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The NEW New Super Mario Bros. U Thread


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Anybody else finding this quite difficult? I'm only on the third world and I died for fun on certain levels so far.


I don't know whether I've just become crap at 2D Mario Platformers or whether this is just a really tough Mario game!


Ha read a few posts up - I said the same thing.


Stick with it though. Once you have finished the story it's great to go back and play some of the other worlds again - it's definitely made me appreciate the game loads more. And I'm having lots of fun with it again too. :bouncy:


But yeah - definitely very very tough in parts.

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Hmm, so I feel like it's just me playing this game at the min? :confused: Ha.


I am up to:


Got all star coins and am now on the star island.

Holy shite that Run For It level is an absolute bastard.

It's taken about 30 lives off me this morning - but I did it! I hope they're not all like that ha.



Anyone else been playing through, got any thoughts?!


Also, what do you think the chances are of DLC to the main game? As in an extra world on the map? Possible? Or just more extra modes?


One of the levels was a complete nightmare to get all of the coins and make it through in one piece. The level is called Run For It. Enjoy! :)


I now feel your pain and anguish.



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Hmm, so I feel like it's just me playing this game at the min? :confused: Ha.


I am up to:


Got all star coins and am now on the star island.

Holy shite that Run For It level is an absolute bastard.

It's taken about 30 lives off me this morning - but I did it! I hope they're not all like that ha.



Anyone else been playing through, got any thoughts?!


Also, what do you think the chances are of DLC to the main game? As in an extra world on the map? Possible? Or just more extra modes?




I now feel your pain and anguish.



I have a feeling DLC will just be Challenge/Coin Modes :( I hope for another world though, that'd be amazing

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I have played it some time now, and have cleared the four first world. Didn't have too much problems yet, as I have been racking up 1-ups like crazy and currently stand in about 80. I'm wishing the game will go up in difficulty, and I think it will in the next world. Then again, I didn't find Donkey Kong Country Returns as challenging as many made me believe, so maybe I'm just better than I think?


Anyway, I know there are secret exits in stages, and I have missed them, but are you able to tell somehow? Like in Super Mario World, the stage's node was red if there was a secret exit somewhere.


Collecting Star Coins is fun, but man that Glacier Ghost House is a problematic one. Can't find the last Star Coin anywhere.

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I know, I know. It's just that the game seems to give me so much coins it feels like losing your lifes faster that you gain them feels like a challenge itself.


Now that I've said that, the game will probably start punishing me with über-hard stages that make me throw my GamePad out of the nearest window. :angry:

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So since everyone seems to die so much, does that mean that you're finally allowed to die more than five times in a level without the game penalizing you by taking away your shiny stars forever?


I imagine I will get very frustrated otherwise. :p

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I know, I know. It's just that the game seems to give me so much coins it feels like losing your lifes faster that you gain them feels like a challenge itself.


Now that I've said that, the game will probably start punishing me with über-hard stages that make me throw my GamePad out of the nearest window. :angry:


Haha - believe me it will. You can get through the main game 'story' with a few difficulties - but if you decide to get all of the star coins, then you will want to damage the game pad. And possibly yourself haha.


So since everyone seems to die so much, does that mean that you're finally allowed to die more than five times in a level without the game penalizing you by taking away your shiny stars forever?


I imagine I will get very frustrated otherwise. :p


I don't think it does - but after several deaths, you do get a green box that if you hit - Luigi jumps out and takes over for you. You basically watch him smart arse his way through the level like it's a walk in the park and then you can take over when you want.

I didn't use it in case it did penalize ha, but the amount of times I seen that bastard box and heard its 'ding dong' made me want to smash the game pad against the TV. As you can see from my posts I was calm all the way through playing the game. Cake walk. :blank:

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You should have invited a friend over to place platforms for you. :p


I don't mind the game telling me that I suck and offering to play the levels for me (well, I don't mind that much), but I hated the way the shiny stars were so easy to lose forever in the last several games. So as long as that's no longer the case, I'm good!

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And when you do have someone in your bedroom, gaming is the last thing on your mind!


I played New Super Mario Bros. Wii with my brother, and there were some Star Coins where one of us would just commit suicide to get them. Certainly made things a bit easier. Maybe if this game is as hard as people say, I'll have to use the pad to place some platforms for myself. :p

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Trying playing four player, then see if you gain lives quicker than you lose them :)


In all seriousness, this is a major problem I have with mario at the minute, coins and extra lives have almost become meaningless. They are so inventive in how you get coins, and I love the idea of red coins and blue coins and the new green coins, but they need to give us a REASON for collecting them.

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Trying playing four player, then see if you gain lives quicker than you lose them :)


In all seriousness, this is a major problem I have with mario at the minute, coins and extra lives have almost become meaningless. They are so inventive in how you get coins, and I love the idea of red coins and blue coins and the new green coins, but they need to give us a REASON for collecting them.


