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Wii U General Discussion


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Problem is that most Japanese developers seem to have lost the plot. Either they are chasing the mobile market or trying to develop games with a more western approach. It annoys me because most of us who grew up with these games fell in love with them because they were typically Japanese.


Companies like Capcom have peed a lot of fans off as well with their mismanagement of certain franchises.


Looking at it there's only really Nintendo left of the old guard who are staying true to their vision and roots, which is probably why their games continue to sell.

Things may change. This industry is volatile, you never know what will happen next.

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Things may change. This industry is volatile, you never know what will happen next.




My point is though that the Japanese developers have soured a lot of their fan base, especially Capcom. Its gonna take a big turn around to get people on board again.


It's crazy to just look at how far Capcom, Sega and Konami have fallen. Sad times. :(

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Things may change. This industry is volatile, you never know what will happen next.


There's only one way that these Japanese 3rd party developers are going and it's towards mobile.


Surely enough, you'll see their console & handheld efforts dwindle away into nothingness. Sure you might see a few games from them that are funded by the likes of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft for their respective machines, but eventually they'll all get sucked in by the mobile monster...

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There's only one way that these Japanese 3rd party developers are going and it's towards mobile.


Surely enough, you'll see their console & handheld efforts dwindle away into nothingness. Sure you might see a few games from them that are funded by the likes of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft for their respective machines, but eventually they'll all get sucked in by the mobile monster...

Mobile gaming could collapse very easily, considering the model that is used for making money.




My point is though that the Japanese developers have soured a lot of their fan base, especially Capcom. Its gonna take a big turn around to get people on board again.


It's crazy to just look at how far Capcom, Sega and Konami have fallen. Sad times. :(

This is why I want Nintendo to buy Capcom. Treat them as independent like Monolith and The Pokémon Company, but have control and make money. Get Capcom back to their roots.

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No, mobiles won't stop being bought, but the business model for games could very well crash, especially with the EU restrictions on microtransactions that are soon to be in place.


It's illogical to just assume it'll always be here as is.

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No, mobiles won't stop being bought, but the business model for games could very well crash, especially with the EU restrictions on microtransactions that are soon to be in place.


It's illogical to just assume it'll always be here as is.


They also make tons of money through adverts, you know.


They'll never be restricted to the extent that they won't be cash cows, else that source of revenue would totally dry up and would be a totally stupid thing to do to businesses. It's also people's choice if they want to pay for in-app content (yes children need to not be strongly targeted by it, but ultimately parental controls exist).

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They also make tons of money through adverts, you know.


They'll never be restricted to the extent that they won't be cash cows, else that source of revenue would totally dry up and would be a totally stupid thing to do to businesses. It's also people's choice if they want to pay for in-app content (yes children need to not be strongly targeted by it, but ultimately parental controls exist).

I'm just saying that just because everyone has a phone does not mean that the smartphone gaming industry isn't at risk of collapse.


Everyone had a PC/Laptop in the late 90s/early 00s to now, and that doesn't mean PC gaming is doing amazingly. It was barely a blip on the radar until Steam hit it big, and even now it's rather niche. Smartphone gaming could fold into a similar style.


We just don't know, that's my point, and as I said, it's illogical to assume it'll just be here and everyone will flock to it.

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Key differences: everyone has a phone (not everyone has a gaming capable PC), and PC gaming was always in competition with the more successful games consoles.


If you're catching a few minutes on the train or between activities then it's easy to get your phone out and play a game. I would argue it's illogical (ugh) to assume that the phone market could crash when all available information and trends suggest otherwise.

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See, they're right. It's annoyingly about specs and that's all they care for. They say they won't until the userbase is there, but that's utter bull.


The Wii had a fantastic userbase, the 3DS has a decent userbase and they were both practically ignored by the core publishers and the Wii was mostly limited to mini-game collections and other such titles. People say "well the market for the Wii wasn't right for those games", and to an extent, sure, but if there were enough games, there would have been a market for it. Call of Duty on the Wii always sold pretty well, despite being less graphically capable.


Consoles can exist without games, games cannot exist without consoles. Besides, you're the one going on about how many numerous and fantastic titles there are out there for the Wii U, yet where's this big market for the console? Chicken and egg as always, no starting point means no ending point, and god forbid no possible flaws in your argument.


So which is it Serebii? The console or the games? Do we need more games to make more console sales, or more console sales to make more game sales? Which will have the bigger impact of the two?

