i've listened to very enjoyable.


I have to say that i'm pretty disappointed with Nintendo Voice Chat and their output during the holidays. You had the likes of RFN and PP, which are just fan sites, being able to put out a few episodes over Christmas and then get back into the swing of things pretty quickly.


I often find it strange how the NVC guys get paid to do stuff like podcasts yet there's is always the shortest and weakest of the lot. I hate it when they are sitting there and say that they have to end early because someone has a meeting or when an episode is clearly filler as they can't think of anything to talk about. It's their job! Surely they can time things better or come up with interesting discussions like the fan podcasts do.

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@dazzybee I know you enjoy some good Nintendo banter and I came across another podcast over the Christmas period. The podcast is called Power Pros and I think its ran by a couple of ex Nintendo Power people. It's a pretty young podcast ( only 30 odd episodes in ) and there's just the two guys doing it but I found the few episodes i've listened to very enjoyable.


I'll definitely check it out. Be good to have another one to listen to.


Listened to NFR, really enjoyed that, made me want to download box boy :) well wanted to anyway, but another nudge.


Crazy how much they loved xenoblade. They make it sound so good :)

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I'll definitely check it out. Be good to have another one to listen to.


Listened to NFR, really enjoyed that, made me want to download box boy :) well wanted to anyway, but another nudge.


Crazy how much they loved xenoblade. They make it sound so good :)


Xeno X is so good, and so is BoxBoy! The amount of inventive ideas within each new puzzle mechanic they use is awesome by itself. I'll search for the Power Pros too, Thanks @Hero\-of\-Time

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Listened to power pros. Really liked it. They're not the most charismatic of people; but the content is great!


Yeah, they can be very dry but the podcasts do stay on point and the discussions are really good. I'm in the process of going back through the episodes i've missed. I'm not listening to them all, just picking the ones that have a subject that tickles my fancy. I will listen to their E3 one, though. It will be interesting to hear what they had to say about Nintendo's offerings last year.

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@dazzybee have you listened to the latest Power Pros episode yet? They talk about forgotten franchises that should make a return. Their idea for another Punch-Out sounded great!


Yeah, listen to a few of the recent old ones. Some of their forgotten franchises, plus all the others... I hope they go apeshit and just give us new entries in all their games :) Dreamy!

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Just listened to the latest episode of NVC and wasn't impressed. They spent a bunch of time at the start just talking about their 2015 Nintendo GOTY nominations ( every other podcast done this at the end of last year ) and they once again ended early. Surprise, surprise. I was expecting a lengthy episode, seeing as they've been away for weeks, and plenty of discussion about what's coming in 2016. Sadly, they just kinda skimmed through a bunch of stuff.


I do agree with Jose when he was on about the NX. If it is to launch this year then Nintendo need to get some hype built and questions answered as soon as possible.

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Been listening to the Quarter to Three games podcast with Tom Chick lately. He does some great interviews and discussions of recent games. One of his recent ones was discussing Xenoblade Chronicles X with a games writer from TIME magazine. Was great to listen to, Chick provides interesting insights to most games he discusses.


I've seen the light on RFN again. You probably can go back in this thread and read my criticism, which with hindsight was harsh. I've been enjoying it a lot since James took over as host, he's a much better host than he was a participant in my opinion.

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  • 1 month later...
Hey @Hero\-of\-Time seen GameXplain have a new podcast? You'll love it. 2 hours of THAT voice!!!!


I actually quite like it, I'm used to his voice and find them all quite likeable, if incredibly nerdy, but it kind of adds to the charm of it.


Man, I despise those guys. Especially Andre.


"You see that tree in the new Zelda trailer? Now make a video speculating whether not it is Link's father."


Hate them.

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Man, I despise those guys. Especially Andre.


"You see that tree in the new Zelda trailer? Now make a video speculating whether not it is Link's father."


Hate them.


Hahaha. They do a lot more than that, in fact I don't think they've done one of them for a while, I personally quite liked them, their mario kart ones were pretty impressive. You should give the podcast one listen though, just to see how far the hatred can turn into anger then relay to us how it made you feel :)

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@dazzybee have you listened to the new Power Pros episode? The new co-host is simply awful. He sounds like he's falling asleep, doesn't seem to know his stuff or play anything of interest. This could be me done with the show.


Oh no, I haven't listened yet, was a little late to start listening to this podcast series, but liked the two original guys. When one left I doubted if the show would even come back in any form. Glad it is back and will listen soon, maybe it'll take a little getting used to the new guy, give him a few weeks.

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Oh no, I haven't listened yet, was a little late to start listening to this podcast series, but liked the two original guys. When one left I doubted if the show would even come back in any form. Glad it is back and will listen soon, maybe it'll take a little getting used to the new guy, give him a few weeks.


They took a week off while Chris scrambled to find another host.


Yeah, he could work out eventually but at the moment is was really difficult to listen to.

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@dazzybee have you listened to the new Power Pros episode? The new co-host is simply awful. He sounds like he's falling asleep, doesn't seem to know his stuff or play anything of interest. This could be me done with the show.


Yeah I did. Same thought. Didn't seem to know anything, to have played anything, be interested by anything... I'm hoping it's just early nerves and chemistry. We'll see.


As a side note anyone else switch it off at the dramatic reading?

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Yeah I did. Same thought. Didn't seem to know anything, to have played anything, be interested by anything... I'm hoping it's just early nerves and chemistry. We'll see.


As a side note anyone else switch it off at the dramatic reading?


Nah, I actually enjoy that section. It's hilarious what some of the older boxes have on them. :D

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