Rummy Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 Quite. But there's still a day of info to garner. What claim you for an alignment, @Magnus Peterson? Yvonne said: Yeah and in real life I'd buy you a beer. This is mafia, and right now the best shot for both of us it to ally. If you don't my water guy will kill you. He can't kill us all. Plus the constant threat of it makes me think maybe it isn't something to be quite so worried about. I said yesterday, I'm willing to die right now - let your water guy try and kill me.
Cube Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 So this is how it stands Town Cube Mr-Paul Rummy Water Mafia Yvonne Fire Mafia heroicjanitor (unless there's a made-up Ice Tunic Link) [bUnknown Mafia[/b] Jon Dedede EEVILMURRAY Diageo Magnus Peterson Jimbob Nintendohnut Remaining: 3 Ice, 2 Fire, 1 Water The mafia will clearly want to kill rival mafia before the town, so Yvonne and heroic will be prime targets for kills. Diageo had his kill last night, so he won't be a danger for another two days. On top of that, the other two people who made kills last night know that he's not on their team. Yvonne/heroic and the third double voter also aren't a danger to us tonight. Thus, I think the best option is to choose a random person from the remaining people for tonight.
Yvonne Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 while you're spooling out the day, do you think you could maybe remove vote @Rummy
Rummy Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 Nope. You can stew there. Similar to Cube's post, I was compiling this in the interim with Yvonne's claimed info; I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on it. The Peeps -town Sheikah - town Jonnas - town @Mr\-Paul - town? @Jon Dedede - 3rd mafia triple voter? @Nintendohnut - mafia unknown? @Diageo - mafia unknown?
Yvonne Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 you have me to thank for all the information out today. If I die because of your drunken voting, water's mission is to kill all remaining townies.
Magnus Peterson Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 I'd buy you a beer too, @Yvonne. But in Mafia I would have your head adorning my mantelpiece.
Yvonne Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 @Magnus Peterson I'm back in town now, we should meet up. @Rummy, whatcha reckon
Rummy Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 I reckon we should focus on the game. I reckon that my voting is very relevant, and not just drunken now. If someone else decides to hammer and kill you on this, it's no skin off my nose - you've admitted we're not on the same team. You're not town, I am. Whilst I/we might not win this, I'd like to take down as many people as we can on the way at least. You'd like me/us to buddy up with you, probably to take down your opposing mafias - but really at the end of the day none of it is benefit to me/town. What I find most interesting is the noticeable silence of this third mafia, assuming you and heroic on different sides - they might win through silence alone. I care not for it. You wanted to vote for me earlier just to start your battle royale, I have no intention to not let you die for it!
Yvonne Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 That is really stupid. You have a chance to turn the game around and do something interesting, but you choose to go out quietly? If I have 5 votes on me, Magnus Peterson is the third DV mafia. If 4, it's between Jon and Jimbob. I still think it's Jon from his BS earlier.
Cube Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 Vote: Jimbob Because there's a chance it could stop a kill tonight.
Yvonne Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 You probably have a single vote. What's your character?
Yvonne Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 cooking mama??? ok Magnus Peterson is town but seriously folks, if Magnus Peterson is town, mr-paul isn't. This is a very important question that deserves attention
Jonnas Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 Hah! Joke's on you, dude who killed me! I was out for the whole weekend! Also, why was I killed when shit got interesting?
Mr-Paul Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 I think it's quite important to find who the third double is. Although, is there/was there a town double? Have I missed someone dead having one? It feels like us town are passengers in this game, but really, it depends which mafia we align ourselves with - town need to survive while the mafias whittle each other away. So really, we have to balance up the options - kill off one whole mafia and hope we survive, or align with a mafia and hope we aren't killed as they'll be too busy killing each other off. If what Yvonne is saying is true, the doubles won't have been a target for the kill on previous nights because their team-mates don't know who they are aligned with, or they've carried out the kill themselves. Now they're out in the open, they're prime targets for death. While I see the value of reducing it down to a mafia with a single member, I'm not going to hammer on Yvonne yet, as lots of useful discussion could come from this still.
Diageo Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 Vote Yvonne Interesting turn of events so far. With a double voter gone, the water mafia will be nothing. And with the threat of vengeance town killing it just sounds too good to be true. It would be stupid for me not to vote for you. You shot yourself in the foot. However, there's only an issue for the town if the other member of the water mafia wants to listen to you because you can only talk to him here.
Yvonne Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 If Rummy wants to die on principle, I wont stand in his way. It wasn't your choice, it was his.
Magnus Peterson Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 Remove vote Yvonne It is a little early...
Mr-Paul Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 Final mafia double is Magnus Peterson, Jon Dedede or Jimbob.
Yvonne Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 I notice MP removed vote before a count could be made. If DuD rocks up and I'm dead MP is he. Dinner time, brb
Rummy Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 You seem strangely confident of the death of Rummy. Rummy keeps his vote on you.
Yvonne Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 it's simple game theory Rummy. I offered you a scenario that would be mutually beneficial, and a scenario which would be mutually destructive. You decided to give the game to Ice/Fire instead of choosing the optimal win route. And why? For no good reason.
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