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Animal Crossing: New Leaf: Friend Codes and Meetups thread!


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Ok guys, anyone who has the Dream Suite please help a mayor out. There's one fossil somewhere in my town, but I have no idea where! For obvious reasons, I don't want to cut down my trees just to find it, so that's where you dreamers would come in handy. Just axe the whole place down and tell me where you found it (just tested the dream tools, they seem to be indestructible). Thanks a bunch.


My dream address: 7700-2190-8147


Press up on the d-pad to change the view. Trees that are close to you will disappear letting you see what's behind them.


I need to visit a town that has turnip prices higher than 109.

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Press up on the d-pad to change the view. Trees that are close to you will disappear letting you see what's behind them.


I need to visit a town that has turnip prices higher than 109.


I got 128 atm.


Yeah, its Isabelle who is asking me to water the plants but has not given me watering can


Hmm, did you ask her advice on everything? Did you have one and lose/sell it? Nonetheless Leif has one today, I'll buy it and hold onto it for you.


Anyone with the Bell Boom ordinance be kind enough to let me come sell a ton of crap in their town today?

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I got 128 atm.




Hmm, did you ask her advice on everything? Did you have one and lose/sell it? Nonetheless Leif has one today, I'll buy it and hold onto it for you.


Anyone with the Bell Boom ordinance be kind enough to let me come sell a ton of crap in their town today?


I have bell boom. Can I visit your town too to sell my turnips? Also, do I get more money if I sell perfect fruit in other people's towns?


By the way, I wish more people announced if they have high prices for turnips. With so many players surely some have had 200+ prices? Highest I have seen in my town was in the range of 120-130.

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Can do, but not right now as I've only just gone island. You do indeed get more money for perfect fruit in another town, IF it isn't their native fruit.


I'll post here in a bit to let you know if/when you can come over. I think my postings of this on facebook have convinced Marcamillian to buy a 3DS/this though and he's due to pop round soon. I'll post and mention you here though, def get those turnips sold for you before end of day.

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I'm getting error :(


My 3ds doesn't seem to like your town :(


I'll keep tryin!


Ahh that was my kitchens doing I think.


@david\.dakota I have bought a can but you're not my friend :(


Hmm, getting a number of comms errors tonight, not usual for me. Anyone else been having similar?

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I have this now!!! How do i work out my friend code so y'all can add me?


On the bottom screen on your 3DS (while at the Home Screen) there is an orange square on the top row. Click it, this will take you to the friends list. The first friend on your friends list is you, there it gives you your very own Friend Code (FC).


After that post your FC here;

http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30062&page=21 The 3DS Console codes or in this thread. In fact post in both, why not.

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Anyone got a golden axe I could borrow?


Can you remind me how you got the golden stuff originally?


Trying to lay a path round my town but I've now broke all my axes...


Are they still annoying tiles people can pick up? Less of an issue with R being run, but still...

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Il check any Friend requests in an hour or so :)


Just fyi, you gotta still do it all manual on the 3ds. So someone gets your code, adds you, lets you know, you add them back etc. No actual notification on either side by the system. Yes, it is still retarded. I will, however, add you at some point later on.

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...sorry Deathlord, I can't connect to your town.




I'm searching for Blue furniture set and sapphires. Anyone has one of these or can order them? :)

I only have blue bench and blue blue dresser yet.

Edited by Thiophen
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