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Official E3 Nintendo Direct Discussion - 11th June @ 3pm


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Great summary/wrap-up video, why we love Nintendo



I bet Miyamoto-san intimidated the cameraman just so he could fit in a few extra words to tryand sell his Pikmin game.


I just wish that the graphics in all of these games were more high-end. Not realistic. Just much more high-end but using the same art style of each game.


And Im not being funny, but I wished the was more creativity than just rotating cameras. I know it's only a side-scroller, but since it is a single player experience then, I dunno, just something nuts. Even little things like playing co-op via wifi.

Maybe it's just me but most of these games look too gamecube/Wii and is not even attempting to burst the next-gen barrier - gameplay wise, visual wise, tech wise, other graphical wise, ... any wise.


Comments/feedback seemed so biased like they were prolly paid to lie. After sitting and watching the Sony and MS conferences, how on this blue planet can you say that Wind Waker or Pikmin 3 looks amazing visually?! Come on dude, be real.

Obviously they look decent and have wonderful art styles and gameplay would be decent and what you'd expect from Nintendo. But for me, nothing ground breaking and next-gen. Even from gameplay/tech perspectives.


Could've introduced the games, if games were high-end, in some legendary fashion. Think how Halo 5 was introduced with that little teaser, just imagine a Metroid Prime 4. Or like those Need For Speed: Rival trailers, imagine some off-the-chain F Zero show-off trailer. Zelda Wiiu looking totally stupid with some retarded cinematics showcasing some deep story. Etc etc etc. Ooh shit, some uber adorable looking Mario game looking overwhelmingly huge and creative and adventurous. A giant world in the Mario universe with crazy puzzles, super catchy themes, lots and lots and lots of different gameplay mechanics and make things difficult to where only determination of your control skill can make yoy reach or achieve something.

Maybe travel to a friends world for xo-op etc eyc etc. This shoyld be the norm for all Ninty games. Mere options for means of.... fun.


Some games spoken about a bit in depth just to assure everyone/mina that they/Nintendo means serious business.


I try to be positive about their showing at E3, I really do, but it just wasn't good enough. I wanna say "average at best" but it all looks generally possible for Gamecube and Wii. So considering Wiiu's capabilities I'm not sure if I can convince myself that their showing was average.


But no biggy, will be picking up a Wiiu at some point. Still looks bags of fun. :D

Edited by Beverage
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I bet Miyamoto-san intimidated the cameraman just so he could fit in a few extra words to tryand sell his Pikmin game.


I just wish that the graphics in all of these games were more high-end. Not realistic. Just much more high-end but using the same art style of each game.


And Im not being funny, but I wished the was more creativity than just rotating cameras. I know it's only a side-scroller, but since it is a single player experience then, I dunno, just something nuts. Even little things like playing co-op via wifi.

Maybe it's just me but most of these games look too gamecube/Wii and is not even attempting to burst the next-gen barrier - gameplay wise, visual wise, tech wise, other graphical wise, ... any wise.


Comments/feedback seemed so biased like they were prolly paid to lie. After sitting and watching the Sony and MS conferences, how on this blue planet can you say that Wind Waker or Pikmin 3 looks amazing visually?! Come on dude, be real.

Obviously they look decent and have wonderful art styles and gameplay would be decent and what you'd expect from Nintendo. But for me, nothing ground breaking and next-gen. Even from gameplay/tech perspectives.


Could've introduced the games, if games were high-end, in some legendary fashion. Think how Halo 5 was introduced with that little teaser, just imagine a Metroid Prime 4. Or like those Need For Speed: Rival trailers, imagine some off-the-chain F Zero show-off trailer. Zelda Wiiu looking totally stupid with some retarded cinematics showcasing some deep story. Etc etc etc. Ooh shit, some uber adorable looking Mario game looking overwhelmingly huge and creative and adventurous. A giant world in the Mario universe with crazy puzzles, super catchy themes, lots and lots and lots of different gameplay mechanics and make things difficult to where only determination of your control skill can make yoy reach or achieve something.

