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Suggestions for Extra Life 2014


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Now seems a good time to discuss next year's Extra Life, since 2013's is still fresh in people's minds.


Streaming was a bit of a disaster this year due to a series of errors. We couldn't use 2 webcams due to PC problems and the one webcam we did have could only be used close the the streaming PC due to USB extenders not arriving on time.


That said, streaming is something we're looking at improving. So we want everyone's input on things people would like to see from next year's event. We're working on the quality of the stream (better/multiple camera angles, higher quality using direct input from consoles etc), but we need to know what people actually want to see.


So does anyone have any suggestions? What would make our live stream entertaining to watch? Full playthroughs of games? Requests for us to play certain games? Tournaments? What do you guys want to see?


One thing I think we do need is more games like Mount Your Friends and Cards Against Humanity. I think games that we all play together work well, especially if they're funny/bizarre games.

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I definitely think multiplayer antics would be more fun to watch. Any game that has everyone laughing and talking will be entertaining. Playing a game in silence probably doesn't have the same appeal to people looking in. Even if you're playing through a game on your own some kind of commentary would make it enjoyable to watch. The only issue there is that unless you have a headset mic or something, you'll probably get a lot of cross-chatter - especially with only one webcam! It's not a problem if everyone is playing the same game though.

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Good idea! I think maybe alternating one person to check on the chat regularly for interaction with viewers, maybe even get some teamspeak-esque shenanigans going so people could comment on the gameplay/whatever is going on too.


Generally having a cam on you all at all times, then maybe having a few cameras on gameplay footage would be good.


Maybe you could also incorporate some sort of game trivia/quiz for viewers to take part in (announce ahead of time what time this will take place) to get the viewers in (and donations). By this I mean asking viewers tough (or not so tough) questions and people can answer for fun/bragging rights. Also would be cool if you had a Q and A round, e.g. "Viewers, what is your favourite game moment/etc" and let people chime in with their thoughts, which may spark you guys to comment with your opinion on what they said.


Basically I think interaction could really bring in the viewers and keep them there. :)

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Good idea! I think maybe alternating one person to check on the chat regularly for interaction with viewers, maybe even get some teamspeak-esque shenanigans going so people could comment on the gameplay/whatever is going on too.

Generally having a cam on you all at all times, then maybe having a few cameras on gameplay footage would be good.


Maybe you could also incorporate some sort of game trivia/quiz for viewers to take part in (announce ahead of time what time this will take place) to get the viewers in (and donations). By this I mean asking viewers tough (or not so tough) questions and people can answer for fun/bragging rights. Also would be cool if you had a Q and A round, e.g. "Viewers, what is your favourite game moment/etc" and let people chime in with their thoughts, which may spark you guys to comment with your opinion on what they said.


Basically I think interaction could really bring in the viewers and keep them there. :)


Yeah this is something we tried to do in the past making sure someones laptop is always open even if it is just to answer questions like what's everyone playing etc....it is something that falls by the wayside as the night drags in though and people start to get tired etc...it's almost like you need a runner there is is solely focused on keeping everything running and joining in when they can.


I'm going to be running a series of Extra Life OVERTIME videos between now and the 31st December (cut off for donations) and test a few different scenarios etc... going to test desktop mic for example for audio separate from game audio from PC. My main aim for this is not to raise money although extra donations will be gladly received but to really nail down a set up that works.


Time permitting I am also considering a 8-10 hour stretch this Saturday which is official make up day and put my total up to 35ish hour mark over the two weekends.


Totally agree on the interaction thing- it's something neither feed was good enough at this year when compared to the past like Wii Sports tournament and a Q & A thing we had once.

Edited by flameboy
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on the point of multiplayer games.... only just thought of this now but did nobody in the UK team think to put on NintendoLand? I know (think?) ReZ has it. Ye had enough players that would have given ye a good laugh and would have given that interaction you were looking for, for the camera?

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Just seen a game called Space Team for mobile devices. You each have a set of controls and you get instructions on your screen. You have to call out the instructions for one of the other people to set with their phones. You also get events like an asteroid field where you all have to shake your phones to evade.


Found a vid of it on youtube:


Looks like it could be pretty good. 2-4 players. I assume it's cross-compatible from iPhone to Android? Not sure when it comes to mobile games.

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