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Reach out before you end up regretting it.


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I was born two weeks late. My mum had fake contractions throughout this time and was in and out of hospital wards wondering if today would be the day. On May 27th 1984 there was a fellow mum to be who gave birth to a boy called Lewis. Along came 12th June and I eventually popped out, my mum rang Lewis' mum to share in the joy of their new baby boys and we were friends for all our childhoods. I have stacks of photos of us spending birthday parties together (including a personal fav where I'm sat grumpy waiting for the cake), days by the beach, going to a theme park and getting one of those furry worms on an "invisible" string and trying to pull off extravagant tricks with them, playing endless videogames whilst his little sister kept pestering us. From Birth to around age 15 we were best buds.


We kind of drifted apart over the years, I moved from Portsmouth because of my Dad's work and our lives took very different directions. Whilst I went to University and became a teacher, he fell into a cycle of drug abuse (although granted not something that didn't come with some "upsides", he became a DJ as a part of that culture and enjoyed leading that life, not really upside but you know it opened doors to him doing what he wanted)


Unfortunately it seems the drugs have caught up on him as he was found dead on Thursday, they currently don't know the cause of death and are awaiting post mortem results but as an over wise health 28 year old, it seems overwhelmingly likely that this was the case.


Why am I posting this? Around this time last year I went back to Portsmouth last year with my Dad before I moved to Canada and made a kind of half arsed attempt to find him via Facebook. He wasn't on it but his mum was I considered sending her a message to ask for a phone number but in the end I either forget or decided not to hassle (they kind of weren't on the best of terms at various points due to the drug problem) Now I instead found myself sending her a message saying I was sorry to hear the news and of all the fond memories I have as a child. Also it's almost five years to the day since my sister passed away and this couldn't have come at a harder time for me personally.


I just wanna say reach out before it's too late guys, pick up the phone/do a facebook search and talk to an old friend, a lost buddy, a former schoolmate and relive those good times before it's too late.

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That is in fairness one of the big advantages of social media and reasons I will defend it over haters. It's always possible to catch up with older friends I'm sure I would have lost contact with if it didn't exist.


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I was devastated a few years ago with a similar friend of mine who committed suicide and I had no idea anything was wrong with her. I had lost contact for a while as well.

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I've been thinking a lot about old/current/potential friends recently, particularly how completely awful I've become at creating or maintaining any kind of meaningful connection with anyone. I've never lost anyone like described, but I know I'd be absolutely devastated knowing I hadn't reconnected when I could have. If nothing else, thanks for the kick up the ass.

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I'm so sorry for your loss, dude. I can't even imagine how you're feeling right now.


I will say this though: This has kind of got me thinking about my old school friends who I used to hang out with. We kind of drifted apart as well. I'm actually going through trying to find them all and trying to arrange going out or something. We've not properly seen each other in years so it would be a cool thing. So just like Guy, I'd like to say thank you for giving me that inspiration and thank you for sharing that story with us.

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