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Yeah, no way to spin this one. Wii U is doing abysmally right now.


The horrible thing here though is that it's only going to get worse next month, with nothing being released and the PS4 being revealed. All momentum that the console had is gone.


What's even worse is that there's nothing that Nintendo can even do in the short term to fix this. They can't pull the same price drop stunt that they did before as they don't have a big margin to lop off if needed and the big software is still far off from release.


There's nothing that they can really do, other than weather the storm and re-launch the console when the software is finally ready. They can't count on any 3rd party support either, so they have to lay everything on those few 1st party titles that are upcoming...


Not looking good at all :(

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Yeah, no way to spin this one. Wii U is doing abysmally right now.


The horrible thing here though is that it's only going to get worse next month, with nothing being released and the PS4 being revealed. All momentum that the console had is gone.


What's even worse is that there's nothing that Nintendo can even do in the short term to fix this. They can't pull the same price drop stunt that they did before as they don't have a big margin to lop off if needed and the big software is still far off from release.


There's nothing that they can really do, other than weather the storm and re-launch the console when the software is finally ready. They can't count on any 3rd party support either, so they have to lay everything on those few 1st party titles that are upcoming...


Not looking good at all :(


Its a disaster. Even the biggest pessimist would never of said it would drop to selling 55k in the States within 3 months.


I really think they have misread the market with the Wii U. I think nintendo have banked on all those people that bought wii's would just line up and purchase the Wii U.


It's going to be one long rough road and I would be shocked if there isnt some casualties. I dont want to lay all the blame on NOA as I dont really know how much power they have. I dont think Reggie would of slept well last night though. These numbers are horrific and there needs to be some responsibility and some answers to why this was allowed to happen.


I dont think stuff like Wii U Fit is going to change much either.


The software sales have to be so low right now as well.


It's starting


UK retailers call for Wii U price cut and new strategy #1






UK games retailers want Nintendo to revitalise Wii U sales with a fresh marketing push and a price drop.


Console sales have slowed since its December launch. Last week, it lost exclusive rights to Rayman Legends and Ninja Gaiden 3, and Activision boss Bobby Kotick said the publisher is “disappointed” in Wii U’s performance so far.


In January, Wii U’s second month on sale, the console only accounted 1.6 per cent of UK game sales. In the US, Wii U has sold 38 per cent less units than its predecessor at the same stage of its own launch.


But retailers, including members of MCV's Retail Advisory Board, have said they believe Nintendo can turn this around if the platform holder acts now.


“Wii U has not caught the public’s imagination yet,” Tesco games buying manager Jonathan Hayes told MCV.


"We need a killer app to drive sales, and a big marketing push to clearly communicate what Wii U is all about – it will probably be better to focus on the premium edition to do this.”


Sainsbury’s games buying manager Gurdeep Hunjan added: “A new strategy needs to be communicated and launched for Easter, the school holidays, the summer holidays and beyond.”


ShopTo buyer James Rowson said: “Nintendo needs to show there’s a wide range of games available and on the horizon so consumers see Wii U as a good long-term investment.”


Indies believe a price drop would lift the Wii U, but warn that it cannot be the only solution.


“A price drop on the console or extremely competitive bundle options to encourage consumer take-up would be ideal,” said Grainger Gamers’ commercial director Simon Peck.


Nick Whitehead, founder of Xbite, added: “Both the machine and software prices are too high to compete. The price point needs looking at but this alone will not fix the issue.”


Barkman Computers’ Nick Elliot said: “Lower prices should be led by Nintendo and publishers – not left to retail to discount down to the optimum price point.”


Publisher support is a more divisive subject among stores, with debate about which companies will produce the biggest system-sellers.


“Third-party support will be vital over the coming months, especially as triple-A Nintendo launches are so infrequent,” said Games Centre MD Robert Lindsay.


Gameseek MD Stephen Staley disagrees: “I don’t think Nintendo can rely on anyone other than themselves to get the most out of Wii U. I hope they can do it.”


A full analysis of retail demands for Wii U will be in next week’s issue of MCV, available on Thursday, February 21st.

