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Assassin's Creed III


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I'm going for the 100% synch in one run, and generally I'm patient enough to let a bunch of guards kill me if I've missed a secondary objective.


Having to shoot three carts of gunpowder whilst in a horseback chase with basically NO spare time SOUNDS alright, but when you shoot the first cart and your horse can't move round/over it... well you've just got to redo it 12 times (and counting!). Of course, there might be more than 3 gunpowder carts altogether but I don't want to 'risk' it so I'll keep doing this controller-twisting annoying thing.


(otherwise I'm very much enjoying it)


EDIT: Lol just did 3 and the last blast blew me off the horse. DESYNCHROMINIREDZONE.

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I know you do. I'm friends with you already and beating all your high scores. ;)


Up for a match during the week end? What modes do you like?

I don't know, any mode is fine I guess :)


Jayseven, there are only 3 carts. I think having a gun with multiple rounds work better, or maybe that was for another mission.

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That's the one where you can kill anyone and get killed by anyone at anytime? Yeah, I like that one too, better than the one where you get assigned one.


No, you're thinking of Assassinate, which is basically the worst mode in existence. :p

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Assassinate was pretty cool actually as it was true stealth. People couldn't find you based on a standard compass (which was worse when you had the unfair disadvantage when in 1st place where 3 people were after you). In assassinate mode you really had to blend properly and not act like a roofing gun toting noob tosspot.

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I played Deathmatch yesterday and there were no NPCs that looked like me! I couldn't hide at all. Not really sure what was happening there.


After finishing 2 more tutorial levels I could play Manhunt and that was back to usual.


Still love the multiplayer on this series, and they seem to have tightened it up even more :D

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Assassinate was pretty cool actually as it was true stealth. People couldn't find you based on a standard compass (which was worse when you had the unfair disadvantage when in 1st place where 3 people were after you). In assassinate mode you really had to blend properly and not act like a roofing gun toting noob tosspot.


You are thinking of Deathmatch. Does anyone know the mode names? Assassinate has a compass and you can pick your contract. It's a terrible mode because you basically know where all characters are.


I played Deathmatch yesterday and there were no NPCs that looked like me! I couldn't hide at all. Not really sure what was happening there.


After finishing 2 more tutorial levels I could play Manhunt and that was back to usual.


Still love the multiplayer on this series, and they seem to have tightened it up even more :D

That's the point of deathmatch. It's a small level where the player characters don't have any clones, so that you can find them without the compass. If you want clones of yourself, you want Wanted Mode.


The best mode is definitely Deathmatch, with simple Deathmatch being a cool stripped down and basic fun mode.

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You don't have to let guards kill you. You can just restart from last checkpoint in the start menu.

I know it sounds silly but I swear this takes you too far back sometimes (just anecdotal).


Been checking the leaderboards and I'm surprised to see I rank as high as I do for so many things considering my completion is much lower... though I have amassed a silly amount of hours - closing in on 9 hours and only half-way through sequence 5! I am utterly absorbed in the game, and I love the serene areas where you can hunt.

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I started one riot the other day and it popped up that I was in the top 50% worldwide for riots started :p


That's the point of deathmatch. It's a small level where the player characters don't have any clones, so that you can find them without the compass. If you want clones of yourself, you want Wanted Mode.


But I'm sure there were loads of clones of other people, and not just those using merge. I've played the game a lot, got to level 50 on Brotherhood and played Revelations plenty, but I seem to have forgotten some of the basics. Doesn't help that you have to change disk to play multiplayer on the 360, which puts me off going on for a quick game or two.


Also there seems to be more people playing stupidly than ever before (running across rooftops for a 100 point kill instead of getting 600-1000 points in one go by spending a moment to play it cleverly). It also seems a lot harder to hide in Manhunt, not enough 'clones', as you put it, and crowds are too thin.


Microtransactions seem to be encouraged by putting the better abilities a bit further out of reach, too.

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I know it sounds silly but I swear this takes you too far back sometimes (just anecdotal).


Been checking the leaderboards and I'm surprised to see I rank as high as I do for so many things considering my completion is much lower... though I have amassed a silly amount of hours - closing in on 9 hours and only half-way through sequence 5! I am utterly absorbed in the game' date=' and I love the serene areas where you can hunt.[/quote']

It's takes you as far back as dying does. I think that sometimes it doesn't take you far back enough.

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Just finished story;


Welp... Ok..! So Desmond dead or... well, minerva did say "very well, but you will have to live with your decision" so perhaps Juno thinks she's killed Desmond but somehow Minerva's kept him alive..? Perhaps similar to how Revelations had Desmond in a sort of coma.


It was totally out of the blue though! The hints that there are others like them around the globe, the fact that Connor's piece of eden disappeared after it was 'done'... I don't know.


The epilogue shorts seem to suggest that the slave trade could Be Connor's next focus, and that even with the revolution over and Lee dead, the government is still 'controlling' people (even if it's without taxes). I wonder if that davey crockett character is meant to be someone.


