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Call of Duty: Ghosts

Zechs Merquise

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It's like Sony/Microsoft have an agreement with and told 3rd parties that they can put their games on the Wii U but they have to be gimped in some way. The Wii U is not allowed have the superior version of the game. Just off hand but can someone name a 3rd party game that isn't flawed in comparison to other platforms? Rayman Legends I expect will be but that was meant to be a Wii U exclusive. It could be argued that delaying it 6 months and its non-exclusivity is a form of gimping.

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We knew it wouldn't be getting the DLC, I can't even see this coming as a surprise anymore! Still, if anyone here is complaining about a lack of DLC I seriously wonder if they're actually a COD fan. Real COD fans want a return to MW/BO map design, better netcode to reduce lag compensation, a fix for the spawn system and an end to crazy shit in the games that breaks up the flow. When the developers get all the basics right again, then I'll complain about a missing map!

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We knew it wouldn't be getting the DLC, I can't even see this coming as a surprise anymore! Still, if anyone here is complaining about a lack of DLC I seriously wonder if they're actually a COD fan. Real COD fans want a return to MW/BO map design, better netcode to reduce lag compensation, a fix for the spawn system and an end to crazy shit in the games that breaks up the flow. When the developers get all the basics right again, then I'll complain about a missing map!


I don't consider myself a real CoD fan. Can I complain about the lack of DLC? :D


Seriously though, if you want the DLC then do what Zech said the other day...


The XBO will be the system to own if you're a COD fan - you get the DLC earlier and dedicated servers!
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I used to play Goldeneye007 and Perfect Dark on the N64, but I've never been able to get into any other FPS. Part of the reason is that I find the popular multi-player modes to be boring. I much prefer one shot and your dead, with no respawning type games. I've never found an online multiplayer better than the Bomberman games in that respect.

So tell me, is there modes such as this on COD, that'll be popular enough that I'll be able to find games online?

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I used to play Goldeneye007 and Perfect Dark on the N64, but I've never been able to get into any other FPS. Part of the reason is that I find the popular multi-player modes to be boring. I much prefer one shot and your dead, with no respawning type games. I've never found an online multiplayer better than the Bomberman games in that respect.

So tell me, is there modes such as this on COD, that'll be popular enough that I'll be able to find games online?


Yes, there's plenty of modes like that including Hardcore modes (one shot and you're dead with no HUD) and there are several game types that when you are dead you sit out the round.


But these game types will be very under populated on the Wii U. If you are a big fan of more obscure game types, best get it on the XBONE. Saying that on the Wii those game types were always available, so as the user base increases, it might also be the case on the Wii U!

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Thanks, but after thinking a bit, I remembered some other reasons I can't quite get into FPS mutiplayer-ing. One being the length of games (yes I know this can be changed with time limits on most games.), because once there was just me and some other player left wondering around the level after each other, and it sure was boring. Maybe COD is different and there's always a time limit?

Adding on to that, I'm guessing the sitting out of the round on a FPS would be damn boring as well. Meh, I think I just find them unsatisfying to play.

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All Nintendo fans if you want DLC for Call Of Duty then please tell your freinds that's the only way we can get DLC


If you are going to campaign for something in a COD game on the Wii U please campaign for the following things:


- Change the netcode back to Black Ops style to reduce lag compensation

- Better Maps

- A return to the old spawn system

- No more quick scoping


Black Ops 2 was a messy, a lag filled mess. Let's have a game that works properly and plays well before we start crying about downloadable extras!

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Goodbye Everyone I am sorrey to say I am leavening the Call Of Duty Wii U Comunity becuse we don't get DLC or Free Fall but it was fun I be playing on PS4 See Ya


But... if you're that into COD and desperately into DLC, why don't you get an XBO? After all, you'd be getting dedicated servers so the game would run far better and you'd get your beloved DLC a whole month earlier.


We all play on the Wii U because we like playing together. We love the clan and we enjoy each other's company.


But seriously, if COD and DLC is so important to you, XBO is the console for you.


I wonder which console will get DLC for Dreampark Tycoon?

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But... if you're that into COD and desperately into DLC, why don't you get an XBO? After all, you'd be getting dedicated servers so the game would run far better and you'd get your beloved DLC a whole month earlier.


We all play on the Wii U because we like playing together. We love the clan and we enjoy each other's company.


But seriously, if COD and DLC is so important to you, XBO is the console for you.


I wonder which console will get DLC for Dreampark Tycoon?


I don't like Xbox one and I don't care about dedicated servers and I can wait for DLC becuse I now PS4 is geting DLC and DreamPark Tycoon won't be geting DLC its geting Expansion Packs

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I hope the uptake for this is a little better than it was for BO2, so it'll be easier to find games of game modes other than TDM and Domination.


More importantly though I hope they move away the aggressive lag-compensation that plagues BO2!

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Fingers crossed quick scoping is dead


Update/Clarification regarding Sniper Rifles:


One of the areas that is getting lot of love in Call of Duty: Ghosts is the Sniper Rifle. By creating the Marksman class we were able to focus the Sniper class on really powerful high-caliber weapon systems. We feel, and many of the pro players who have played would agree, that sniping has never been better.


The changes we’ve made, like dual render scopes and increased damage really make snipers a great competitive class to use. We’ve also done a lot with map design (sight lines and cover) to ensure that all classes are viably effective. Both short range and long range classes will be effective on the same maps.


However in re-envisioning sniper rifles some aspects, such as sway timing, have changed the way sniper rifles function and so traditional “quick-scoping” has been affected. Is it gone completely? Maybe. It certainly won’t be viable in the way it previously was. Can’t wait for you snipers out there to get your hands on these new sniper rifles and try them out for yourselves.



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