Edited by liger05
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Yeah, no way to spin this one. Wii U is doing abysmally right now.


The horrible thing here though is that it's only going to get worse next month, with nothing being released and the PS4 being revealed. All momentum that the console had is gone.


What's even worse is that there's nothing that Nintendo can even do in the short term to fix this. They can't pull the same price drop stunt that they did before as they don't have a big margin to lop off if needed and the big software is still far off from release.


There's nothing that they can really do, other than weather the storm and re-launch the console when the software is finally ready. They can't count on any 3rd party support either, so they have to lay everything on those few 1st party titles that are upcoming...


Not looking good at all :(

Remember the saying


A panicked Nintendo is the best Nintendo


It really is a shame, the Wii U is the greatest console that I have ever played and I really hope Nintendo turn it around

Edited by Serebii
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There's one silver lining in that retailer statement. The fact that they feel the need to air their concerns publically means that they haven't given up on them yet.


The problem is that they're not really in a position to do anything really right now...

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There's one silver lining in that retailer statement. The fact that they feel the need to air their concerns publically means that they haven't given up on them yet.


The problem is that they're not really in a position to do anything really right now...


Very true. I guess they are talking about a reduced trade price so they have more room to price cut? I read retailers pay £246 for a premium console, that to me is big margin they are getting from the sale to consumer.


Not sure nintendo can do another price cut. Going forward will not hurt them as again it will be a console reduced in price after 3 months so come the next hardware release people are just going to expect it.

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There's bad, there's worse and then there is horrific... and then somewhere a bit further along there is the Wii U.


So now the Wii U has sold less than the PS3 did in the US over it's opening 3 months. It marginally outbeat the 360, but that was much more heavily supply constrained and if it wasn't for the extra reporting week this time around, it might not have outsold that either. The 360 also had zero big games released in the January after its launch either and most of it's line up were ports (its killer app was a PC port) but it still only dropped 30k sales. Times may be harder now but then the 360 was a lot more expensive - you either bring up both points or you leave them both out.


A panicked Nintendo rushed the The Wind Waker when it really needed more time in the oven and the amount of regurgitated assests in Mario Sunshine (plus the blue coin crap) also suggest it was a somewhat rushed. Nintendo during the GC years were not at the peak of their powers by any stretch. A panicked Nintendo also rushed out Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7 and trotted out more NSMB games to rake in money in quick succession. Frankly, panicked Nintendo isn't a good Nintendo at all in terms of first party output via the EAD teams and those are ultimately the titles that people think of first when discussing Nintendo.


Panicked Nintendo seem to be better at reaching out to third parties for the odd exclusive/partnership but you get the feeling that most devs don't want to know right now.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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There's bad, there's worse and then there is horrific... and then somewhere a bit further along there is the Wii U.


So now the Wii U has sold less than the PS3 did in the US over it's opening 3 months. It marginally outbeat the 360, but that was much more heavily supply constrained and if it wasn't for the extra reporting week this time around, it might not have outsold that either. The 360 also had zero big games released in the January after its launch either and most of it's line up were ports (its killer app was a PC port) but it still only dropped 30k sales. Times may be harder now but then the 360 was a lot more expensive - you either bring up both points or you leave them both out.


dont forget its just been outsold by the wii in the US. The Wii!!!


If Reggie doesnt lose his job then I really dont know what the company is doing.

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What's annoying about this whole thing is Nintendo claimed that they learnt their lesson from the 3DS fiasco. Clearly they didn't!


Brand confusion? Check

No compelling software at launch? Check

Software drought? Check

Online functions not ready? Check

Priced too high? Check


At the end of the day none of this matters to me as I was always getting a WiiU for Monster Hunter, but at the same time I can see what people are complaining about.

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dont forget its just been outsold by the wii in the US. The Wii!!!


If Reggie doesnt lose his job then I really dont know what the company is doing.


Reggie won't lose his job - he's as much the face of Nintendo as Iwata and Miyamoto are and it wouldn't do them any favours at all. A board reshuffle, sure but dropping Reggie would really show a lack of faith with the Wii U in general and they can't afford that. It would make them seem even weaker if they kicked him out.


