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Yeah, smash + mk8 + splatoon. I'm finding the mk8 online less stable when I use it these days as well, the last two league nights have been really weird... I remember one long corner over taking a character just entering it... in the middle of the corner, then again at the exit of the corner. this wasn't a case of them appearing to overtake me, but they teleported ahead. I hadn't had that kind of issue with mk before.. jumping around on the screen around me sure, but teleporting ahead slightly out of sight no. It's really off putting. And on splatoon, more often these days if I engage someone I can sit there hitting them for ages, then they teleport to the side and I get informed they just splatted me : /


Hopefully a bit more investment is going on sorting the online infrastructure. I mean at most they only can have 10 million or so connections simultaneously, if the whole wii U population play at once, and I doubt that happens looking at my friends screen... maybe 1 or 2m tops...

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I was at my dad's last night. I played a bit of GTA5. I kept getting to aim with the motion and got frustrated when it didn't work. I love the Isolation controls.


I'm doing the same on batman Arkham City and it's really annoying. Really want to make subtle adjustments with the controller....

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Again, I think you're wrong. If a team is colouring the map and coordinating together, these things do help.


When I died in my example I gave, if I hadn't told Zechs he might not have known immediately and then two people would have got behind our lines and started colouring in our territory.

Yet I told Zechs I died and where the threat was and he stopped their advance and made them respawn, which in turn allows us to gain even more territory because there are fewer of the opposition in the battlefield... it's as plain as day that it works.


Killing doesn't count towards points but if you kill the entire team then you have free reign whilst they respawn so you can advance even further down the map, pushing the enemy back and reducing their territory. Killing is very important still.


Come the august update when you can party up and search games as a team you'll see how tactics come into play if you game with us.


As I've said before, I don't agree and I've stated why, but I'll accept your opinion and for now our opinions are not going to change :) (I would like VC for other reasons, but has not to do much with playing the regular battles).


: peace:: peace:

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We really need class slots in this. I'm wanting to set up numerate ones for different maps and playstyles. It's beyond frustrating having to back out, change stuff and then come back in again.


Out of the many things they need to add, this is a big one for me. Give us 10 load outs. Give us 10 seconds to change it before a match. Perfect!

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They need to tweak the Roller. Its splat needs to be made less powerful, or have its range decreased. When I can't get close with a gun and keep getting hit it's unfair for what is supposed to be a short range weapon!

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Is there any way to get rid of gear in the game? Selling or just simply throwing gear away would be nice since I decided to just buy everything the first few days I was playing, so now I've got a bunch of 1-slot gear filling up my equipment screens >_<'


I do realize I could increase slots on all of them, but that will take a loooong time and cost alot of money that I'd rather use on other stuff :P

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Is there any way to get rid of gear in the game? Selling or just simply throwing gear away would be nice since I decided to just buy everything the first few days I was playing, so now I've got a bunch of 1-slot gear filling up my equipment screens >_<'


I do realize I could increase slots on all of them, but that will take a loooong time and cost alot of money that I'd rather use on other stuff :P


How do you increase slots?

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How do you increase slots?

When you reach lvl. 20 the spiky-haired dude in the alley can give 1&2-slot items more slots (costs 30k, I'm not sure if you go straight from 1 slot to 3 though, if someone knows please share).


And he can also randomize all 3 slots for you (I'm guessing this also costs 30k, I haven't really tried any of these options yet).

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When you reach lvl. 20 the spiky-haired dude in the alley can give 1&2-slot items more slots (costs 30k, I'm not sure if you go straight from 1 slot to 3 though, if someone knows please share).


And he can also randomize all 3 slots for you (I'm guessing this also costs 30k, I haven't really tried any of these options yet).


This is correct. I've got my three main bits of gear how I want them for now.

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Splatoon quiz:


If you could make you own perfect combination of weapon, sub and special what would you choose?


For me I'd go for:


Weapon: Aerosplat

Sub: Ink mine

Special: Suction bomb rush



But then again it's so hard to choose, I also want the bubbler...

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I gave the Ink-brush a run-out tonight and did consistently well with it. Pretty much always scoring over 1000 points, even when I was on the losing team. It may be my new favourite weapon too as it so fun to use and so satisfying when you ninja up on someone and smack them down in a rapid flurry of whacks!

Now I just need clothing with the right perks on for the weapon.


I reached level 20 too last night.

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Splatoon devs on the map rotation, content updates, and more


In this month’s issue of Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream, there’s an interview with some of the Splatoon developers. That includes directors Yusuke Amano and Tsubasa Sakaguchi as well as producer Hisashi Nogami.


Nintendo Dream starts off by asking how matchmaking works. Amano mentions that rather than focusing on levels, the game pairs players with similar playstyles in Turf War. Levels are more of “an indicator for how long the person has played the game.”


Since Splatoon matches users together based on how they play, Amano notes that those who tend to splat enemies are likely to play together. Likewise, those who concentrate on painting rather than splatting are more likely to get paired up.


Next, Amano touched on Splatoon’s map rotation. When Nintendo Dream asked why there are two maps that are changed once every four hours, he said:


I think if maps were selected at random from all the possibilities, everyone would only use weapons that have “the greatest common divisor” and that work the same way in every map. But when maps are limited to two, you can have alternative weapon choices like “I’ll go with a charger for these two maps”. If there are more than three stages, all-rounder weapons become popular.


One of Splatoon’s new multiplayer modes, which will be added in the future, is Tower Control. Similar to other Ranked Battles, Nogami confirms that these matches will take five minutes for each round.


Another topic addressed by the developers was updates. Nogami and Amano said on this front:


Nogami: There is still more to be done to maintain customers’ interest and to prevent them from getting tired [of the game].


Amano: There is still much content under investigation*. It is like “what shall we include in the next update?”

*Developers keep using wording “under investigation” or “under research” as a reference to Squid Research Lab


Nintendo Dream then mentions that even though Splatoon has launched, development isn’t over.


Nogami: We wanted to pile up content with updates from the start. We prepared some amount [of content] according to our expectations, but as we saw actual reactions [from players], we’re going to make some revisions.


Amano: We’re thankful that everyone has leveled up faster than we expected and played the game immensely. If we’re going to pile up [content], we’re going to do it with an aggressive approach.


Splatoon has received lots of new content since launch, including new weapons and maps. There are also plans for a major update in August that will add party matchmaking, a new battle mode, and additional gear.





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Their point on having 2 maps, it wouldn't be an issue if they let us change gear in lobbies.


EXACTLY what I was going to say!! Overtime they open their mouths to try and explain their stupid decisions they just come across as a bit clueless!!

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