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Should I stay or should I go?


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I'm gonna use this thread now.


Don't know whether I should 'quit' the apprenticeship or not.


pro quitting


  • too far away from home
  • too far away from family (one of the major points)
  • too far away from friends (I do have friends at my workplace but they always work in different shifts, so there's hardly any time to do anything)
  • don't think I could do this job for the rest of my life
  • it isn't as fun as I thought it would be


con quitting


  • it's an incredibly well paid job
  • it is a job...meaning I don't have anything else in the offing
  • don't know what I should do if I quit
  • I'm 23...starting a new apprenticeship is difficult...going to university is quite late (I think)
  • I don't want to disappoint my mom




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23 is hardly late to go to Uni, I saw people in their 50s on my course, and my Sister just studied to become a midwife, going to Uni at 26 and landing her dream job with that qualification at 30.


That said, why not start looking at possibilities? Just my opinion but you have a secure position so you should be able to find what you want to do next before leaving, basically you shouldn't quit whilst these cons exist:

it is a job...meaning I don't have anything else in the offing

don't know what I should do if I quit

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That said, why not start looking at possibilities? Just my opinion but you have a secure position so you should be able to find what you want to do next before leaving


There are a lot of things I'd love to do, but it's that time of the year in Germany when no company has open positions for an apprenticeship and university just started again. I'd have to wait 4-6 months.

I can't work that long in my current occupation, though, because it would be a waste of time, resources and - most importantly - my energy.


I could find a temporary job quite easily and I could live with my mother (seeing as I'm doing that half of the week anyway). And one thing I could to in the meantime: do an internship somewhere.



This situation is worrying. :(


It would be a big risk just 'quitting', I'd have a (probably) difficult conversation with my mother, but I think it's the only thing I can do right now.


I'm unhappy with my job, and therefore with pretty much everything else because this job and everything coming with it (the distance to family, friends, etc) is exhausting me.


One of my coaches gave me advice a couple of weeks ago. She told me I should figure out what is wrong, what I want, possibly even who I am.


And as some of you know: I've done the latter, and I think in the last few weeks I figured out the rest, too.

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Double post, hurray.


Have decided that I want to go to university and study economics.


Thing is: Can't apply, yet (applications are available mid-April), and the semester will start in October.


So, I'll have to find a temporary job for the meantime, which shouldn't be much of a problem.



Talked to my mother about it yesterday...hasn't been easy. She isn't disappointed, just surprised.



Well, at the end of April I will probably be out of a job. I am scared, happy, excited, nervous.

Gonna be a fresh start.

Some people will say: "Taking this risk is stupid."

I say: "Even if it is, I need this."

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Thanks to both @Daft and @Ashley :)


Needed to hear that, because fear is taking hold of me.


I will be scared until I get through with it, no doubt, but I'm determined to go through with it.


Coincidentally the playlist I've been listening to for hours just gave me another push: Pluto by Björk


Excuse me

But I just have to


Explode this body

Off me


I'll be brand new

Brand new tomorrow

A little bit tired

But brand new





Another reason to love the NE community. No one here can make decisions for you, no one can make your life work out, but there are people here who give helpful advice and care - to a certain amount - for someone they have never met in person. :heart:

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Soooo... I'm leaving teaching!


I've started to look at what else I want to do, and there's nothing in Sheffield for me. I'm after any advice you may wish to give me!


I was looking at going into working in these areas:

  • Museums- planning and organising activities for children and families.
  • Charity work- events
  • Universities- student support


The idea is to move to London or the South East. From looking at job specifications most require 'experience' in that field, which is hugely annoying as although as I've usually done everything they're asking for... I've never actually done it in the required setting.


Also, will it be seen as a negative, applying for jobs in London if I currently live in Sheffield?


Oh yeah... and what's a 'good' wage to be on down south? As I'm seeing a lot of professional jobs offering only 20k a year in London- how's anyone able to survive on that?

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Glad to hear you're going through with it :)


I'm sure Dan has told you this but jobs.ac.uk is usually the best starting point for uni stuff, maybe as Nikki about the charity side of things (if you haven't already)? Also look at websites for unis, museums etc at their job listings. And Guardian jobs, but that is usually difficult to see the trees through the woods.


£20k is doable. It will be easier as you and Dan would be sharing. You could probably get fairly near central with just the two of you in a one-bed, or if you're willing to house share get someone quite central.


Applying for jobs in London if you live in Sheffield is fine, but obviously any interviews are going to be a pain. If you need somewhere to crash at last minute though feel free to give me a shout.

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  • 1 month later...

I've got an interview for a job in London!


Although I don't want the full hassle of being a class teacher, it's for a job as an Art teacher at a fancy private school in London.


...I've got two weeks to learn how to speak properly before my big day!

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I've got an interview for a job in London!


Although I don't want the full hassle of being a class teacher, it's for a job as an Art teacher at a fancy private school in London.


...I've got two weeks to learn how to speak properly before my big day!


Spiffing! I think that's how you talk properly...


Hope it goes well. If you're free and fancy a drink you know where I am (actually you don't as I moved, but you know what I mean).


Good luck :)

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