Maybe travel to a friends world for xo-op etc eyc etc. This shoyld be the norm for all Ninty games. Mere options for means of.... fun.


Some games spoken about a bit in depth just to assure everyone/mina that they/Nintendo means serious business.


I try to be positive about their showing at E3, I really do, but it just wasn't good enough. I wanna say "average at best" but it all looks generally possible for Gamecube and Wii. So considering Wiiu's capabilities I'm not sure if I can convince myself that their showing was average.


But no biggy, will be picking up a Wiiu at some point. Still looks bags of fun. :D


I was thinking their E3 was decent but after reading that I feel bad now. It was a mixed bag. All of the 2nd party efforts including Platinum showed up Nintendo's 1st party games. X, Bayonetta 2 and DKCR2 all look terrific. I suppose E3 was average. Nothing majorly outstanding this year aside from DCKR2. Next year looks much better. Super Mario 3D World is a lazy effort. Not at all what I was expecting. 4 player local co-op. No thanks. I hate it. Do you think this will have online multiplayer? Not a chance. Maybe it'll grow on me the more I see of it but I doubt it, it looks generic, don't like the cat suit and no real great sense of freedom.


Smash and Kart look nice but as Bev says no great evolution. It's pretty much more of the same. I won't be picking up Wind Waker as there's nothing new to this port.


There was 3 new game announcements though Ghosts has yet to be officially confirmed. The other 2 games were DKCR2 and Just Dance 2013. That's pathetic for a new console.

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What a joke ofa post, sorry. But if you think graphics technically being better is more important than design then we come from completely different mindsets. Wind waker and pikmin 3 do LOOK incredible, the graphics are amazing, and better than most games...period. ESPECIALLY most shown on nextgen machines.


I love high tech, I woud love the Wii U to be as powerful as the ps4, but to say games don't look good because of this is phenomenally immature. Reminds of the pathetic arguments during the snes and mega drive era - "it can display more colours" , "but this displays more sprites!" I engaged in said arguments, but you know, i was 12!

Edited by dazzybee
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Umm, not sure. E3 fell short for a lot of Nintendo fans because we wanted to hear 2014 much less and have maybe just one more big game announcement which wasn't DKCR:TF.


I don't think it was disappointing for your reasons though. If the graphics on MK8 and Beyonetta 2 didn't get you excited for the future of visuals on the Wii U, then nothing will.


Why single out what is basically a Wii engine game and an HD GameCube port for a source of your disappointment? Both of which look great in their own right anyway.


From what I see, read and hear, Nintendo owned the show floor at E3. I think it was a good strategy and they got that part very right.

Edited by madeinbeats
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What a joke ofa post.sorry. But if you think graphics technically being better is more important than design then we come from completely different mindsets. Wind waker and pikmin 3 do LOOK incredible, the graphics are amazing, and better than most if not all games...period. ESPECIALLY most shown on next genmachines.


I love high tech,I woud love the Wii to be as powerful as the ps4, but to say games don't look good because of this is phenomenally immature. Reminds of the pathetic arguments during the snes and mega drive era - can display more,colours,but this displays more sprites! I engaged in said arguments, but you know, i as 12!


LOL I loved all that "16 million" colour palate! Argument... Ahhh takes me back!

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What a joke ofa post, sorry. But if you think graphics technically being better is more important than design then we come from completely different mindsets. Wind waker and pikmin 3 do LOOK incredible, the graphics are amazing, and better than most games...period. ESPECIALLY most shown on nextgen machines.


I love high tech, I woud love the Wii U to be as powerful as the ps4, but to say games don't look good because of this is phenomenally immature. Reminds of the pathetic arguments during the snes and mega drive era - "it can display more colours" , "but this displays more sprites!" I engaged in said arguments, but you know, i was 12!


I know what you are saying, but I didn't mean just the graphics alone. Gameplay, too. Like, I understand that some games can't do something too careless, because how would the players with other controllers play? All I mean is that gameplay doesn't look new and I'm bored of the old. I want the new to remain 100% faithful to the old because the old is 'it'.

