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I really hope that they are putting this time into

a) making the online super stable

b) adding voice chat

c) notifications when a friend comes online in splatoon

d) stats tracking


because atm, that with friends turf war option is basically like a friends mode (emphasis on the basic) so I'm hoping against hope that they are working on making the friends mode something a bit different.


I'd also like different modes.. like weapon power ups that will randomly change your weapon... weapon type specific modes (like mk8 kart/bikes only... except obviously chargers/rollers/brushes etc.)

Assuming any of that actually works... who knows, it might make the game boring and dull.


But I really am hoping they add something big in the update.

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Sploosh-o-matic looks interesting , but they really really really need to add some damn new Inkbrush setups. Feel it's the most neglected weapon 'type' right now.


I wholeheartedly agree. It's my favourite weapon to use (it's so much fun) but I'd like to switch things up with it like you can with other weapons.


I wouldn't mind a new map some time soon either...


Even just a 3rd in the rotation would help. That they had 3 in for the Splatfest but then reverted back to 2 is so annoying!


I wouldn't mind being able to play splat zones and tower control with my friends....


Another huge gripe of mine. Why they've decided to make the game so restrictive is beyond me. They're hopeless sometimes.


They also desperately need to give us some slots where we can save different loadouts to change to whilst in the lobby.



Nintendo took a few steps forward in creating this new franchise but then immediately they take a couple steps backwards by botching the options/functions within the game. It's far too restrictive and thin on content for a multiplayer game.

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I think the reason is probably because they didn't know how successful it would be, so didn't want to split the players too much, but that doesn't excuse not rotating modes in both sections. I just hope they do it properly - 3 maps and the mode changes every 2 hours (doesn't kick out to Callie and Mari), modes rotate in ranked and for fun - that'll be fine for me.


I just hope they don't see the friends groups as the way for friends to play the other modes as due to the wii u's terrible communication it's too hard and clumsy to arrange games. Especially without voice chat. I want to go on Splatoon and jump into games on my my friends list!!


I'm going to do an article to get all my frustrations out I reckon. The game is utterly incredible, but could be even better!!

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I wholeheartedly agree. It's my favourite weapon to use (it's so much fun) but I'd like to switch things up with it like you can with other weapons.


Totes thought of you when I posted :p


Considering there's like what...4 rollers now I really don't get why there hasn't been another Inkbrush(I understand there's another coming? Or is it two?). I wondered if they found it either a difficult weapon to balance, or to change-up.


Having said that last night I swapped up to the ol' Splash-o-matic - my second in reserve in my mind, think it's the coverage and speed it gets that I like(like my inkbrush!). It's refreshing the game a bit for me, though it's just not the weapon to really have in a stand-off as I rarely come off well.


Having said that, after the 11pm changeover I decided to give Tower Control a bit more of a proper go. Played some since it came out with the zoom sniper but not really a lot and wasn't entirely getting to grips with it - but boy did that change last night! Me and me ol' Splash-o-matic were quite satisfied with ourselves! Ended up with a streak of 13.5 and about 3 losses in there - not sure how many matches that is but we were definitely winning a lot more than we were losing! Think I managed to rank up from c- to c+ in that time - as well as really levelling up some items. Some matches took a while(still fun, though wanted them over quick), some went right down to the timer but some, man, some went by like lightning!


Which is kinda nice too. Some may complain it's too fast/easy points - but it's satisfying for me being able to level my gear as fast as I can because then later I think I'll feel happier picking abilities I want rather than just what's on a still locked item. I did get a 3 slot hat in the shop with Opening Gambit on it - think that gave a bit of a kickstart to some of the Tower Control games too. Also means I'll probably start using some more of my money to buy all the weapons/crap bits of gear as they come.

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I think the reason is probably because they didn't know how successful it would be, so didn't want to split the players too much, but that doesn't excuse not rotating modes in both sections. I just hope they do it properly - 3 maps and the mode changes every 2 hours (doesn't kick out to Callie and Mari), modes rotate in ranked and for fun - that'll be fine for me.


I just hope they don't see the friends groups as the way for friends to play the other modes as due to the wii u's terrible communication it's too hard and clumsy to arrange games. Especially without voice chat. I want to go on Splatoon and jump into games on my my friends list!!


I'm going to do an article to get all my frustrations out I reckon. The game is utterly incredible, but could be even better!!


Eh? That's how it works. I imagine with the friend groups, it'd just be like that too...

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Ouch. I just played 2 matches, both had really bad connections, for the first time I experienced my squidling freezing completely... not helpful when you see an opponent heading in your direction. I tried a second match, this time full of just Japanese players.. same issue. Good way of putting me off the game :(

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Ouch. I just played 2 matches, both had really bad connections, for the first time I experienced my squidling freezing completely... not helpful when you see an opponent heading in your direction. I tried a second match, this time full of just Japanese players.. same issue. Good way of putting me off the game :(


Tell me about it! Was hoping to indulge in some tower control and take the new gun for a spin - laggy as, tower slow andskipping ink not showing delayed deaths urgh was just so annoying. Didnt even seem to settle between matches either. Moved to turf wars where there wasnt any.


