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1110 - ReZ

0860 - MoogleViper

0410 - Nemi

0300 - Dannnyboy

0170 - Animal

0140 - Cube

0100 - Jimbob

0090 - Eenuh

0050 - MadDog

0000 - Diageo

0000 - Emma

0000 - Flink

0000 - jayseven (playing but not eligible for the prizes)

0000 - Peeps

0000 - Shorty

0000 - Ville


  • Start time and date is 07:00 GMT Friday 10th August 2012
  • End time and date is 10:00 Friday 31st August 2012
  • A successful BISH must include identifiable evidence that you are in the picture
  • Please identify and label each picture with the included BISH, and the points value
  • It is up to you to keep a personal running total. After the closing date, the GM will check the scoring
  • You should upload your pictures to a suitible location - perhaps an imgur/imageshack.us album, or facebook if you are ok with that. You need to post the pictures direct in this thread, rather than simply a link
  • Generally, the acceptibility of a BISH is down to the general consensus, however in some cases the GM may overrule, in favour of upholding the principles of the game
  • Multiple BISHes in one picture are allowed, however you cannot re-use the exact same element for multiple BISHes e.g. "a big smile" and "sex face" must be noticeably different. If there are instances where this clash is sensible, then it may be debatable
  • You are allowed to do your own BISHes on the list you submitted (has not always been the case in previous games)
  • GM decision is final

... I think that covers it!


There will be prizes for the top 3

First prize: Secret!

Second prize: Postcard not filled with insults

Third prize: Postcard filled with insults


Names and addresses will be required by the winners. If they want the prize, of course :P


Please put your photos in a spoiler tag!

Easy (home) – 10pts each

A Book by China Mieville

Something that frustrates you everytime you have to use it

Your latest 'injury'

From Scratch; something you made from scratch that you are proud of

Stick two different, non-pencil/pen items up your nose.

Smile as massively as you can whilst giving me the middle finger (me being the camera).

Seduce me.

Mighty Max!

Safety first





ANYTHING (must be a stand alone BISH.)


A picture of the game you're most addicted to at the moment

"Adrrriiannn - Do a Rocky pose on the top of some steps"

"Usian Bolt a "friend" - Do a Usian Bolt-style pose to point at someone"

A rather harrowing experience

A Rubik's Cube

Five pairs of scissors

Your favourite book



The Doctor

Your favourite Olympic Event - interpret as you wish

"Your sex face"

Three different clothes-pegs on three different parts of your face.

Being disgusted - interpret as you wish

10 Disney films

5 different sized batteries

3 albums from the same artist/band from 3 different decades (e.g. 80s, 90s, 00s)

“Caught red handed”

Octagon (any object with this shape)

An Eight-legged Creature of Doom

Something that weighs exactly 80 grams / 8 ounces (this ok? not so sure about the ounces...)

Cool as a cucumber

Pose with an instrument (real or game controller)

Take a picture of you with the last DVD you watched and the recent book you're reading

Take a picture of you with your favourite thing at the moment

A Nando's Restaurant

Something that you equate to happiness

A new view on life (handstand)

You enjoying One Direction

A picture of you playing hide and seek.

In the rain

A cow


Regular (away) – 20pts each

A love letter, to jayseven (yes, I'm lonely)

The cheapest, strongest cider you can find (I'm feeling homesick)

A tomato tower; a stack of 5 or more (!) tomato-based foods

ReZ style pun or joke as your facebook status.

Planking on a chair.

Gel in my hair, more than I can bear, this is a nightmare.

Breaking Bad.

Paint yourself a different ethnicity.

Who's a champ?

Ninja time

I wanna be in video game

It's Slinky, it's Slinky, it's fun, it's a wonderful toy

Time for the old, switcharoo



Beer me - 5 different branded pint glasses in 1 picture

Do something you've been putting off for a while

A picture of a blue car nose-on to a red car.

"The 5 coin/note challenge - 5 different coins/notes from around the world in one picture"

"Don't do it!!!! - Picture of you standing on some train tracks (don't risk you're life, dis-used will count)

Inception! (your take on it, rather than just a picture of the DVD, for example)

More than meets the eye

Ten candies of the same colour

What is love?

Red sky at night.

Two birds with one stone.

A retail worker who looks way too happy.

