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Pokemon Black & White 2

Debug Mode

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Literally just came here to see if any one had posted it haha.


Castellia looks the same =S. I don't like where this is going..




Just begs the further question of WHY Hamish and Serebii are being so precious about these games. I don't get it. No one is slagging them off... and Hamish, no one is 'DISREGARDING' them... just seeing them for what they are. I'm still going to buy it and love it, so calm down!


OK let me put this into perspective...


Does anyone remember Mario Galaxy 2? While it was being developed Myamoto apparently made some comment about how the game was going to be a certain percentage NEW and a certain percentage PAST stages from the first game, albeit it mixed up a little perhaps...


Does anyone remember the fan reaction to that? I sure do. Very negative. Nobody wanted a sequel that retrod old ground, they wanted a brand new game dammit!


You CAN get sequels that take place in the same world as the previous game, and retread a lot of old space, and feel very similar... I know you can, but I also know that usually, on face value, these games aren't really looked at in a very good light. The fact that Gamefreak has got away with selling us the same game, a year later after the core games release is hilarious and we, as fans, gobble it up and fill their coffers... What they are doing with B&W2 is great, they don't need to do this because we buy the 3rd entry anyway, but they are giving us MORE... so great!! it's not much more.


Now, certain people seem to be arguing that Black 2 and White 2 so SOOO vastly different from the usual 3rd entry, when obviously they are not... and as more info comes out, it will become more clear...

YES they put new dialogue in and yes they have a new starting area and yes it's set 2 years in the future but please, these are minimal differences. This is what the other 3rd entries should have been like! They too should have had a little rejig like these are having. The changes will be superficial at best, and yet Hamish and Serebii, you two seem to be getting very defensive about these games as if I am slating them or saying they are shit... I'm not, I'm just saying they are giving their traditional 3rd entry some new clothes! A new script to read... GOOD! It's a good thing! Perhaps this marks the end of Gamefreak reselling us the same game with only minor differences... they can give us some new dialogue and make it seem separate from the first adventures.


I don't get this attitude that seems to suggest that if I don't fall in line with your opinion then I am obviously slating this or whatever... I'm not, I love Pokemon, I only played Black once and this new release is perfect for me to get into the game again! I loved Black and White... I love Pokemon, but I can see that these games are just Gamefreak thinking... "Ya know, we can't just chuck out another 3rd entry like we normally do, let's pop in a new story, swap some pokemon around, we'll change the map a little like we did in Platinum..." Hey presto, now they can slap a 2 on it and sell TWO versions! Clever dicks.


And Serebii... on your website, you ponder whether they will have new starters? Really??? No, it's the same starters as Black and White. I bet you anything. The flyers even have the trio stood in front of the characters.


ANYWAY... I am not trying to be a dick, I'm just seeing what I see. I'm not misunderstanding anything anyone else says I just don't agree that these releases are that amazing and that different.

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I just don't understand why "2 years later, with new characters, starting in a new location, experiencing an entirely separate plot" doesn't mean sequel? It is loads different than "The exact same experience as the last two versions mixed together, with minimal changes to the dialogue and a new place to battle at the end of the game."


You're saying these changes are minimal but they've changed the entire game, just set it in the same area. This isn't "dialogue changes", this is actual plot changes. For what we can see N, Team Plasma... none of that is in this. We have an entirely new rival which means a new plot.


Yes it's Gray in that this is what we are getting instead of Gray... but it is a true sequel.


Arguing that "this is what the 3rd game should have always been" is weird too... because I think Serebii and I agree with that whole-heartedly... and that is why we're excited. We've been waiting for Nintendo to do something like this for a long time.


That's why we're so happy, because this is 100 times more exciting than just another 3rd game. Whereas you seem to be annoyed that this is just Nintendo making more of an effort by releasing something that feels as new as possible, but is also clearly Gen 5.


We all know Nintendo does these 3rd games just to make money, and Nintendo knows that not everybody buys these 3rd games, so, thankfully, they'll just trying to make this experience far more value for money than before.


Thats why we're defending these games.

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I just don't understand why "2 years later, with new characters, starting in a new location, experiencing an entirely separate plot" doesn't mean sequel? It is loads different than "The exact same experience as the last two versions mixed together, with minimal changes to the dialogue and a new place to battle at the end of the game."


