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I made this for my friends' anniversary, which is today. The subject has been on my brain for about a week so I thought let's make a video about it! :p


Also, why does YouTube say I uploaded 10 videos when I've only uploaded 8? Weirdoes! :p



Hello to my dudes and dudettes,


Today, I am being a little bit slushy and romantic because I'm in that lovey-dovey mood. And the reason why I'm in that lovey-dovey mood is because it's my best friends' wedding anniversary today and I made this video in dedication to them because they're brilliant people.


To Terry and Emma, congratulations and I hope you'll have a HECK OF A LOT more anniversaries to celebrate!


I love all of you couples, you all inspire me! Keep on being happy!


Love life and life will love you back!


Guys, would there be anything that you want me to make a video about next? Any challenges or topics or what have you?

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Really, dude and dudettes? REALLY?!


As much as I love you lot, you can be really disturbed and twisted, haha. I hope you loved watching me heave and cough a lot and call you all nasties! That was gross! I just hope the dude seeks medical attention!


He is a bit of a crackpot though! What would possess you to do something like that and then film it?! I don't know! Anyway, this is my first (and only) reaction. When you watch me watch "1 guy 1 jar" (which, if you've not seen, I suggest you don't see!), it is my first-ever time watching the video. It is a genuine reaction and not put on or acted. I forgot to put my titles on, I was that traumatised, lol.


If you want to see me do another YouTube challenge or you want me to discuss something or whatever, just send me a comment or leave me a private message on YouTube or e-mail me at: [email protected]...I don't trust you lot but hey, a challenge is a challenge! :)


Thank you for watching, my freaky, nasty dude and dudettes! :)

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Whoo, I've been behind, but I've now caught up on all your videos! (Except the 50 Shades Of Grey reading, I'm saving that for when I'm really bored. :heh: Also, I sort of had the idea to do something with that as well, so I might refrain from watching yours so as to not be influenced.)


I like your style and your sense of humour. :) (Though that probably just means it's bad since I love bad humour. :heh:) I also like the diversity in video topics and formats. Looking forward to see more!

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Whoo, I've been behind, but I've now caught up on all your videos! (Except the 50 Shades Of Grey reading, I'm saving that for when I'm really bored. :heh: Also, I sort of had the idea to do something with that as well, so I might refrain from watching yours so as to not be influenced.)


I like your style and your sense of humour. :) (Though that probably just means it's bad since I love bad humour. :heh:) I also like the diversity in video topics and formats. Looking forward to see more!


Yay! I'm glad somebody's watching! :yay:


Also, my Fifty Shades of Grey thing is me reading the entire book! I'd love for it to catch on because I haven't seen any other Youtubers reading the book throughout. But trust me when I say, my GOD, it is boring! I'm on Chapter 3 now (saving the Chapter 2 video as we speak!) and already I'm put off because the characters are just stupid!


Thank you! I like bad jokes so it's all good! I'm also happy you like my videos as well! I'm tagging you in one of my videos soon so keep an eye out on it.


If there's any topics or any suggestions as to what I should talk about next or something, please tell me! I have a few ideas of what to talk about but I want to try and think of more subjects so hearing ideas from people who watch YouTube and film themselves on it would be awesome! :D

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Yeah, I think I do need better lighting but comedy skits? I don't think I could do anything like that although I've never tried...I wouldn't know where to start about being funny, lmao. I could give it a try! :D

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How do to my kinky, freaky dudes and dudettes,


IT'S MY TENTH VIDEO, Y'ALL! I'm so happy! Anyway, as promised, here is me fully reading all of Chapter 2...it sucks big, hairy balls! It's just horribly boring! Hardly anything happens at all! How is this the number 1 selling book?! Still thinking it might get better as the book goes on...well, I'm hoping anyway...


Here are the links to the people responsible for the awesome kick-ass rock version of S&M. Subscribe and support, they're awesome:


Spydah: http://www.youtube.com/user/spydah77

Ayo: http://www.youtube.com/user/DarkAyO666


I hope you liked this chapter (because I'm glad one of us did! haha). Chapter 3 will be uploaded soon.


Enjoy motherflippers!

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  • 2 weeks later...


sup mah dudes and dudettes,


Did you like my insane rapping skillz?...nah, neither did I but screw it, I did it anyway! So I saw that Rezourceman made another Comedy Rainbow episode (it was about time! I'm pretty sure it was way over a month since the last one!) and obviously with every episode comes my reaction and review so here it is!


I chat a little shit at the start (well, I always chat shit but still) but the video starts around the two minute mark for those who want to get to the good stuff!


All the best, peeps!



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Hello dudes and dudettes,


I am actually starting a weight loss series which will more or less document me trying to lose weight and look awesome. Right now, I'm 18st 1lb, which is some serious heavy damage! I'm looking to get down to at least 15st and I'm pretty confident that I can do it. I thought it might be fun to film a bit about my thoughts and what I do and stuff and maybe it might inspire some others to get healthy. It might also help those of you who are losing weight to know that you're not going through this alone!


Also, I don't really look as wide as I do on this video, it's my phone! Honest!


The title song in the video is Fat by Weird Al Yankovic. I found it fitting to be the title song to my video.


Enjoy and I hope to see you soon!

