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what happened this time?


I'm about to enter Rons appartment block on my Survivor mode play....slowly getting there.


The further I get I more nervous I am about dying.


I reckon I won't have too much issue till I get to the Nursery (I hope I find a lot of ammo for that part)....but I also reckon...if I die there, just before or anytime after the Nursery I won't restart right away...might just go back and to a 2nd run on Normal to calm me down without having to worry bout the 1 life.



Also if anyone wondering.


Every time you start Survivor Mode, your character is the same character model but the name and occupation changes each time.

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I've actually got my best ammo from other survivors, really worth hunting them down.


Yeah but on Survivor mode you don't get notifications of when a friend dies and and is in your game.


I still get them though, I just don't get any advanced warning of when and where they are.


I've only had one Friend Survivor though so far on Survivor mode but a lot of "random" non-friend survivors.... problem is most of them appeared at the Safe house (obviously died during the horde attack on the safe house) and little or no items to loot :mad:


So again, if anyone is playing and dies don't forget to post up here to tell me where you died so I can get your stuff :D

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I don't know if you were trying to be the first to finish survivor mode Mokong but I was watching a Best Friends Play video and the Dev Team left a list of about 30 names of people who have already completed it.


I know that, I've seen the list in my own game (though oddly it doesn't appear when you play Survivor mode...I've seen it in Normal mode of course)



....and I want my name on that wall with them :D

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So which actor does the voice of the prepper?


He does sound like someone known doesn't he? But I can't think of who.


But when I saw the credits the name didn't seem familiar (can't remember now) so I figure he just sounds like someone else


Just did a bit more on my Survivor Mode now.


Got into and out of Rons flat unharmed and now all the way to the Tower.


Just got inside the first part of the tower, went to the manhole then back to safe house for a save and finish for the night.


Not looking forward to the next part in the sewer bit of the tower....trying to figure out how best to deal with the surprise Exploder that killed my Mr. 9 on my normal play.


Can see myself planning things much better than on my first play too.


Like when getting the Key Card in Green Park, on my first play I made a run for the tent area and fought all teh zombies in the swamp one by one (a few in two's) but this time I had the sense to chuck a flare up on the island in the middle with the gas tanks, wait for the zombies to gather then shoot one of the tanks, BOOM :D



Also FYI, if you must take on a horde, if there is anything you can "slide under" use it to your advantage. Lead the horde to it then slide under it to the other side. The zombies will try follow, while they are crawlling through ready your bat and stand near them. You'll get the "hold ZR to finish it" prompt cause it is crawling in the ground and get a one hit kill :D


Take them out one by one as the try crawl through.


This is very handy for that horde that attacks the Safe house, use the "slide under" bit to the right of the door of your safe house as you go out.

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Also FYI, if you must take on a horde, if there is anything you can "slide under" use it to your advantage. Lead the horde to it then slide under it to the other side. The zombies will try follow, while they are crawlling through ready your bat and stand near them. You'll get the "hold ZR to finish it" prompt cause it is crawling in the ground and get a one hit kill :D


Take them out one by one as the try crawl through.


This is very handy for that horde that attacks the Safe house, use the "slide under" bit to the right of the door of your safe house as you go out.


Yup, I've been abusing this like a Mofo. Works a treat :)

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Wohoo, just finished the Tower section and still alive :D


That exploder that killed my Mr. 9 on my Normal play almost got me again, thought I put enough distance between us so I shot but the explosion still caught me and took me down to about 25-30% health :(


Luck I had a health pack on one of my quick slots, phew.


Also having now finished the Tower I just realised something....on my normal play of this after I lost Mr. 9 in the Tower, Ms 10 finished the game for me. So surely I should have no issues finishing the game on Survivor mode now that I am in the area of not dying any more in my Normal game.


Though the Nursery and Church still have me worried, I think also knowing "one death and it GAME OVER" will make me more nervous which could end up causing a death...hopefully I can hold it together.


My survivor mode play is now 5 hours 23mins in and on a score of 9890. I wonder if maybe you get less points on Survivor mode? Mr. 9 on my normal mode game only lived for about 3 hours I think and had a score of about 8000 I think it was and certainly didn't have as many zombie kills as my Survivor mode character has in the whole game?


Or maybe you get less points for killing a zombie by explosion or molotov which I've done a lot more of in this play...and same with the "slide under" technique, maybe you get less points for an "insta kill" which again I've had a lot more of in this play since working out the "slide under" trick :D





Also I found two zombie "Suvivors" today, one was former N-E head and father of N-E/C-E @kav82 in Brick Lane, he had a lot of stuff to loot :D Amonst his items, 20 handgun bullets THANK YOU. I really need the extra ammo :D

Edited by Mokong
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Well, now that I can finally drag myself away from MiiVerse, it's back to olde N-Europe forum.


This is the first game in an looooooong time to genuinly give me the scares. One zombie is a force to be reckoned with, two are enough reason for me to run to safety and scream like a girl.