You're saying these changes are minimal but they've changed the entire game, just set it in the same area. This isn't "dialogue changes", this is actual plot changes. For what we can see N, Team Plasma... none of that is in this. We have an entirely new rival which means a new plot.


Yes it's Gray in that this is what we are getting instead of Gray... but it is a true sequel.


Arguing that "this is what the 3rd game should have always been" is weird too... because I think Serebii and I agree with that whole-heartedly... and that is why we're excited. We've been waiting for Nintendo to do something like this for a long time.


That's why we're so happy, because this is 100 times more exciting than just another 3rd game. Whereas you seem to be annoyed that this is just Nintendo making more of an effort by releasing something that feels as new as possible, but is also clearly Gen 5.


We all know Nintendo does these 3rd games just to make money, and Nintendo knows that not everybody buys these 3rd games, so, thankfully, they'll just trying to make this experience far more value for money than before.


Thats why we're defending these games.


Well in all honesty we are both excited for this game, and for the same reasons. We only seem to disagree how progressive this is... but that's no biggie really.


I can't say I ever played Pokemon for their stories, so perhaps that is why I don't jump for joy when a new plot if highlighted... I guess I just think that they wouldn't need too much effort to create a new 'plot'... anyway I thought N was in this?? ..Anyway, Black and White certainly felt Plot heavy (in terms of past pokemon games), so a new story in the same scope should be fun.

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Ok, then let me put this to you


Say the game is set in Unova...what would make it a sequel to you? If time progression, loads of new areas, new characters etc. aren't enough, I'm very curious as to what is.


Plot has become important. While you may not have played the game for the plot before, they put in a full emphasis on the story on Black & White, and this just continues on from that


Also, my pondering about the starters was due to the fact they haven't been confirmed. I never said new starters as that's just crazy but prior to the leaflet coming, it was every bit valid to consider the possibility of it having a combination of old starters as the choice or to have Pansage, Pansear and Panpour with their Hidden Abilities (the only three Pokémon who get the same abilities as the starters)

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Is it confirmed that this is indeed a 'new twist' on a 3rd entry game of this gen?



Also, to me this just feels like a minor project because this isn't a major generational leap AND it is still for the DS.

Another team must surely be working on some greater Pokemon game for the 3DS. Surely.

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Is it confirmed that this is indeed a 'new twist' on a 3rd entry game of this gen?



Also, to me this just feels like a minor project because this isn't a major generational leap AND it is still for the DS.

Another team must surely be working on some greater Pokemon game for the 3DS. Surely.


Oh they are hard at work on the 6th Gen, be totally sure in that regard :)

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This is... really interesting:




Though probably not true.


Is the end nigh now that Pokemon is trying to adopt a more storydriven concept?


Oh they are hard at work on the 6th Gen, be totally sure in that regard :)


What are the thoughts on that, I ask you?

I'd like somewhat of a new artstyle, preferably like that of Muramasa:)

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GameFreak have 2 or more teams working at any one time. Once the first games of a generation is completed, one team commences work on the next generation while the other works on enhanced versions, remakes, sequels etc.


This isn't a generational leap. It's a twist on the third game, sure, but in that it replaces the enhanced version (they don't use the term "third game") with something new

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What are the thoughts on that, I ask you?

I'd like somewhat of a new artstyle, preferably like that of Muramasa:)


Well... I don't mind them keeping the same camera perspective as normal, but with obvious enhancements in the GFX quality... When you say Muramasa I imagine 2D Pokemon sprites in battle still, but with a sumptuous hi-res quality... fully animated of course!! More akin to Ken Sugimori's concept pieces... all pastely and lovely!!! That is my dream, above fully 3D sprites... although I do love the models in the 3DS pokedex.

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Does anyone else now expect the enhanced version of each generation will come in two varieties? I'm surprised they didn't think of this before. It is the next step in getting us to keep purchasing as many copies of the same fucking game as possible.


"We change sprites. Pikachu now sit instead of stand. Some dialogue different! You buy same game again. Haha!"

Edited by Guy
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What are the thoughts on that, I ask you?

I'd like somewhat of a new artstyle, preferably like that of Muramasa:)


I think GF are in a pretty tricky situation. I'm not sure that Pokemon's sales have increased enough to enable them to change the graphical representation to 3D yet, nor would doing so propagate significantly more sales to justify doing so.