Reading 50 Shades of Grey and enjoying it

You drinking a hot chocolate with marshmellows and whipped cream (can be you just holding it)

Receiving a phone-call from a telephone made out of paper cups and string

Making a crisps sandwich - has to include a beginning and end picture

Hula hooping whilst drinking a glass of water

7 cans stacked on top of each other with a cucumber balanced on top

A pink car

Octahedron (any object with this shape)

Eight-spoked wheel / rim

Blowing a gasket

you in a dress

famous landmark

something you made as a child

I'm going underground

when I grow up I want to be ....

you with someone elses pet

a weird landmark

Take a picture of you reenacting your favourite movie's poster/dvd cover

3 red cars in the same shot

An Oak tree you can't reach your arms all the way around

A 90s style skateboard

A stack of 10 £1/€1/$1 where the top one is from 2012

Something you invented

Less bishing, more alcohol. (Get really drunk and show the world. Don't drink alcohol? Well then fuck off out of my country!)

Climb a tree! (Preferably a challenging one)


Cycling unconventionally.

They see me rolling, they hatin'.

Doing ungentlemanly things in gentlemanly attire.

A picture of you buying a Big Issue

5 albums from the same artist

Do the Mobot

An NFL jersey. (can be any team)

Somebody in mid air with their feet higher than their head.

You and another person wearing exactly the same outfit. (t-shirt, trousers and shoes minimum)

Playing a board game with friends

Recreate an internet meme

A crown

A wedding

An animal wearing clothes

Fucking Stupid (effort +1) – 40pts each

Your Own Personal Triathlon

A sleeping baby/child.

LEGO set...not made by LEGO.

A cat in a hat.

A pizza with beans , chips and a fried egg on top (all cooked)

8-course meal!

a home-made mask

A picture of a camera, which is taking a picture of you, where you are only approximately 50% in the shot, holding a sign into the shot with your forum name on. Also in the shot must be a mirror which shows the camera taking the main picture (the one you're submitting) is not being held by another person.

Number 8, pick a mate, or 8. (You and 8 friends)

a LIVE football game with the score at 3-3


*Animal has 4 more to add, and clearly doesn't read this thread, or his PMs.




The sign-up thread is now the meta/discussion thread to avoid clogging this one with posts not entirely related to actually playing the game.


E.G. if anyone has any qualms with the points attributed or if they feel there is not even weighting, or if they want to clarify rules or even enquire to join in, talk about it here.

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Ok let's start the ball rolling.



Something that frustrates you everytime you have to use it - 10 (I can never get it in the right way)




Mighty Max! - 10

An Eight-legged Creature of Doom - 10

A picture of the game you're most addicted to at the moment - 10 (the game of thrones of course)

A Rubik's Cube - 10 (Rubik's Darth Maul)

Your favourite book -10 (HGTTG)

It's Slinky, it's Slinky, it's fun, it's a wonderful toy - 20




ReZ style pun or joke as your facebook status. - 20




A sleeping baby/child. - 40




LEGO set...not made by LEGO. - 40




Sub total - 180



From Scratch; something you made from scratch that you are proud of (Subwoofer riser - 10pts

Safety first (helmet) - 10pts

A rather harrowing experience (that was the helmet I was wearing when I broke both of my arms) - 10pts

Something that you equate to happiness (Red Dwarf) - 10pts

something you made as a child (the wooden thing) - 20pts

Something you invented (the wooden thing again, it has both English and French on the wheels, you rotate them to make a sentence in one language, and then the translated sentence will also show) - 20pts



BRITISH SUMMER (rain on the window) - 10pts

A cow - 10pts (I can take a clearer picture if needed)



ANYTHING (must be a stand alone BISH.) - 10pts



A love letter, to jayseven (yes, I'm lonely) - 20pts



An animal wearing clothes - 20pts




A cat in a hat. - 40pts




Sub total - 190



Your latest 'injury' - 10



Take a picture of you with the last DVD you watched and the recent book you're reading - 10

Gel in my hair, more than I can bear, this is a nightmare. - 20



Seduce me. - 10 (looking at my seduction face, it's easy to see why I'm single)




Pose with an instrument (real or game controller) - 10 (ocarina)

I wanna be in video game - 20 (Zelda of course)



Take a picture of you reenacting your favourite movie's poster/dvd cover - 20

(it's meant to be Frodo from LotR:RotK, here's a closer image of my Sting replica)



Planking on a chair. - 20



Beer me - 5 different branded pint glasses in 1 picture - 20 (novelty counts as a brand)



Five pairs of scissors - 10



5 different sized batteries - 10



"Your sex face" - 10



Recreate an internet meme - 20 (it's meant to be challenge accepted)



Take a picture of you with your favourite thing at the moment - 10 (LUFC ticket)




