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Circle Pad Pro Impressions Thread


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I love it! :heart:


It's the perfect size for my hands, elegant, comfy and makes Resident Evil so much better for me. :D Not being able to take the game out is not really an issue since it takes about two seconds to do so and if I'm using a game that requires the stylus I don't usually put it back until I'm done playing with it. :)


I will not be removing this accessory. (apart from to put in a game.) :D


+1 I feel the same as you, it feels so much better to use in general, i hope nintendo release a firmware update that allows you to use it all the time (so the new R button atleast works with everything)


I had a go on one and I adore it. I wish more modern technology was designed with comfort in mind rather than "how square and thin can be get it?" The 3DS and modern iPhones are not comfortable pieces of technology to use, they're just square.


This is my biggest issue with modern tech, no longer does ergonomics matter its all about style it seems. They try to say the iphone will take over gaming, control issues asside (touch screen = limited control) the thing is plain uncomfortable to use for any period of time, i hope any iphone 5 is more comfortable and would ideally have a slim fold out keyboard

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I got my Circle Pad Pro today and after my initial session which seemed terrible I took the time to calibrate the controls and after a few sessions on Resi R's Raid Mode I'm now sold on it as a viable - in some cases improved - control alternative. :)

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When I saw the Circle Pad bundle with Resi Evil on Zavvi I pre-ordered it instantly...


I haven't had any inclination to buy or not buy but since it was FREE with the game I thought... Do it!


So anyway I played the Demo of Resi without the Circle pad and was thinking... hmmm... today I booted the Full game up WITH the Circle Pad and it's an obvious improvement... it's fantastic even! It's huge and ugly BUT it feels fantastic! I love the button placements... I love how light it is... it plays like a dream!!!


In short, Circle Pad can not be recommended enough!!!

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