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Just finished another hour with this game, said @shin_kagato was about in Buckingham Palace, just finished it, but didn't see your rotting flesh there. Still, after an hour my nerves are jangling, and that's enough until tomorrow. Not too sure if I like the constantly pinging radar now though.

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Reading over this I want to start a new game. It's a shame there's only one save slot for the normal mode, I wanted to start a new one, but that will mean writing over my old one!


Also @Mokong X\-C you never told me about the super hard one hit kill Zombie from Survival mode!

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Another day, another successful return to the safe house. Still on the fourth survivor, working my way through Buckingham Palace,

back to the Scientist who is starting to look on the dodgy side, updated the GamePad and obtained the viricide. Had a long session today, and made it through the brick lane market entrance that leads to Brick Lane Flats. Wow, that one section with the 7 or 8 zombies in one room with the forklift truck, thank heavens for the flares and Molotovs, a brilliant combination.


Got into the room where you drop in through the ceiling and obtained the shotgun, with little incident after the 'busy' room, then back to the safe house in time for lunch.


Be still my beating heart. Looking forward to visiting the Raven founder. The Nut Job as the Prepper calls him.

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Also @Mokong X\-C you never told me about the super hard one hit kill Zombie from Survival mode!


hehe....I wanna keep you on your toes. :wink:



As a tip I'll tell ya that in Survivor mode all "non-one-hit-kill" attacks do more damage than they did on Normal.


I also reckon any zombie that is also a "Survivor" from either a friends or randoms game do even more damage maybe up to triple


If you think about it though you should be able to figure it out. Do you not remember any particular type of zombie (other than the exploders) that seemed a bit more "powerful" than a "normal" zombie :wink:




Twas one that was also a friend "Survivor" that got me with a "one-hit-kill scratch", so not sure if being a "survivor" was what gave it the extra damage or if it the ones that weren't "survivors" had the same power... I just kept my distance from them from then on out and used guns to take them from a distance






I'm slowly going through my newest replay of Survivor mode. Up to the church.

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hehe....I wanna keep you on your toes. :wink:



As a tip I'll tell ya that in Survivor mode all "non-one-hit-kill" attacks do more damage than they did on Normal.


I also reckon any zombie that is also a "Survivor" from either a friends or randoms game do even more damage maybe up to triple


If you think about it though you should be able to figure it out. Do you not remember any particular type of zombie (other than the exploders) that seemed a bit more "powerful" than a "normal" zombie :wink:




Twas one that was also a friend "Survivor" that got me with a "one-hit-kill scratch", so not sure if being a "survivor" was what gave it the extra damage or if it the ones that weren't "survivors" had the same power... I just kept my distance from them from then on out and used guns to take them from a distance






I'm slowly going through my newest replay of Survivor mode. Up to the church.


Oh yeah, I wondered why they had that effect, as they never really seemed a pain before hand!

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Was doing really well with the 4th, then going to Ron Freeman's place and ambushed by 5, so died in close confines, but not before releasing a Molotov and killing them all at the same time. The 4th was my best attempt and reached over 2000 points, so collected the UPlay bonus, happy. 5th survivor lasted an incredibly short time due to the section with the double elevators and going up, was ambushed by at least 7 pouring in through the open roof. I then realised that this game is going to throw zombies at me when I am in the smallest confines possible and can't do anything but use a shotgun.


Zechs said it earlier that he checked everywhere, taking his time, then out of nowhere from behind him he's ambushed from spawning zombies. Well, this is true and has happened to me at least twice.


In Buckingham Palace I had checked everywhere on top of the first stairs. The whole area was clear, there were no places that a zombie could climb over like at the supermarket walls when the alarm goes off. Yet, after passing a certain spot it triggered a kind of event in which 2 zombies crawl over a partition from the smoked out room, and a zombie appeared from behind me, but as the music changed to warn me of this event I ran backwards to cover myself, and I saw the single zombie spawn in a corner that previously had no zombie, corpse or whatever. Anyway, didn't die that time, took all 3 down no probs.



The second time this happened was this morning with another triggered event. This one is more understandable though


After opening the safe in Ron's flat [1527] it triggers an attack that comes from the front and sides. I knew this was going to happen and scoured everywhere, cleaned all the corpses up, yet when I entered the safe code 3 zombies spawn practically on top of the doors and air duct that were not there literally 15 seconds earlier. The one coming from the duct would never have had enough time to get through the previous room and crawl the length of the duct, Anyway, did them in with a minimum of fuss as it was all telegraphed.



Even with these slightly out of place spawnings, it still is a roller coaster ride of emotions every time I load it up, and I do love it. It's just getting a little predictable in its attack patterns.