Sub-total - 220



Smile as massively as you can whilst giving me the middle finger (me being the camera). - 10



Who's a champ? - 20



Ninja time - 20



The cheapest, strongest cider you can find (I'm feeling homesick) - 20 (home-made apple and damson cider, doesn't get much cheaper than that)



Less bishing, more alcohol. (Get really drunk and show the world. Don't drink alcohol? Well then fuck off out of my country!) - 20



Being disgusted - interpret as you wish - 10 (Carlsberg don't do cider, oh wait, yes they do, and it tastes disgusting)



a home-made mask - 40



Time for the old, switcharoo - 20



Something that weighs exactly 80 grams / 8 ounces (this ok? not so sure about the ounces...) - 10 (this should be more than 10 points)



Looks like an ordinary children's book...


BAM! Another book inside.

More than meets the eye - 20 (don't know why these are showing the wrong way around)



Do the Mobot - 20 (really hard to take a picture of yourself doing the mobot)



What is love? - 20 (A love letter I received at 16. Yes I have blurred out the words so that you can't read it.)




Sub-total - 230



Total - 820

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Awesome, i'l throw some up later.


Edit: First batch of Bish's


"The 5 coin/note challenge - 5 different coins/notes from around the world in one picture" - 20 points



Take a picture of you with the last DVD you watched and the recent book you're reading - 10 points



A picture of the game you're most addicted to at the moment - 10 points



3 albums from the same artist/band from 3 different decades (e.g. 80s, 90s, 00s) - 10 points


Slippery When Wet - 1980's

These Days - 1990's

Lost Highway - 2000's



Subtotal - 50 points


Total so far - 50 points

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Your latest "injury" - 10 points






From scratch, something you made you are proud of - 10 points


(rules, characters and etc for a table top game)



Smile as massively, whilst middle finger. - 10 points




Game you are most addicted to - 10 points




Your favourite book - 10 points




"Your sex face" - 10 points




Enjoying 1 Direction. - 10 points








Total = 70 points

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"Usian Bolt a "friend" - Do a Usian Bolt-style pose to point at someone" - 10 points



Reading 50 Shades of Grey and enjoying it - 20 points



Stick two different, non-pencil/pen items up your nose - 10 points



Smile as massively as you can whilst giving me the middle finger (me being the camera) - 10 points



Subtotal - 50 points


Points already achieved - 50 points


New Total - 100 points

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Game you're most addicted to at the moment (10 pts) Star Wars: The Old Republic



Last DVD you watched and the recent book you're reading (10 pts) DS9 Season 2 Disc 3 (it's in case 2) and Michael Crichton - Micro



Favourite thing (10pts)



LEGO not made by LEGO (40pts). Character Builders TARDIS.



3 albums from 3 decades (20pts). Number of the Beast (1982), A Matter of Life and Death (2006) and The Final Frontier (2010)




Cat in Hat (40pts)




Latest injury (10pts)


Points so far: 140


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Existing total - 70 points



10 pointers =


Stick two different, non-pencil/pen items up your nose.




10 Disney films




5 different sized batteries




Pose with an instrument (real or game controller)




Take a picture of you with the last DVD you watched and the recent book you're reading




Something that you equate to happiness




A picture of you playing hide and seek.






20 pointers =


A love letter, to jayseven (yes, I'm lonely)






A tomato tower; a stack of 5 or more (!) tomato-based foods




ReZ style pun or joke as your facebook status.




Planking on a chair.




Ninja time




Time for the old, switcharoo








More than meets the eye






Reading 50 Shades of Grey and enjoying it




7 cans stacked on top of each other with a cucumber balanced on top




something you made as a child




3 red cars in the same shot








Less bishing, more alcohol. (Get really drunk and show the world. Don't drink alcohol? Well then fuck off out of my country!)




(and one posing)




Do the Mobot





40 points =


a home-made mask




A picture of a camera, which is taking a picture of you, where you are only approximately 50% in the shot, holding a sign into the shot with your forum name on. Also in the shot must be a mirror which shows the camera taking the main picture (the one you're submitting) is not being held by another person.


(Bloody complicated!!!!!!)







Post total = 430


New total = 500

Edited by ReZourceman
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*Animal has 4 more to add' date=' and clearly doesn't read this thread, or his PMs.



