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Random point... but I LOVE how crisp and clean the menus are... for equipment and the like... STILL haven't booted this up, since I am currently tackling...

Zanza's 2nd freakin' form...

and will NOT start this new game until I'm done... but I have seen the trailer in which it shows the player choosing some armour for a female character... it's just so clinical and cool!

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Use the Gale move by holding down A. Then move the cursor into a magic circle to dispel.


As for the boss, use dispel on a yellow magic circle this will give a shield which protects you from the para shots. This leaves the boss wide open for an attack.


On chapter 36 out of 44, the end is nigh.


Thanks so much mate! That little bit of help got me back into the game. I like it again now. I still think there should be a little more hand holding and explanations!


The other RPGs I've really enjoyed are Fallout 3 and the last two Fire Emblem games. This hasn't gripped me like they have. Fire Emblem seems the perfect example of how to do JRPGs, I just love it. The story, the characters, the battles - everything. The Last Story is OK, but 10 or so chapters in and I'm not loving any of the characters particularly and the early twists and plot developments could be seen coming a mile off.


Also in both Fire Emblem and Fallout 3 I felt attached to many of the characters, I haven't really liked any of these so far and the only thing that has really gripped me about them is the relationship between Zeal and the other main guy, which I clearly like so much I forgot his name!

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17 hours on the clock and the game is beaten. Well the main game is, I see there are a few epilogue chapters to toy around with after you beat the game. Here's my thoughts.


I'll start off by saying that it's a good game, just not a great one. There are signs of greatness thoughout the game though. There are a couple of chapters, which I will highlight below, which were fantastic. In these chapters certain elements in the game come together nicely and made for some fantastic viewing/playing.


The chapter where you do the trials was fantastic, but the ending to that chapter was even better. The whole fight against General Asthar was so well done. What made this even better was the music that played during the fight.


Another chapter which I loved was where you go see the Count to get knighted. You then basically tell him to shove it and then run off to whisk Callista away in her wedding dress. That whole segment was very well done in terms of camera angles, story and music.



In terms of the music I think the soundtrack in the game is one of the best things about it. There are a few which I think are amazing.


This one reminds me alot of Jenova from Final Fantasy VII.


Broadcast Yourself


Another tune that I really loved.


Broadcast Yourself


Another one which is just pure epic.


Broadcast Yourself


Gameplay wise I have mixed feelings. Apart from the last boss the game lacks any real challenge and I mean that. The game is very easy and even if for some reason you do get stuck, you can just level up. Usually it takes time and effort to level up in an RPG but even this is stupidly easy. Go to a red circle, summon enemies, kill them, use circle again, rise and repeat. I went up 10 levels in the space of 5 mins using one of these circles.


The story in the game was very good, even it is a little cliche at times. It starts off really slow but once you hit the late twenties in the chapters things really pick up and start coming together.


Overally I enjoyed my time with the game, just wish there was a little more to it and alot less of the slowdown. If I was to give it a score I would give it 7/10. If you are looking for an RPG game that is easy to get into, has a decent story and doesn't require much effort on your part, then this is the one for you.

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17 hours on the clock and the game is beaten. Well the main game is, I see there are a few epilogue chapters to toy around with after you beat the game. Here's my thoughts.


I'll start off by saying that it's a good game, just not a great one. There are signs of greatness thoughout the game though. There are a couple of chapters, which I will highlight below, which were fantastic. In these chapters certain elements in the game come together nicely and made for some fantastic viewing/playing.


The chapter where you do the trials was fantastic, but the ending to that chapter was even better. The whole fight against General Asthar was so well done. What made this even better was the music that played during the fight.


Another chapter which I loved was where you go see the Count to get knighted. You then basically tell him to shove it and then run off to whisk Callista away in her wedding dress. That whole segment was very well done in terms of camera angles, story and music.



In terms of the music I think the soundtrack in the game is one of the best things about it. There are a few which I think are amazing.


This one reminds me alot of Jenova from Final Fantasy VII.


Broadcast Yourself


Another tune that I really loved.


Broadcast Yourself


Another one which is just pure epic.


Broadcast Yourself


Gameplay wise I have mixed feelings. Apart from the last boss the game lacks any real challenge and I mean that. The game is very easy and even if for some reason you do get stuck, you can just level up. Usually it takes time and effort to level up in an RPG but even this is stupidly easy. Go to a red circle, summon enemies, kill them, use circle again, rise and repeat. I went up 10 levels in the space of 5 mins using one of these circles.


The story in the game was very good, even it is a little cliche at times. It starts off really slow but once you hit the late twenties in the chapters things really pick up and start coming together.


Overally I enjoyed my time with the game, just wish there was a little more to it and alot less of the slowdown. If I was to give it a score I would give it 7/10. If you are looking for an RPG game that is easy to get into, has a decent story and doesn't require much effort on your part, then this is the one for you.


