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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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I'll mention this now, and it can apply to all future instances; I will not offer any response to this type of reasoning, unless I feel that in a particular instance, there is value in it.


Assume that if I ignore it, it is intentional.

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ReZ, my only encounter with you in Mafia was the first Mafia I ever played. You said barely anything and went completely inactive, and you got lynched as a result (we were both Mafia and were still making you target people, which someone found out). I was pretty naffed off by that performance.


I don't know whether your inactivity now is because you're Mafia or that you don't give Mafia games as much time these days, but you're really not doing yourself any favours by being quiet. I know E3 is on at the moment but ca'maaan.


Ok. I'm not going to lecture you, just because you don't seem to learn. Have you ever looked at any games you've played though, and seen how active the mafia have really been? Despite when *I* was mafia, and having spouted constantly before that silence is a mafia tactic, you took your time on me.


I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying...you're probably wrong. Look through all the games you've played - you'll find the majority of the mafia are the quietest folk in the game.


I also highly advise you against making an associations between Flink and Eenuh's characters. Whilst Jonnas last time make them King and Queen; it's less reason he'll do it now - regardless of whether they live together or not. Players know the rules, adhering to them is their responsibility not the GM's; I think he'd take the risk knowing that the players would play in the sport of the game inform him if they gave it away.

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I can't make the choice for the town, but I wanted to sit on it because I know both Peeps and ReZ are top class and will easily refute it this early on. However, I did wonder if I'd die, and came out with it. I leave it only in the hands of all others, and note that suddenly ReZ, Peeps, and Yvonne somewhat are all out of the woodwork with their names mentioned as suspicious. I however never hid in silence, despite easily being able to do so.


Welleth, I come out of the woodwork due to Eth of 3eth which consumed me the past twenty four hours.


ReZ, my only encounter with you in Mafia was the first Mafia I ever played. You said barely anything and went completely inactive, and you got lynched as a result (we were both Mafia and were still making you target people, which someone found out). I was pretty naffed off by that performance.


I don't know whether your inactivity now is because you're Mafia or that you don't give Mafia games as much time these days, but you're really not doing yourself any favours by being quiet. I know E3 is on at the moment but ca'maaan.


I have not been inactive? Am Ieth missing something? We are on day 3 and I'm about middle of the road in list of activity. Shall we tarnish anyone below me as guilty? i.e. 10 people?

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I'll mention this now, and it can apply to all future instances; I will not offer any response to this type of reasoning, unless I feel that in a particular instance, there is value in it.


Assume that if I ignore it, it is intentional.


What type of reasoning?

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I haven't really had all that much to add or suspect one what people have been saying.....didn't particularly feel anything on strong on what anyone has said, particularly the Diageo/Animal/whatnot accusations, I've offered MY OWN information on targets, I've answered questions NOT directed at me, I've answered questions directed at me and I have offered my own suspicions. Seriously, whats with the piling on me?




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I have not been inactive? Am Ieth missing something? We are on day 3 and I'm about middle of the road in list of activity. Shall we tarnish anyone below me as guilty? i.e. 10 people?


Below ignores equality, you may be equally inactive as 9 other people. You're all as guilty. I cba to count posts again, but it doesn't matter. Cos you're mafia. I'd bet my rum on it.


Guess Flink did well after all to move the discussion along! I'd wonder though, will ReZ and his cronies kill me tonight knowing I can protect, or will they go for someone else?


"Funny that you are active after I mentioned you by name". I'm not going to give that any time.


Why not? The guilty leap to their defence when accused. You've done just that. You can say you 'wont give that' but it's exactly the case.

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Sprout's post? Isn't that about Magnus Peterson, not Rummy? =\


I didn't say it was about Rummy. The point was that due to Sprout now being active, we were exploring a new avenue that had otherwise been unexplored.


Of course, you don't. But maybe I see fit to keep my info under wraps for now, knowing it might benefit in the longer run?


To this I would have said what I said in my previous post, which was: I totally understand why you wouldn't want to give away certain things. For example, it might draw suspicion onto you if you are town. But, the alternative is that you need to gain trust and I don't really see any reason to trust certain people yet.


You'd actually be suprised with how much I've said in the thread so far, plus on relevant discussions I've quite freely said more than most others(that I haven't targetted x person and y person, or that my role isn't related to my forum name, or the fact I have no ties to other people in my role...I think I even said something else; but I won't re-draw attention to that now ;)). I understand the issues of the trust etc, but you also have to consider there has only been two nights so far - in a normal game would you expect so much from everyone so soon?


But how's about this. How's about I tell you what I do, it leads to me dying, and you lose a valuble asset? I mean, I could be mafia bluffing - or that could genuinely be the case. Of course now, from highlighting how reluctant I've been to actually say enough about my character - I might have anyway become a mafia target and you'll never get any useful info I might have garnered in the two nights so far. Luckily I don't gather info really(success or fail), and anything relevant is hopefully in the thread, but yeah. Just consider if I turn up dead in the morning tomorrow @Fierce_LiNk, that that might just be on your head now.


(all of a sudden i feel like the last gents all over again...)


Well, that escalated quickly.

You're being very over-dramatic and melodramatic. All we asked for was a target and maybe a bit of info. Nobody is asking you to reveal every aspect of your character. It was worth asking because you were seeing fit to pass judgement on others (you weren't the only one, I said this) and weren't really giving anything tangible of your own. The rest is you throwing a hissy fit.


By all rights, this day should have been over anyway and we shouldn't be at this point.


Here you go @Fierce_LiNk, I'll give you a full reveal and see where that gets everyone. Since you insist. I hate playing a game when people insist on being so dense.


Fucking hell, Rummy. Nobody asked you for a full fucking reveal. This is just you throwing a hissy fit.


