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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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I'd still like to off Peeps at some point, but tbh given his absolute crap activity I'm just gonna vote:heroicjanitor.


Excuse me? How exactly do I have crap activity? Just because I hadn't made a post this day phase before your first post? I'm the third highest poster in this game behind yourself and Dannyboy. I don't know why you have such a huge grudge on me this game. Also how is not being active a reason NOT to vote for someone? You are so inconsistent :confused:


Also you don't even give a reason to vote for heroicjanitor. I'd like to get to the bottom of the situation on night 2 too... @Marcamillian what exactly did you get on Rummy and how reliable is it? It's not enough to accuse over and over, it's only your word against his at the moment.


*** Or was the crap activity aimed at heroicjanitor? In which case I apologise :p


I missed the 'but' in your post so I'm expecting to look like a fool when you reply :laughing:

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Yep, total wrong end of the stick :P


I was voting for heroic given his inactivity. Marcamillian I don't understand, I'd assume he thinks he was either roleblocked or re-directed hence meaning I didn't successfully protect him from such. I can't explain it if it IS the case, unless there's a PM-less redirector or roleblocker or if Jonnas just made a mistake and didn't tell me.


I'd put Marcamillian in the mafia not far behind Sprout and Heroic, actually. Either that or Dedede was on the money guessing he has to string a successful lynch. He lied plenty early on, enough reason to lynch both then and now.

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Oops, I keep forgetting people are vouching for Sprout. I'll put Marcamillian above him instead then!


How do you justify your earlier lies @Marcamillian, saying you were the thief, and not coming out has a hangman(unless I'm mistaken?) until exposed by Jon Dedede? One night's unexplained consequence on your unreliable word alone compared to my entire role(since day 2) and targets in the thread(every day since)...well, I think that speaks for itself, non?

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Yup my activity has been pretty bad, though it is no reflection on my good / evil status. Been busy lately but I used to find the time for these games, not sure why I am so lazy about it now... I'm still targeting people however and have read the thread consistently enough to have opinions.


@heroicjanitor: You said before that your power cycles every night. What power did you use last night, do you know?


I tracked Marcamillian, he targeted Dannyboy.


So what happened last night then, anyone any theories? Looking at Dannyboy's list (me justifiably on it due to inactivity) I would call out Magnus before the others. As I said before he was one of four people who joined the game after night one, and so has a relatively high chance of being mafia. He was also roleblocked on a night with no kill. I'd think this is sufficient for a vote tbh.


Vote: Magnus Peterson

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I am a protector. I do not know if this includes kill prevention. I have been protecting Dannyboy for a while now. I was blinded on nights 7 and 10, but I successfully protected him on nights 6 (against 2 people), 8 (1 person), and 9 (2 people).


Do what you must. I'd prefer you to do what you can that doesn't involve lynching me, obviously. However, the town is in a precarious position and I will lay my life down for its benefit; should said benefit actually help the town win, and not the mafia. I can't be bothered/am not capable of doing those calculations.

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Of the people remaining, @Marcamillian is highest on my list of suspects; he has repeatedly lied to us, meaning we actually know nothing about him at this late point in the game, and though his rhymes are clever and fun, I feel at this point they're used as an excuse to play games with us. Marc, I think it's time to come clean.


Vote: Marcamillian


Also, I don't get why you're gunning for Rummy after everything that has happened.

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I'll be sure to put a vote by tonight, but I think 3 votes away is enough pressure for now. I'd like him to explain Night 8 in particular:



Did I...? Did he...?


Oh, the irony! This is too much!






Oh yeah! Has anyone heard from that mysterious voice recently?

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I'm really concerned with the speed of this lynch...it took 3 days to lynch Diageo who seemed like a much safer bet in my eyes.


I'd prefer if we went with Magnus; at least if it gets close to lynching point I would hope if there was someone else capable of stopping killers that they would admit the failed killer could be someone else.


If no one does, I'm pretty happy to believe Magnus was the killer.


Vote: Magnus Peterson

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That would out the person who stops kills. I'd imagine they would prove quite the target for the Mafia.


Also, I have jumped on this lynch as quickly as I jumped on Diageo's (the first day, at least). It was down to others that Diageo's took so long.


I'd imagine they won't be, since they probably don't exist. If you're a town kill protector, what's the chances there is another? Or at least another that hasn't already been killed? Pretty low I'd say.

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I'm really concerned with the speed of this lynch...it took 3 days to lynch Diageo who seemed like a much safer bet in my eyes.


I agree, it worries me as well. I'm unsure who I suspect the second-most, though, and I'm also intrigued as to why Marc was watching the thread earlier, yet hasn't responded in any way.


Remove Vote for the time being.




I leave for England tomorrow morning and am not bringing my laptop. I'll be back Monday evening, but I can't guarantee I'll go online then.


Regarding Magnus, it's perhaps worthy of note that his role as protector has been deducible from the thread for a long time; it is slightly suspicious the mafia hasn't killed him off yet.

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I'm kinda conflicted... There's pretty good reasons to get both of them lynched.


Reasons to vote Magnus Peterson:

  • He was roleblocked by Sheikah last night, and there was no kill.
  • This post (which I assume has been written for Dannyboy to lie detect), whilst informative, leaves out a pretty key detail – He doesn’t state that he is evil or works for the Court of Miracles. Pretty convenient to leave such a simple thing out.
  • He may very well be a protector, but being a protector does not a member of the Court make. And as said by Dannyboy, for a protector who could be deduced since Day 3, he’s survived an awfully long time.


Reasons to vote Marcamillian:

  • Checked the thread with all these votes against him and didn’t respond. Maybe believes staying silent will save him this day.
  • If I’m reading his latest rhyme correctly he claims he’s not a hangman (and may well not be, but has being spotted with a noose by Jon Dedede) and also saved me from death last night? Yet Heroic claims he targeted Dannyboy…
    Why speak the truth when a lie is more fun,
    The hangman, the thief I am neither one;
    Masks upon masks the harlequin wears,
    Sprout would've suffered dearly were they not there.
    A liar, a rhymer, a pest I may be,
    All in the effort to entertain me
    I tracked Marcamillian, he targeted Dannyboy.

...But for all we know, they might both be working for the Queen. There’s still gotta be at least three of her underlings running about after all. Pfffft.


Also, Zell's last investigation was revealed from the write-up note and heavily suggested that EEVILMURRAY is evil, hence I trust him as well.
Bit late to replying to this, but I'm assuming you're talking about the mention of an invitation in that write-up note. If that's the only reason... well, I don't think that it would be wise to trust someone based solely on the fact that they have an invitation. There could still very well be a traitor in the Court of Miracles.


Just something to keep in mind for your notes, pal. =P

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I leave for England tomorrow morning and am not bringing my laptop. I'll be back Monday evening, but I can't guarantee I'll go online then.


Regarding Magnus, it's perhaps worthy of note that his role as protector has been deducible from the thread for a long time; it is slightly suspicious the mafia hasn't killed him off yet.


Why remove a vote when you know you'll be away for so long! Rather keep it on and let the others sort that? Still, I think Marcamillian's a viable lynch given his general overall behavious, heroicjanitor next.


@Sheikah, why split the vote down to Magnus now? Splitting isn't beneficial, I say we rally around something solid/certain. Deal with the rest later.

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