17 Hours!??? Whoa... makes my 90 Hours in Xenoblade look obsessive :S


I tend to be pretty slow on purpose with games though, if they draw me in enough... we shall seeeeee.

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17 Hours!??? Whoa... makes my 90 Hours in Xenoblade look obsessive :S


I wasn't that surprised to be honest. I think the developers quoted that it would take around 30 hours to finish the story. I usually half the time they quote, as they tend to talk rubbish. I didn't even rush through it. I think I did all of the chapters ( some are missable ) and did alot of the sidequests I found around the town.

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Just to stick my nose in the graphics argument. I more or less agree with this statement.

You can't review games across all platforms because the platforms ARE architecturally different. It's as thick as dung to think OHHHH WELL I BETTER GRADE THIS LOW BECAUSE THERE IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MACHINE THAT CAN DOOOOO BETTER!!! the person has bought that machine, the game is on thar machine... it has NOTHING to do with the PS3...


The PC has and WILL always be superior to consoles, so WHY do I never see a review that says "Well the graphics on Skyrim are ok... OH but they are pretty SHIT compared to PC so... mark down..." and boy they ARE terrible in comparison! I mean a massive margin in quality!!! But you never hear people moaning, because it's a different animal, a different MACHINE...

Graphics should pretty much be graded against games on the same/very similar machine. Otherwise you'd just keep going back to old games when a new console has come out and say "OK, the graphics bar has been raised, this score must go down."

You should have chosen not to peek! The following conversation was something I wouldn't even expected in Grand Theft Auto. So dirty :p

You can do both. I tried looking in 3 times to see if it'd change but didn't. Then chose not to and got the awesome dirty chat. Then tried peeking again and got slapped.


Syrenne is one of the hottest game characters I've come across in a long time that I've wanted to fuck her brains out.

Anyway, how in the world do you do a slash properly? It's making me nuts in a boss battle which is pretty much the only way to defeat it. I either jump to the side or stand up, the slash doesn't happen.

I feel this. I lost lives going against this Terracor boss because I apparently wasn't doing it right. I think it demands inch-perfect direction of the analogue stick. Sometimes I've just ended up leaping over and running to the other side. Fucking useless.

Use the Gale move by holding down A. Then move the cursor into a magic circle to dispel.

Just make sure nothing is in your way people. Zael has a problem moving around things when he's Gale-ing.

As it stands, there is no game on the Wii will ever have graphics that I consider 'great', for the same reason that I imagine a man who has had his legs blown off would never be 'great' at running. The game is severely limited by its hardware, and after playing a lot of titles on 360 and PS3, it certainly shows.

His legs may not have been "blown off" (I'm assuming you mean by explosives, but he could've had them "blown off" by God for whatever reason) but I'm fairly sure he's a better runner than me.




Final note, like many people I'm finding this game a little lacking. I'm hoping Pandora's Tower will turn out better.

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Thanks so much mate! That little bit of help got me back into the game. I like it again now. I still think there should be a little more hand holding and explanations!


The other RPGs I've really enjoyed are Fallout 3 and the last two Fire Emblem games. This hasn't gripped me like they have. Fire Emblem seems the perfect example of how to do JRPGs, I just love it. The story, the characters, the battles - everything. The Last Story is OK, but 10 or so chapters in and I'm not loving any of the characters particularly and the early twists and plot developments could be seen coming a mile off.


Also in both Fire Emblem and Fallout 3 I felt attached to many of the characters, I haven't really liked any of these so far and the only thing that has really gripped me about them is the relationship between Zeal and the other main guy, which I clearly like so much I forgot his name!


Dude Zechs you want a good JRPG... do yourself a favour and get Xenoblade seriously it's like the Iron Maiden of Wii games for me (I bet that analogy will finally catch your attention :wink:



Good, I thought it was just me. :D


*raises hand*


I'm still hot and bothered by the bath bit and talking to her outside of the Arena....


I also unlocked the Invisable Dye last night I forgot to mention.... first thing I did was make Syrennes top half invisible and was very dissapointed a bra still covered the goods :heh:

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Finally beat Xenoblade (crowd sympathetically 'awww's')


Booted up The Last Story... I have played through the opening chapters and just gotta the pub. So far? I'm really digging the look of the game. Character models are really good!


Best thing so far, presentation wise, are voice overs. They're fantastic! And they give the characters life and heart... Really loving them. The battle system is superb as well!!


Gonna like this one I think... ;)


Oh and the facial expressions... Excellent.


Watched the other half playing Dead Island the other day... You know, one of those HD games... lol the characters in that game all must be on heavy doses of Botox because they don't emote even a fraction of what the Last Story chars do...


Further proof that a skilled artist can do wonders with any canvas, if the passion is there.

Edited by Deku-Nutz
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It can look as good as it wants but it if it runs as slow as a snail on valium whats the point? Yes, the slow down annoyed me alot. :)


Never would have guessed ;)


I haven't had any slow down to th levels in which you are describing but perhaps I will see it soon enough, just playing it now :)

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I see this went it at number 15 in the charts. Not bad at all considering GAME/Gamestation weren't even stocking the thing.