I am the magician, Gavin Isaacs, previously chairdriver in other games. I've been constantly referencing magic for my later reveal, but I'll do it now instead.


As for what I do, I protect people from negative things by hiding them with my illusions, so well fucking done to the geniuses insisting I give you my information. No, I didn't have to do a role reveal; but if my following theories are right - my targets risk more harm than good.


I protects roleblocks and redirects essentially, no kills. On N1 I protected Cube, and was told that someone tried to interfere with him and I succeeded. The person I see this as being is ReZourceman(you'll note my question to him to ascertain his target early on). By association of The Peeps supposedly doing the same thing and protecting ReZ, and by most their unnoticed exchange of the beginning of the day - I feel they're both mafia. I said earlier it was baseless, it was not. My target last night was Marcamillian - I was informed of nothing so assume I was successful but also that nobody tried anything foul on him.


RE: that exchange - To me, the following was so paper thin mafia I'm suprised no one else suspected it. Peeps didn't even mention ReZ but he responded in the tide of posts. Why would The Peeps come out as a protector so quickly, so early, on the opening of Day 2? Why would the protected confirm it so quickly? I highly suspect the both of them of being mafia; they have been rather quiet relative to most - and I stand by my standard that silence is the tactic of the mafia.







This was admittedly a convuluted link of me, but I was referring to the fact you've been constantly asking for protection.


So anyway, there you have it. That's my info, that's what I have. It could easily be wrong, and The Peeps and ReZ are both top players who will argue their way around it, however they're on my list as being at least two of the mafia. As for the rest, I suspect Diageo, maybe Yvonne, maybe even Fierce Link himself. DuD was quite quick to vote for me. Tbh, this list ain't worth shit.



However, given I *know* he tried to do something dastardly to Cube on N1 - I'll place my Vote:ReZourceman. I wanted to sit on this all a bit longer, but I can't stand the stupidity of everyone. Except The Peeps, that is - he got it, but that's what's worried me into revealing.




W'll see about this later now won't we. It's day fucking 2, of a huge game - a few town deaths to allow more night info gathering is nothing bad. Good luck doing it without protection for your roleblocks and re-directs, though.



Jesus, you whine like a mule.


Anyway, sorry if you felt pressured, but if you go back and read it I'm sure you'll see that isn't what I was trying to do at all.


And what do you know, suddenly people are out of the woodwork and talking. Who would have thought it. The game has opened up now.


Based on your intel, I'm going to Vote: ReZ.

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Fucking hell, Rummy. Nobody asked you for a full fucking reveal. This is just you throwing a hissy fit.


Just to re-iterate - from where I stand a half reveal did more good for the mafia than it did for the town; a full reveal was necessary to explain it for the greater benefit. And sure, nobody ASKED for it as I myself have already said, but nobody seemed to take the hint - YOU especially. Peeps got it. That's why I lay the blame at your feet. You want to push it, you take the consequences. Assuming I even live to protect anyone, you aren't getting it tonight.

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Ok. I'm not going to lecture you, just because you don't seem to learn. Have you ever looked at any games you've played though, and seen how active the mafia have really been? Despite when *I* was mafia, and having spouted constantly before that silence is a mafia tactic, you took your time on me.


I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying...you're probably wrong. Look through all the games you've played - you'll find the majority of the mafia are the quietest folk in the game.


I also highly advise you against making an associations between Flink and Eenuh's characters. Whilst Jonnas last time make them King and Queen; it's less reason he'll do it now - regardless of whether they live together or not. Players know the rules, adhering to them is their responsibility not the GM's; I think he'd take the risk knowing that the players would play in the sport of the game inform him if they gave it away.


- I am agreeing with you silly, that the Mafia are likely the quiet ones

- I would bet a considerable sum that Eenuh and Link aren't Mafia. Whether you agree with my beliefs about game design isn't really important.

- Don't claim people don't learn after role revealing on D3 when you weren't even pressured.

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I've already made my downfall. There's little left for me to lose but my life in the night, something I willingly lay down! If I shall not get ALONG, I shall get out!


Brah, you're going to make me weep with tears. This wasn't done to make you ultimately go kamikaze. Just some more discussion. (which I guess is what has happened)


Anyway, I think the game is up with ReZ. Not really seeing much of a defence.

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My argument is...in a mafia, who would YOU kill first if you were mafia?


Of course, it assumes a competent mafia, and one who knows what ReZ are capable off. I'm sure I mentioned smart/right plays earlier on already.

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Brah, you're going to make me weep with tears. This wasn't done to make you ultimately go kamikaze. Just some more discussion. (which I guess is what has happened)


Anyway, I think the game is up with ReZ. Not really seeing much of a defence.


It wasn't done to...but if you look at what I've provided(everything I have, from my point of view) - what tidbit would you have revealed to ensure people trust you? When you're a protector and a lynch is so far off? I already, assuming his words true, KNOW ReZ failed to target Cube who I protected - nobody else said anything close to the mark.


I also know that, last night, ReZ failed once again! What if he targetted Marcamillian? And he's mafia? That's pegged me right for death right there. I reveal those two targets to the town, it's meaningless - for the mafia they know I might be their obstruction. To reveal it in part gives the dastardly nothing, but the queen's allies everything potentially. This WAS my exact point in my previous life as a much better gentleman; exact info serves the mafia better than the town as they are more privileged.



As much as you'll bitch and moan that I'm bitching and moaning - consider my entire case and tell me...what info would you have had me reveal, other than everything?

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First I would kill someone random, then someone who was threatening. That is not merely a function of who they are - it includes their perceived power, any claims, post count, what they're asking, what relationship they have with other players. Plus killing off the best players first encourages poor play :D

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