But, for example, Sakurai said he will change the way we smash, so you expect something kinda huge, right? But no cross-play between 3DS and the U. Limitations to Wiiu version. Better not level-up characters because that'd be unfair to non-3DS smashers. Game looks uninspired. Brawl had the legendary theme and was bursting with energy and passion (even if wifi was utter pants). Graphics were noticably upgraded.

This SSB looks like an lazy effort to me. Haven't seen much, fair enough, but that's precisely why I am concerned that I am worried.

Graphics, I believe, could look a trillion times more wonderful WITHIN THEIR ART STYLE. I could throw a few ideas around and expand of them, me and my peeps always do. So Nintendo, a big muvafukkin company, should be able to woo us.

I am just not easily pleased, that's all. Considering the consoles price. Tech capabilities. Boasting new ways to play. Potential of creativity or art in each of Nintendo's franchises,... I will be an harsh judge. But it does ultimately mean that I'll miss out on gaming. :blank:


Really thought they were on to something when they were explaining Ghost Recon: Online during that E3. Wasn't mind blowing stuff but it made me agree that Wiiu could make current experiences deeper and wider. Like how they did with the Wiimote and FPS (although it.could've been better).


Anyhows, wasn't just about the viauals. But that was a significant part of the issue, especially after seeing MS and Sony power-up. Wiiu could've tried harder. Even harder than that Zelda Wiiu footage lol.

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I know what you are saying, but I didn't mean just the graphics alone. Gameplay, too. Like, I understand that some games can't do something too careless, because how would the players with other controllers play? All I mean is that gameplay doesn't look new and I'm bored of the old. I want the new to remain 100% faithful to the old because the old is 'it'.

But, for example, Sakurai said he will change the way we smash, so you expect something kinda huge, right? But no cross-play between 3DS and the U. Limitations to Wiiu version. Better not level-up characters because that'd be unfair to non-3DS smashers. Game looks uninspired. Brawl had the legendary theme and was bursting with energy and passion (even if wifi was utter pants). Graphics were noticably upgraded.

This SSB looks like an lazy effort to me. Haven't seen much, fair enough, but that's precisely why I am concerned that I am worried.

Graphics, I believe, could look a trillion times more wonderful WITHIN THEIR ART STYLE. I could throw a few ideas around and expand of them, me and my peeps always do. So Nintendo, a big muvafukkin company, should be able to woo us.

I am just not easily pleased, that's all. Considering the consoles price. Tech capabilities. Boasting new ways to play. Potential of creativity or art in each of Nintendo's franchises,... I will be an harsh judge. But it does ultimately mean that I'll miss out on gaming. :blank:


Really thought they were on to something when they were explaining Ghost Recon: Online during that E3. Wasn't mind blowing stuff but it made me agree that Wiiu could make current experiences deeper and wider. Like how they did with the Wiimote and FPS (although it.could've been better).


Anyhows, wasn't just about the viauals. But that was a significant part of the issue, especially after seeing MS and Sony power-up. Wiiu could've tried harder. Even harder than that Zelda Wiiu footage lol.


Haha, bloody hell your train of thought is all over the place :)


I see what you're saying, but still confused. As you seem to be knocking the Wii against the other consoles, when the other consoles look nice, but 90% of the games look like they play exactly the same as the games now - same colour scheme, same realism, guns guns guns kill kill kill, open world blah blah FPS blah blah Tose consoles to me look FAR less original than the Wii u - Nintendoland is quite unlike anything I've ever played, zombi u offers a brand new gaming experience. With regards to the games shown at e3 you simply cannot get games like donkey kong. Mario 3d land and wind waker on ANY OTHER SYSTEM. And I don't mean literally, as that's obvious, I mean you can't even get games similar.


The game son the other consoles, yes there is the division which offers something new but generally the best games are all FPS games, the most exciting of which, watch dogs, is coming to the Wii u, the most popular of with call of duty, is coming to the Wii u.


