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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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Just to re-iterate - from where I stand a half reveal did more good for the mafia than it did for the town; a full reveal was necessary to explain it for the greater benefit. And sure, nobody ASKED for it as I myself have already said, but nobody seemed to take the hint - YOU especially. Peeps got it. That's why I lay the blame at your feet. You want to push it, you take the consequences. Assuming I even live to protect anyone, you aren't getting it tonight.


I'd be lying if I said you weren't pissing me off right now.


Let's go back and see what happened shall we.


Conversation went dead and this day HASN'T ENDED YET, WHY IS IT STILL GOOOING?

Right, I've gone through the thread and I've decided to look at one or two more avenues.


@Magnus Peterson, you mentioned you prevented someone from reaching their target. What did this do exactly? Swap the targets? Role block?


@Rummy, I've been through this thread and although you've spoken, you haven't actually said much. What did you do for night 1 and 2? Who were your targets?


@Sprout, what did you do for Night 2? You've been quiet.


@Tales, even if you didn't reach a target/do anything, can you give us any kind of info about yourself? It's an easy mafia ploy to say that "I didn't do anything" so early into the game, so anything really would help.


@Cube, I don't seem to have much down for you either. Targets?


@heroicjanitor, targets?


So, I mentioned the people who hadn't seemed to give anything tangible. Fair questions, I might add, which @DuD backed me up on.


I've said a fair bit where relevant to the discussions, I haven't given much of myself because it hasn't been necessary. Feel free to try and pressure me to do so now, but it won't work, and won't be of much benefit either.


Even just a target for night 1 or 2? Nobody is talking about pressure, but what am I curious about is what people have been doing so far.




That's one way of looking at it, but if we can start narrowing down possibilities, it'll become evident who the mafia are. Plus, if one or two people do get nightkilled, as least it will give the rest some basis or starting point in which to continue their investigations.


It just seems a bit of a cop out to say you're worried about the mafia.


Right, now that is important because I didn't ask you for everything. I asked you for something. I've mentioned things about myself that are useful to others (to prove that I am town), Animal is putting himself out there, as it Marca, DuD, etc.


At this point, I was also certain it was me being nightkilled, but it would at least give the town something to look at over the next few days.


Yeah even that. Think about what you're asking for.


If you knew, would it help? What would it do? Trust me, if it had been relevant thus far, I'd have said.


If everyone had that mindset, nothing would get revealed and we would find out nothing. Slowly, we'd all get killed by mafia and we'd be lynching none of them because we had no info to go on.


Fuck it, someone else can ask the questions. I'm bored.


This part is also important, because it's me essentially say "somebody else start asking questions, I'm done". Which, you can see is evident if you go back through the thread on the page.


Look at Sprout's post above. See, we've now got something extra to look at that we didn't have before. It allows us to start crossing off who we think is town and who could potentially be mafia. Plus, it gives us an indication of who might need investigating, protecting, etc.


So, I don't really like it being referred to as "finding out for no reason" because there is a reason to it. To win the game.


It may feel like myself and Animal are looking hard at information or people, but only because a lot of people haven't been incredibly forthcoming. We've had 2 townies dead, quite a bit of vague information which needs clarifying and some people just aren't saying anything at all. If the mafia kill again tonight, that will now be 3 townies. Will people stay just as silent then?


This was all said in reply to The Peeps. Not you, Rummy. I had already finished speaking to you about your role.


Just to point out one more thing and then I'll shut up, I totally understand why you wouldn't want to give away certain things. For example, it might draw suspicion onto you if you are town. But, the alternative is that you need to gain trust and I don't really see any reason to trust certain people yet.


@Magnus Peterson, you also mentioned a note earlier. Is that a note only one person can see? Also, just mentioning you because Sprout forgot to. :D


Me outlining the pros and cons before speaking to Magnus Peterson about his role. I've underlined the important bit. Also, I stopped replying and pointing, as I did say "I'll shut up." Which I did. Meaning the so called "pressure" had stopped.


At this point, YOU could have chosen to do nothing. YOU could have just let the conversation go over to somebody else or for the thread to go dead.


This is what YOU did.



