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It'd be nice to have some solid figures for Europe. The silence is deafening. It's be a shame if there a was huge discrepancy with other regions and we get treated like the poor relation.


We'll probably get those at the investor's call that's happening in a couple of weeks or so.


The wii had huge supply constraints. If it didn't it would of sold way more than 600k in Dec 06. The wii u sold less than the PS3 599 dollars console did in Dec 06. There is no way this number is good. 2nd month in December which historically is a good month for Nintendo. The wii is a dead console and sold more. I know the ps2 did the same but the ps2 was still relevant. This number is bad and it will only get worse.


The 360 sold only 281,441 in its first December (In fact it actually even dropped from its November total of 326,000). Guess that console was a failure...

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That doesn't change the fact that it's selling to Nintendo's expectations. They forecasted that it would lag behind the Wii slightly and that's exactly what it has done.


It doesn't need to be the same phenomenon that the Wii was to be a success.


My point was that the spin they put on the whole story is absurd. It's hard to compare two products when one wasn't available to buy and the other is still sitting on the shelf. Making so many $$$ more is irrelevant if the thing your comparing it was out of stock for the duration.

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My point was that the spin they put on the whole story is absurd. It's hard to compare two products when one wasn't available to buy and the other is still sitting on the shelf. Making so many $$$ more is irrelevant if the thing your comparing it was out of stock for the duration.


Of course it's an unfair comparison, you're absolutely right. It's ridiculous spin and should be treated as such (thankfully it seems to have worked on their investors and the likes of Bloomberg though, so that should shut them up for a few weeks at least! :) )


This however...






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... is not good at all. 3rd party 3DS games are not doing well (how the bloody hell did Angry Birds beat out everything else!?)


At least KH3D beat out the Japanese version :blank:


Nintendo needs to put some marketing muscle behind the upcoming 3DS titles, because these guys don't seem to be up to the task and it doesn't paint a pretty picture at all.


MH3U is the perfect starting point! Go all out like you did before with the Wii one! (and give us that sexy hardware model that they got in Japan while you're at it! ;) )

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We'll probably get those at the investor's call that's happening in a couple of weeks or so.




The 360 sold only 281,441 in its first December (In fact it actually even dropped from its November total of 326,000). Guess that console was a failure...


Your forgetting to add the 360 had supply constraints at launch. The Wii U has no such problem.


Nobody is saying the Wii U is a failure just yet as it's too early to call however the amount of mistakes made since the first unveiling at E3 2011 have been amazing.


... is not good at all. 3rd party 3DS games are not doing well (how the bloody hell did Angry Birds beat out everything else!?)


They have to drop the price of the games. Get them back how DS games were priced. It doesnt matter how good handheld games are people still see the majority of them as lesser than console games and the price has to reflect that.

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The 360's supply constraints were no worse than the supply constraints for the Premium model Wii U (in fact, the split between the two models was actually very similar - as most people ignored the Basic "tard pack" to start off with). If you wanted one, you could get one.


Also the 360`s best selling launch game (COD2) only did just over 250k during December. NSMBU did much better (and that's with Nintendo Land as a pack-in for around 70-80% of all Wii U owners stealing its thunder too!)

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It is spin but it's the kinda spin they need and the kinda spin you will see for Europe if they can get away with it, as I suggested in another thread as it has boosted share prices by some 5%, but I don't believe it to be true for this part of the world.


It sold less units, which isn't unexpected but given the increase in cost, especially since most are going for the premium model, it's not surprising it beat it for revenue in absolute terms but if you adjust for inflation then it did less in that regard as well as the Wii's $270m would come to $308m today.


It sold 400k over it's launch weekend, so just 2 days of sales, and then another 460k in December to take it to 890k units. By that, it says that it only sold 30k in the 10 day gap between. Was that just a supply issue?


Also, Mario's attach rate may seem "nuts" but it does pale next to CoD2 on the 360. NSMBU has sold 580k against 960k consoles for it's 60% attach rate.