And during/after epilogue, what's the deal with those pivot points? It's... like 4am here and I've stupidly stayed up to finish the game but far too tired to carry on/work it out. I hope there's still some desmond-side story-related tid-bits that could help refine what could happen next -- and I also hope there's hints at what connor may do in the next game -- assuming the next game isn't 4.


The United States became a continental nation with the purchase of Louisiana from France in 1803 and the settlement of the lands beyond the Appalachian Mountains. Westward expansion fueled conflict with Native populations and led to their forced removal. By 1820, 2 million Americans lived west of the Appalachians, out of a total national population of 10 million. The regional cultures that had developed along the Atlantic Coast—New England, Middle Atlantic, Chesapeake, and Carolinas—were transplanted into the Old Northwest (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin) and the Old Southwest (Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas). But although Americans had begun to identify themselves as a nation, they were divided by sectional interests that deepened with rapid industrialization and the question of slavery.



[...] The old Atlantic port cities—Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore—continued to grow with the opening of trade to China in 1785. [...]


The political calm that had characterized the first term of President George Washington (1732–1799) was soon disrupted by the rise of party conflict between the Federalists and the Republicans. The presidency of Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) launched a quarter century of Republican rule, interrupted by another war with Great Britain, the War of 1812



Not going to be the best source for history lessons, but just glancing over that provided some idea of what could come next.


- Slave trade

- Republicans vs Democrats [would the game try to identify/align itself with one party?]

- Native Indians pushed westwards

- More states joining the union/getting rid of the french

- Another 'battle' with Britain

- Industrialisation [though can we dream of an 1800s Dickensian London?]


And I'm still convinced the Aquila can have some fun with the carribean/south america, however that is not likely, and I've not started (let alone finished) the boat stuff so I have no idea if that's even worth contemplating.


Of course, how can there be another Connor game with the vessel of Desmond apparantly broken? Well, is it his voice we hear talking about the hacking/pivot points? As I said, that stuff really doesn't make sense to me :P



Now, to 100% synch the story (around sequence 7 I just got really pissed off with a few of the missions, but I've only for 4-5 missions to redo) then begin the collectathon, though teh game told me that I'd acquired 50% of the collectables notifications already, and I have all the maps, so I'm set!

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I'm not very experienced with the online mode for this but I find it to be really punishing, and it doesn't teach you anything at all... I've come 2nd with a decent score but I do feel that the majority of my games = nobody else dressed like me. I'm not quite cool with the scoring system. I feel like there should be a bonus for killinh someone with more experience than you... I guess more experience will make it better! Not as fun as I'd hoped (so far) -- because I suck.

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I'm not very experienced with the online mode for this but I find it to be really punishing' date=' and it doesn't teach you anything at all... I've come 2nd with a decent score but I do feel that the majority of my games = nobody else dressed like me. I'm not quite cool with the scoring system. I feel like there should be a bonus for killinh someone with more experience than you... I guess more experience will make it better! Not as fun as I'd hoped (so far) -- because I suck.[/quote']

Yeah, the game tutorial only teaches you the basics. You can find some nice guides on youtube. There are some videos called Templar Training I think about ACR but since the multiplayer is the same, the training should help you out.


Sorry I missed you on multiplayer Tales. Was trying to 100% the game. I think there's a problem with my delivery missions. Did you use a guide for that?

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Yeah, the game tutorial only teaches you the basics. You can find some nice guides on youtube. There are some videos called Templar Training I think about ACR but since the multiplayer is the same, the training should help you out.


Sorry I missed you on multiplayer Tales. Was trying to 100% the game. I think there's a problem with my delivery missions. Did you use a guide for that?

To trigger them? They don't show up on the map it seems, until you start the quest. I used a guide to find three of them(of 8). Search Gamefaqs.

Edited by Tales
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96% Completion with 40 hours... Quite enjoying the challenge.

- Finish Hunting area animal things

- Delivery stuff (just need to buy/make the stuff I suppose)

- re-play a few 5 missions for 100%

- Buy all weapons

- sell a pelt to all stores (I though it was simply send a caravan thing to each one, so that was a waste of an hour)

- That Ordinary Man thingo (follow townsfolk around a bit)

- WIn at Bowls at the homestead -- yes, I've done 9 men's morris and fanarona

- NY underground

- Buncha club stuff

- Homestead inventions


And of course Online to lvl 20 and wolfpack.



.. When I list it out like that... yeah 100% is probably a fair while off just yet!


P.S. 16397 /17070 if you want to compare.

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@Diageo What do you have left?


I finished the hunting stuff and I've been chipping away at other things, but replaying some of the missions has taken up many, many retries thanks to obtuse bits of unfortune. I have 2 missions to redo (turns out I had 6 to redo instead of the 5 I'd thought) and done a few extra club challenges... only to unearth tier 3 for one of them which looks to be an utter, utter bitch.

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