Of course, you don't. But maybe I see fit to keep my info under wraps for now, knowing it might benefit in the longer run? You'd actually be suprised with how much I've said in the thread so far, plus on relevant discussions I've quite freely said more than most others(that I haven't targetted x person and y person, or that my role isn't related to my forum name, or the fact I have no ties to other people in my role...I think I even said something else; but I won't re-draw attention to that now ;)). I understand the issues of the trust etc, but you also have to consider there has only been two nights so far - in a normal game would you expect so much from everyone so soon?


But how's about this. How's about I tell you what I do, it leads to me dying, and you lose a valuble asset? I mean, I could be mafia bluffing - or that could genuinely be the case. Of course now, from highlighting how reluctant I've been to actually say enough about my character - I might have anyway become a mafia target and you'll never get any useful info I might have garnered in the two nights so far. Luckily I don't gather info really(success or fail), and anything relevant is hopefully in the thread, but yeah. Just consider if I turn up dead in the morning tomorrow @Fierce_LiNk, that that might just be on your head now.


(all of a sudden i feel like the last gents all over again...)


Nothing is on my head. I asked for something. You initially relented, and there wasn't this tremendous so-called pressure. Nobody FORCED you to give your info, just like nobody FORCED me to give my info. You over-reacted and you've got another thing coming if you think I'm going to allow you to pin your misgivings on me. I asked you a legitimate question, to which you went completely overboard.


Look at Diageo. People have asked him info and he hasn't thrown a paddy. He hasn't given EVERYTHING about himself. Yes, this is an indepth reply, but it warrants it because you have been unreasonable.

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A full role reveal was sooo not needed. Peeps couldn't possibly have got your role from just magical flavour (i believe Animal said this?.. someone did anyway and i agree).


You need to have some faith in someone otherwise you'll spend the game not trusting anyone.. I put my faith in Flink after he gave something. I didn't know his character/role/power or anything, just a target. I had a hunch from his post and acted how i saw fit. He now knows my power and a trust begins to build.

We'll see sooner or later whether my hunch was right or not?!


How can you have faith in anyone without knowing a single thing about them? How can anyone trust someone that on Day[end game - 1] is still going "i'm not giving a thing, i'm too important for that"..

I'm not saying we're that far into this game, but we've had it in the past with people trying to give absolutely nothing all game.


And i know you've dropped hints, but when a hint is that subtle no-one will notice it, is it really a hint? especially when theres 'eths' left right and center

My nod to Flink was pretty much a sledgehammer to the face and he still nearly missed it. I almost had to spell it out to him..


Basically.. its shit you felt you had to do a full role reveal, but if you want trust in a game based on info you have to give a little to gain a little.

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To be honest, I have no idea if my character is new or not... I don't really remember much/anything from the previous games. =(


It has left me quite confused at times in this game, especially when people start claiming names etc.

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I'd be lying if I said you weren't pissing me off right now.


Let's go back and see what happened shall we.



Right, now that is important because I didn't ask you for everything. I asked you for something. I've mentioned things about myself that are useful to others (to prove that I am town), Animal is putting himself out there, as it Marca, DuD, etc.


Oh no, *I'm* pissing you off? I already address your entire post with my last post. I'll requote it, give me a decent answer to it and then you can get all up on your mafia high horse.


Brah, you're going to make me weep with tears. This wasn't done to make you ultimately go kamikaze. Just some more discussion. (which I guess is what has happened)


Anyway, I think the game is up with ReZ. Not really seeing much of a defence.

It wasn't done to...but if you look at what I've provided(everything I have, from my point of view) - what tidbit would you have revealed to ensure people trust you? When you're a protector and a lynch is so far off? I already, assuming his words true, KNOW ReZ failed to target Cube who I protected - nobody else said anything close to the mark.


I also know that, last night, ReZ failed once again! What if he targetted Marcamillian? And he's mafia? That's pegged me right for death right there. I reveal those two targets to the town, it's meaningless - for the mafia they know I might be their obstruction. To reveal it in part gives the dastardly nothing, but the queen's allies everything potentially. This WAS my exact point in my previous life as a much better gentleman; exact info serves the mafia better than the town as they are more privileged.



