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Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)


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At the point now where I have to grind support missions to get affinity up so I can finish all parts of the story. Now that's not fun.


Yeah, I wondered about that - you do have to pick which memebers of the team you like in order to prioritise working with them in order to see their story. I liked HB, Yelv and Murderess and saw their stories through quite a way. However I never touched on Boze, Nagi, Doug or Phog!


I think if you take characters out with you, you can raise affinity quickly just doing missions and responding to soul voices. I think at the end of the game, I had a level 59 character, a level 60 Lin and a level 59 Elma. Once I move forward, I will ditch all my level 60 characters and go out with a squad of people like Doug, Celica and Hope to level them up.


I'm not sure how much further I will play though into the post game, as I have so many other games to try.

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Yeah, I wondered about that - you do have to pick which memebers of the team you like in order to prioritise working with them in order to see their story. I liked HB, Yelv and Murderess and saw their stories through quite a way. However I never touched on Boze, Nagi, Doug or Phog!


I think if you take characters out with you, you can raise affinity quickly just doing missions and responding to soul voices. I think at the end of the game, I had a level 59 character, a level 60 Lin and a level 59 Elma. Once I move forward, I will ditch all my level 60 characters and go out with a squad of people like Doug, Celica and Hope to level them up.


I'm not sure how much further I will play though into the post game, as I have so many other games to try.

When they said that you could get Support Missions that boost affinity, I thought it'd be like 10% boosts per mission. Level 50 mission barely moved the heart up at all. It'd take forever. I'm not doing that.

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At the point now where I have to grind support missions to get affinity up so I can finish all parts of the story. Now that's not fun.



If you don't already, grab the Phoenix weapon from killing puges near FN406 (get the intergalactic variant - does take a few tries). This has an area of effect that will hit all of the enemies at the same time.


Then fly to the island in the very top left hand corner of the whole map (not just Noctilum) and open the chest there to get the Draw-Opening Damage XVIII augment (you will need to sneak by a tyrant, but its quite easy)


That should be enough to one-shot the enemies (add humanoid slayer XX augment if not - very easily craftable)


You can then go in, kill all three times with the right position and gain 1/3 affinity heart for each other member in about 15 seconds. You spend more time in the menus than the mission, once you are practised.




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If you don't already, grab the Phoenix weapon from killing puges near FN406 (get the intergalactic variant - does take a few tries). This has an area of effect that will hit all of the enemies at the same time.


Then fly to the island in the very top left hand corner of the whole map (not just Noctilum) and open the chest there to get the Draw-Opening Damage XVIII augment (you will need to sneak by a tyrant, but its quite easy)


That should be enough to one-shot the enemies (add humanoid slayer XX augment if not - very easily craftable)


You can then go in, kill all three times with the right position and gain 1/3 affinity heart for each other member in about 15 seconds. You spend more time in the menus than the mission, once you are practised.




You see, that's the kind of depth I just didn't get into in the game as so much was left unexplained. I feel after listening to you like I missed so much stuff.


I literally just fought things, upgraded all my characters, upgraded arms manufacturers and made sure all my characters had the best gear, armour and Skells and of course had the upgraded arts and skills that were best for my team.


As for augments - I never used them!

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There are two things in the game that are just really fun to use. The first is that weapon I refer to in the spoiler tags - if you have not used it/seen it then I highly recommend trying to get one.


The second is infinite overdrive on the ground build. It takes some grinding to get something workable (or masses of grinding to optimise it to the best it could be), but one you do it is a great deal of fun to pull off.


From the same Puges in FN406 you can also get the G-Buster which is a single enemy one shot wonder.

There are better versions of both weapons in Cauldros, but they take a bit of grinding to find.




There is a lot unexplained about the game - many of which I did not really understand until near to the end game. Or at least explained in such an offhand way that you ignore it at the time. To be honest there are things that I still don't really understand either - soul voices (specifically their configuration) being the main example.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried to get back into this yesterday, after another break from it.

Want to just continue with the story, but the next chapter requires you to be level 30, and I was only level 26.

Got up to 28 last night after some grinding and sub quests, but leveling up is such a drag in this game. :zzz:


Hopefully when/if I get to the next chapter, it'll give me the motivation to continue. :hmm:

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I tried to get back into this yesterday, after another break from it.

Want to just continue with the story, but the next chapter requires you to be level 30, and I was only level 26.

Got up to 28 last night after some grinding and sub quests, but leveling up is such a drag in this game. :zzz:


Hopefully when/if I get to the next chapter, it'll give me the motivation to continue. :hmm:


I seen that you had posted in this thread again and was intrigued to see if you were enjoying it anymore. It seems you are still having issues with it.


I have zero motivation to play it myself and was hoping your post would change my mind. Clearly that didn't happen. :D

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I seen that you had posted in this thread again and was intrigued to see if you were enjoying it anymore. It seems you are still having issues with it.