NE this isn't me saying Wii u is better, for my gaming tastes it is, but I'm just countering the argument that Wii u isn't original enough, but at the same time suggesting the ps4 (whose biggiest success of e3 seems tobe just doing what Microsoft arent (and also which didntseemtobe quite as good afterward anyway with it only being 1st party)) offers much more inthe way of new experiences. Just seems like aflame argument.


As for smash bros. no NE has played it. We've been shown a trailer and a little multiplayer action. Are we really judging it based on that?

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What a joke ofa post, sorry. But if you think graphics technically being better is more important than design then we come from completely different mindsets. Wind waker and pikmin 3 do LOOK incredible, the graphics are amazing, and better than most games...period. ESPECIALLY most shown on nextgen machines.


I love high tech, I woud love the Wii U to be as powerful as the ps4, but to say games don't look good because of this is phenomenally immature. Reminds of the pathetic arguments during the snes and mega drive era - "it can display more colours" , "but this displays more sprites!" I engaged in said arguments, but you know, i was 12!


To add to your point, I find it really sad when developers choose graphical fidelity over performance optimisation. I mean honestly, who gives a toss if the buttons on a soldier's coat are made out of highly detailed polygons? Does that make the game play better when you're infiltrating a base and shooting him? Do you really take that stuff in? To me, when developers do things like that they've lost sight of why we play games. I would choose optimisation over fidelity any day of the week.


What's more, I have seven games on the Wii U and at different points during all those games I've thought 'oooh that looks nice'. Just as I still play Yoshi's Island, Super Metroid and Street Fighter 2 on the SNES and think they look nice.


I have honestly never seen so many people this bothered about minor graphical improvements before - except for maybe in the SNES days. In the past we've seen generational leaps that bring in new ears of gameplay, now all I hear is about better graphics and the ability of the 'cloud'.

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SNES owners used to use that so much as a way of saying it was better than my Mega Drive. :laughing:


Yeah, but your Megadrive was shit though! :p


Actually the thing I hated most about the Megadrive was the controller' so lame compared with the SNES pad, and uncomfortable!



Imagine if we had the internet for such discussion s back then...

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Haha, bloody hell your train of thought is all over the place :)


I see what you're saying, but still confused. As you seem to be knocking the Wii against the other consoles, when the other consoles look nice, but 90% of the games look like they play exactly the same as the games now - same colour scheme, same realism, guns guns guns kill kill kill, open world blah blah FPS blah blah Tose consoles to me look FAR less original than the Wii u - Nintendoland is quite unlike anything I've ever played, zombi u offers a brand new gaming experience. With regards to the games shown at e3 you simply cannot get games like donkey kong. Mario 3d land and wind waker on ANY OTHER SYSTEM. And I don't mean literally, as that's obvious, I mean you can't even get games similar.


The game son the other consoles, yes there is the division which offers something new but generally the best games are all FPS games, the most exciting of which, watch dogs, is coming to the Wii u, the most popular of with call of duty, is coming to the Wii u.


NE this isn't me saying Wii u is better, for my gaming tastes it is, but I'm just countering the argument that Wii u isn't original enough, but at the same time suggesting the ps4 (whose biggiest success of e3 seems tobe just doing what Microsoft arent (and also which didntseemtobe quite as good afterward anyway with it only being 1st party)) offers much more inthe way of new experiences. Just seems like aflame argument.


As for smash bros. no NE has played it. We've been shown a trailer and a little multiplayer action. Are we really judging it based on that?


Do forgive lol but you could say that I see room for improvement in many areas of everything Wiiu/Nintendo and I'm squirting it all out at once. :D


But as a Nintendo gamer, I concur with you. Which be why I said I just couldn't play an Xbox or PS... As in buy and own it. But I do see noticable improvements in their graphics department and I didn't think expect that so soon since tgeir visuals were already cool. They improved their already-ideal-online and done something cool with it (merging single player and multiplayer and all that jazz).

There were tons of shooters, but they differed in story and concept, similar to how Nintendo's wave of side-scrollers and party games differ to each other.

Not only that, I saw different games/attempts from Sony & MS with different graphic styles. Ninty seems to be all joke. Third party of course you'll see the more realistic styles like your Watch Dog's (which looks like a hacking version of GTA... I was intrigued at first) and CoD (which seriously isn't my type of shooter).


