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The Cell Games 1: DIH Mafia


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@Marcamillian and @Jonnas have both been online but haven't responded to my questions. Mr-paul is either avoiding the thread or simply not here. Either way, we have the lynch he started on a townie, and my investigation suggesting he's not completely clean.


Vote: mr-paul


I would still like to hear from Jon Dedede before the day's over, but if we're right about mr-paul being mafia then I doubt we'll reach majority. And if we are wrong about mr-paul being mafia we've lost anyway.


Of course, if Jon Dedede doesn't role block, the savage creature that killed last night could easily be mr-paul as The Hulk. Has Jon Dedede already said what his power is and I've missed it?


Haha beat me to the punch with that post Marc. Could you answer my other questions? Who else do you find suspicious aside from Jonnas, and who do you think killed last night?

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I don't have a clue who killed last night apart from the fact it wasn't me or Jimbob.


As for suspects... #1 Jonnas , #2Nintendohnut, .. lingering suspicion on Diageo and a couple of others.


I'd implore people to join the push on Jonnas. His shady description in my night 3 PM and the incongruity with donhuts power when he targeted Rummy are what I'm going on.

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"Jonnas hasen't responded to my question"? Lies! :angry:


You should have copied whoever it was that I also targeted that night. I have no reason to believe you would take my power from that, unless your power is conditional.


I'm not sure what you mean by that, do you think I copied your power by targeting you? No, I sent a PM saying I wanted to use your power on yourself, then Eevil told me I had to pick a second target, so I chose Yvonne. Yvonne got buried into the ground, but you didn't. But I was grounded by you, so my power should've failed or at least be completely redirected to Marcamillian, no?


For the record, I should clarify: I never know anything about my power's description other than what's told via Night PMs. I just say "Imma use X's power on Y" and it happens, then I get the corresponding PM. This is why I initially misinterpreted Dohnut's power.

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I'm happier going for mr-paul after my investigation on him turned up the opposite result to the other two. Plus the fact he instigated the vote the other day.


I'll do a vote recap soon. Go through all the lynches and see who's voted for whom.


Just so this is kept track of... thats -


2 for Jonnas - Marcamillian, Magnus Peterson

2 for mr-paul - Diageo, Nintendohnut


What is your character Marcamillian? Or what is your power? Or both? At this point you keeping it secret is pointless. We need to narrow things down and the only reason I can think of for you keeping it quiet is that it's incriminating.


@Jonnas - sorry, I was at work and only skim-read your post. Thank you for answering.

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Sorry guys, really haven't been online at all due to being on holiday. Don't know what's wrong with Dohbut's result on me, I am good and all I've done is boost all game. If I were mafia, why would I consistently boost non-mafia? It wouldn't make any sense at all. While this has raised my suspicion of Dohnut, it's more likely to me that something is going on with investigations. I'm leaning towards voting for Jonnas, he's been slightly dodgy all game. Will check back as much as I can as im not out this evening.

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I still have my suspicion of Nintendohnut so I won't be changing my vote. Majority is 5 so we still need input from those who haven't voted even if we all vote in the same direction.


@mr\-paul who did you target last night?


I swear this is just the mafia stalling. If they win because they basically avoided posting for an entire day... Well. That would be awesome :indeed:

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I want to know because I'm suspicious of you. It's not irrelevant to the game as a whole, as it might help narrow things down. However, if you're town it shouldn't be a big deal to reveal it at this stage. The only reason you could have for hiding it is that it makes you look suspicious if you reveal it.


The only people that have posted less than @Jon Dedede are dead, or aren't actually playing and just posted in here anyway. Three dead players have posted more than Jon Dedede. I thought I should point that out so that he actually does something about it.


Change vote: Jonnas


Even if I'm right in my suspicions, and I might be wrong for all I know, there just isn't enough activity in this game for us to win. So, fuck it.


Sorry I'm a bit late. I successfully targeted Mr Paul. I can protect people in my hotel, I've done some reading on roles and I guess I'm a protector or a jailkeeper (or something similar).


Can I also just say: this is the least helpful post ever. We know you targeted mr-paul. We need to know your CHARACTER and your POWER.


I'll put it in every post I make from now on so you can't miss it.


We need your


CHARACTER (not 'I'm the businessman' - the actual character you are)


and your


POWER (be extremely specific. What does your role PM say? Do you role block? or do you just protect? Post your PM if you must - EEVIL said it's allowed)

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I want to know because I'm suspicious of you. It's not irrelevant to the game as a whole, as it might help narrow things down. However, if you're town it shouldn't be a big deal to reveal it at this stage. The only reason you could have for hiding it is that it makes you look suspicious if you reveal it.


And your insistence on pushing for something as arbitrary as character makes me suspicious of you... so we are at a stalemate.


Dohnut -




Also as I've said numerous times... I don't see how



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Change vote: Marcamillian


I don't know if we're already at majorly, but hope we're not.


It doesn't prove anything. I'm not asking him to prove anything. He doesn't know what his role is. He's being vague about what he actually does. Quoting his PM will allow us to know exactly what he does, so we can work out whether he Roleblocked mr-Paul. It won't prove anything, but it will be a lot more useful than him saying 'I might be a protector, or a roleblocker, or something'. At least we can read his PM and know one way or the other.


We haven't reached majority. I think you'll need my vote to lynch Jonnas. I'll change it back when you tell me your power.

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My PM just said my protection was successful. Mr Paul will know if there is anything more to it. I assumed that keeping people in a hotel would be like a jailkeeper. I guessed I could potential stop a kill which is why I was reluctant to mention it (but I suppose its getting quite late in the day now anyway) And yeah I haven't posted much because I've had sod all target success up until now.

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My PM just said my protection was successful. Mr Paul will know if there is anything more to it. I assumed that keeping people in a hotel would be like a jailkeeper. I guessed I could potential stop a kill which is why I was reluctant to mention it (but I suppose its getting quite late in the day now anyway) And yeah I haven't posted much because I've had sod all target success up until now.


Sorry, I meant your original role PM. What does your role PM say is your power?


Dammit! You tricked me Dohnut!




I just want to know your power. We know everyone's power apart from yours.


Genuine question, I'd like to know the honest answer to this:


What do you think I'm going to do with the information that is stopping your from just revealing it?

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#1 - It's not just what you'll do with it - it's all the remaining players in the game, specifically, the mafia.


#2 -

In the event I have a useful power... the mafia try to stop me.


In the event I have a useless power... the mafia don't see me as a threat and go after someone important.


Either way I'm thinking it makes the mafias mind up for them... I'd rather not do that

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Well, I don't know what else to say. Either Eevil made a blunder when doing the write-up, or someone messed with the write-up in the first place. I'm not sure what else I can say to convince you I'm telling the truth.


Nintendohnut brings up a good point about Jon Dedede and inactivity, so I'm going to vote for him on principle.


Vote: Jon Dedede

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