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The latest entry in the psychodelic puzzle game that's almost entirely centered around the music for the game while everything else quite literally 'falls into place' around it.


Vibrant visuals, astounding audio, fun to play, frustrating to not play and criminally addictive.






Features a decent selection of modes including Voyage, Master, Duel, Stopwatch and playlist plus the 'World Block' which is a huge cluster of blocks reset each day which anyone who's connected can contribute towards earning exp in the process.






Online leaderboards are updated regularly as you play so you can see how you stack up against other players on your list or worldwide if your prefer.


Current forum members known to have the game are...




I would urge anyone who owns a PSVita to pick up this game as it's easily one of the better launch titles for the system and is perfectly suited to picking up/putting down - if you can - at your whim. : peace:






Join us!

  Cube said:
I have the game?


From your activity list on my Vita...


2/25 10:09


'Cube1701 is playing "Lumines Electronic Symphony" for the first time.'


The PSV! it... plays games, music, video and it lies! :p


Something obviously not right there then but still, if you really don't have it then I'd definitely recommend it to you. :)

  Cube said:
Ah, it's probably talking about the demo. Not really my kind of game.


But... it has a huge Cube in it, how could you not like it? :(


Jokes aside though, I think it's a solid puzzle title... maybe not to everyones taste but a decent launch title if you can get into it. :)


At least you tried the demo though. : peace:


The graphics look wonderful on the screen, and the music reminds me of what's done in ReZ/Child of Eden (i.e. it flows with the game). I also like it's use of vastly different colours - meaning people with partial colour-blindness like me don't have any problems. It's just not for me.

  Cube said:
You match up colours in 2x2 squares.


Edit: And there's no reason to not try the demo.


except for no Vita :p (don't think there is demo of ps3 version, supernova)


Loving Life, Loving Lumines!


So I got two more trophies last night, the one for '30 blocks in 30 seconds' took ages but I finally did it :D plus I got the one for 'creating, saving, playing 12 playlists' which is pretty simple to do.


Oh and I've reached the level cap, it's 50, am crai... no more exp for me. :(


Still haven't unlocked the trophy for 'playing three hours within a 24 hour period' despite obviously doing that, it must be really strict and only count the time of when you're in Voyage Mode or something.


I aim to clear all the trophies in time seeing as there aren't that many and the game is still fun to play, shame the multiplayer is onlt ad-hoc - I think? - as online multiplayer would have been awesome.


I hope so to @Daft I really do because it could certainly benefit from a DLC pack that doubles - or quadruples - the level cap, adds in some 'extra' avatars and skins - so as not to conflict with existing trophies - plus of course adding in several other more 'random' trophies including a platinum.


If they can manage that and price it all at around £4 then I'd be happy, otherwise... I'll just keep playing until I've completely beaten the game before possibly shelfing it if there's nothing left to achieve apart from a greater high score.


They should put the puzzle mode back in, too.


Also, it'd be nice if they could introduce a mode with custom music and an equaliser background. Like Zone Mode on Wipeout, which is stunning.


Downloaded the demo and it just didn't do it for me. I absolutely love puzzle games, I'm obsessed with them, but I just didn't like this. I also didn't like Meteos and isn't it the same guy?!


Meteos kind of blows compares to this. I don't know what's in the demo but there's a point where this game clicks because actually, it's kind of counter-intuitive in terms of how you should stack blocks.


Maybe give it another go. I dunno. I had it on Xbox LIVE and also played it on my sister's PSP so I had an easy ins to it. All I can say is, when it does start to click it's pretty awesome. There's plenty of other stuff to play at the moment, though. *cough*Mutant Blog Attacks*cough*


I'll play my mates more as like I say, I love puzzle games. Half of my DS collection and 99% of my iPhone games are puzzle games. As soon as I've finished Virtua Tennis single player I'll get Mutant Blob; had a look and looks amazing. Digital games are awesome! Quality and great price! Uncharted and Wipeout will have to wait!


Decided to play Lumines Live! in order to compare to this latest entry and...


... I just ended up getting majorly addicted to it again. :indeed:


Now I remember why I stopped playing it all those years ago, too addictive!


So I keep going to do things and this keeps getting in the way. Everything this game does is to entice you into forgetting your existence. I went to come on here to post in this thread an hour ago and thought "I'll just have one quick go."


...having said that I'm still learning the "basics" on how to play as my high score so far is only 83,000 roughly. The music is astounding right up my street, it's all very laid back combined with the skins changing it truly is designed to be mesmerising.


My one gripe with the game is the loading time after the 30 second mode game because it's over too quickly and I have to wait longer to actually play again. :)


I have never truly played a Lumines game before though I had a quick go on the Xbox 360 and I didn't get into it back then probably because this for me feels more suited to the handheld, as I took it out with me whilst I was out today and played it when I had a spare moment. :D I'm glad the Avatars are given more purpose than before although I always forget to utilise the rear touch pad to activate them quicker.


Glad to see a master mode where you can't use those as well, will I ever get there?


Only time will tell. :heh:


Yessss! decided to have a 'quick go' on Lumines and finalyl got to Zone 3 on Master Mode :) I love how if you reach the target number of blocks it then carries on to the next zone so in theory it is possible to complete all zones in one run but I'm happy enough with just making some reasonable progress. :D


Last night I couldn't sleep for a couple of hours so I completed the whole of Voyage mode :) then I was slightly miffed as the trophies didn't unlock :confused: I simply reloaded the game however and got both trophies for playing through all skins/collecting all skins and avatars.


Only Mission Mode and the Credits remain! :D


Shame there's no platinum for this though, blatantly could do with one plus more challenges etc as discussed before, still an excellent launch title though.

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