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The Cell Games 1: DIH Mafia


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Very well. There seems to be alot of bitching over this. I thought it was standard practice if the Game Master isn't around. Otherwise I wouldn't have expected Yvonne to remove his vote (normally a meticulous vote counter) and the discussion continue.


HOWEVER. The people have spoken.







I shall post a breakdown when I return from this TCG tournament. Some please post a merge prevent post.





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Sherlock Holmes, the great detective, dead? It wouldn't be the first time the world believed that. However, the charade is the charade and it must be played. From my imaginary grave I say...no automerge!


(tho srsly I'm 'dead', shame to die so soon as this seems quite an interesting game! I take no sides, good luck to all!)

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Very well. There seems to be alot of bitching over this. I thought it was standard practice if the Game Master isn't around.


Standard practice is that reaching majority effectively ends the day phase. Discussion can continue until the GM updates the thread, but further changes in votes are discounted. So no bitching here, only adherence to standard rules, the application of which is to be assumed unless otherwise specified at the beginning of the game.


(I know, I can't keep my nose out of mafia games. I'll try to shut up now.)

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Peeps (6) Mr-paul, Yvonne, DuD, Magnus Peterson, Jonnas, Jimbob


Despite people leaving votes in his absence, they changed shortly afterwards. Cell decided to let them rabble on until his return. Even though Majoritah had been reached, some had changed their minds. But this displeased the rest of the group. Cell will make a disclaimer about this next time.


Sportacus went to bed early, as he always does so he can have enough energy for the next day. His sleep was interrupted by a large grappling hook ripping through his blimp and dragging him down to the earth.

"What's going on here?! I'm just trying to stop people being so lazy!"

The town didn't believe him. Uzi 9mm bullets were sent at high velocity.


@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson






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Don't mention me you willy, I'm dead!


Standard practice is that reaching majority effectively ends the day phase. Discussion can continue until the GM updates the thread, but further changes in votes are discounted. So no bitching here, only adherence to standard rules, the application of which is to be assumed unless otherwise specified at the beginning of the game.


(I know, I can't keep my nose out of mafia games. I'll try to shut up now.)


Pretty active compared to when you're in a game ;)!

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I'd like to keep anyone that adds confusion for the mafia in the fray so I'm not gonna be voting Diageo any time soon.

To be honest I don't really have any one I'm suspicious of?




I have an odd night role. That is all I'll say, so that I can't be jumped on for not being in the write ups on even nights.

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My reasons are JUST!:heh:


I'm actually suspicious of @Marcamillian. I'd like to hear what he has been up to - possibly in his magical sleep? Bloody shamans. He is the only one that I can imagine using 'goo'. Unless anyone else has some suggestions.


Also, Dud and Diageo. Double D spells Danger in my book. I have no actually evidence. Just a gut feeling.

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