CoD2 sold 251k uits in November, against hardware of 326k for a 77% attach rate. In December, it shifted another 250k units against hardware of 281k which boosted it attach rate to a boggling 82%!! There are no "pack-ins" here like with Nintnedoland either.


As for 3DS sales, not remotely surprised by those figures - software has long had trouble shifting in quantities beyond a very slim selection regardless of good hardware numbers. I remember reading a decent article about it somewhere but for some reason, a bunch of people started to bash it as completely untrue and anti Nintendo :indeed:

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The 360's supply constraints were no worse than the supply constraints for the Premium model Wii U (in fact, the split between the two models was actually very similar - as most people ignored the Basic "tard pack" to start off with). If you wanted one, you could get one.


Also the 360`s best selling launch game (COD2) only did just over 250k during December. NSMBU did much better (and that's with Nintendo Land as a pack-in for around 70-80% of all Wii U owners stealing its thunder too!)


Wii u Premium supply constrained? You got a source for that?


It is spin but it's the kinda spin they need and the kinda spin you will see for Europe if they can get away with it, as I suggested in another thread as it has boosted share prices by some 5%, but I don't believe it to be true for this part of the world.


It sold less units, which isn't unexpected but given the increase in cost, especially since most are going for the premium model, it's not surprising it beat it for revenue in absolute terms but if you adjust for inflation then it did less in that regard as well as the Wii's $270m would come to $308m today.


It sold 400k over it's launch weekend, so just 2 days of sales, and then another 460k in December to take it to 890k units. By that, it says that it only sold 30k in the 10 day gap between. Was that just a supply issue?


Also, Mario's attach rate may seem "nuts" but it does pale next to CoD2 on the 360. NSMBU has sold 580k against 960k consoles for it's 60% attach rate.


CoD2 sold 251k uits in November, against hardware of 326k for a 77% attach rate. In December, it shifted another 250k units against hardware of 281k which boosted it attach rate to a boggling 82%!! There are no "pack-ins" here like with Nintnedoland either.


As for 3DS sales, not remotely surprised by those figures - software has long had trouble shifting in quantities beyond a very slim selection regardless of good hardware numbers. I remember reading a decent article about it somewhere but for some reason, a bunch of people started to bash it as completely untrue and anti Nintendo


I think I remember seeing the DS had an attachment rate of 6 – 7.00 while the 3DS has an attachment rate of 2.81?


Its way down on the DS and I don’t know why Nintendo are not trying to address this. I fully understand that just because IOS/Android games are £1 - £2 doesn’t mean 3DS games should match that but I think they need to change things. Premium software should sell for a premium price but other stuff has to come down in price.


I’m worried about the 3rd party Wii U sales. I know the majority are just old ports and sold for too high a price however I cant believe COD has not sold 100k. That to me is unbelievable.

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There are some extrenuating circumstances to consider here with many of these 3DS titles. RE:R was capped at the knees when Capcom announced RE6 just about a week before RE:R was released ("Hey guys! The REAL RE game is coming out in October") and they bombarded us with RE6 ads on TV instead of RE:R.


KH3D is suffering from franchise fatigue and the consequence of putting off KH3 for so long (in fact the game sold better in the US than it did in Japan by quite a bit!)


MGS3 3D was a massive disappointment (coming off the Naked Sample tech demo that we all thought we were getting) and was also capped at the knees (Capcom style!) by the announcement and release of the HD Colection that was released at the same price.


Sonic Generations exists in the shadow of its HD counterparts as a "lesser" version made by an outside team.


RE:R, MGS3D and KH3D also represent the only major 3rd party 3DS releases of this year (Theatrhythtm and Rhythm Thief are very much niche titles that weren't expected to sell much really.


I don't think it's just the price that's the issue. Nintendo's 1st party titles are still selling well (especially SM3DL which is trending toward becoming the best selling 3D Mario of all time!). The problem is inherent towards the software itself and the fact that most of the 3DS' lineup was either pushed back till 2013 or still lives in Japan only currently.