I haven't lately because of work, not had a day off in about two weeks or something. I did try and do a BISH and took a picture of me in the middle of a shopping centre doing a Usain Bolt pose next to a cutout but then I read I needed to point at someone! :(


I'll try harder to do some though! :D

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From Scratch; something you made from scratch that you are proud of (Subwoofer riser - 10pts

Safety first (helmet) - 10pts

A rather harrowing experience (that was the helmet I was wearing when I broke both of my arms) - 10pts

Something that you equate to happiness (Red Dwarf) - 10pts

something you made as a child (the wooden thing) - 20pts

Something you invented (the wooden thing again, it has both English and French on the wheels, you rotate them to make a sentence in one language, and then the translated sentence will also show) - 20pts



BRITISH SUMMER (rain on the window) - 10pts

A cow - 10pts (I can take a clearer picture if needed)



ANYTHING (must be a stand alone BISH.) - 10pts



A love letter, to jayseven (yes, I'm lonely) - 20pts



An animal wearing clothes - 20pts




A cat in a hat. - 40pts




Love-letter transcript:


Dear J7,

I love you so much. I miss your sexy-drunkard, hobo-chic loveliness. When will you come back so we can make hot, ginger babies together.

Lots of love




P.S. I have a massive erection



Sub-total - 190


Total - 370



(Let me know if the cow picture is clear enough.)

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Yeah, that's what I tried. It's okay now, it's stopped playing up. Here are my BISHes!



10pts- Your latest injury

I don't know whether you can see it on the shitty camera but it's a massive red bruise. I did it when I fell over in the stock room at work because I tripped over a box. Of course, I put my hand out and voila, blood red bruise. It's faded a bit now though but yesterday, it was clear.



10pts-Smile as massively as you can whilst giving me the middle finger (me being the camera).



10pts- Seduce Me

Yes, this IS my best attempt at trying to get a woman into bed!...yup, you wonder why I'm single? :p



10pts- Safety First



10pts- Something that frustrates you everytime you use it

This goddamn camera! I put new batteries into it and it died! I put fully charged batteries in it, it dies! The only thing that it doesn't die with straight away is Duracell and even then, I'd be lucky to get two hours worth of life. Instead, I took these pictures on my touch phone!



10pts- From Scratch; something you made from scratch that you are proud of

My Deathly Hallows wristband. It's the first (and last) thing I'd knit. I wanted one in time for Deathly Hallows: Part 2 so I thought I'd try and knit one before it came out in cinemas. It took me about two or three days. However, my mom and my nan laughed because they told me it should have taken me about an hour if not less but considering it's the first thing I've ever knitted, I'm happy! lmao.



10pts- Time Flies



10pts- ANYTHING (must be a standalone BISH)

I thought this meant you could make up your own so I thought of "Get something that resembles your forum name"...I got an Animal poster.



10pts- A picture of the game you're most addicted to at the moment

At the moment, it's between Skyrim, Final Fantasy XIII and Splinter Cell but it's Skyrim!



10pts- Your Favourite Book

Seriously...what were you expecting? :p



10pts- SEX FACE!



10pts- Being disgusted - interpret as you wish

Sonic 2006 disgusts me at how bad it is!



10pts- Take a picture of you with the last DVD you watched and the recent book you're reading

Last DVD was Scarface and the current book is Mockingjay



10pts- Take a picture of you with your favourite thing at the moment

This HAS to be one of the best things I've ever tasted. It's Levi Roots' Reggae Reggae Ginger Beer. 2 for 99p at the 99p store. Couldn't be better (unless it's 3 for 99p obviously!)



10pts- Something you equate to happiness

Books (and women ;) (poster on the wall))...my book collection actually makes me smile a little when I see it. My Stephen King collection especially, I think I have something like 40 books (there's a few under my bed if the 40 ain't on the picture).



20pts- A Love Letter to Jayseven (yes he's lonely)

"To Jayseven, Life is meaningless without you and your cider-ridden breath. I hate how you left for Australia, leaving me but I deserved it. Come back, your gingerness is awesomeness. I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep because I miss you babe and I don't wanna miss a thing! People may ask what the method in the Magners is and not know but we do: It's love!






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My first few


Playing a board game with friends 20pts BiDtS.jpg

Eight-legged Creature of Doom 10pts 2MIlg.jpg

Animal wearing clothes 20pts cNWPu.jpg

Last DVD I watched and recent book I'm reading (Tangled and Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon by Mark Hodder) 10pts ZmUTy.jpg

A book by China Mieville 10pts, 10 disney films 10pts, 5 albums by the same artist 20pts auEc3.jpg

Class 10pts 6c3CU.jpg

Swag 10pts xn9J1.jpg

My latest 'injury' 10pts SBdlo.jpg




Total: 130 points

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