I have zero motivation to play it myself and was hoping your post would change my mind. Clearly that didn't happen. :D

Heh, sorry about that. :hehe:


Gotta keep it real though, and despite there being a lot to like about this game, there's no denying it can be a goddamn chore to play. :angry:


It's a shame too, as the story was getting really cool last time I was playing it, and I definitely want to progress and see what happens, but the game wants to make that process as annoying as possible it seems. :blank:

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I tried to get back into this yesterday, after another break from it.

Want to just continue with the story, but the next chapter requires you to be level 30, and I was only level 26.

Got up to 28 last night after some grinding and sub quests, but leveling up is such a drag in this game. :zzz:


Hopefully when/if I get to the next chapter, it'll give me the motivation to continue. :hmm:


It's weird, you had the opposite experience to me with this. I actually found it easier to level up in this game than in Xenoblade Chronicles. I think I was so over levelled for some of the story missions I literally breezed through them like a tank!


I think the problem is, Xenoblade Chronicles X's biggest draw is the exploration, side quests and discovering the world around you. The problem is, if that isn't for you then levelling up will feel like a chore as you just want to do the main story.


For me, the main story wasn't really the driving the force, I spent hours and hours just looking around, doing side quests, getting new gear, levelling up and trying to install new probes and build links and bonuses in Frontier Nav.

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I think the problem is, Xenoblade Chronicles X's biggest draw is the exploration, side quests and discovering the world around you. The problem is, if that isn't for you then levelling up will feel like a chore as you just want to do the main story.
I definitely like the exploration aspect too, but at the same time I've explored a hell of a lot already (even used the non-flying Skell to travel to the other islands of the world via sea! :hehe:) Now I just want to carry on with the story, but can't.

There's really no reason to have a level restriction on the next chapter other than to extend the length of the game. I would much rather they let me proceed anyway, and if it turns out I'm under leveled, then I'll go about leveling up. At least that way it wouldn't feel so forced. :hmm:

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I definitely like the exploration aspect too, but at the same time I've explored a hell of a lot already (even used the non-flying Skell to travel to the other islands of the world via sea! :hehe:) Now I just want to carry on with the story, but can't.

There's really no reason to have a level restriction on the next chapter other than to extend the length of the game. I would much rather they let me proceed anyway, and if it turns out I'm under leveled, then I'll go about leveling up. At least that way it wouldn't feel so forced. :hmm:


Both the guys on RFN and NVC had the same issues with the game. They enjoyed it but also felt these restrictions felt like it was simply padding the game out needlessly.


How are you finding the story in it? I've heard it takes a backseat to the exploration and Zechs post seems to confirm that. What's your thoughts on it?


This is a bad thing for me as I play JRPGS for the characters and story. The exploration side of JRPGs never really interests me. Its why I hate the Fallout games with a passion ( horribly overrated games that somehow get passes by the media, despite being buggy messes ) and have never been keen on WRPGs, as they also seem to favour exploration over story.

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Both the guys on RFN and NVC had the same issues with the game. They enjoyed it but also felt these restrictions felt like it was simply padding the game out needlessly.


Seemed bar Guilliame, the others absolutely loved Xenoblade to me.


Anyways, exploring and levelling up? grinding? This sounds like an absolute nightmare to me. Really hope Zelda doesn't follow these open world games too much....

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How are you finding the story in it? I've heard it takes a backseat to the exploration and Zechs post seems to confirm that. What's your thoughts on it?


This is a bad thing for me as I play JRPGS for the characters and story. The exploration side of JRPGs never really interests me. Its why I hate the Fallout games with a passion ( horribly overrated games that somehow get passes by the media, despite being buggy messes ) and have never been keen on WRPGs, as they also seem to favour exploration over story.

Well, at first I wasn't too into it, but as I mentioned on the previous page (don't read that spoiler though! :shakehead) the events at the end of chapter 5 really made me enjoy the story a lot more. :)


As you're no doubt aware by now though, story is not really an area of games that I give much importance to. So I'm probably easier to please than someone like yourself, who values it a lot more and has experienced many story based games over the years.

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I always found that by just doing some of the side missions I did not need to grind to level up in the game at all. The key to levelling up quickly is to always choose enemies that are a higher level than you that are small. You get much experience from them.


I understand the frustration though. I had the same for some of the affinity quests where you need ridiculously high affinity with all of the characters to complete them.


I am a sucker for the grinding in this game though as I love the combat so much. After I completed the main game and 100%ed the map I have just been grinding to build the more powerful mechs.


Plus I am very much looking forward to the RFN spoiler cast on the game. :grin:


They all enjoyed it but when Gui mentioned being locked out of quests they all agreed that it was a shoddy way to lengthen the game.