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There are some extrenuating circumstances to consider here with many of these 3DS titles. RE:R was capped at the knees when Capcom announced RE6 just about a week before RE:R was released ("Hey guys! The REAL RE game is coming out in October") and they bombarded us with RE6 ads on TV instead of RE:R.


KH3D is suffering from franchise fatigue and the consequence of putting off KH3 for so long (in fact the game sold better in the US than it did in Japan by quite a bit!)


MGS3 3D was a massive disappointment (coming off the Naked Sample tech demo that we all thought we were getting) and was also capped at the knees (Capcom style!) by the announcement and release of the HD Colection that was released at the same price.


Sonic Generations exists in the shadow of its HD counterparts as a "lesser" version made by an outside team.


RE:R, MGS3D and KH3D also represent the only major 3rd party 3DS releases of this year (Theatrhythtm and Rhythm Thief are very much niche titles that weren't expected to sell much really.


I don't think it's just the price that's the issue. Nintendo's 1st party titles are still selling well (especially SM3DL which is trending toward becoming the best selling 3D Mario of all time!). The problem is inherent towards the software itself and the fact that most of the 3DS' lineup was either pushed back till 2013 or still lives in Japan only currently.


Very true but I still would of expected RE:R to have hit 200k by now.


The premium software will always do well regardless of price. It’s the niche stuff which needs to change. People will pay £35 for Mario 3D land but launch titles like Rhythm thief for £20 - £25.

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There are some extrenuating circumstances to consider here with many of these 3DS titles. RE:R was capped at the knees when Capcom announced RE6 just about a week before RE:R was released ("Hey guys! The REAL RE game is coming out in October") and they bombarded us with RE6 ads on TV instead of RE:R.


Coupled with the fact that the game ( RE:R ) is very average and gets old really fast. :D


It is spin but it's the kinda spin they need and the kinda spin you will see for Europe if they can get away with it, as I suggested in another thread as it has boosted share prices by some 5%, but I don't believe it to be true for this part of the world.


Could the boost not have been helped by the Pokemon announcement, or would that have been reflected earlier in the week?

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Wii u Premium supply constrained? You got a source for that?


There's no one specific source for it, but its been widely reported from retailers and other sources. Here's an article where Iwata acknowledges the Premium model supply issue http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/07/us-nintendo-console-sales-idUSBRE90605420130107


I think I remember seeing the DS had an attachment rate of 6 – 7.00 while the 3DS has an attachment rate of 2.81?


Its way down on the DS and I don’t know why Nintendo are not trying to address this. I fully understand that just because IOS/Android games are £1 - £2 doesn’t mean 3DS games should match that but I think they need to change things. Premium software should sell for a premium price but other stuff has to come down in price.


I’m worried about the 3rd party Wii U sales. I know the majority are just old ports and sold for too high a price however I cant believe COD has not sold 100k. That to me is unbelievable.


You're comparing the end of life DS attach rate to the early life of the 3DS. Not a fair comparison.


But yeah, the Wii U 3rd party sales aren't fantastic, no spin to be had there (except for ME3 and Fifa, which were sabotaged by EA themselves)


The early adopters were clearly buying it for Nintendo's duo of titles. Mind you though, ZombiU does seem to have done better in Europe than in the US, going by the fact that it has constantly remained the 3rd best selling Wii U game so I guess we'll just have to wait and see about that one...

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Could the boost not have been helped by the Pokemon announcement, or would that have been reflected earlier in the week?


The Pokémon announcement didn't so much as make it budge.


Maybe these figures in conjunction with that have aided to the improvement but clearly the X/Y announcement did nothing on its own.


Plus, with Pokémon, you kinda know it's coming anyway and so it doesn't have that much on an impact until you get the sales data in. Every investor knows if they release a new Generational game, it should be good for 15m copies sold - so when the inevitable happens, you see a slight jump that reaffirms their stance that Nintendo still know what they are doing but it won't go through the roof. It's a bit like GTA in that regard - it's so pivotal to the success of T2 that it's stopped making the shares jump through the ceiling and now it only keeps prices steady instead. Not turning up has a far greater affect than actually turning up.


