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The Peepsville Mafia

The Peeps

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my top 3 suspects at the mo.

Considering you know everything about me, what is it you suspect me of? From what I've seen you only voted for me because I voted for you.

I'll happily Vote: EEVILMURRAY based on Diageo and Yvonne's information.
Well I am also a role blocker, so I think that Eevilmurray is mafia.

Yes Dohnut, even I can't poke holes through that story.

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I say that because you are the son of a prominent police officer, intent on following in your father's footsteps.

You could easily be the uniformed killer.

You are still a suspect for the N1 failed kill too.


What uniformed killer? And yeah, I was also jailkept and no one died, I'm pretty sure I was target of the kill. My jailkeeping was verified, was your apparently protection?


Well, looks like it's going this way so ChangeLynchVote:EEVILMURRAY


Ah, I see what this uniformed killer thing is about now, but you should know that I'm NOT an officer as I'm still studying. I have however, wondered if my father IS in the game. By any chance, I'm imagining that is a mafia who will appear good when investigated.

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I don't understand who I'm backing up @Nintendohnut?

Rummy was jailkept night 1 fact. I know I was jailkept night 2, I'm merely questioning dannyboy as to why he thought gmac had been jailkept?


I'm still suspect of yvonne, in fact I don't really trust anyone much. I am interested in this rummy being and officers son, as he is another I suspect. As it stands I would be more interested in a rummy lynch than an eevil lynch. All we have is that diageo claims to but another roleblocker but he says he's good. Well if he says he's good he must be.. right?

If theres actual evidence against eevil i'll change this, but for now

Vote: Rummy

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I don't understand who I'm backing up @Nintendohnut?

Rummy was jailkept night 1 fact. I know I was jailkept night 2, I'm merely questioning dannyboy as to why he thought gmac had been jailkept?


My mistake, I seem to have mixed up the two of you due to gmac having been roleblocked.


@Rummy, how was your jailkeeping verified again? Genuine question, I don't remember.

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My mistake, I seem to have mixed up the two of you due to gmac having been roleblocked.


@mr\-paul was able to track her, though Yvonne HAS been spot on about my name and support, so I've got no reason to not trust her.

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Mr-paul pretty much said it first thing in the day(knowing I was unreachable), I later confirmed it as a jailkeep once I verified it wasn't his doing and wouldn't put him at risk.


Which night? Because last night I wasn't aware of anything happening to me, however I couldn't reach Yvonne because someone was guarding him.


Though having said that now, it makes me curious as to how @mr\-paul was able to track her, though Yvonne HAS been spot on about my name and support, so I've got no reason to not trust her.


Mayoral privilege maybe?

My PM said I did hear Yvonne say those two names from outside, so maybe the tracking power I was granted was unblockable? So noone else reached Yvonne?

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Mr-paul pretty much said it first thing in the day(knowing I was unreachable), I later confirmed it as a jailkeep once I verified it wasn't his doing and wouldn't put him at risk.




Which night? Because last night I wasn't aware of anything happening to me, however I couldn't reach Yvonne because someone was guarding him.


Though having said that now, it makes me curious as to how @mr\-paul was able to track her, though Yvonne HAS been spot on about my name and support, so I've got no reason to not trust her.

Last night.

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Then I would hazard at you bring roleblocked @Tales, or something happening that I don't know of, assuming Peeps didn't mix anything up. I couldn't reach Yvonne, but it was because someone stood guard there, not because someone blocked me. I don't know what would be the case if my target was guarded AND I was roleblocked, do we get told of both happening? Even then it'd make sense that anything happening directly to me would take preference, rather than not.

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I'll unvote you @EEVILMURRAY if you tell me who you were trying to target N1

Jimbob. But someone tried redirecting me to mr-paul. Someone else (from the wording it sounded like this was a second person to interfere with me) "offered me a lift" but took me to the wrong person, which turned out to be ReZ.


So c'mon people. At least one person here has been meddling in my shit. REVEAL.

I think there was no kill on the first night because Rummy was jailkept.

Or that ReZ was roleblocked by my machines.

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I've double-checked my info and my PM's correct, I couldn't reach Yvonne because she was guarded last night. How did mr-paul manage to track her? Admittedly he was mayor and may have had mayoral powers. Tales says he couldn't reach me last night, through means he doesn't know, this means he was roleblocked as I have nothing to suggest being protected, nor to suggest it was a jailkeeping this time. Who do we know as roleblockers?

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EEVILMURRAY (5): Diageo, Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Rummy

Rummy (1): DuD


Majority is 8


Mayoral Elections


Yvonne (3): Rummy, mr-paul, Yvonne

DuD (1): DuD


mr-paul is acting-mayor


The town bustled with activity during the day but could reach no conclusions in the hunt for those responsible for the deaths of Mayor Peeps and Edward Burnley.


They did, however, decide on a new mayor to get them through these dark days. mr-paul had done a fine job but Yvonne is showing the kind of determination needed and the town recognise it.


Yvonne has been elected mayor!


Night Three Begins Now

Please send in your PMs


Players (14):









Ghosts (2):

Mayor Peeps


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Michael Ottock was an old man. Not the oldest man in Peepsville but certainly the oldest and longest serving bus driver. Lately he had taken to taxiing people around at night for extra cash. His final fare tonight was a young police cadet. They had been driving for 5 minutes and the passenger had not yet declared a destination. Michael was about to ask again where the man would like to go but just as he was about to speak the young man stopped him.


Just here will be fine” he said.

And how will you be paying?” Michael asked him.

With your life” came the reply.


The police found the car the next day, Michael Ottock was still in the front seat but had been strangled with his own seatbelt.


Michael Ottock is dead. gmac is no longer in the game. He was good.


Players (13):










Mayor Peeps




The ghost of Mayor Peeps thanks you all for the excellent show of activity so far


majority is 7



Edited by The Peeps
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