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MARVEL Mafia Volume 1 : Armor Wars


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I am both good and town too, so chairs theory is a non-starter for me.


I don't find someone trying to advance the game with their own reasonable conclusions from the information they had to hand suspicious though and think that the votes against chair are either retarded or scummy... we'll see!


Rummy your post was laughable.. the people who are supporting a player whos got a fair bit of info out in the air are scummy??? O Kay.

I would more-so be wary of the player who's given absolutely nothing, turned up, pointed the finger of blame and disappeared with a parting statement along the lines of i'm not responding to anyone who questions my post. Thats not suspect at all??!


@MadDog... cube seems to think you were untargettable last night... do you have anything to say about it?


Just to make it clear, i'm not saying i think chair is either town or mafia. I just think its a pretty weak reason to vote!

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All I'm saying is, enough people seem to be in support of mr-paul for so early on, and I don't think it's because they're all mafia. Thus, I think chair is. Also, I get more and more convinced from your own current play, you're probably mafia with him. So I'll keep my vote, and keep an eye on you.

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The General picked up the phone again on this night and made some important phone calls.


The cool character stretched out his arms, but an incoming threat floored him before he could act.


A damaged character was resting.


A red character was watching as an armored individual was attacked. A dark green individual stood nearby.


A gargantuan green character was eagle eyed, but no one could have witnessed the attack that had taken place...










12 players, majority is 7.

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Fuck it. Forgot to send in a PM, and I was attacked violently.

I've got my eye on those who disagreed with Rummy. He was linked to me, I sent his targets for him. I hid that from the PM I posted yesterday as it would paint a massive target on the drone if they found out who it was. I was actually thinking it was Cube.

We will never know for sure if he was a role or alignment investigator, I'm leaning towards the latter, in which case I can tell you who he had targeted later, which could mean they are good.

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Sorry ReZ, I've moved house from one end of the country to the other AND I have tonsillitis.. Which is really fucking horrible : (

I'll be more active as I get better and am able to get stuff done.


I'm sure @Jimbob hinted towards himself being the hulk earlier on? What did you do last night? You may have targeted the attacker or the victim if i've interpreted the write-up right. Who was your target?

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A red character was watching as an armored individual was attacked. A dark green individual stood nearby.


I believe this is the attack on me last night.

If the red character or the dark green individual have any info it would be much appreciated.


I also now think with it seeming like all of me, Rummy, Cube and chairdriver are from the Iron Man universe, at least one of Cube and chair are evil.


And seeing my role is out in the open, I might as well share all the info I have just in case I die.


Night one:

My target: Peeps targeted Diageo.

Rummy’s target: Rummy


Night two:

My target: DuD targeted DuD

Rummy’s target: Dohnut


Night three:

Targets: No one, forgot to send PM

Attacked by vomit inducing radiation, more vulnerable next night.

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I was stopped from using my power last night.


I also now think with it seeming like all of me, Rummy, Cube and chairdriver are from the Iron Man universe, at least one of Cube and chair are evil.


Armour Wars was an arc in the Iron Man comic where all the armoured characters had a massive battle, of course loads of us are going to be Iron Man characters...


I don't even see how your logic follows? We're all associated characters, therefore some of us have to be mafia? Why would I (Iron Monger) be opposite aligned to Detroit Steel and Dormammu?


It's already been established that the virus has turned armoured heroes rogue so they're working with the villains. The mafia are probably unarmoured heroes like Nick Fury, Ms. Marvel, Luke Cage.


I want to hear more from Vote: Jimbob. If he's Hulk he could be mafia.

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If you mean this day phase that you've heard little from, then i can apologise. I've no PC and i'm using the parents one, which means limited usage. Out of my hands sorry.


I targetted DuD on night one, Peeps on night 2 and mr-paul on night 3 if that helps. Sorry i am being vague, but as i said, i'm having tech issues atm.

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Are you sure you got me and the peeps the right way round there jimbob? I'm sure I should have died night one?! So thats a definite vote! but I think it was night 2 i was affected by your power?


I'm still voting either way. Attacking Mr-Paul makes no sense.


Vote: Jimbob

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Is Jimbob the one causing the sickness and vomiting then, maybe some kind of radiation poisoning or something? I experienced that on night 1 and it nerfed my abilities for night 2, so perhaps Jimbob did get us the wrong way round DuD?


I think that's enough votes for now, we need Jimbob to go into more detail about his role.

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Yeah, did get the targets the wrong way around. It was Peeps first, then DuD then mr-paul. Had the list the wrong way, was in a rush. I'm not to do with the vomiting though, my role doesn't say anything about that.


To come clear (and continue my style of play, as i can list my PM.) I'm town (being open about that straight away, not lying about it at all). I'm also Radioactive Man (Chen Lu as he is also known as). My target each night is attacked with radioactive energy which reduces their ability in the night phase of the following night.


Thats everything there, nothing else to add to my role. Not hiding anything, just in case you think i am.


Yeah, got the targets the wrong way around. Was Peeps then Dud, sorry about that. Using a mobile device sucks atm, so apologies.


My entire role (and i'm not hiding anything just in case you think i am) is that i am town and i am Radioactive Man. My powers are to target someone with radioactive energy per night phase. This weakens their powers/attacks for the next night phase.


But i can say this in confidence and 100% honesty as well.


I also wish to place my vote down


Vote: chairdriver

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Well yeah you obviously cause radiation poisoning so you are the cause of the vomiting/hallucinating etc. I'm guess DuD and mr-paul both got that in their PMs too.


I don't see why you'd choose to do this to mr-paul after he came out with his role (the only one to do so before today?), especially after he said he is a tracker.


But I also don't see why you'd choose to be so open about your role when it's only making you look more scummy.

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