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Xpert 11 Season 26: Space to move, Space to breath, Space to win


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I'd have to look it over but personally I doubt I'd bid for them anyway. I don't have any particular interest in Seahawks players. But it wasn't my point.

For private transfers, I'd cut a half to a million at most for friends. The way I see it, private transfer have always been just to cut in line.

Anyway it's about time to hear from Nikos in all fairness. I'm sure it wasn't ill intended, but it's kinda cheap moves. Money saved money gained and all that, that's what bothers me.


@Fierce_LiNk : It would have definitively been looked into if it was a transfer in the offical league. I think, if the investigations include private leagues I stand corrected. Or maybe the investigations only covers overbids?


I'm just glad there's some discussion about this. If everyone can't buy a similar player for so little no one should.


I didn't even know they were friends in real life. If Dud hadn't mentioned it later on the day I would have gone on thinking he was ridiciously lucky on the market.


Anyway, glad I got the home match with the form I'm having. First time I play first round too...no favouring the defending champ eh? :p


Also jealous of the good youths everyone(?) is getting. Last time I got a really good youth was 15 months ago...


I didn't know you could actually do any of this. What is the problem exactly, they are friends in real life and have paid low prices for each other's players?


Is this against the rules?


Not each other's. It looks like Seahawks is doing what's called a "fire sale"?

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I've only made 900,000 on my purchase which I've said I'm willing to give the funds for it somehow.

I did ask you not to accept the offer Peeps as I only made it to see if it was a fire sale or if it was a dodgy arrangement, but i understand you missed that through being at work?


Nikos has made 9,500,000+, I don't think you can put those two figures in the same ball park.. especially when Tales has said he'd expect possibly a 500,000 cut for friends.


How will selling them help, he'll end up +10,000,000 unfairly.

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In my opinion he needs to sack the player or all of Seahawks players including the one Nikos and Dud brought become availible in an open auction.


Even that is rather dodgy as only VIPs can participate which excludes half of the teams.


I think the only way it can be done is either at face value or maybe just under or over by any limit if there is an open auction type deal.


Otherwise as DuD says someone has just effictevly been given 9.5mil or however much the difference is while all other teams suffer because they didn't even know Seahawks was selling his players before they folded because they made no PR of any sorts, while Inter must have known before hand and had pick of the best players or in this case player :D .


lol didn't read through the thread properly and now see its two players Inter brought! Need to sack both in my opinion I agree with Eights we either need to have a policy for dead teams or they need to be left alone completley it was the underhand nature this was all done with DuD happening to just spot it that means we deffo need to have a rule on this, could be put in the next thread?


Well then it's probably best for Inter to sell/sack those players @Nikos9


and DuD too


If Inter sells he will make a giant profit that is the only issue.

Edited by Haden
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Come on guys, this is meant to be a fun game and we're all meant to compete equally. This obviously isn't fair.


When Haden, Ell and I made new teams a year or so ago we didn't keep our old team active and then transfer the best players across. If a team is quitting they are quitting and that's it. You can sell your players on the open market if you want but this is underhand and isn't in the spirit of the game.


Fuuuuuuck thiiiiis gaaaaame!


Bought an 18 5 midfielder last night. Felt pretty good about that.

Get a youth through the youth system this morning: 17 5


A 17 5 youth? Woe is you.

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Wow, it's all kicked off here!


Sorry guys, as I said before, I went around putting low cheeky bids on various teams players with the hope that one or two of them might be accepted. So that combined with the fact Seahawks lost a bet to me that he a) wouldn't get relegated & b) wouldn't finish last, left him obliged to accept my offers :grin: It seems he's willing to accept offers from anyone though if he accepted Duds too so he'll be open to other offers if he's still thinking about starting a new team. Remember Haden, I was willing to sell Ramos to you for 1 econ if he scored an OG and you were only too happy to accept that. Plus you're willing to sell me a player for every report you miss. I think things like that are what makes the game a bit more fun as there are higher stakes involved. If all parties involved in the transfer agreement were ok with it then fair do's.

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Wow, it's all kicked off here!


Sorry guys, as I said before, I went around putting low cheeky bids on various teams players with the hope that one or two of them might be accepted. So that combined with the fact Seahawks lost a bet to me that he a) wouldn't get relegated & b) wouldn't finish last, left him obliged to accept my offers :grin: It seems he's willing to accept offers from anyone though if he accepted Duds too so he'll be open to other offers if he's still thinking about starting a new team. Remember Haden, I was willing to sell Ramos to you for 1 econ if he scored an OG and you were only too happy to accept that. Plus you're willing to sell me a player for every report you miss. I think things like that are what makes the game a bit more fun as there are higher stakes involved. If all parties involved in the transfer agreement were ok with it then fair do's.


The problem is that:


  1. It's restricted to VIPs. The VIP system isn't designed to give players advantages in being able to get cheap players and therefore a better team. It's to give them more stats so they can make more informed decisions.
  2. Seahawks (I believe) is starting a new team. His old players are therefore forfeit and shouldn't be continuing in the league unless they are bought at recommended value.
  3. It's against the Xpert11 rules. Although we're in a private league, we should still adhere to these rules. Private transfers a little bit cheaper are fine, but selling players at 10% of recommended value is not on. It's not fair for everyone who is trying to build a team fairly.