The Wii U is far riskier than than something like that and so it's important that they know it's off to a decent, if unremarkable, start.

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There's no one specific source for it, but its been widely reported from retailers and other sources. Here's an article where Iwata acknowledges the Premium model supply issue http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/07/us-nintendo-console-sales-idUSBRE90605420130107




You're comparing the end of life DS attach rate to the early life of the 3DS. Not a fair comparison.


But yeah, the Wii U 3rd party sales aren't fantastic, no spin to be had there (except for ME3 and Fifa, which were sabotaged by EA themselves)


The early adopters were clearly buying it for Nintendo's duo of titles. Mind you though, ZombiU does seem to have done better in Europe than in the US, going by the fact that it has constantly remained the 3rd best selling Wii U game so I guess we'll just have to wait and see about that one...


Agreed but the DS attachment rate was still incredibly high considering R4 cards were rampant and housewives and soccer mom’s even knew how to use them.


I thought when Iwata mentioned that it was only Japan he was talking about. For the States they seemed to have got stores after the initial launch week or so re-stocked plentiful and I know its not the best gauge to use but people during December were always saying how many Wii U’s they seeing in stores.

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They did that rolling shipment malarkey across all regions, not just the US.


For what it's worth, the Premium model Wii U accounted for 90% of all hardware sales in the EU upon its launch (can't remember if anything was revealed about the other regions).


Otherwise, you only have to look around at other various sources about the Premium one being constrained, with the Basic one still sitting on store shelves. Seems to be the same story across all regions (not just the US) too.

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They did that rolling shipment malarkey across all regions, not just the US.


For what it's worth, the Premium model Wii U accounted for 90% of all hardware sales in the EU upon its launch (can't remember if anything was revealed about the other regions).


Otherwise, you only have to look around at other various sources about the Premium one being constrained, with the Basic one still sitting on store shelves. Seems to be the same story across all regions (not just the US) too.


They really messed up with the basic as it offers so little value. Nintendoland should of been packed into that unit

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They really messed up with the basic as it offers so little value. Nintendoland should of been packed into that unit


I've said it before, but I reckon that the basic pack will start selling more as time goes on and the console starts selling to a wider audience.


At the start of the console's life, it's gonna be selling mainly to the hardcore Nintendo nuts who won't be willing to settle for anything but the best.


Unlike the 360, there's nothing wrong with the "lesser" model. If you're not interested in Nintendo Land, then there's no real reason to buy the Premium model over the Basic one as USB storage is dirt cheap and pretty much required if you're looking to download lots of content anyway (even if you buy the Premium one, that 25GB odd of usable storage isn't going to last long anyway!) This is in stark contrast to the 360, where the "tard pack" console was severely gimped in comparison to the Pro (and buying a Basic along with a seperate HDD was more expensive than just buying the Pro model).

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Gone off IGN quite a bit in recent months, however this is quite a well written article about sales figures in US and Japan, sadly nothing on EU sales but still puts things in context, and sheds light on other console debut's that I didn't now before! :)


Most home consoles are slow starters in terms of sales; in the weeks following the Wii U launch, some reports pointed out that the 360 and even the original Wii were outselling the Wii U by bucketloads, seemingly choosing to ignore that this is completely normal for new consoles, and has been the case for as long as I can remember. The PS2 outsold the PS3 for years, the PSP outsold the Vita, and the DS initially outsold the 3DS.


The one difference with those comparisons is the state of those predecessors. Neither the PS2 or the DS were in the same situation which the wii was in when the next console launched. The Wii has been on life support for 2 years (which if anything has really hurt the wii u) The PSP outsells the Vita in Japan but again the PSP is still very much alive in Japan with new releases.