Battlefield 4 sounded Umazing (64 players online? Did i hear correctly? :o ), DESTINY, and there were a few other decent shooters with respects to story, concept and gameplay. But you are still using a normal controlpad and I ain't super psyched for those games as I would be for Nintendo's first party software (hell yes to Destiny), but if I haf THOSE options then they would be waaay more welcomed tjan your stale CoD's or GTA clone (not a fan of GTa lol).


But yeah, I am judging all 3 evenly but, to be a fair non-fanboy, i personally see more effort and heart.... More oomph on Sony and MS consoles. But that is just me. Not arguing or nothing haha. I only argue when somebody thinks they can beat me on a game anf.even then I will offer them a seat and a controller. I'd fuxk u up on kart and.conduit Dazzy.

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Surely not. thought it was awful. That guy said he was lucky to have two consoles the Xbox and the ps he didn't want a third, well why pick those two? 90% of the software is identical, the Wii u had more exclusive games than any other console. Just retarded. Same old 3rd party bullshit, why? Nntendo are more successful out of gaming than any other company on the planet, how does this equate to them going 3rd party but Microsoft who have lost billions and billions not, same with Sony.


Not happy with Nintendo, fair enough, but this 3rd party stuff baffles me. Soy have a absolute disaster on their hands with the vita... How come no one says they should make mobile games? Ps3 is their least successful console and they lost a lot of money on it. No one knows how the ps4 is going to do. Nntendo have just had two of the best selling consoles of ALL TIME, the 3ds is on track to do phenomenally well and the Wii u has just started out... Blows my mind that these guys are PAID to write about the games industry.

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Quite a damning verdict on Nintendo's E3 over at Gametrailers.


Kind of echos how I felt.


Even the day of their E3 Nintendo Direct, it was quite clear they weren't impressed at all. In the after show they were only being nice because they knew Nintendo fans were watching and they'd just interviewed Reggie. They quite clearly think the Wii U is the walking dead at this point.

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Surely not. thought it was awful. That guy said he was lucky to have two consoles the Xbox and the ps he didn't want a third, well why pick those two? 90% of the software is identical, the Wii u had more exclusive games than any other console. Just retarded. Same old 3rd party bullshit, why? Nntendo are more successful out of gaming than any other company on the planet, how does this equate to them going 3rd party but Microsoft who have lost billions and billions not, same with Sony.


Not happy with Nintendo, fair enough, but this 3rd party stuff baffles me. Soy have a absolute disaster on their hands with the vita... How come no one says they should make mobile games? Ps3 is their least successful console and they lost a lot of money on it. No one knows how the ps4 is going to do. Nntendo have just had two of the best selling consoles of ALL TIME, the 3ds is on track to do phenomenally well and the Wii u has just started out... Blows my mind that these guys are PAID to write about the games industry.


Basically everything I've said in the last two pages which I managed to fit in in between my cold and calculated social assassination pastime.


I liked how the ratty looking one in the middle had a go at Iwata for not being there! Yep. Then the fat one with Reebok Pumps chimed in that there was nothing they showed that looked like a must play... ... I'd love to know what fucking games he seen that no one else did.


expletive expletive expletive expletive expletive expletive. :blank:


Even the day of their E3 Nintendo Direct, it was quite clear they weren't impressed at all. In the after show they were only being nice because they knew Nintendo fans were watching and they'd just interviewed Reggie. They quite clearly think the Wii U is the walking dead at this point.


Yes, I noticed the two-faced attitudes. Nintendo ragging is most enjoyable when people aren't around to provide an intelligent healthy logical counter argument. We have an alternative Wii U thread for that.

Edited by madeinbeats
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I have to wonder, if the Developer Directs were part of the E3 Direct, similar to how developers present the games at MS and Sony's conferences, would people have been less disillusioned?


I would much rather Nintendo have padded out the main direct with at least snippets of the developer directs interwoven with them. The reveals were rather fast and furious and I like a little bit more depth explaining how things play - especially for a new 3D Mario!

