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New Sonic (Rumour)


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A new Sonic game is rumoured to get announced next month for Wii U, PS3, 360, 3DS, PS Vita, PC, next Xbox and next PlayStation.


- In development before Generations

- At least 20 stages (3 acts each)

- Similar gameplay to Unleashed, Colours and Generations

- Multiple routes.

- 10 playable characters. Same gameplay as Sonic, but with different skills (which will enable different routes).

- No new characters.

- One example: Sonic and Shadow can't get up a wall, but Tails can fly up and Knuckles can climb up, leading to a hidden exit.

- Due out later this year.

- 3DS will be a Rush-style game. Vita will get the console version.


I've been craving a new Sonic game, so this would fit the bill nicely.

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I love the sound of this.


I am a Sonic fan boy whore. Not even ashamed.


I even liked the 3d Sonics :laughing:


This sounds very interesting re the different characters opening up different routes in levels - I like that a lot.


Interesting that they want to give the Vita the console version but make a Rush style game for the 3DS. That's great for the 3DS - maybe not so much for the Vita.


Be nice to get some more information as it comes. I am a sucker for all things Sonic! : peace:

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Awesome news! :)


The only bit I'm concerned about is the '10 playable characters' bit, if I had to choose ten characters to be used in the game I'd probably go with...







Metal Sonic






And I'd also make it a Chaotix/Sonic Advance 3 type game where you could use two characters at once, but I know it won't happen this way. :p


Oh well, I look forward to seeing how this pans out. :D

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It's no surprise Sonic is coming. The only surprise is it has taken this long to announce. Whereas most 3rd parties spat on the Wii we had Secret Rings, Black Knight, Unleashed, Colours, then there was Wiiware, Virtual console, not to mention the 3 Olympic games and last but not least Sonic in SSBB. Well I suppose All Star Racing Transformed counts.

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But yeah I really can't wait for this. I was never a huge fan of Sonic until a few years ago really. I played and enjoyed Heroes when it first came out but could never get into the 2D games and only liked the first couple of levels in 2 Battle.


But about 2009/10 I got loads of the old games on VC, the original, 2, CD and loved them all. Then it grew almost into an obsession with catching up and in the last few years I've played (and enjoyed) -

Sonic CD

Sonic R (to an extent, but moreso the music :P)

Sonic Adventure

Sonic Adventure 2

Sonic Colours

Sonic Rush

Sonic and the Secret Ring (was okay)

and most recently...

Sonic Colours, Generations, Transformed and M+S@London 2012 (which is far better than people give it credit for) - All four of which have been some of my favourite games in years. I'm totally in love with the series now! So I'm dying for this new title.


Other Sonic titles I've played in the last few years (which weren't so great)....

Sonic Episode 1 and 2

Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)

The Black Knight

Sonic Fighters

Sonic Riders

Sonic and All-Stars Racing (love Transformed but find this one incredibly dull).


So yeah, some really bad ones in there too. But whenever I hear the '3D Sonic games are shit' debate I can't help but think they haven't really given the series a chance. Its sure had its ups and downs but there are definitely far more great 3D games than bad ones. So yeah, I'm excited.

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New Sonic rumours on the day my History of Sonic book finally turns up? It's like it was meant to be :)


It feels like ages since Generations came out and in some ways I was a little surprised there wasn't a 3DS game out last year. Given how quickly they knocked up Generations 3DS, I'd was half expecting a more fleshed out appearance for the Blue guy to come out last year as Generations was a bit light on content.


The question really will be which version to get and what will the Wii U version do differently if anything - will we finally see a HD console Sonic game running at a constant 60fps?


10 characters does sound somewhat excessive and unless there is real incentive to play with the extras, I can't imagine I'd be moving away from the Sonic, Tails, Knuckles or Shadow for any length of time but I'd rather they throw them in now instead of trying to charge for them as DLC.


3D Sonic (nearly) always puts a smile on my face and they've only been getting better and better so I suspect this will be no different.

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It's a very good book.


Indeed - the quality of everything, from the general layout and presentation, to the images and even the paper is beyond anything I'd expected. From the front cover to the back, and everything in between, it looks like it's been scrutinized to perfection.


A real gem and well worth the money :heart:

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Indeed - the quality of everything, from the general layout and presentation, to the images and even the paper is beyond anything I'd expected. From the front cover to the back, and everything in between, it looks like it's been scrutinized to perfection.


A real gem and well worth the money :heart:


That sounds awesome but I haven't heard of it. Could you give me the name and/or link? :bouncy:

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That sounds awesome but I haven't heard of it. Could you give me the name and/or link? :bouncy:



Here is the Amazon page for it - you can even peek inside.


I went through one of the other sellers as it was a bit cheaper than Amazon even with delivery costs and at the time, Amazon had a 2 week stock intake delivery estimate but they have them in now.

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Sonic Heroes was your Adventure 3. And yes, we're all disappointed by it.


Sonic Adventure 3 is a different game to everyone you ask.


Some see it as Heroes purely down to timing and a lot of sites reported Shadow as being SA3 upon initial unveil - something that never actually happened to Heroes. Then Sonic 06 took the play style page for page from the Adventure 1 rule book but then that was nothing like its Adventure 2 incarnation.


And then we have Sonic Unleashed or as known in Japan, Sonic World Adventure - I'd argue that is your Sonic Adventure 3 in the eyes of Sonic Team... until they decide to do an actual Sonic Adventure 3 that is.


And personally, I really enjoyed Heroes and it reviewed well enough too (the GC version anyway) - it seems to generate retrospective hate for some reason I've never been able to identify.

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I'm currently being a bit let down by Sonic Generations. Played the first 3 levels (well first one is great), they're ok, didn't really enjoy Chemical Plant though.


I absolutely cannot stand the 'music'... it's not even that it's just noise in the loading screens though... why... why is it there? I'd rather it was just silent! Also the hub world is a bit strange and the controls you have to use to enter a level/talk to a character... again why? Not really sure I want to get into customising my move set either or whatever it is, in a Sonic game I'd rather it was just all straightforward.


I thought Colours was good, this seems a bit broken and a step back, so I'd like to see the next game back on track.

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