I really love how you can approach things strategically, like in RE4 to some extent. Pick 'em of one by one, luring them individually with a well placed shotgun; using obstacles and crawling spaces to your advantage and so, guerilla-style. Not that it keeps me from dying, but fun nonetheless!

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Nearly gave up on the arena section, bloody hate that type of area. Managed to lose 3 survivors on that. Just picking up the remaining letters now.


Totally out of ammo tonight but Agent Gibbs gave me a ton of stuff when I found him wondering around Brick Zlane flats ;)

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*SIGH* playing this on xmas day seems to be very unlucky. wanted to show my cousin the nursery area as it was the next place i was going on my Survivor mode game.


did not end well at all.


Note for anyone thinkin of or playin on survivor. Red flame super zombies seem to be a one hit kill with just a normal swipe :mad:


just outside the nursery took on a random survivors zombie, he was red flaming. i was full health. took one hit and was dead....WTF....grrrrr.



well least in know to be extra careful with red flame zoms next time.


onward to attempt four on survivor mode :'(

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Righty after a good session on this on my 4th Survivor mode attempt I'm now back up to just before going into see Vikrim for first time. So just gotta go in see him then head to nursery which is where I died on my last attempt on Survivor mode.


The good thing about this 4th attempt is I seem to be getting faster. At where I am I've gotten here in 4 hours 15mins. Took me almost 6 hours last time (think it was 6 hours 5 mins when I died) and at 10300 points, think that might be a little less as I think I died on previous attempt with 11030 points.


The annoying thing is I'm struggling for handgun ammo and flares. Only got 1 flare left and I reckon I could do with at least 3 to get out of nursery safely. Hope I find some on the way.


Also is anyone else having issues with the game being "online". I know my Wii U is online, I can get on Miiverse and everything else. But when I play ZombiU there's no messages from the Devs on teh walls of safe house and I can't spray paint. Keeps tellin me "need to be online" when I try. This also means no Zombies of other players d/ling to my game meaning I can't get their loot :mad: (which can usually be a lot of ammo and a few flares of course)


Servers must be down or something?


Anyone else with same issue?

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Woot, just got into and out of the nursery and still alive.


Though nearly blew myself up with a mine in the last escape bit. Went to set it didn't notice one rouge zombie to the side, once i put it down it went off. Lucky it didn't kill me, had a sliver of health left and made it to the now open door. phew.


I think the most dangerous thing to me finihing survivor mode is not the zombies but myself, haha.


Also found a good way to kill the nursery 'boss' with little ammo usage.


chucked a flare to keep it occupied then a molotov to set it on fire.


even when it goes invisible it still on fire. you still can't see it fully, get the ghostly glimpses but it didn't become fully visible again or attack me. just kept running round till the fire eventually killed it :D


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chucked a flare to keep it occupied then a molotov to set it on fire.


even when it goes invisible it still on fire. you still can't see it fully, get the ghostly glimpses but it didn't become fully visible again or attack me. just kept running round till the fire eventually killed it :D


Or better still, just stand it a corner and hit it with the bat. After it disappears it almost always respawns in the same place and comes running at you. Rinse and repeat.


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I am so frakking close to completing Survivor mode now and it is wrecking my nerves, haha.


Just finished the return to the palace "near the end of the game."


I did a ton of prep before going back there to find the Doc.


I knew I'd need at least 2 flares, used the CCTV cameras but still took me awhile to find them. Eventually got two (on different trips) to the area outside the nursery.


Made my way through the Palace and upwards, luring zombies one at a time.


Used my 1st flare in combo with a molotov trying to set the two "invisible" zombies on fire. Oddly one of them decided it didn't like the look of my flare and didn't follow it so only managed to set one on fire. Took all the 10 shotgun bullets I had too to kill the other one (I though I had extra to reload...wasn't till mid fight I remembered I didn't :heh:)


Almost got grabbed by the exploder that comes up afterwards too. Forgot about him :heh:

Ran past him and back a few rooms to put some distance so I could open my BOB and get a handgun out.


Then inside the door that leads to the kitchens and the Doc. I remembered he was a Red-Flame (ie: one scratch = kill on survivor mode) Zombie which had me really nervous...plus I remembered he had a couple of Riot zoms with him too. Good think I was prepared :D


Chucked my 2nd flare into the middle of the room followed by the last gernade I had...BOOM all 3 dead. I had my Assualt Riffle out too just in case I messed up the gernade toss :heh:




Made my way back to teh safe house then saved and calling it a night. Will finish tomorrow (hopefully) or Thrusday (might go cinema tomorrow)


Also seems the servers are being worked on.


Was able to view the leaderboards earlier...though changing pages took AGES. And in the game I was able to spray paint to leave messages and found a few player left messages....but no dev messages on the safe house walls....didn't encounter any player zombies either.


Looking at the leader boards though the top scores are massive? 1st place on normal mode is 50,150 points, 15th is 24,700. I wonder if those people just spent ages redoing areas over and over looking for zombies to kill to inflate their scores (as you can see they all have long play times, eg: 1st has a playtime of 43 hours 54mins to get his score.. At the point I'm at now near the end I've only got 16,000+ points.

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