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Nintendo and Online Gaming. What's The Deal?


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I'm still getting splatoon because I'm really intruiged by the concept but this is rediculous. No voice chat with strangers is at least somehow understandable. But no voice chat with friends is outrageous, what harm could that do? There already is a parental system in place!


I just really care for the company and their ip's but they really are destroying any interest in their games by being so stubborn.

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I'm still getting splatoon because I'm really intruiged by the concept but this is rediculous. No voice chat with strangers is at least somehow understandable. But no voice chat with friends is outrageous, what harm could that do? There already is a parental system in place!


I just really care for the company and their ip's but they really are destroying any interest in their games by being so stubborn.



Maybe they have data that only 5% of Wii U's have active parental controls. Sounds plausible.

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Maybe they have data that only 5% of Wii U's have active parental controls. Sounds plausible.


I agree! But the hard truth is that children don't play wiiu, they play PlayStation and xbox, with voice chat. And that isn't stopping parents from buying it.

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Will every single parent know enough to set parental controls? I'd say not even half would bother with them. It's a huge can of worms.


If parents don't setup parental controls then it's their fault. Simple as that. You shouldn't give a PC to a kid without parental controls and not watch them, no excuse for a games console either. Especially given how they all have web browsers these days.


I don't know who Nintendo are even catering to anymore with policies like this. Parents aren't even bothered by it! Xbox 360 is arguably more used by kids for Minecraft (look at how that continues to sell vs Wii U games...). Kids wouldn't be let on those systems if parents were so offended by the inclusion of voice chat. It's not like you can't see if a kid is voice chatting anyway - they're wearing a bloody headset!

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All I'm saying is the decision to shun voice chat could only be down to maintaining their family friendly image. People may not like it but it's unlikely to ever change. I find it funny how other sites and message boards barely give the lack of voice chat much mention but on here it's all anyone ever talks about.

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In this day and age that's no excuse. Kids are using PC's and iPads just fine, they're clued up about who they should and shouldn't talk to... and if they're not, that's what parental controls are for.


Parental controls that most parents don't bother with. All it takes is one dodgy incident in the news, brand tarnished forever.

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Parental controls that most parents don't bother with. All it takes is one dodgy incident in the news, brand tarnished forever.


Nintendo already had an incident like that with the letterbox app and inappropriate material... is their brand tarnished? Genuine question - if you think it isn't, maybe that's showing you that Nintendo's policies aren't really preventing anything.


And really, parents haven't all taken away iPads/android tablets from their kids despite those consequences almost certainly having happened in a few cases due to the more open nature of these platforms. So what gives?


NB - so long as you continue to justify the merits of this practice, I can see people constantly challenging you on this. :heh:

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But don't you think its a pretty lame if that's the reason.


Meh. I don't think the very loud minority of people complaining about no voice chat impacts their bottom line. Their brand is far too important to them and that's fair enough IMO. Obviously I'd rather more people were happy but I can understand their reasoning.

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You dont HAVE to defend nintendos decision. There is no intelligent rationale behind this. So etching don't need balanced debate. Some things are so objectively fucking stupid it needs vilifying. This is one of those things.


Im starting to believe only a change of management is going to pull Nintendo into the modern age, they've shown time and time again they're not willing to get up to date and provide what gamers want, and they're paying a huge price for it, and worryingly not learning from it.


I really thought Nintendo would learn, but they're quite simply fucking idiotic in this regard.

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Oh please, there's plenty of quality content outside the world of Nintendo and other developers are giving people what they want which is why the Wii U is irrelevant in the current gaming industry and tanking majorly compared to the PS4 and One.


And with Pokemon shuffle and ridiculously long patches as soon as you get the Wii U, Nintendo aren't perfect and bug free.

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Quality, polished 9+/10 games in a sea of buggy, broken freemium ad-filled sameyware?


Just imagine if they did the best of both worlds...


This is absolutely straw man argument by the way. How good they gsmes are has nothing to do with the all the crap they do, it doesn't justify it, they're seperate issues, not linked! It's not one or the other.

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@dwarf gourami +1 point on argument bingo there I think. You know you got it.


Regarding sameyware Ronnie, don't you think Smash 4, Mario Kart, Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, etc are all quite samey in the sense that it's more of the same? Accusing other consoles of having samey content seems a bit rich there.

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Block voice chat with randoms? Sure. That's sensible. But to continue not implementing voice chat with friends is silly. I wouldn't personally use it, but a lot of people want it. It's a big part of multiplayer shooter gaming, so it's a shame that it isn't here at all.

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Just imagine if they did the best of both worlds...


This is absolutely straw man argument by the way. How good they gsmes are has nothing to do with the all the crap they do, it doesn't justify it, they're seperate issues, not linked! It's not one or the other.


You said "they refuse to provide gamers with what they want". I argue that what gamers want is quality games.


Regarding sameyware Ronnie, don't you think Smash 4, Mario Kart, Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, etc are all quite samey in the sense that it's more of the same? Accusing other consoles of having samey content seems a bit rich there.


A brawler, a racer, a platformer, an action adventure, a strategy game. Not samey in the slightest. If you're talking about how they're similar to their previous games in their series, those are once in a generation titles, occasionally two a gen. Not annualised COD or Creed.

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They're very samey generation to generation, if you played the last gen then arguably you might not need to invest in the console this time round. That was my point and I'm pretty sure you knew it (I was not challenging the diversity across these games, just the repeating nature of the content). Most of their games change only superficially. In contrast, most of the games or gameplay styles you knock on other consoles came about on that generation (in terms of generations now finished that we can judge, ie. PS360). You'll no doubt make some point that they had a lot of sequels but it at least shows that new ideas are surfacing generation to generation there.

Edited by Sheikah
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Oh please, there's plenty of quality content outside the world of Nintendo and other developers are giving people what they want which is why the Wii U is irrelevant in the current gaming industry and tanking majorly compared to the PS4 and One.


The Wii U is irrelevant in the current gaming industry because indie scene apart, the current gaming industry is all about shooters and ultra realistic action games.


And with Pokemon shuffle and ridiculously long patches as soon as you get the Wii U, Nintendo aren't perfect and bug free.


Only an idiot would argue that Nintendo games quality control isn't top notch and their games set the standard for polish in the industry.

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You said "they refuse to provide gamers with what they want". I argue that what gamers want is quality games.


You seem to be under the assumption that a game either needs to be quality or social. It can be both. Nintendo have prided themselves in the past on their ability to cater towards all demographics. Gamers who enjoying online multiplayer and social interaction should also fall under this bracket. I think it highlights, if anything, the fact that the audience that Nintendo are aiming their games/consoles towards are becoming smaller and smaller.

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The Wii U is irrelevant in the current gaming industry because indie scene apart, the current gaming industry is all about shooters and ultra realistic action games.




Only an idiot would argue that Nintendo games quality control isn't top notch and their games set the standard for polish in the industry.


In the same way the music industry is all about One Direction and Lady Gaga I assume? No, there's plenty of variety, certainly more than the handful of Wii U releases we've had this year. To claim it's all shooters and realistic action games is idiotic.


And I'm not saying Nintendo don't make great titles because they do, and most of my favourites are by them, but I'm saying they're not immune to your statement as they've also released plenty of rubbish too - Pokemon spinoff titles such as Pokemon channel and Pokepark seem to have barely any quality control or regard for the series they're representing. Wii Music didn't do wonders for the Wii brand either.

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