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Saints Row IV

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Really crazy amounts of fun. Don't regret pre-ordering at all. The 'murica weapon is sooo much fun to use. Gonna have steam workshop functionality in the future too.


Haven't even messed around with the co-op but got a growing list of mates who want to mess around with that soon.


If you go around collecting everything like me, after about 10 hours, you will be 30% of the way through the game.


Crazy thing is that even the side missions are crazy ridiculous and crazy fun. Totally tops SR3 but makes me wonder what could possibly come next.

Edited by Deathjam

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Some of the most fun I've ever had in a videogame. Same city or not this game deserves to be bought.

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Finished it a few minutes ago, collected all the clusters, destroyed all the statues, got all the audio logs and text adventures. All I need to do now is the co-op stuff, complete all the challenges and to get gold medals on every event. That might take a while though....

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There's an achievement for beating all the single-player missions in co-op.

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No? Pretty sure you can beat everything on single player. Unless you are playing on Steam?


Done all the sidequest missions, almost finished with the main story and nearly done with all the collectibles. Do you get to see them on the map sometime? Finding the remaining few by the mini map might take a while.

Edited by Tales

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I finished it earlier. The final time was around 22 hours but that was with all the clusters, audio files, statues destroyed and all other collectibles collected.


Make sure you do all the loyalty missions not just because they're great fun but because you need them done for the better ending.


They lifted a few lines from


Transformers the animated movie whilst Touch was playing



during the finale, that put a huge grin on my face. Best SR game. The main missions and loyalty missions were fun and varied. The side quest stuff (insurance fraud, hacking, rifts etc) was also fun but repetitive.

Edited by bryanee

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I like how they've put the side missions in groups - makes them seem a lot less repetitive and means you don't have to discover them (while also getting cool rewards).

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So I picked this up a few weeks back, and keep sitting down for a 'quick mission or two' and ending up on it for hours.


Don't know how they managed to make such a good series of games, but this has had me hooked. Good humour, and some good story - just done a mission where I saved someone and presume it's a throwback to SR1 - I missed whatever aspects from then that it was referencing but still there was something about it that made me think like...there were things the characters cared about? Found an audio log that referred to someone from SR2, too, and it was another throwback to a real character/story moment.


Basically, loving this game and def worth a bargain pickup! I guess I wondered how will they manage to keep the series going, but the idea/theme they've gone for seems to be held together relatively well with some interesting aspects.


@Sam Xmas Aran it's probably more because my memory is crap, and the differing gameplay/control, but I don't feel at all like this is a world I've played in before. If you haven't gotten it yet, I'd def recommend checking out your local CEX or so!


EDIT: Actually just £15 at ShopTo currently - http://www.shopto.net/video%20games/xbox360/XB2SA21-saints-row-iv-4-commander-in-chief-edition

Edited by Rummy

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I picked up at Blockbuster the other day. It got a bit repetitive by the end but most fun I've had even though not played any others! Superpowers rock.

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I picked up at Blockbuster the other day. It got a bit repetitive by the end but most fun I've had even though not played any others! Superpowers rock.


Ahhh, how much did you get it for there? All my local ones I knew of went under with the previous trouble, took a trek down to another one I didn't know about and sadly that was a ghost town too :( Shoulda gone down sooner really!

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Probably about a tenner! By the time games were 70% off, most had gone anyway so your choices would have been limited.


I also picked up MGS vengeance or something for a fiver!

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