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Thing is, do you think 3rd party games would sell a substantial amount to keep the developers interested in the platform? Would a game like Assassins Creed, Battlefield, Fifa, Call of Duty, that launched on the same day, on all platforms, with all the same features sell as well on the Wii U as the other two? I'm not so sure.


This is one of the reasons I wanted to see WatchDogs make it out with the others so much, to date I don't think there's been much in the big retail releases that has had a simultaneous release across all platforms? WatchDogs would have been both old and new, and the Wii U sitting there in its middle ground. Perfect comparison situation for me, but alas it was not to be. One thing I think Ubisoft should have tried to ensure was that it was released at the same time - just because I feel it'd tally with the things Guilemot has said about the install base/sales etc.

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I'm just saying that just because everyone has a phone does not mean that the smartphone gaming industry isn't at risk of collapse.


Everyone had a PC/Laptop in the late 90s/early 00s to now, and that doesn't mean PC gaming is doing amazingly. It was barely a blip on the radar until Steam hit it big, and even now it's rather niche. Smartphone gaming could fold into a similar style.


We just don't know, that's my point, and as I said, it's illogical to assume it'll just be here and everyone will flock to it.


Not forgetting PC gaming was always at the mercy of pirates.


This is one of the reasons I wanted to see WatchDogs make it out with the others so much, to date I don't think there's been much in the big retail releases that has had a simultaneous release across all platforms? WatchDogs would have been both old and new, and the Wii U sitting there in its middle ground. Perfect comparison situation for me, but alas it was not to be. One thing I think Ubisoft should have tried to ensure was that it was released at the same time - just because I feel it'd tally with the things Guilemot has said about the install base/sales etc.


Assassins Creed had a simultaneous release and it bombed hard. Didn't Call of Duty last year also have a simultaneous release? Again another bomba.

Edited by liger05
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Consoles can exist without games, games cannot exist without consoles. Besides, you're the one going on about how many numerous and fantastic titles there are out there for the Wii U, yet where's this big market for the console? Chicken and egg as always, no starting point means no ending point, and god forbid no possible flaws in your argument.


So which is it Serebii? The console or the games? Do we need more games to make more console sales, or more console sales to make more game sales? Which will have the bigger impact of the two?


The Egg came first if that helps :awesome:

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Assassins Creed had a simultaneous release and it bombed hard. Didn't Call of Duty last year also have a simultaneous release? Again another bomba.


I'm sure I read that Wii U sales for Ghosts accounted for 1% of the total game sales and i think it did release simultaneously across all platforms.


It does make me wonder what percentage of Wii U's there are in the world compared to PC, PS3, 360, PS4, XB1. There are circa 170 million PS3 & 360's out there compared to let's say 5 million Wii U's at the time that game was released, so based on that is 1% in line with other systems on a like for like basis? If this is the case then I'm sure 3rd parties will start releasing more games on Wii U when it shifts more units, but if that percentage is much lower then it's a totally different prospect.


Food for thought?

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In the grand scheme of things, it is, and you know it.


Seriously, what the hell is this. Are you a child? Wilfully blind? Just completely lacking in any self-respect or sensible conduct? What does that actually bring to this thread that furthers discussion in any way at all?


Plus for what it's worth - I know at least 3 people personally who have/are going for gaming PC setups rather than anything 'next gen'(PS4OneU) for their gaming needs.


EDIT: Yes, I'm aware, the Egg would likely have come first. Let's not start asking why its contents might have crossed the road here, though.

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I'm sure I read that Wii U sales for Ghosts accounted for 1% of the total game sales and i think it did release simultaneously across all platforms.


It does make me wonder what percentage of Wii U's there are in the world compared to PC, PS3, 360, PS4, XB1. There are circa 170 million PS3 & 360's out there compared to let's say 5 million Wii U's at the time that game was released, so based on that is 1% in line with other systems on a like for like basis? If this is the case then I'm sure 3rd parties will start releasing more games on Wii U when it shifts more units, but if that percentage is much lower then it's a totally different prospect.


Food for thought?


Didn't the PS4 version actually outsell it at launch in the UK, despite the console not being launched. I'm sure there was something crazy like that happened.

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The very first chicken, which would've been a mutation as you say, would have come from an egg though. So the egg would have been first, albeit not a chicken egg.




Chickens evolved from lizards and lizards lay eggs, therefore the first chicken came from an egg.

First I give you Mario Kart lessons and now natural history :bowdown:


Didn't the PS4 version actually outsell it at launch in the UK, despite the console not being launched. I'm sure there was something crazy like that happened.


that does ring a bell, pre-orders were higher or something like that.

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