And to be fair, some of these problem aren't his fault. If NoJ can't get their act together with regards to making the console and dev kits, how can Reggie be expected to court third parties and have them up and running with console defining software?

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What's annoying about this whole thing is Nintendo claimed that they learnt their lesson from the 3DS fiasco. Clearly they didn't!


Brand confusion? Check

No compelling software at launch? Check

Software drought? Check

Online functions not ready? Check

Priced too high? Check


At the end of the day none of this matters to me as I was always getting a WiiU for Monster Hunter, but at the same time I can see what people are complaining about.


Yeah this sticks out the most to me, after saying they identified all of the problems they had with the 3DS they seem to have made all the same mistakes all over again with the Wii U.


Well, on the plus side, Iwata managed to turn the 3DS around (although it never in as bad as a situation as the Wii U is right now) maybe he can do the same with the Wii U.

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Yeah this sticks out the most to me, after saying they identified all of the problems they had with the 3DS they seem to have made all the same mistakes all over again with the Wii U.


Well, on the plus side, Iwata managed to turn the 3DS around (although it never in as bad as a situation as the Wii U is right now) maybe he can do the same with the Wii U.


Iwata needs to fix up. Two bad launches on the trot. This is far worse though as they already saw what happened with the 3ds. What have they been doing since they let the wii die.

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Iwata needs to fix up. Two bad launches on the trot. This is far worse though as they already saw what happened with the 3ds. What have they been doing since they let the wii die.

Funnily enough, they have been developing. Ideas, concepts, codes, technology don't just spring out of thin air.


There's one silver lining in that retailer statement. The fact that they feel the need to air their concerns publically means that they haven't given up on them yet.


The problem is that they're not really in a position to do anything really right now...

Problem is, the retailers haven't exactly been giving the Wii U a fair shake


GAME have shut down many stores in key areas. HMV scaled back their gaming division around the same time, and now they're shutting down a load of stores.


This lead people to supermarkets. However, I've been in most of the supermarkets around here numerous times since launch and I have not once seen a Wii U console. Sure, I've seen a couple of games, and a peripheral or two, but never a console. They have no right to complain about poor sales if they don't actually bother stocking the damned thing

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Iwata needs to fix up. Two bad launches on the trot. This is far worse though as they already saw what happened with the 3ds. What have they been doing since they let the wii die.


I guess they spent their time focused on the 3DS, which has worked out for them as the 3DS really is starting to come into its own now.


So the problem might be a knock on effect from having their hands tied up with all of these 3DS games they've been working on. Because to me, it really feels as if the console just wasn't ready yet.


I don't know why they released it when they had so little software ready and even things like online were not fully set up for developers, yet alone consumers.

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Working on 3DS titles?


Hence why when they were rolling in bundles of cash they should of been expanding the terms internally to prepare for HD. They are behind the curve and no doubt have struggled with HD development and are now playing catch up.


I guess they spent their time focused on the 3DS, which has worked out for them as the 3DS really is starting to come into its own now.


So the problem might be a knock on effect from having their hands tied up with all of these 3DS games they've been working on. Because to me, it really feels as if the console just wasn't ready yet.


I don't know why they released it when they had so little software ready and even things like online were not fully set up for developers, yet alone consumers.


A head start on the competition which will be miniscule at best. They have blown the window they had with no 'new' competition.

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It's still not as dire as we though



Nov 2005 - 326k

Dec 2005 - 281k

Jan 2006 - 231k

Total - 838k



Nov 2006 - 197k

Dec 2006 - 490k

Jan 2007 - 243k

Total - 930k


Wii U

Nov 2012 - 425k

Dec 2012 - 460k

Jan 2013 - 55k

Total - 940k


Someone posted this on NeoGAF. It's a dire month, yes, but it's still tracking ahead of the first three months or the 360 and PS3, and the three months indicate a launch (not the six months Nintendo do). Yes I know, mitigating factors. There's always mitigating factors for everything so don't use that as an excuse for the other consoles

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Working on 3DS titles?


How many of Nintendo published 3DS games have been handled 100% in house?


