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The Walking Dead


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3 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Glad you've finally started it! Did you finish the whole of the first episode yet? Dat ending....


There were big gasps all round when that happened. Fucking brutal.

I have to admit that I struggled with some of the big decisions in the game. Do I wait for the morning to leave to find my family, or do I go at night? My head said the smartest thing would be to wait, but then the other part of me said that they could be dead by the time you get there. So, I left early.

I always get engrossed by the Walking Dead games. They always make me stop and think carefully about what choice I make. (I get that there's only realistically so many different outcomes, but the illusion is done well)


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Just now, Hero-of-Time said:

Yup. I had the same reaction.

Man, I love me some TT games. I can't wait for the Guardians of the Galaxy series to finish and then I can snap that up.

I'm excited about The Wolf Among Us. Can't wait for more of that. Reaaally enjoyed that game.

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Episodes 2 and 3 are done.



Whoooooa at the reveal at the end of episode 2. Excellent twist that threw us. :D

The way that the narrative is told in season 3 is excellent. Definitely the best of the three in the way that the story is delivered. Helps to understand the characters a bit more, too. They're quite well developed in season 3!


We had some weird glitches in episode 3. Something to do with Javi's backpack. It was causing all kinds of weird glitches for us, which was funny but also strange. The backpack developed these weird lines that stretched all the way across the screen, like the backpack was coming out of lightspeed. :D

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1 hour ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

Episodes 2 and 3 are done.


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Whoooooa at the reveal at the end of episode 2. Excellent twist that threw us. :D

The way that the narrative is told in season 3 is excellent. Definitely the best of the three in the way that the story is delivered. Helps to understand the characters a bit more, too. They're quite well developed in season 3!

Yup. The end of episode 2 completely blew my mind. Great stuff.


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  • 4 months later...

The situation is pants and a lot of people have lost their jobs and this announcement is unlikely to get a lot of these jobs back.  So I'm not going to get over excited about this.

It is nice to see the series get finished though.  I wonder if Skybound have bought the entire toolset, so if they wanted to, they could make more games in the same vein.  With the studio being created by Kirkman, I can see this sort of interactive storytelling being attractive to them.

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1 hour ago, V. Amoleo said:

I wonder if Skybound have bought the entire toolset, so if they wanted to, they could make more games in the same vein.  

The toolset was one of the problems to begin with. This is about finishing Clem's story, and another part of the Walking Dead universe. If they want to make TellTale style games they should start from scratch with a new engine.

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  • 5 months later...

After 7 years the journey is finally over. :( If I had to describe this final season in one word I would have to go with heart.


The school setting was brilliant and it made for some heart filled moments. There was a conversation during one of the episodes that had me in stitches. It was such a nice scene and a great light moment, something that is really rare in these games.

I tried my best to teach AJ life lessons and to value human life. I think I steered him well, even if it cost others in the process.

I was pretty shocked to see Lily back. I always hated her character and her dad. They gave Lee a hard time and as such I never cared for them. She really didn't like being left at the side of the road. :D 

I was gutted when Clem was bitten. In the back of my mind I thought it may happen but I wasn't sure. When it did happen I wasn't really prepared for it. I knew what had to be done but I didn't want to go through with it.

When Tenn gives Clem's hat to AJ I got really upset and shed a few tears. Crazy how a little hat can mean so much.

Now that Clem was gone and I was controlling AJ I headed back into camp. I completely broke down with tears of happiness when Clem walked up to AJ. I was so happy that they didn't kill her off! 7 years of getting to know this character had taken its toll and I just couldn't hold back the tears. :cry:

What an amazing journey it has been over these past 7 years. I'm so happy that people stepped in and were able to finish off the series. :bowdown:

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