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Was doing really well with the 4th, then going to Ron Freeman's place and ambushed by 5, so died in close confines, but not before releasing a Molotov and killing them all at the same time. The 4th was my best attempt and reached over 2000 points, so collected the UPlay bonus, happy. 5th survivor lasted an incredibly short time due to the section with the double elevators and going up, was ambushed by at least 7 pouring in through the open roof. I then realised that this game is going to throw zombies at me when I am in the smallest confines possible and can't do anything but use a shotgun.


Zechs said it earlier that he checked everywhere, taking his time, then out of nowhere from behind him he's ambushed from spawning zombies. Well, this is true and has happened to me at least twice.


In Buckingham Palace I had checked everywhere on top of the first stairs. The whole area was clear, there were no places that a zombie could climb over like at the supermarket walls when the alarm goes off. Yet, after passing a certain spot it triggered a kind of event in which 2 zombies crawl over a partition from the smoked out room, and a zombie appeared from behind me, but as the music changed to warn me of this event I ran backwards to cover myself, and I saw the single zombie spawn in a corner that previously had no zombie, corpse or whatever. Anyway, didn't die that time, took all 3 down no probs.



The second time this happened was this morning with another triggered event. This one is more understandable though


After opening the safe in Ron's flat [1527] it triggers an attack that comes from the front and sides. I knew this was going to happen and scoured everywhere, cleaned all the corpses up, yet when I entered the safe code 3 zombies spawn practically on top of the doors and air duct that were not there literally 15 seconds earlier. The one coming from the duct would never have had enough time to get through the previous room and crawl the length of the duct, Anyway, did them in with a minimum of fuss as it was all telegraphed.



Even with these slightly out of place spawnings, it still is a roller coaster ride of emotions every time I load it up, and I do love it. It's just getting a little predictable in its attack patterns.


Yeah, those sort of events kind of ruined certain parts of the game for me. I loved having to check every part of an area out and clear it, it was part of the 'experience' for me. I felt like I was doing things properly and carefully as you would have to if you were genuinely in that situation in real life.


So when the developers then resort to spawning in Zombies behind you literally see them coming out of an room you just cleared it's irritating and makes all the careful play you put in seem a little pointless. As if it doesn't matter how well prepared and careful you are, you'll always get a Zombie behind you if the developers deem it necessary!


As for the Ron's place:


When you first go down the stairs into the basement it's really irritating, they all seem to notice you at exactly the same time and rush you, I fled and disappeared down the manhole! I came back with a grenade and ended them there and then!


The elevator bit is irritating too, however I worked out pretty quickly that when they come through the ceiling they end up on their stomachs, hence you can usually one shot finish them with the bat - easy peasy! Also, liberal use of the silenced pistol helps in that area as it won't attract extra unwanted attention!



The only things that tarnished the experience for me were the randomly spawning Zombies and the glitches. Other than that, it's great and a pretty unique experience, which is a rare thing in gaming today!

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As for the Ron's place:


When you first go down the stairs into the basement it's really irritating, they all seem to notice you at exactly the same time and rush you,



The only things that tarnished the experience for me were the randomly spawning Zombies and the glitches. Other than that, it's great and a pretty unique experience, which is a rare thing in gaming today!


At Ron's place that what caught me out. I descended the stairs turned left and bang 4 or 5 zombies on top of me. Managed a cricket bat to two. Then turn around back upstairs, got clawed in the back by a third. Turned to molotov and didn't give myself enough space. I went up in flames with the lot of them :heh:


I had my first floating zombie glitches in that area too. Still a damn good game.

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Im going to jump back on and try and escape Buckingham Palace this weekend, had other things on and girlfriend was hogging the tv so havent been able to play. There is some Zombie spawning as early as the Palace, it is a little frustrating but at least they seem to be fairly spaced out. Hoping to meet more of your zombie selfs ingame lol.

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Still on my 6th survivor, and finally made it through the Tower of London section. Quite a thrill ride it seemed, just don't let that woman rush you into making stupid mistakes, take your time, etc.

Quite happy that I found the crossbow, 770 Carbine Rifle, and the AK47 all in one session, my weapon collection is growing nicely.

Saw absolutely no notifications, but came across 2 friend zombies, both are now laid to rest.

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I just literally found the crossbow, what a game changer! Instead of being the poor defenceless human scared to use his gun, im now actively hunting the dead like some crazed undead assassin! I love how you can collect the used bolts off the bodies too!


aw god damn it! Its almost like the game heard me, so im sitting on a scaffolding and i take out three zombies with headshots from my crossbow, climb down to retrieve the bolts and the bodies and my bolts have vanished! Not happy T-T

Edited by Kagato
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Im still playing albeit slowly. Just entered Bucks Palace. 1st play through. On 7th survivot i think. I can only stomach playing about 30 mins a time though. At least the game will last.