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Oh what the frak...that's the second player in a row I have tried to sell but they want to quit in the club. Seriously get the frak out of my property now >_> That's 5 million+ econ lost combined. Could have done a lot with those money.....


If they can still be VIP transfered(I think they can actually) you will get a one million discount. Bid is then just 1.4 million for a 32-11 striker with freekick ability.

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Oh what the frak...that's the second player in a row I have tried to sell but they want to quit in the club. Seriously get the frak out of my property now >_> That's 5 million+ econ lost combined. Could have done a lot with those money.....


That happened to my previous team with 2 31 year old players who were quite highly rated. In a similar fashion, I would've had about 4 million econ from them if they sold. Instead I got a season.


If I hadn't tried to sell I probably would've got a few seasons.

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Right. Does anyone know how to cancel a friendly? I sent Federer a request for monday but he accepted it after gametime so it's scheduled for friday - but I need to play my first round game on friday :/


Also I was thinking the other day - you know how everyone a couple of seasons ago was suggesting a big reset? I think that would be great to do, one day, where all the teams are reset and everyone's on equal footing, but noone will ever want to just stop and do it suddenly.

So maybe we could think about having an end date in the future? Probably properly far away, say in six or seven seasons time... the last two or three seasons would be great, kind of a desperate need to win something before the teams are reset...

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I don't like the idea of resetting my team, even in 6 or 7 seasons. If enough people want to do it I guess I'd go along with it though.


You can't cancel friendlies to the best of my knowledge.


Luckily both of you are in the cup so we just need to change a couple of the fixtures.


Intergalactico and DuD will have to play each other. As DuDs Baggies were only going to have a friendly and now they have to play intergalactico, I think it's fair that Inter v DuD should be a friendly and Winston v Federer should be part of the first round.


Do all teams find that fair?

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Right. Does anyone know how to cancel a friendly? I sent Federer a request for monday but he accepted it after gametime so it's scheduled for friday - but I need to play my first round game on friday :/

Sorry no takebacks.


Also I was thinking the other day - you know how everyone a couple of seasons ago was suggesting a big reset? I think that would be great to do, one day, where all the teams are reset and everyone's on equal footing, but noone will ever want to just stop and do it suddenly.

So maybe we could think about having an end date in the future? Probably properly far away, say in six or seven seasons time... the last two or three seasons would be great, kind of a desperate need to win something before the teams are reset...

Are you insane? If anyone dares to set an end date, even if that is 10 real life years in the future, I'm out right away. No effing way I want all my work just thrown down in the toilet like that.

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I've sent Federer a request, so he'll have to make sure not to accept.


I'm ok with that though :)


I'm not ok with the reset, I got the Baggies mark 1 to the elites and had to leave.. I've got the Baggies mark 2 to the elites and want to build on that now.

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Do all teams find that fair?


Feel slightly bad for Fed as he has to face mighty Winston rather than getting a bye/buy whatever, but he's alright with it, so that works for us.


I've sent Federer a request, so he'll have to make sure not to accept.


I'm ok with that though :)


I'm not ok with the reset, I got the Baggies mark 1 to the elites and had to leave.. I've got the Baggies mark 2 to the elites and want to build on that now.


actually, shit, he has apparently accepted... if fed beats me then that can be the next round? If not.... we'll cross that bridge on friday. Right fucked this one up.

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What's this now, re-setting the teams. I've practically reset my team as it is, i know how much work goes into developing a team so i disagree with the resetting if it were an option. I do understand it is off-putting for newer teams to face developed teams, but thats the fun. Develop and improve.


And the next round of the cup is on Saturday 27th April @ 8pm. Plenty of notice.

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Wow, it's all kicked off here!


Sorry guys, as I said before, I went around putting low cheeky bids on various teams players with the hope that one or two of them might be accepted. So that combined with the fact Seahawks lost a bet to me that he a) wouldn't get relegated & b) wouldn't finish last, left him obliged to accept my offers :grin: It seems he's willing to accept offers from anyone though if he accepted Duds too so he'll be open to other offers if he's still thinking about starting a new team. Remember Haden, I was willing to sell Ramos to you for 1 econ if he scored an OG and you were only too happy to accept that. Plus you're willing to sell me a player for every report you miss. I think things like that are what makes the game a bit more fun as there are higher stakes involved. If all parties involved in the transfer agreement were ok with it then fair do's.


I do agree that it was perhaps rather reckless to put my players around as bets etc so we can all learn things.


The difference is that we never actually did those deals and it was all done in public not behind the scenes so to speak with only DuD catching on what was going on and you explaining about bets etc after the fact. But hopefully you are going to uphold your good reputation and do the right thing.


Btw if you were doing cheeky bids I feel sad you went to Seahawks and didn't bid on the machine that is Condon.


Anyway as per usual Charlie speaks sense so I don't really need to say much more :D


Anyway lets move on and focus on what xpert is all about.






After some training the Shield is back!


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