You're quite right about coins becoming meaningless, although NSMB2's cumulative total almost made them feel worth coolecting. I liked the way Yoshi's Island's score system made it worth hunting coins, maybe Nintendo could do something similar in the future.


I've only just got to the end of world 1 but it already feels like a step up from previous 'new' marios in terms of level variety, design and difficulty. Definitely looking forward to giving this some serious playtime.

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You're quite right about coins becoming meaningless, although NSMB2's cumulative total almost made them feel worth coolecting. I liked the way Yoshi's Island's score system made it worth hunting coins, maybe Nintendo could do something similar in the future.


I've only just got to the end of world 1 but it already feels like a step up from previous 'new' marios in terms of level variety, design and difficulty. Definitely looking forward to giving this some serious playtime.


The thing with NSMB2 though, is when you're after 1 million, missing one or two doesn't make any difference, I think they need LESS coins, so they become more valuable, or what i've been craving for a while, the Mario 64 appraoch where you get a star for collecting 100 coins on a level. And then make 100 hard! That way collecting them will be much more fun and valuable.

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Trying playing four player, then see if you gain lives quicker than you lose them :)


In all seriousness, this is a major problem I have with mario at the minute, coins and extra lives have almost become meaningless. They are so inventive in how you get coins, and I love the idea of red coins and blue coins and the new green coins, but they need to give us a REASON for collecting them.


Exactly. That's what I loved about Mario 64; you'd work your ass off to get 100 coins and be rewarded with a star :)

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Played through this tonight with a friend who bought a Wii U the other day simply from coming over and playing mine. (We bought different launch titles).


We finished the worlds, but obviously not with all the "coins". Hardly got any of them in fact. It was definitely more difficult than the previous NSMB's but still not a patch on SMW. Still might buy it myself down the line though.

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I'm finding the levels in this game really boring, predictable and repetitive. The vast majority play exactly the same way, with different backgrounds, and obstacles. I'm only up to Soda Jungle but so far so bad.


There's nowhere near the quality, originality and creativity of Super Mario World or Super Mario 3. Half the levels in World especially played very differently to the last, they all found ways of mixing the gameplay up a bit. This game is just left > right, about 5 or 6 mini obstacle areas to get past, then flagpole. Same old same old.


Very disappointing really, especially when you throw in the pathetic re-use of music throughout the game. Sums up just how lazy and dumbed down this series is/has become.

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I'm finding the levels in this game really boring, predictable and repetitive. The vast majority play exactly the same way, with different backgrounds, and obstacles. I'm only up to Soda Jungle but so far so bad.


There's nowhere near the quality, originality and creativity of Super Mario World or Super Mario 3. Half the levels in World especially played very differently to the last, they all found ways of mixing the gameplay up a bit. This game is just left > right, about 5 or 6 mini obstacle areas to get past, then flagpole. Same old same old.


Very disappointing really, especially when you throw in the pathetic re-use of music throughout the game. Sums up just how lazy and dumbed down this series is/has become.

Replay those games and you'll see that these levels do stack up there with those ones, if they're not better

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Oh come on, every level in this game is pretty much identical. They vast majority all play exactly the same way, just obstacles from left to right. At least Mario World had you thinking and showed a bit of originality. These levels are just so boring and just rehashes of the ones we've been getting for years in the other NSMB games. The desert ones in particular are near identical. No imagination in most of them, just window dressing onto the horribly over-used NSMB formula.

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I'm finding the levels in this game really boring, predictable and repetitive. The vast majority play exactly the same way, with different backgrounds, and obstacles. I'm only up to Soda Jungle but so far so bad.


There's nowhere near the quality, originality and creativity of Super Mario World or Super Mario 3. Half the levels in World especially played very differently to the last, they all found ways of mixing the gameplay up a bit. This game is just left > right, about 5 or 6 mini obstacle areas to get past, then flagpole. Same old same old.


Very disappointing really, especially when you throw in the pathetic re-use of music throughout the game. Sums up just how lazy and dumbed down this series is/has become.



Oh come on, every level in this game is pretty much identical. They vast majority all play exactly the same way, just obstacles from left to right. At least Mario World had you thinking and showed a bit of originality. These levels are just so boring and just rehashes of the ones we've been getting for years in the other NSMB games. The desert ones in particular are near identical. No imagination in most of them, just window dressing onto the horribly over-used NSMB formula.


I agree with everything you've said but don't you know you're not allowed criticise NEW Super Mario Bros. U? The Defenders Of The Dirt will do their duty as only they know how.

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I started off loving this and marvelling at the crispy HDness of it all, and the nice touch that Miiverse brings, however my interest has waned a little. Maybe going through the same levels in 3 different playthroughs has done it, maybe tackling this so soon after NSMB2.. Feel like I have Mario burnout. Also I can see Ronnie's point about the formulaic nature of many of the levels. There are enough moments where I've smiled with surprise though at little details and the deviousness of certain star coins. Oh, and some of the towers are as tight, design-wise, as a clockwork mechanism. New level tunes, jingles and voice samples would definitely have made it fresher.

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