Same here, this game stresses me like no other... I was in Buck Pal last night and got to the bit with a grand stair case... a few zombie's rushed me (including a new spitting one).


Now I was prepared; had my flare ready to throw and a molotov or two to take care of them. What happened?


Panicked, forgot how to bloody well throw a flare (i.e. press ZL) and shoved with my flare in fresh air 4-5 times, got spat on, lost it big time and ran round in a circle until I was chomped!


This is literally the only game this type of thing has happened to me on... I would not fare well in a Zombie Apocolypse! :shakehead

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Same here, this game stresses me like no other... I was in Buck Pal last night and got to the bit with a grand stair case... a few zombie's rushed me (including a new spitting one).


Now I was prepared; had my flare ready to throw and a molotov or two to take care of them. What happened?


Panicked, forgot how to bloody well throw a flare (i.e. press ZL) and shoved with my flare in fresh air 4-5 times, got spat on, lost it big time and ran round in a circle until I was chomped!


This is literally the only game this type of thing has happened to me on... I would not fare well in a Zombie Apocolypse! :shakehead


lol i just did something similar, walking around underground with my crossbow and a zombie comes running towards me, i take aim, wait for her to get closer and fire just as she lurches and my shot goes over her head! Then im frozen trying to remember how to reload and then she was on me chomping on my head T-T

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got to the bit with a grand stair case... a few zombie's rushed me (including a new spitting one).


I remember when I first saw that area, I actually stood still and was taking in my surroundings until I noticed some zombies coming down stairs. Once I saw that new zombie that had steam/smoke coming off its body I just turned around and ran back to the lift and thought of strategy.

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After some time not playing this game, I had a long 2hr+ session early morning.


I had made a TON of progress, was still on my 8th survivor but I found lots of helpful provisions, raided @londragon's Zombie, found another weapon upgrade and also got a Shotgun etc. I was actually looking for a manhole (visit safe house) or a room where I can save, but I decided to make some Miiverse posts before ending my session. After making my 2nd post the Wii U froze...


This is the 3rd time ZombiU has frozen on me now, that's also the reason why I haven't made much progress, the sheer annoyance of having a large amount of progress wiped out has stopped me from playing.

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This is the 3rd time ZombiU has frozen on me now, that's also the reason why I haven't made much progress, the sheer annoyance of having a large amount of progress wiped out has stopped me from playing.
Yeah, ZombiU is an absolute nightmare in that regard. :nono:

That's why I put my Survival Mode playthrough on hold until the patch is released.


But the longer it takes them to release it, the less chance there is I'll ever get around to it. :blank:

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Never had a freeze yet?


Is it on any particular stage (I'm only in Buck Pal at the mo') or is a general freeze?!


All my freezes where really early on in the game, before any of the palace visits but having said that ive probably jinxed myself now ^_^ I havent had it lock up on me for a good few sessions now but anticipating it is almost as scary as Zombies themselves.

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A short session today, where I managed to pick up a few supplies by backtracking through lots of areas quickly. Also managed to get my 4th letter. And, thankfully still on my 6th survivor.

Should be able to go to the nursery tomorrow, any weapon in particular good for that section?

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The shotgun was particularly effective against the nurse 'pad disrupter'. Three close proximity shots and it was all over for her. I had previously seen the extra scare scan on a trailer, so it didn't catch me out, wish it did though, oh well!


Well, finished that nursery section, yey, but managed to lose 2 survivors in the process. One upon evacuation, the other later, outside. Anyway, managed to recover all my goods and some extra weaponry off a zombie player who I don't know. Does this game add zombies who are not on you're friend list.

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The shotgun was particularly effective against the nurse 'pad disrupter'. Three close proximity shots and it was all over for her. I had previously seen the extra scare scan on a trailer, so it didn't catch me out, wish it did though, oh well!


Well, finished that nursery section, yey, but managed to lose 2 survivors in the process. One upon evacuation, the other later, outside. Anyway, managed to recover all my goods and some extra weaponry off a zombie player who I don't know. Does this game add zombies who are not on you're friend list.


I was thinking the same thing last night, i met two Zombies who i assumed where neurope folks but i had never seen them before and dont recognise the names. Maybe it adds friends of friends or some such...


I lost the suvivor who had my crossbow and shotgun last night...absolutely gutted. I didnt care about the shotgun but the crossbow was my go to weapon <sniff>

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This is one of the games going down to £29.99 for a limited time on the eShop. Considering it's still over £40 in many brick-and-mortar stores, I reckon it's an absolute must-buy for any Wii U owner who doesn't have it yet. Still the best Wii U game by miles.

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