Number 15... respectable indeed!


I'm hoping the numbers of Japan, Europe and USA combined are decent enough to warrant mistwalker working with Nintendo again... I am loving this game, and would absolutely adore a continuation... I know in Japan it sold a 200'000+ which is... respectable I guess, but would have been nice if it were more... curious to see how well it does in Europe.

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Wait, there are missable chapters? That's ridicilous. Explains the times I got puzzled why the chapter number suddenly jumped by two or three like they forgot to mention them. But that's just stupid. Missables sucks. It makes me less interested in completing the game if I can't get everything.


Haven't found the game too easy like HOT. I have died a three-four times, as in a game over screen. The few red circles I found did not make me level up 10 times in five minutes. I just get one or two levels before it becomes a chore.


Anyway, I'm at around 10 hours and somewhere in chapter 20-25(who knows anymore), and am enjoying it, although I have spent most of my time lately on Total War instead.


How do you progress in the arena? It's still season 1 and I'm at 10+ difficulty(I'm certain the difficulty has changed though)

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I've upgraded my weapons to as max as possible without items (currently on chapter... 8 I think) and I'm pimpsmacking like a pr0.


I've also been using the nice orange and blue dyes. Since every enemy seems to be a variant of the colour black/brown, it'd be nice to be able to see my allies in the cramped arenas.

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Wait, there are missable chapters? That's ridicilous. Explains the times I got puzzled why the chapter number suddenly jumped by two or three like they forgot to mention them. But that's just stupid. Missables sucks. It makes me less interested in completing the game if I can't get everything.


Yup, some chapters are missable, aswell as some weapons. Enjoy! :D

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I thought I'd come across a misable chapter last night but reloaded my last save to check what would happen.


It was Chapter 13 I was on then next thing it was 15... I was like WTF?


Luckily I have made a save just before the change so went back to 13 and did what I assumed was the second choice that would bring me to chapter 14, which it did.


After finishing 14 I was able to then do 15 without before moving to 16... don't know if it would have allowed to do 14 if I did 15 first though. I made a backup save file there so might test later. (Unless someone here did 15 first and knows if you can still do 14 before moving to 16?)


Anyway I'm liking so far where the story seems to be going and the characters are growing on me more too.


Starting to unlock some new skills too which is really adding to help add more varity to the combat :D


The boss(es) in Chapter 14 were cool, when you broke the mirror and you had 4 of them running around I kept attacking the wrong ones first by mistake then I was wondering how my team all fainted so quickly :heh:


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I thought I'd come across a misable chapter last night but reloaded my last save to check what would happen.


It was Chapter 13 I was on then next thing it was 15... I was like WTF?


Luckily I have made a save just before the change so went back to 13 and did what I assumed was the second choice that would bring me to chapter 14, which it did.


After finishing 14 I was able to then do 15 without before moving to 16... don't know if it would have allowed to do 14 if I did 15 first though. I made a backup save file there so might test later. (Unless someone here did 15 first and knows if you can still do 14 before moving to 16?)


Anyway I'm liking so far where the story seems to be going and the characters are growing on me more too.


Starting to unlock some new skills too which is really adding to help add more varity to the combat :D


The boss(es) in Chapter 14 were cool, when you broke the mirror and you had 4 of them running around I kept attacking the wrong ones first by mistake then I was wondering how my team all fainted so quickly :heh:


If Miranda's chapter is 15(?), then I did hers first before doing Yurick's which is 14. I couldn't even progress even if I wanted too. When I went back to Duran after Miranda's mission, he told me I had to look for Yurick too.


I agree Syrinne is hot, but Miranda isn't half bad. I was le disappoint when I couldn't take off her top too. Forgot to try Lisa too, but I changed her armour back to the ball dress.

Edited by Tales
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Well so far I'm now up to Chapter 19 and not had any chapters skipped yet.... though I'm wondering if maybe...


... maybe if you choose to not follow Horace into the hole he dug does that make you skip 19 or will it just not progress until you agree to go down?


Also whats with the choices Zeal gets at the Trail and talking to Asthar... if you choose to tell the truth about Calista the game then won't let you.... why bother give me the choice?





I'm very early on, but I am pretty sure


Lord Jirall(?)





is the same voice as Alvis:




I was thinking the same you for Jiril and a quick google and it is true, same guy : peace:


Though it's odd, I liked Alvis in Xenoblade but his character here is pretty much the opposite, as in I like to hate him, :mad:


Especially after chapter 19.


Also found out you are right about Mirania's voice actress


(List of English voice actors)


Also I think it was Chatper 9 or 10? but did anyone else think when Z.... ah I'll spoiler it


Did anyone else think when Zangurak first appeared..


"What the hell is Ganondorf doing here?"




Also, going out on a limb here, but I swear Mirania is voiced by Montserrat Lombard (Shaz from Ashes to Ashes)



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