As much as you'll bitch and moan that I'm bitching and moaning - consider my entire case and tell me...what info would you have had me reveal, other than everything?


So yeah, sure, be pissed off. But answer my question instead of bitching about it - given that you now have my entire character, case, and information - what tidbits would you have revealed to satisfy yourself for the questions you asked and felt happy about? A target for n1, or n2? Given it wasn't open discussion - it's more risk mafia understand it than town. They know more than us. What happens if I reveal, they realise I protect AND potentially know, and kill me? That's where my full reveal has to come in, a half makes more suspicion on me.


You think you were gonna die(for what I don't even know), just feel happy I'll probably take that hit for you now that everyone knows what I does.

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Oh yeah, that's true! OK well how about a role call. People say whether their character is new or not. Not a whole bunch of information, but enough to have something to talk about, and not too painful to give away. Extra suspicion for those that abstain.


I'll start - mine is new, though in a way related to an existing character.

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Oh, and I didn't feel pressured. I told you I wouldn't; I chose to for my own satisfaction. We all know if I wanted to hold out in a Gent's, I'd easily do so ;)


^^ for the FORCED argument. You didn't FORCE me, but as far as I see it with what I know, it's all or nothing. Halfway reveals more for mafia than for town; jeez. It ain't even science.


Can we try to keep personal feelings out of this game? :blank:


FUCK YOU PEEPS I HATE YOU. Also I think you're a g maff scumnag.

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A question for all who have been paying attention: are all the names from old Gentlemens mafia games? Are there any new ones? If so, how many of each?


Don't be dense, and stop asking stupid questions. It's been answered, no they're not, and I'm sure despite your apparent not paying attention, you already know the answer. You're so mafia!

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I would just like to say that whilst Rummy did reveal off his own back I can see why he did it.


People miss these subtle hints because they arn't looking for them, they scan posts for facts. Facts. Facts. Facts.


Something set down in stone that they act on. If the person is mafia - whoopie. If not lynch the person that provided the incorrect information.


I'm a player that really enjoys layering stuff in. That little thrill of seeing people pick up on stuff. That little nod of acknowledgement is where that is half of the enjoyment of the game for me. Being requested at every juncture to confirm and re confirm makes me die a little inside.



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A full role reveal was sooo not needed. Peeps couldn't possibly have got your role from just magical flavour (i believe Animal said this?.. someone did anyway and i agree).


You need to have some faith in someone otherwise you'll spend the game not trusting anyone.. I put my faith in Flink after he gave something. I didn't know his character/role/power or anything, just a target. I had a hunch from his post and acted how i saw fit. He now knows my power and a trust begins to build.

We'll see sooner or later whether my hunch was right or not?!


How can you have faith in anyone without knowing a single thing about them? How can anyone trust someone that on Day[end game - 1] is still going "i'm not giving a thing, i'm too important for that"..

I'm not saying we're that far into this game, but we've had it in the past with people trying to give absolutely nothing all game.


And i know you've dropped hints, but when a hint is that subtle no-one will notice it, is it really a hint? especially when theres 'eths' left right and center

My nod to Flink was pretty much a sledgehammer to the face and he still nearly missed it. I almost had to spell it out to him..


Basically.. its shit you felt you had to do a full role reveal, but if you want trust in a game based on info you have to give a little to gain a little.


I never even said he 'got my role' I said I thought he claimed similar, I call your post as bullshit too! I think you are the mafia! As for needing to have faith in someone, what is that even saying? what IS that? Who or what am I supposed to have faith in! This is the sort of bullshit post saying something without saying anything at all! Mafia isn't about 'putting your faith in someone' it's about deciding you DON'T put your faith in someone! We're all town until proven otherwise. You assume everyone good, until you have reason to think otherwise!




I still solely blame @Fierce_LiNk for me death.

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I would just like to say that whilst Rummy did reveal off his own back I can see why he did it.


People miss these subtle hints because they arn't looking for them, they scan posts for facts. Facts. Facts. Facts.


Something set down in stone that they act on. If the person is mafia - whoopie. If not lynch the person that provided the incorrect information.


