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Smash Bros. revolution


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I was talking to a friend earlier today about this game and we we thought up a crazy idea.


What if characters had programmable attacks that you "recorded" yourself with the revmote? There would be no perfect strategy because every characters attack set would be virtually unique. Sure the Up + B's would remain constant but the A attacks and smashes... man.

Like imagine Link swinging HIS sword the way you swung your RevMote.


Just some food for thought people.

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Guest Stefkov

id buy that star wars game in an instance if they did that with a lihtsaber but on smash bros, its a good idea, but what moves will you have available for you to do custom moves

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The balance wouldn't be a problem.


If you just made it so the recordable attacks would only damage 40% or whatever, so that each character's and play's recorded attack was at the same damage then it would be fine. But then the recordable attack isn't as strategical (I know it's spelt wrong) but jsut a novelty (that's probably spelt wrong, too).


(God I'm too tired to get my spell thingie thing)

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The balance wouldn't be a problem.


If you just made it so the recordable attacks would only damage 40% or whatever, so that each character's and play's recorded attack was at the same damage then it would be fine. But then the recordable attack isn't as strategical (I know it's spelt wrong) but jsut a novelty (that's probably spelt wrong, too).


(God I'm too tired to get my spell thingie thing)


But it's not just the strength; it's the speed, range and difficulty of performing the action. Imagine if someone had an attack that did, as you said, 40% damage, but has a 1 second attack time, incredibly long range and could be activated at the flick of the wrist. I'm sure there would be ways of balancing it out, but it just seems way too much trouble for as you put it, a novelty.

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could they make a starwars game with proper lightsabre fights with that system?


What would happen when 2 lightsabres connect with each other? In game they would stop but they wouldn't with you controlling it, your controller would carry on and get out of sync with the ingame sword.

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back onto smash bros.... i think the recordable moves arent that good an idea...

does nintendo REALLY need to make the game original? there wasnt too much difference between the n64 and the ngc versions, but it was enough to make melee the most played game on my system.


i think new levels, character moves and the online cababilities will be enough to make the next smash brothers a blast!


im not big when it comes to programming of games and such, but of late we have heard a couple of things about smash brothers revolution


1) they are only JUST calling in programmers

2) it is supposed to be a revolution release title

3) it has been highly suggested at a mid year release of the revolution.


We know that the code for the ngc and the revolution are the same, so i think its plausible that the next one will play very much the same as melee, and this is not a bad thing!!!!! i think waving a controller at the screen would ruin a smash brothers game! but thats just me... im over the whole revo-controller thing.


the online play will be the best thing for sure. i will post my code (or whatever they are doing for revo) and show you guys how to really play smash brothers. me and my brother make it look like a lost art... ahh good times.


ps. novelty is spelled right, and strategical looks reasonable.

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