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Future of gaming?

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Does any ever think about the future gaming? In all honesty i think the Wii U, PS4, 720 etc will be the last game consoles as in the future it will be all smartphones and tablets - you just have to look at the trend to come to this conclusion. For me the best gaming memories will be the 16bit era which i will forever cherish.

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The Wii U is already a huge success. I think that cloud gaming will have a bigger effect on consoles than the smartphone and tablet market, especially as internet connections get better and better. There you can bypass most of the hardware costs and upgrades would be done on the server side at no cost to you.


As it stands, touchscreens are not good enough for complex gameplay.

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I thought tablets/touchscreens were just seen as another intermediary (though more intuitive than gaming controllers) step down the User Interface path?


Perhaps because the current generation of consoles is stretching the 'normal' console lifespan it is easy to assume the next leap will attain a similar longevity - for sure selling your console at a loss per unit suggests you want to play a long game where you recoup your losses with game sales, and perhaps reduced manufacturing costs down the line?


I'm quite apprehensive about the shift, largely for personal reasons. I have a reduced field of vision and it can take me a moment to find focus, so the thought of having two screens at different distances is worrisome (considering there are QTEs on one screen that I find difficult to keep up with). I'm perhaps not all that interested in altering the way I play games - for sure, new technology and innovations drive things forwards, but there's no guarentee it'll be a direction everyone will like. The move towards family-friendly, living-room friendly means the devices will be created with what is essentially faff that I have no interest in using currently. Of course, I'm sure that a console manufacturer will cater in some way for someone like me.


I also think there's plenty of interesting avenues left to pursue, particularly with the advent of augmented reality.


And lastly, that feeling that comes with every generation of consoles - from rumour mill to E3 details to leaked tidbits, it's exciting!

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I thought tablets/touchscreens were just seen as another intermediary (though more intuitive than gaming controllers) step down the User Interface path?


Perhaps because the current generation of consoles is stretching the 'normal' console lifespan it is easy to assume the next leap will attain a similar longevity - for sure selling your console at a loss per unit suggests you want to play a long game where you recoup your losses with game sales' date=' and perhaps reduced manufacturing costs down the line?


I'm quite apprehensive about the shift, largely for personal reasons. I have a reduced field of vision and it can take me a moment to find focus, so the thought of having two screens at different distances is worrisome (considering there are QTEs on [i']one[/i] screen that I find difficult to keep up with). I'm perhaps not all that interested in altering the way I play games - for sure, new technology and innovations drive things forwards, but there's no guarentee it'll be a direction everyone will like. The move towards family-friendly, living-room friendly means the devices will be created with what is essentially faff that I have no interest in using currently. Of course, I'm sure that a console manufacturer will cater in some way for someone like me.


I also think there's plenty of interesting avenues left to pursue, particularly with the advent of augmented reality.


And lastly, that feeling that comes with every generation of consoles - from rumour mill to E3 details to leaked tidbits, it's exciting!


Don't worry, games in the future will be connected directly to your neural pathways, bypassing your eyes.

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Everything will have utilise some kind of motion sensor. Colour palettes will be exclusively brown and grey. Nintendo will continue to not create another 2D Metroid game.

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Love is a strong word. Why would anyone love a company? I like them. I also noticed they bought Gaikai last year. You know, a cloud gaming company.

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Putting aside new controls, in the near future I'm excited that we can still improve graphically.


Check out this album, it's Skyrim with a large amount of mods. Obviously this will currently take a beast of a PC to play above slideshow speed, but in the future processors and GPUs will be outputting this stuff with ease.




Full album

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Enough said


Does any ever think about the future gaming? In all honesty i think the Wii U, PS4, 720 etc will be the last game consoles as in the future it will be all smartphones and tablets - you just have to look at the trend to come to this conclusion. For me the best gaming memories will be the 16bit era which i will forever cherish.

Tablets won't take over from dedicated gaming devices unless they add extra inputs. Many types of games cannot work with a touch screen input

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^I don't have any plans to get a Wii U, and I shed my nintendo fanboy layers years ago, but I think that;'s an ignorant thing to say. Makes you sound like you're pandering to the masses who are likely to snub the console rather than fairly appraise it for what it does.


Why has it been so hard to get an unbiased, neutral review of the console?

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^I don't have any plans to get a Wii U' date=' and I shed my nintendo fanboy layers years ago, but I think that;'s an ignorant thing to say. Makes you sound like you're pandering to the masses who are likely to snub the console rather than fairly appraise it for what it does.


Why has it been so hard to get an unbiased, neutral review of the console?[/quote']

Try playing a FPS or a fighter on a button-less tablet and tell me it works as well as a Keyboard/Mouse, ArcadeStick or Controller input.


I had this view long before the Wii U was announced and I will continue to no matter what. Touch screen controls for the vast majority of gaming genres does not work

Edited by Serebii

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Sorry serebii, my "^" was aimed at @arab_freak and not you. bad post timing! I don't disagree with you at all. I quite like having my pad with buttons as an input medium. I do in fact agree with you! There are definitely game types that are at a disadvantage with this UI (though if we were to be truly flexible and omni-thinking, surely it's possible for entirely new genres to come about due to the wii U? However, perhaps not. Though I do agree that tapping in to the hardcore board game market is a brilliant potential future. I have a friend who has a massive bookshelf full of board games and loads of bags full of pieces, and it takes forever to set games up, so perhaps something like wii U could aid that... or perhaps a table tablet thingum... tangents aplenty now!)... yeah.


Serves me right for playing games rather than replying quickly!

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There have been many different views on what the future holds for gaming, there will always be people who require hard copies of games. Others prefer downloads and streams. The future does lie in streaming/download. As for consoles themselves, maybe 1 generation after the next one before we see the last of console-based games.

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Simply looking at how games have progressed in the past 10-15 years makes me excited as to what we'll be playing in the future. Just think of what it will be like if we have the same level of technological advancement that we've had so far.......but further into the future! Not just in terms of graphical advancement, although those pictures Shorty posted are incredible, but in terms of input/gameplay etc.


Imagine something like the Kinect in 20 years time, which captures your entire body in real-time, puts it into a MMO or suchlike, with the ability to recognise almost any interaction you can think of. Add that to amazing graphics, plus some sort of head-tracking eye display that actually works....


Or even being able to control directly with brain waves or suchlike, that would be cool. I'm sure it's not that far off, (although the jump to being in a commercial console would take a lot longer).


I personally hope i still have the time/money to play video games if/when any of this becomes available...

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I'm a graphics whore. And a physics whore. And a shit-exploding-everywhere whore. And scale, GoWIII was such an experience.


I don't care about thing like Kinect and the Wiimote and whatever other crap because the controller is already invisible to me.

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Aaaah, but imagine if the Kinect worked like the adverts pretend it does? Add that to whorish graphics and physics and i'm sold.

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But then I'd have to move loads and I'd get no feedback. I'm so in-tune with a controller that's realistically as close as you could get to mind control (I guess technically it is mind control).


But I'm not going to knock it until I see this magical machine. I approve of magic.

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