I'm a player that really enjoys layering stuff in. That little thrill of seeing people pick up on stuff. That little nod of acknowledgement is where that is half of the enjoyment of the game for me. Being requested at every juncture to confirm and re confirm makes me die a little inside.




This is not as poetic as I hoped. Son, I am disappoint.




the important thing is how many are old and how many are new. It's a theory innit



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I don't what what you're talking about, sprout. Dreams? I know nothing of any dreams.


My PM tells me that I put someone unconscious, on their trip to the target.

Also, the 'note' was not in my PM but written up in the night write-up - pretty much for all to see.


I am beginning to become suspicious of Sprout and Dud.


Once I have re-read the thread, I'll see about voting for Rez.

Ah, well you mentioned dreams in your previous post. I guess it was just fancy talk in the end. I just thought it was a contradiction of sorts and felt like it should be pointed out is all, my bad.


Oh, er, I think I'm a new character. Though with this being a Court of Miracles consisting of evil characters, I don't think it's too surprising to see a bunch of newcomers. Jonnas ain't lazy. =P

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I am focusing on the fact of whether or not players are new names or old. It makes people commit to statements and could potentially lead to patterns and further discussion*.


*discussion, definition: A conversation that may take place in both lower and upper case.


Aye Sprout! What I'm thinking is that there are only a few characters from the previous games around, and they may have something in common...

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Oh no, *I'm* pissing you off? I already address your entire post with my last post. I'll requote it, give me a decent answer to it and then you can get all up on your mafia high horse.


I'm not on a high horse. You're the one throwing a hissy fit.


So yeah, sure, be pissed off. But answer my question instead of bitching about it - given that you now have my entire character, case, and information - what tidbits would you have revealed to satisfy yourself for the questions you asked and felt happy about? A target for n1, or n2? Given it wasn't open discussion - it's more risk mafia understand it than town. They know more than us. What happens if I reveal, they realise I protect AND potentially know, and kill me? That's where my full reveal has to come in, a half makes more suspicion on me.


What would I have wanted? A little something, anything, to let me know that you were on our side. Something about your personality (like I did when I said I was a con artist), a target for one of the two nights would have been fine, or something that alluded to that. You didn't have to name your target directly. That's up for you to decide. Also, maybe it would have been ok to have some suspicion on you, because the mafia wouldn't kill you off since you're taking some of the heat off them for a bit.


You think you were gonna die(for what I don't even know), just feel happy I'll probably take that hit for you now that everyone knows what I does.


Seriously, the tone for some of your posts is awful. Maybe the fact that I've been consistently giving out good information about my character, revealing my power, revealing my voting power, questioning people and putting ideas out there. You know, playing the game rather than sitting in the shadows worrying about being killed off in it.


As for me, my character is new, but it does have a link to a previous character in the previous game. It's humour, rather than anything particularly important.

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You were saying people could guarentee that you were a protector. Bollocks could they.. you hurled your rattle without need. Pointless.


Now we're with Rummy's classic.. "you don't agree with me? YOU'RE THE MAFIA". All town start with no clue as to who anyone is, i don't know whether you're town or otherwise.. unless your mafia you don't know what alignment i hold. It is simply possible for 2 townies to have a difference of opinion. ONE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE MAFIA.


You start the game having no trust in anyone as town. you don't assume everyone's good as a townie. Again, you stating the opposite is utter shite.. especially having seen you play.

Everyone is mafia and people slowly prove themselves.. through general play, hints, info e.t.c


The faith i'm refering to is making the decision (you talk about) without having 100% certainty that the decision is right. The only people who know their decisions are right are Mafia. So there most definately IS having faith.


I'm in an argumentative mood today.. anymore?


^Everyone is assumed Mafia

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What would I have wanted?


Jeeeeeeeez. I don't know if I have to ask it for a third time(actually I do know, and yes, I do).


I didn't ask what you would have WANTED. I asked, and I'll quote the quote the quote the quote the quote;


given that you now have my entire character, case, and information - what tidbits would you have revealed to satisfy yourself for the questions you asked and felt happy about?


I don't care what you WANTED. I ask that now you know all about my entire character, case, and information - what would you have revealed to your own questions asked of me and felt happy about?


Cmon now, it ain't rocket science. It's a straightforward question, just try answering it!

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