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Pocket Card Jockey (eShop)


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  • 2 years later...


This is the greatest story ever written for a video game! :laughing:

Some of it has had me in stitches. :D

The game is actually pretty damn fun too, and there seems to be quite a lot of depth to it, with more being uncovered after every race. :awesome:


Loving it. :bouncy:

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Some of it has had me in stitches. :D

The game is actually pretty damn fun too, and there seems to be quite a lot of depth to it, with more being uncovered after every race. :awesome:


Loving it. :bouncy:


Yep, it's great. The game knows it's an idiotic concept and runs with it.

Anyway, got a horse, named it Totally Useless and almost got offed, but saved myself with the power of solitaire!


This is easily the most exciting solitaire game I've ever played.

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I had a crack at the demo last night. To be honest I found the writing cringe worthy. It reminded me of PMD in the sense that it tried too hard to be funny and just comes off as cringe inducing.


The gameplay I was enjoying until it started throwing various things at me. I thought it was going to be a straight forward game of solitaire, with the speed of which you use your cards determining how fast you went, but there's a whole bunch of other stuff involved as well.


I was originally excited for the game but now I'm not too sure. I'll have another play through of the demo and see if it grows on me.

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Yep, it's great. The game knows it's an idiotic concept and runs with it.

Anyway, got a horse, named it Totally Useless and almost got offed, but saved myself with the power of solitaire!


This is easily the most exciting solitaire game I've ever played.




Will download when home. :smile:

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Is it just me, or does this demo not have an end? :hmm:
Forget that, I just reached the end of the demo. :hehe:

At which point you can either keep your data for transfer to the full version, or delete it and start the demo all over again.


*deletes data* :D

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Hmm... perhaps I won't delete my 2nd save data after all, as I've won 2 cups with this new horse!:




"Gotta get 'em all!" :grin:


Plus I probably shouldn't play this much more before the full game arrives.

Annoying how that's still 2 weeks away. :sad:

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I put some more time into the demo over the weekend. I'm starting to get to grips with the game now but still wish it was a little more basic than what it is. The dialogue still grates on me. :D


I got my own horse and named it this...




The thing has great stamina but shocking speed. I've been trying to nab the exp bonuses during the races to help level it up a bit.

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I finished the demo of this the other day. Still not sure of what to make of it. There were times when I would have a perfect run but I still wouldn't win the race. I wonder if your horses starting stats hinder it's performance, despite having a perfect race. Seems a bit unfair if that's the case.


Listening to this weeks RFN and Gui seemed to have the same issues that I have with the game in that it throws a lot at you and it's not as simple as we both thought it would be. It's a cold day in hell when me and Gui agree upon something. :D

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I finished the demo of this the other day. Still not sure of what to make of it. There were times when I would have a perfect run but I still wouldn't win the race. I wonder if your horses starting stats hinder it's performance, despite having a perfect race. Seems a bit unfair if that's the case.
I believe it can also depend on the running style of your horse, some are suited for long distance, others do better on shorter tracks.


How well you do at the start of a race is very important too, not just getting a card with a lot of orbs on it, but the speed in which you get it will make a big difference to the amount of energy you earn early on. If you take too long and end up outside all of the comfort zones you're pretty much screwed for that race.


Then there's following the optimal racing line on turns to avoid stamina loss, that's something I often forget to pay attention to, and that seems like it can mess you up pretty badly as well.


I actually don't mind that the gameplay isn't as simplistic as the presentation of the game would suggest. Yes there's quite a lot to take in, but over time I'm sure it will all become second nature and the game will be a lot more fun and rewarding for it.


Anyway, I reached the end of my 2nd playthrough of the demo the other day. Managed to nab another trophy in the process, bringing the total up to 3. :cool:

Almost got a 4th but really screwed up on the start of that race, so it wasn't to be.


Will be keeping this save data for transfer to the full game. :)

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I believe it can also depend on the running style of your horse, some are suited for long distance, others do better on shorter tracks.


How well you do at the start of a race is very important too, not just getting a card with a lot of orbs on it, but the speed in which you get it will make a big difference to the amount of energy you earn early on. If you take too long and end up outside all of the comfort zones you're pretty much screwed for that race.


Then there's following the optimal racing line on turns to avoid stamina loss, that's something I often forget to pay attention to, and that seems like it can mess you up pretty badly as well.


I actually don't mind that the gameplay isn't as simplistic as the presentation of the game would suggest. Yes there's quite a lot to take in, but over time I'm sure it will all become second nature and the game will be a lot more fun and rewarding for it.


Yeah, the starting can really screw you up. Thing is, I kept in the comfort zones, tried to keep in the inside of the track, got through the card games pretty fast but still kept on getting beat. The trainer guy my horse was suited to a certain type of race and put me in it, and while I did fare better, all the other horses seem to have better stats than mine.


Does your horse only last for so many years? I was thinking it would be good to grind a few races, aim for the power ups and try to level up a bit but then I thought it may be pointless if your horse can only last for a set amount of races.

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Does your horse only last for so many years? I was thinking it would be good to grind a few races, aim for the power ups and try to level up a bit but then I thought it may be pointless if your horse can only last for a set amount of races.


Yup. After it becomes 4 years old, you send it off to the stables to breed as a stud. Skills and such get passed onto the horse's offspring. You're quite right in saying that it's actually better to lose some races and hoard that experience when your horse is due for retirement as it means that more stats get passed onto its offspring. The instruction manual even recommends this, as crazy as it sounds!

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Does your horse only last for so many years? I was thinking it would be good to grind a few races, aim for the power ups and try to level up a bit but then I thought it may be pointless if your horse can only last for a set amount of races.
Think so, yeah.

I believe you then move on to a different set of races (for older horses), and after that it can be used for breeding. :grin:


Don't reckon leveling up will be wasted though, as those stats must come into play when creating new horses. ;)

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Think so, yeah.

I believe you then move on to a different set of races (for older horses), and after that it can be used for breeding. :grin:


Don't reckon leveling up will be wasted though, as those stats must come into play when creating new horses. ;)


I was afraid of that. The breeding is another level of stuff that needs to be learnt then. Sod it! I may just go play Solitaire on my phone. Seems like less hassle. :D

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I was afraid of that. The breeding is another level of stuff that needs to be learnt then. Sod it! I may just go play Solitaire on my phone. Seems like less hassle. :D


Yeah, it's pretty crazy in-depth for a Solitare game. It even has mechanics for in-breeding! (Yes, really. It actually is treated differently from normal breeding). Never thought I'd ever see that in a Nintendo published game :p

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Anyone else pick up the full version today?


I already transferred over my save data from the demo, and retired that horse to the farm.

Got a new horse now that actually looks a bit like a Pokémon (it's yellow with a orange mane :heh:) and it's also doing very well for me so far. :)

Looking forward to its retirement so he can get it on with my first horse, and create a new super horse! :laughing:

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Anyone else pick up the full version today?


I already transferred over my save data from the demo, and retired that horse to the farm.

Got a new horse now that actually looks a bit like a Pokémon (it's yellow with a orange mane :heh:) and it's also doing very well for me so far. :)

Looking forward to its retirement so he can get it on with my first horse, and create a new super horse! :laughing:


Yeah, I did. I haven't had much time on it, though. I've been too busy playing Runbow and Table Top Racing. I just went through the tutorial stuff again and then saved it.

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