Pilotwings Resort, OoT3D, Star Fox 64 3D, Mario Tennis Open, Pokemon Rumble weren't. Sticker Star also wasn't 100% done by IS either. Then you have the upcoming Pokemon games, Mario Golf, Luigi's Mansion and Mario & Luigi which aren't either. They also called in Retro to help with MK7 and Brownie Brown for SM3DL.


Surely they haven't been stretched that thinnly by 3DS development have they?

Edited by Captain Falcon
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It's still not as dire as we though




Someone posted this on NeoGAF. It's a dire month, yes, but it's still tracking ahead of the first three months or the 360 and PS3, and the three months indicate a launch (not the six months Nintendo do). Yes I know, mitigating factors. There's always mitigating factors for everything so don't use that as an excuse for the other consoles


Its more than dire. The drop in January is huge and it doesnt look like Febuary will be any better.


On the other side, MS owns America. 25 months on the trot xbox has been #1 on the NPD.

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A panicked Nintendo rushed the The Wind Waker when it really needed more time in the oven and the amount of regurgitated assests in Mario Sunshine (plus the blue coin crap) also suggest it was a somewhat rushed. Nintendo during the GC years were not at the peak of their powers by any stretch. A panicked Nintendo also rushed out Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7 and trotted out more NSMB games to rake in money in quick succession. Frankly, panicked Nintendo isn't a good Nintendo at all in terms of first party output via the EAD teams and those are ultimately the titles that people think of first when discussing Nintendo.


I don't see what's wrong with any of those titles. All brilliant games. Yes, I'd have liked more dungeons in Wind Waker, but I've never heard about this regurgitated stuff in Mario Sunshine, please explain?


Yes, the situation isn't great, it's pretty terrible, but sometimes I get the impression you're being negative for the sake of being negative.

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The Wii U sold just 46,000 hardware units in January at brick and mortar locations — a shockingly low number for a console that was just released in late November. To put it in perspective, the Wii sold 348,000 units during that system's comparable period in 2007.


Officially, according to NPD data, Nintendo has sold 57,000 Wii U units this year. The adjusted figure of 46,000 is a more accurate comparison to the 2007 figures, though, due to reporting calendar irregularities. (January's NPD results are a skewed due to the addition of a "leap week" the group has to add every five or six years to balance its reporting periods. NPD measures the year into 12 reporting periods of four or five weeks. That results in some date discrepancies, which require the leap week to be added occasionally.)



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I don't see what's wrong with any of those titles. All brilliant games. Yes, I'd have liked more dungeons in Wind Waker, but I've never heard about this regurgitated stuff in Mario Sunshine, please explain?


Yes, the situation isn't great, it's pretty terrible, but sometimes I get the impression you're being negative for the sake of being negative.


Well yeah, we all know about the missing temples and triforce hunt in TWW but just look at how the shines are split in SMS compared to the stars in SM64.


SM64 had 15 levels with 7 stars a piece whereas SMS had just 7 levels with 11 shines each - every level having at least 2 red coin collectathons too compared to 64s one a piece. On top of that, they doused each level with 30(!) blue coins to collect meaning you had to spend even more time wandering around the same locations to pick them up. 24 of the 120 shines ws via collecting blue coins which is pretty darn crap in my book. It was tedious trying to find them all and it was made all the more infuriating because each worlds blue coins could only be found on certain Shines and there was nothing to keep tradck of your collected ones. Basically, you spend far, far longer wandering around the same locations picking up items as they deliberately pad the game out instead of providing new locations to explore.


Mario 3D Land should be obvious in that the 80% of the secret world was the same as the regular world expect with either Shadow Mario, a time limit, or both - and the regular world wasn't lengthy in the slightest either. Whilst I undertand they added a greater level of customisation, I also recall seeing a rather long list of things missing from MK7 that were in DS and Wii.

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The 360 had stock problems, the PS3 was only available in 2 regions in it's first Janauary and the only problem Wii U has in regards to stock is super markets not keen on stocking it. And they're well in their right to not want to stock it if they've still got a fuck load of Wii units that aren't shifting.


Heck, the super market situation here reminds me heavily of the burn some places received when they still had Saturn's not shifting when the Dreamcast was due out.

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