I would say that John and James loved the game - almost as addicted as I have been, Greg liked the game a lot and Guilame liked the game for some of its better parts but was very, very annoyed by its flaws.

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It's weird, you had the opposite experience to me with this. I actually found it easier to level up in this game than in Xenoblade Chronicles. I think I was so over levelled for some of the story missions I literally breezed through them like a tank!


I think the problem is, Xenoblade Chronicles X's biggest draw is the exploration, side quests and discovering the world around you. The problem is, if that isn't for you then levelling up will feel like a chore as you just want to do the main story.


For me, the main story wasn't really the driving the force, I spent hours and hours just looking around, doing side quests, getting new gear, levelling up and trying to install new probes and build links and bonuses in Frontier Nav.


Hmmm, doesn't sound like the game is for me after all.

I hardly did any side-quests in Xenoblade and just kept advancing the story.

I'd explore and check out the whole map, even to the extent of swimming all over the Eryth Sea, but just not bother with the side-quests.

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They all enjoyed it but when Gui mentioned being locked out of quests they all agreed that it was a shoddy way to lengthen the game.


Will you be listening to their special Xenoblade X podcast when they get it sorted?


Absolutely not :) Though they have such differing opinions it could actually be fun.

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So I made it to level 30, go to accept the next story mission and... "requirements not met". :blank:

Turns out I also needed to do another affinity quest too. *sigh* So I begin looking for this affinity quest, and when I finally find it and attempt to start it... "requirements not met". :mad:

Not enough affinity with a certain NPC apparently. Are you kidding me!? :heh:


*closes software*

*ejects disc*

*powers off Wii U*


Yeah, pretty sure I'm done with this game now.

It's a shame, as I really wanted to try out the flying Skells and see how the story unfolded. But guess I'll just watch the remaining cutscenes on YouTube to save myself from the additional aggravation of grinding levels (and affinity :indeed:) and just generally struggling against the bizarre mechanics of this game.


Note to self:


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So I made it to level 30, go to accept the next story mission and... "requirements not met". :blank:

Turns out I also needed to do another affinity quest too. *sigh* So I begin looking for this affinity quest, and when I finally find it and attempt to start it... "requirements not met". :mad:

Not enough affinity with a certain NPC apparently. Are you kidding me!? :heh:


*closes software*

*ejects disc*

*powers off Wii U*


Yeah, pretty sure I'm done with this game now.

It's a shame, as I really wanted to try out the flying Skells and see how the story unfolded. But guess I'll just watch the remaining cutscenes on YouTube to save myself from the additional aggravation of grinding levels (and affinity :indeed:) and just generally struggling against the bizarre mechanics of this game.


Note to self:



You've basically just confirmed that I definitely shouldn't ever buy this game :heh:


I enjoyed Xenoblade Chronicles and put up with several frustrations as I was keen on progressing the story and felt like I was on something of a mission to prove that I could beat the game!


I look back on it fondly but I've always felt that I wouldn't want to put myself through some of the grinding again, particularly in a world like Xenoblade Chronicles X which seems much less appealing to me..


Maybe you'll go back to it eventually ::shrug:

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So I made it to level 30, go to accept the next story mission and... "requirements not met". :blank:

Turns out I also needed to do another affinity quest too. *sigh* So I begin looking for this affinity quest, and when I finally find it and attempt to start it... "requirements not met". :mad:

Not enough affinity with a certain NPC apparently. Are you kidding me!? :heh:


*closes software*

*ejects disc*

*powers off Wii U*


Yeah, pretty sure I'm done with this game now.

It's a shame, as I really wanted to try out the flying Skells and see how the story unfolded. But guess I'll just watch the remaining cutscenes on YouTube to save myself from the additional aggravation of grinding levels (and affinity :indeed:) and just generally struggling against the bizarre mechanics of this game.


Note to self:



Yep, I'll not be buying this game. That's a daft thing they've done there!

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I don't think I ever had to actually grind whilst playing the story mode or this game. There were times when my abilities/affinity were not up to the limit imposed by the story or affinity mission but in those cases I just focused on other normal missions or exploring until the affinity/story conditions were met.


In Bravely Second I have had to just wander the same part of the map over and over looking for enemies to build up my level to avoid being killed in caves etc. That would be what I consider to be grinding. Also did similar things in Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8 back in the day.


In some ways, its a shame you have stopped @RedShell, but actually the following story missions have a bit of a difficulty spike and so would probably cause more frustration.

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Came back to this yesterday and had no idea what I have to do as the game is a bit complicated and I didn't play it for a long time.


My biggest issue is still the text size. How to hell didn't they fix it till now?? I have 20 missions I have accepted, but just can't bother to read about them as the text size is to small. I know it get's better with time as you get used to it, but it shouldn't have been an issue at all.


At least I undetstand the shops and corporation better now.

Edited by Kounan
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