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Posted (edited)

Didnt get to play Bayonetta 2. MK8 was disappointing.


I really liked the new Mario game. Missed out playing sonic but it looks amazing!!!


Titanfall was dope!!


Anecdotal I know but the amount of people you see playing on a vita compared to 3DS is crazy. I saw about two people playing with a Vita while in queues but 3ds's are everywhere. Even in the PS4 queue people just walk past the vita's on display.

Edited by liger05

Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate (Vita. 3DS version was not on show): Couldn't get past the first 5 minutes as I just got bored senseless of the cutscenes, the game-basically-plays-itself traversal and the combat sections that are basically just like the console games transferred into 2D. Didn't see anything that I didn't already see in previous demo videos, so I just gave up. Not impressed with anything they've shown so far (where's the exploration and platforming that you'd expect from ex Metroid Prime leads?!) and the demo did nothing to change my mind...

Man this is hugely disappointing. I was hoping for something along the lines of Shadow Complex meets Arkham Asylum. Maybe the beginning is just a bit too on-rails and makes for a poor demo?


Thanks for taking the time to post all your impressions.

Posted (edited)
Man this is hugely disappointing. I was hoping for something along the lines of Shadow Complex meets Arkham Asylum. Maybe the beginning is just a bit too on-rails and makes for a poor demo?


Thanks for taking the time to post all your impressions.


Yeah, I hope that the demo isn't indicative of the full game experience (it's the same demo they showed at E3, so the game has probably changed quite a bit since then).


I can imagine them focusing on the cinematic parts for the sake of the demo, wanting to stop players from getting lost and making the game look "cool", but I hope the final game keeps them to a minimum, cause they're totally boring as hell to play...


Puppeteer: Looked good. Anyone brought this?


I did! Great game, very unique, keeps throwing new ideas at you at a constant pace and just all around great fun!


Anecdotal I know but the amount of people you see playing on a vita compared to 3DS is crazy. I saw about two people playing with a Vita while in queues but 3ds's are everywhere. Even in the PS4 queue people just walk past the vita's on display.


Funny I actually saw quite a few people with Vitas, especially in the PS4 queue where I actually saw more Vitas than 3DS'! (Ok that was the only place where the 3DS numbers didn't decimate the Vita ones, but still!)


But yeah, nobody bothered playing the Vitas in that queue. Tearaway saw quite a lot of attention mind you though. Always a sizable queue for that one!

Edited by Dcubed
Mario Kart 8 plays almost exactly like Mario Kart Wii, just with updated graphics, the anti gravity aspect is barely noticeable. Bit disappointed.


This is exactly what I expected it to be after watching the vids at E3. They need to stop trying to cock around with the core mechanics and let people play online properly, with some other interesting modes chucked in.


You know... maybe look at what Sonic Transformed is doing?

Anyone know where the Link graffiti is outside Earls Court that you can show a pic of to the GAME desk?


I actually found it outside West Brompton (just walk around to the other Earls Court entrance at the back and you'll see the station/graffiti across the road).

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