Even if one to argue that the launch numbers are ok. Not spectacular but not horrific the major concern is the numbers for the next 2 months. The lack of software is going to hurt the Wii U big time in Jan and February.

The European numbers are going to be interesting as well and I wouldn’t bank on it to have shifted 500,000 units.

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That article has it right completely. People keep comparing the sales and attach ratio to current values rather than comparative values of the consoles at that point in their life. It actually can get quite infuriating, as a journalist, to see people get so misinformed.


Then saying that there are mitigating circumstances to the others doing "poorly" during that time to fill the agenda you're pushing is wrong too. Every console has mitigating factors to do with sales. Wii U does. Premium sets are harder to get and most adopters don't want the Basic set. The release is also in a much rougher economic climate where people are less inclined to spend money on luxuries such as new game consoles. If that is not a mitigating factor, then you really are just trying to be anti-Nintendo.

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2012 UK All Formats Chart - Source: GfK Chart-Track


NB: 2012 had two games selling over one million. 2011 had five.


1. Black Ops 2

2. FIFA 13

3. Assassin's Creed III

4. Halo IV

5. Hitman Absolution

6. Just Dance 4

7. Far Cry 3

8. FIFA 12

9. Skyrim

10. Borderlands 2

11. Mass Effect 3

12. LEGO Batman 2

13. Need for Speed: Most Wanted

14. FIFA Street

15. Mario & Sonic London 2012

16. Skylanders Giants

17. Battlefield 3

18. Modern Warfare 3

19. Max Payne 3

20. Sleeping Dogs

21. Resident Evil 6

22. London 2012

23. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

24. Dishonoured

25. WWE 13

26. LEGO Lord of the Rings

27. Forza Motorsport 4

28. New Super Mario Bros 2

29. Medal of Honour Warfighter

30. Assassin's Creed Revelations

31. Just Dance 3

32. Mario Kart 7

33. F1 2012

34. Batman Arkham City

35. Football Manager 2013

36. Super Mario 3D Land

37. Forza Horizon

38. Saints Row The Third

39. Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure

40. LEGO Harry Potter 5-7

41. Sniper Elite V2

42. Sonic Generations

43. Rayman Origins

44. Final Fantasy XIII-2

45. Dead Island Game of the Year

46. Zumba Fitness

47. Amazing Spider-man

48. Moshi Monsters: Moshlings Theme Park

49. LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean

50. SSX

51. Kinect Star Wars

52. Tiger Woods 13

53. Moshi Monsters: Moshling Zoo

54. The Sims 3

55. Zumba Fitness 2

56. Black Ops

57. Need for Speed: The Run

58. Prototype 2

59. Diablo III

60. Mario Kart Wii

61. RAGE

62. UFC Undisputed 3

63. WWE 12

64. Cars 2

65. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

66. PES 2013

67. Skate 3

68. GTA IV: Episodes

69. Football Manager 2012

70. Uncharted 3

71. Pokemon Black V2

72. Darksiders II

73. LEGO Harry Potter 1-4

74. Mario Party 9

75. Kinect Sports

76. F1 2011

77. Kingdoms of Amalur

78. Gran Turismo 5

79. Sonic Racing Transformed

80. uDraw Instant Artist

81. GTA IV

82. Professor Layton: Miracle Mask

83. Angry Birds Trilogy

84. Kinect Disneyland Adventures

85. LEGO Batman

86. LEGO Star Wars III

87. Pokemon White V2

88. Toy Story 3

89. Guild Wars 2

90. The Sims 3: Pets

91. Uncharted Golden Abyss

92. Doom 3: BFG

93. Rocksmith

94. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

95. Wii Fit Plus

96. Wonderbook: Book of Spells

97. Dance Central 2

98. DiRT Showdown

99. 007 Legends

100. Halo Anniversary

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The 360's supply constraints were no worse than the supply constraints for the Premium model Wii U


You remember the 360 launch different to me, shit was damn hard to find after launch. I got mine at launch but my dad had to wait for over a month to get his and that was luck.

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