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Recommend me some Gamecube games


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Ha thank God I'm not the only one! Makes me feel better about my ways! : peace:


And I hope so too. I'd like to think the gameplay has held up well but I'm not sure. I remember absolutely nothing about the game, so that's the main reason for wanting to revisit it. I hope I can get some enjoyment from it.

My main (rather vague) memory is that it wasn't my favourite game ever, but the curiosity is killin me!


I am hoping it arrives tomorrow so I can get stuck in over the weekend and make a post about my progress! :)


Sunshine was very much a love it or hate it game. I loved it at the time, I thought it looked beautiful and loved the theme. Mario on holiday. :D


From what I remember, the water in that game looked stunning. Think I remember one time doing a level on a beach or something and swimming out to look at a coral reef. Almost reached the height of my pleasure.

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Sunshine was very much a love it or hate it game. I loved it at the time, I thought it looked beautiful and loved the theme. Mario on holiday. :D


From what I remember, the water in that game looked stunning. Think I remember one time doing a level on a beach or something and swimming out to look at a coral reef. Almost reached the height of my pleasure.


Actually come to think of it Mario Sunshine is quite appropriate for this time of year.


I think the game is great looking in general, it's been a little while since I played it but I remember thinking it wouldn't have looked out of place last gen.


CEX sell Gamecube games. Their prices for the classic Nintendo games are pretty much what you'd expect without being extortionate. But you can find a few relative bargains on other Gamecube games. Cash converters may have some too if you're lucky.


though I prefer not to mess about hoping to find Gamecube games in the high street, if i'm after a specific game i'll just buy it online if the price is right. i'd love to buy games from a independant specialist game shop but we don't have one in my town anymore, we don't even have Gamestation anymore, just Game, CEX and HMV.

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Think I will just keep my eyes open on eBay for any cheeky purchases. The last thing I want to do is buy a load of games and then have a huge back log of old games. Especially when I think Sunshine will probably take quite a while. It's not exactly a short game!


But I would still like to get Double Dash as that's a game I can pick up and play in bursts which will go well with a game like Sunshine!


I hope Sunshine arrives tomorrow!!


So tonight I began my GameCube revisit.


I went back to our clutter room and rooted out the games I found last weekend.


Imagine my delight when I found a further THREE I knew I had owned, but thought I'd sold! :D


They were Eternal Darkness (YES!), Super Monkey Ball (DOUBLE YES!) and this little gem...






Maaaan I loved this game, but I dunno how popular / successful it was.


Anyway, in wait of Sunshine, I booted up Metroid Prime. Played it for about 15 mins. MAN. DAT OPENING!? :o


Surely thats gotta go down as one of the best openings to a game like ever?!


No bull shit, no talking down to you to ease you in, you get to that parasite queen and you battle that big bastard! And then the epic get out alive which is TIMED!! I was just as nervous as the first time I played it!! Brilliant stuff.


Also, the game holds up great still. It's plugged in through the actual cube at the min on the downstairs TV (no one in tonight so just me, the pooch, and the Cube :heh: ) and it looks brilliant. Holds up really well. This is a photo of my current view, from my phone, zoomed in from about 12 feet away!




Ahh. :love:


I think I'm gonna have some fun with this! : peace:

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@Aneres11, a friend of mine had Metal Arms: Glitch in the System and kept recommending it to me. I hear it's really good, so may try that out eventually.


Well done on still having Eternal Darkness and Super Monkey Ball. ED in particular is one of my favourite ever games. Just so, so good. Mechanics were a bit ropey, but it made up for it with its sanity system, story-telling, voice acting, characters and settings, imo.


I remember dismissing Super Monkey Ball when that came out. However, I eventually played it and thought it was awesome. Think I had the Wii game, too, but that was nowhere near as tight as this was.

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I was always interested in Metal Arms! How is it?


The only Gamecube game I still own is Metroid Prime :) I'm so glad. It's immense.


Super Monkey Ball is indeed fantastic! Think I got it was Rogue Squadron as my first games. Strange not getting a Nintendo First Party game with the system, but I think the only choice was Luigi's Mansion? and it didn't really appeal.


Damn I need to get some Gamecube back in my life..

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@Aneres11, a friend of mine had Metal Arms: Glitch in the System and kept recommending it to me. I hear it's really good, so may try that out eventually.


Well done on still having Eternal Darkness and Super Monkey Ball. ED in particular is one of my favourite ever games. Just so, so good. Mechanics were a bit ropey, but it made up for it with its sanity system, story-telling, voice acting, characters and settings, imo.


I remember dismissing Super Monkey Ball when that came out. However, I eventually played it and thought it was awesome. Think I had the Wii game, too, but that was nowhere near as tight as this was.


Oh yeah Metal Arms is a great game. I remember reading a review of it in the Nintendo mag and they gave it like 80 something from memory. Then a couple of months later I picked it up from GAME in the sale. Spent all weekend playing it. I remember it being hilarious!


Eternal Darkness is easily one of my favourite games of all time. Like you say, the sanity effects and the way the game actually physically creeps you out as you play was just something else. I am definitely going to revisit that again soon. I remember playing through that and doing something three times to get the different endings? It's vague I'm memory now, but yeah - definitely played the shit out of it!


The original Monkey Ball is by far the best. God I was good at that game. (Dat modesty :heh: ) but yeah I was amazing. :laughing:

I loved the stages, I loved the music and I loved the challenge. I spent one whole summer just playing through expert mode and finally completing it was a beautiful moment! :yay:

The games that came after the original were never as good. The only one that I've enjoyed since is the Vita version.