I'd be totally happy with a spin off series that uses something like the Smash Bros system, where in essence they are given 4 moves (the B moves). Allow for the relevant RPG elements to be added in to upgrade strength, health and other classic criteria.


This would allow for the type of contextual fights that you see in the series as well as actual progressive levels. Might seem a bit cheap thieving the engine but SSBB still has my favourite 3D representations of the original starters and I'd be happy with that.

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I also read they earn more money because they are a tighter business now, with a much more planned out way of getting merchandise, products, the anime, manga, cards etc out there, were as before it was all a bit random and finding their feet and working out what sold and what didn't.


A lot of people my age (around 21-ish) assume Pokémon died out. It didn't... we just grew up. When Red and Blue came out it was popular with kids and a few adults who realised it was a great game. Black and White now is popular with kids, those adults with good taste AND kids who grew up and will buy Pokémon games until the day they die. I also think Pokémon is actually really coming back... the people that liked it in Gen 1 are now old enough to be over the "that's lame" phase, and get nostalgic about it.

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I think GF are in a pretty tricky situation. I'm not sure that Pokemon's sales have increased enough to enable them to change the graphical representation to 3D yet, nor would doing so propagate significantly more sales to justify doing so.


But the world is now almost fully 3D anyway now. The battle scenes aren't but it's not like they don't already have 3D models for all the creatures with the 3D Pokédex and past home console titles. In some ways, it might be easier that drawing a whole new set of animated sprites. The bigger problem comes with updates where they will end up using identical models but I don't think it would put the audience off too much. Just as long as the battles don't take too long to carry out, it would be fine.


And as Serebii says, the sales are as good as they've ever been.


Well... I don't mind them keeping the same camera perspective as normal, but with obvious enhancements in the GFX quality... When you say Muramasa I imagine 2D Pokemon sprites in battle still, but with a sumptuous hi-res quality... fully animated of course!! More akin to Ken Sugimori's concept pieces... all pastely and lovely!!! That is my dream, above fully 3D sprites... although I do love the models in the 3DS pokedex.


If they do stay 2D, then it has to be this. I do think it will be difficult to make the actual attacks/animation look convincing though in that style - I think it suits the still image more than it would a moving one. Just make sure the rest of the world also matches with the style.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Same starters pretty much confirmed.


Music is the same as well when you start your game. As in, the dialogue that follows after you click 'new game'.


New battle music though! Sounds sweet!


New animations and new graphics for HP/EXP counter etc

Edited by Debug Mode
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I think the point that a lot of people seem to miss with Pokemon is that it is an incredibly well put together game. Even Red and Blue. The amount of content and statistics and variations in the way you can play... it's astounding. Non-fans look down on it, probably because of the cartoon or merchandise or whatever... the funny thing is that the game itself is so AAA it's not even funny.


I always get funny looks when some of my mates see me playing it, and I mostly get someone squarking 'PIKA PIKA' at me mockingly, but there really aren't that many game series out there that chug along, for this length of time, selling the amount they do... while still upholding the quality, and often improving upon it.

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Homika has a Koffing.

Grass has been redone, azurill hinted to be very close to the starting area in the grass.

Akuroma still looks fucking ridiculous.



Guests ask "How about a battle?", que screams of YARIMASHOUUU


Linked battle theme remains the same.

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Homika has a Koffing.

Grass has been redone, azurill hinted to be very close to the starting area in the grass.

Akuroma still looks fucking ridiculous.


Yeah... not a fan of him.


Or the same sort of Bouncy Squashy animation in Black and White, and now apparently B&W2... oh well, it's progression lol


OH how I wish the design they used for the new Rival was used for the Hero instead... not digging the new Hero's strange hair and hat... nothing beats Gen IV's sickly flat cap thing...

Edited by Deku-Nutz
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Oh you!


Seriously though, the new info that we got


Pokémon Smash revealed some stuff


Hiougi City is HUGE (considering the map showed it as two buildings and a deck, it makes you wonder about the other areas)

Starters confirmed to be Snivy, Tepig & Oshawott

Masuda was asked if the region was frozen over. He responded "You'll understand when you play the game"

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