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Hey dude and dudettes,


Glozell is right, Cinnamon does try to kill you but unfortunately for Cinnamon, I won!


Darrendo 1- Cinnamon 0


So I did a challenge as requested by Dannyboy-the-Dane (who I've tagged back to do this challenge, by the way ;D) and that was to do the Cinnamon Challenge. I have been wanting to do this anyway so I decided to have a go!


It's actually not as hard as it looks and weirdly enough, I managed to do most of the Cinnamon without water and without choking but it was the last little bit that got me! Still, I think I did awesome!


Anyway guys, if you have any more requests, maybe you want me to do a reaction video, a video game video or you want to know my thoughts on stuff then just leave me a comment in the comments section.


Also, don't forget to subscribe.


Laters bitches!




@Dannyboy\-the\-Dane: As requested, I did the Cinnamon Challenge. Now I have a request for you...to do the same thing! I see you love the Cinnamon Challenge so I want YOU to do the Cinnamon Challenge!!! :D:p

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@Dannyboy\-the\-Dane: As requested, I did the Cinnamon Challenge. Now I have a request for you...to do the same thing! I see you love the Cinnamon Challenge so I want YOU to do the Cinnamon Challenge!!! :D:p


Bitch, please. ;)



Already did it ages ago! That's why I wanted you to do it. ;)


And I agree, it's not as horrible as some of the videos make it look. It's really only bad if you get cinnamon into your airway.

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  • 2 weeks later...


What happening dude and dudettes,


Today I made a video about childhood dreams and fantasies and how we all once had a dream to be something. I also kind of made it about me being a huge self-confessed geek and the fact that my awesome cousin bought me Harry Potter's wand from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida and how much I love it!


Anyways, I guess there's not much point to the video but not only did I want to show my appreciation to my cousin but I also wanted to talk about how the little things can help people in life [/cheesydescription]


So thank you for watching and I hope you enjoy it. Let's face it, I'm sort of your guilty pleasure whether you like it or not and I enjoy that dirty feeling! ;)

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@Dannyboy\-the\-Dane and @Mokong X\-C, you might want to read this! Rules below! Good luck! :p


Hai Dudes and Dudettes,


I've decided to do my first YouTube tag and it's to answer 50 questions about yourself as fast as you can. I did pretty well with 2 minutes and 50 seconds. So I've tagged the following people to do this tag:


- DannyboyTheDane

- ReZourceman

- Mokong

- Jimbobthon

- MrTitaniumWaffles


All must answer the following questions and all of them MUST NOT EDIT THE VIDEO! It must also be done in the first recording so no going back if you don't like it, MWAHAHAHA! Anyways, here are the questions. You must read the question and answer them truthfully:


1. What color boxers are you wearing now?

2. What are you listening to right now?

3. What is your best friends name?

4. Whats your favorite number?

5. What was the last thing you ate?

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?

7. How is the weather right now?

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

10. Do you have a significant other?

11. Favorite TV show?

12. Siblings?

13. Height?

14. Hair color?

15. Eye Color?

16. Do you wear contacts?

17. Favorite Holiday?

18. Month?

19. Have you ever cried for no reason?

20. What was the last movie you watched?

21. Favorite Day of the Year?

22. Are you too shy to ask someone out?

23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)?

24. Hugs or Kisses?

25. Chocolate or Vanilla?

26. Do you want your friends to respond to this?

27. Ever been to a concert?

28. Who is least likely to respond to a text from you?

29. What books are you reading?

30. Piercings?

31. Favorite movie?

32. Favorite football Team?

33. What are you doing right now?

34. Ever made out with someone of the same sex?

37. Dogs or cats?

38. Favorite flower?

39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?

40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?

41. Have you ever loved someone?

42. Who would you like to see right now?

43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?

44. Have you ever fired a gun?

45. Are you a virgin?

46. Right-handed or Left-handed?

47. How many pillows do you sleep with?

48. Are you missing someone?

49. Do you have a tattoo?

50. Anybody on Twitter you would date?


See you later guys and to the people I tagged, good luck!



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Hello dudes and dudettes,


This is either week one or two of Fit Fatty but I think this should count as the first week. So I've done a TON of exercising and healthy eating and it's totally paid off! I'm so happy that I've had a loss in my first week so here's to hoping I keep this up! Also, Snakajacks are amazing!


Thanks for watching, as always!



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  • 3 weeks later...

A) Well done on the weight loss.


B) You still haven't got a better camera. DOOO EEEETTTTT.


C) Get back on Facebook, under a pseudonym (so your friends who want to add you don't know you're on there) and just add me/N-Europe people. I love facebook, its just such an easy way to keep up with people, and things. Its your friends who make it, if you don't like it...a large problem is the people you add - that is the way I see it anyway. I'm not saying I don't have some class A-D-Bags on there...I certainly do. But you can customise and view or not view whoever you want. PLEASE COME BACK. I don't recall having you on FB before....maybe I did a long time ago? But the NE crew are phenom on it. Baby lover people are FUCKING annoying as hell. I have one in particular on mine, but she is unsubscribed and was close to being defriended anyway.


D) Sorry! Totally didn't realise I had been tagged, despite having watched your vid, and Jimbobs and Dannyboys.



E) Videos are still thoroughly enjoyable, keep it up. #Germanbonergags


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