And Retro, you should definitely get some Cube back in your life. Loads of goodness to revisit / discover! :D

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The Metal Arms love pleases me. :)


I cannot hesitate to recommend the game, it's a blast. People really ought to pick it up if they're curious about it, they won't regret it. shame i can never get 3 other people to play the multiplayer with me.


What annoys me about multiplats like this though is they can be £1 on the Xbox and PS2, but £10 on the Gamecube.


I like Monkey Ball too, but probably not as much as most people. I fly through the first half of the game only to be uttlerly stumped on the hard levels. Obviously I expect games to get harder as they go but I think it gets too hard too soon, seems mostly down to blind luck, so I'm basically unable to play half the game. :(


Similar problem with SMB2, but at least you get more minigames which is why I prefer that one of the two. Outside of multiplayer I can't say I'd miss either game if I moved them on.

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The Metal Arms love pleases me. :)


I cannot hesitate to recommend the game, it's a blast. People really ought to pick it up if they're curious about it, they won't regret it. shame i can never get 3 other people to play the multiplayer with me.


What annoys me about multiplats like this though is they can be £1 on the Xbox and PS2, but £10 on the Gamecube.


I like Monkey Ball too, but probably not as much as most people. I fly through the first half of the game only to be uttlerly stumped on the hard levels. Obviously I expect games to get harder as they go but I think it gets too hard too soon, seems mostly down to blind luck, so I'm basically unable to play half the game. :(


Similar problem with SMB2, but at least you get more minigames which is why I prefer that one of the two. Outside of multiplayer I can't say I'd miss either game if I moved them on.


Oh Jesus pratty! Whatever you do then, do not try any of the newer monkey ball games!! They are literally all luck based with hardly any skill required what so ever.


The Vita version I mentioned earlier is a good one for skill based but there is still too much reliance on a bit of luck, which is a shame. They need to do a new monkey ball and go right back to the roots!


And yeah Metal Arms is amazing! I don't remember much about it so I might even boot that up tonight and see what I remember of it and if it holds up well.


The only problem I feel I may have with this GameCube revisit is I'm going to want to see all these series return!! I already want a new Metroid Prime after playing it last night! :heh:

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Oh Jesus pratty! Whatever you do then, do not try any of the newer monkey ball games!! They are literally all luck based with hardly any skill required what so ever.


The Vita version I mentioned earlier is a good one for skill based but there is still too much reliance on a bit of luck, which is a shame. They need to do a new monkey ball and go right back to the roots!


And yeah Metal Arms is amazing! I don't remember much about it so I might even boot that up tonight and see what I remember of it and if it holds up well.


The only problem I feel I may have with this GameCube revisit is I'm going to want to see all these series return!! I already want a new Metroid Prime after playing it last night! :heh:


Yeah I'll stick with the first two Monkey Balls, I don't know how Sega manage to mess up their games. Same with Sonic, they pretty much nail it for the first 1 or 2 two games then it all goes down hill once they tinker with it too much. At least they got Sonic back on track with Sonic Rush and Sonic Colours, maybe they'll make a great Monkey Ball again someday.


I picked up Mercury Meltdown for the Wii recently and I think I actually prefer that to Super Monkey Ball, the wiimote controls work great. Monkey Ball should have been great on the Wii.


Do you have Metroid Prime 2 (and 3 on the Wii)? If not you must get them if you want more Prime.


I was looking over some of your other wants, some of them will be quite pricey. Paper Mario and Starfox Assault could be £30 each, although at least that's arguably cheaper than they cost at launch, and no more than a brand new game today. But Kirby's Air Ride, I rarely see it for less than £50. And by all accounts it's not even that good a game. Funny though how people are still drawn to it, must be the magnetic appeal of Kirby's cuteness.


Similarly Starfox Assault got mostly average reviews too. Maybe the elusiveness is half the appeal, it's just a bit crazy though that you can pick up a masterpiece like Metroid Prime for £5, but Kirby's Air Ride costs ten times as much.

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Why cruel world.


Got in from puppy class, eats tea, (or rather shovels in tea for more play times :heh: ), finds my Wii, finds remote, new batteries go in WaveBird and Wiimote, plug in GC memory card, WaveBird wireless receiver, gets giddy over imminent Sunshine enjoyment, goes to get power brick off top of wardrobe where the component cable was last week when I got it down... NOT THERE. :mad:


I've looked everywhere. I've basically turned the whole house upside down. I have no idea where it is. 9:30 pm and I gave up. With Mario just looking at me on the Sunshine box. TAUNTING ME. :cry:


I could have just brought the GC up but it was so much hassle getting my TV off the wall to plug the component in, and getting it back on ready to just plug the Wii in after my house search that I just gave up. :(


So now I will have to wait until tomorrow. Hmph.

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I've only got 5 Gamecube games left in my collection, i sold my Gamecube with a few games to a friend ages ago as i could use my Wii to play Gamecube games (including the GC version of Twilight Princess as i had it on the Wii). The games i have are.


Super Mario Sunshine

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (with Ocarina of Time/Master Quest)

Sands of Time

Warrior Within

Two Thrones


I've put a few Gamecube games onto my Amazon retro wishlist, so hopefully at some point i'll pick a few of these up. But i am getting both Pikmin games and the Metroid Trilogy on the Wii, which would have been other games on the Cube i would have picked up.

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