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Just watched the Bonus Round from GameTrailers. Seriously, what is wrong with these gaming journalists? They say Nintendo should go on mobile? Do they not realise that mobile cannot properly do the games Nintendo does. How can you do a 3D Zelda or 2D Mario on a pure touchscreen platform. They also negate the fact that if they were to go third party, they'd have to scale back their output. We'd never get the smaller franchises again


As a journalist, it sickens me that they ignore facts just to follow their agenda. Yes, I admit I am a big Nintendo fan, but I do point out when they screw up and they DID NOT screw up. They provided the heavy hitters, as they promised, but no...people wanted other heavy hitters, ones that don't actually bloody sell.


They also complained that too much was known beforehand, well guess what...that also happened on Sony and MS's conferences, with less than a handful of games being announced there.


The "I love Nintendo games but I'm not buying a third console" thing is just ridiculous, as well.


I wish I was there just so I could bring the facts to people -_-

Edited by Serebii
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Just watched the Bonus Round from GameTrailers. Seriously, what is wrong with these gaming journalists? They say Nintendo should go on mobile? Do they not realise that mobile cannot properly do the games Nintendo does. How can you do a 3D Zelda or 2D Mario on a pure touchscreen platform. They also negate the fact that if they were to go third party, they'd have to scale back their output. We'd never get the smaller franchises again


As a journalist, it sickens me that they ignore facts just to follow their agenda. Yes, I admit I am a big Nintendo fan, but I do point out when they screw up and they DID NOT screw up. They provided the heavy hitters, as they promised, but no...people wanted other heavy hitters, ones that don't actually bloody sell.


They also complained that too much was known beforehand, well guess what...that also happened on Sony and MS's conferences, with less than a handful of games being announced there.


The "I love Nintendo games but I'm not buying a third console" thing is just ridiculous, as well.


I wish I was there just so I could bring the facts to people -_-


You're actually spot on with this.


Nintendo brought the big hitters that shift consoles. 3D Mario, Mario Kart, DK and Smash. The only game they lacked that I really think they need right now is Wii Sports U ONLINE - a true all singing all dancing Wii Sports sequel.


The other thing you're right about is the franchises I would love to see on Wii U - Battalion Wars, Metroid and StarFox are NOT system sellers. Great games, but not the mega hits they need to push consoles out.


Finally, on the issue of mobile games, going mobile would ruin Nintendo. Mobile gaming for serious games is nearly always awful. Touch screen only controls are appalling and worse still consumers buy $1 games and use them are throw away purchases. I don't think the depth of a Nintendo release would every be fully appreciated or even realised using this model. Even if Nintendo just chose to release their classic line-up on iPhone and Android I can't imagine the hell of playing classics like SMB3 without proper buttons!


If Nintendo made one mistake at E3 it's that Mario Kart isn't going to be ready for Christmas.

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You're actually spot on with this.


Nintendo brought the big hitters that shift consoles. 3D Mario, Mario Kart, DK and Smash. The only game they lacked that I really think they need right now is Wii Sports U ONLINE - a true all singing all dancing Wii Sports sequel.


The other thing you're right about is the franchises I would love to see on Wii U - Battalion Wars, Metroid and StarFox are NOT system sellers. Great games, but not the mega hits they need to push consoles out.


Finally, on the issue of mobile games, going mobile would ruin Nintendo. Mobile gaming for serious games is nearly always awful. Touch screen only controls are appalling and worse still consumers buy $1 games and use them are throw away purchases. I don't think the depth of a Nintendo release would every be fully appreciated or even realised using this model. Even if Nintendo just chose to release their classic line-up on iPhone and Android I can't imagine the hell of playing classics like SMB3 without proper buttons!


If Nintendo made one mistake at E3 it's that Mario Kart isn't going to be ready for Christmas.


Not forgetting 30% of revenue goes to Apple. Why would Nintendo do that.


I dont understand people that claim to love nintendo games but bitch about having to buy a nintendo console to play them.

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