As for new gun(splooshomatic) i kinda like it but it really isnt an offensive to the enemy weapon - covers and damages but tge range is shit. Keep forgtting about the squid beacons too but i can see it being a pretty good support weapon for setting beacons then hanging back and holding chokepoints or covering up enemy territory where they arent. Think im gonna try rocking it all this eve on various modes and see how it goes, which is probaly going to ge terribly.


EDIT: FFS. Either I'm not bringing the team up with my usual 1337 skillz or I'm just on with some real bloody basic people. I'm just on turf wars and even quitting in/out I've had some score sub-200 and 3rd not terribly far ahead! Also some don't seem to understand the bloody beacons...this is gonna be an uphill struggle.

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A lot seem to leave beacons at the start point...


Ha! Just played a TC match with some pretty basic mofos(timed out other team won) and I was getting really annoyed with my team. The most annoying thing is every time I spawned I could see this bloody useless beacon by the base!


If you've got the cash(lol who hasn't) @kav82 consider checking the splooshomatic. May not be for you but as a fellow brusher who I feel may play along the same lines as myself it could be enough to make you raise a speculative eyebrow.


How are you still finding the game despite your gripes BTW kav?

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...If you've got the cash(lol who hasn't) @kav82 consider checking the splooshomatic. May not be for you but as a fellow brusher who I feel may play along the same lines as myself it could be enough to make you raise a speculative eyebrow.


How are you still finding the game despite your gripes BTW kav?


I'd say it sits as equal parts of fun and frustration with me at the moment. With the august update I'd imagine I'll enjoy it a lot more.


I do switch it up and play with a variety of weapons (I always do on shooters) so I've used a lot of them so far... which also means I'm low on cash as I've bought a fair few, haha.

Dependant on how I feel like playing the game I'll change weapons. I may well use everything from a charger to a blaster, the burst-fire gun to a roller in an evening... but there's something about the brush I really enjoy. I think its the risk of having to get up close and really hammer your opponent to splat them. It's ink coverage is fantastic too so you'll always do well with it.

I tend to not get much coverage when using the chargers but I do focus more on splatting and locking down choke-points.

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Eh? That's how it works. I imagine with the friend groups, it'd just be like that too...


Yeah rummy's right. To elaborate, I fear the situation will stay the same, all new modes exclusive to ranked and only available to jump into turf wars friends games. They'll justify it by saying if you want to play those modes with friends then create a group and play privately.

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I'd say it sits as equal parts of fun and frustration with me at the moment. With the august update I'd imagine I'll enjoy it a lot more.


I do switch it up and play with a variety of weapons (I always do on shooters) so I've used a lot of them so far... which also means I'm low on cash as I've bought a fair few, haha.


Mmm, I think I'm feeling the same on it. Re: teh monies, I've generally saved because of weapons(in my mind 10k a piece) so I was sitting around 80-90k reserve thinking I'd buy lots - few bits of Ranked+Turf Wars and conservative spending(having already bought a lot of clothes, but not extra slots) I'm now on about 180k - could probs buy all the weapons available to me but I just don't feel the style of some of them right now; maybe it'll change when I'm feeling less enthused with the game.

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Mmm, I think I'm feeling the same on it. Re: teh monies, I've generally saved because of weapons(in my mind 10k a piece) so I was sitting around 80-90k reserve thinking I'd buy lots - few bits of Ranked+Turf Wars and conservative spending(having already bought a lot of clothes, but not extra slots) I'm now on about 180k - could probs buy all the weapons available to me but I just don't feel the style of some of them right now; maybe it'll change when I'm feeling less enthused with the game.


I didn't recognise you last night, Rummy without a paintbrush is just wrong!

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I didn't recognise you last night, Rummy without a paintbrush is just wrong!


Haha! I'm almost not even missing it. Splooshomatic is growing on me a lot. Namely its slightly better accuracy if someone pops up in front of you(paintbrush is a bit of a flail kill, and it roots you to the spot); splooshomatic gives you the manoeuvrability if they haven't quite clocked you yet but is still a hard hitting killer. Whilst it's not as fast and easy as the paintbrush to get behind enemy lines or retreat, the beacons allow for similar in quite a different but actually effective way. I'm gonna carry on rocking the Sploosho for now methinks!


Still, having said that, I was doing pretty shit by time I was playing with you! Strong possibility it was correlating with the Aspalls I'd had!

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I've been working late this week, so playing solo from about 12:30 am onwards.

I've not tried the new weapon yet, but thats because I'm in love with the splattershot pro. Its range and accuracy are awesome :D

I've bought most of the weapons, but not much gear. I only really get the 3* stuff and only buy new once i've levelled my current.


Hope they release details on the august update soon. I really hope they don't fuck it up. It would be great to play some team matches with a functional team instead of the lone rambos that couldn't hit a cows arse with a banjo.

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Yeah, I played a few games last night and with lag and my general frustrations with the game it just felt completely flat.


I think I'll put other games on and get back into this after the big update. The game has waned on me now. It's such a shame, this game could, and should, have been so much better!

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For me the crazy lag is putting me off, being pinned to the spot, firing water instead of ink while opponents are firing ink all around/at me doesn't make for a fun game.


I've got all the weapons available, all the clothes/headgear/shoes I can (although not sure what the max. numbers are) and had started adding abilities to those, but losing interest if the lag is going to continue being such an issue :(


Just played 3 lag free games, so I'm relieved. I hope it was a temporary one off issue that won't be repeated!

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