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A Hipster Photography Experiment


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I've heard a few people say that there is no skill in "Hipster" photography. Just take a picture of something with little to no thought about framing etc, add a vintage filter and a quote that appears to mean something, but is actually pretentious bullshit and viola! Hipster art!


So, armed with a tape measure, a random number generator, my camera and a tripod, I set out to remove all skill from photography and see if my "talentless" photos measured up to Hipster photos.


I decided to use my bedroom for the experiment as it required the least effort/thought. To choose a location for the camera, I measured the room and plumbed the numbers into the random number generator. This gave me the x and y co-ordinates to place the tripod. I did the same for the height, direction, vertical tilt, sideways tilt and zoom. So far, I had had no creative input.


Once the picture was framed, I took the photo using my camera's auto setting. Everything was being controlled by the camera: focusing, flash, ISO, F Stop and Shutter Speed. Again, no creative input from me. I took 3 photos, all in random locations with random direction, zoom etc.


With that done, I needed a Hipster filter. I used the random number generator to pick a filter from Rollip. By sheer coincidence, it chose the first.


Next I needed a quote. I looked at the photos I had and typed the main feature of each and searched Google for a relevant quote for each. I added it to the photos and here is the end result:








I'll leave it up to you to decide whether or not these completely random images live up to Hipster standards.

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I don't personally see what is wrong with 'hipster' photos, there is something wrong with falling over backwards over them, but the style themselves, well I'm admitting I like it (sorry Goafer.)


I do personally prefer the shots I get from film rather than using filters mind you, whether that's having rose tinted glasses of the 'old days' or not, I prefer it to digital.


Such is the way of everything, it changes and becomes unpopular/popular by various groups, *shrug.*


For instance, this is on my tumblr:



It's a very hipster like photo, not much is actually in the photo, but the composition and colour really appeals.


Compared to:




Personally I love both photos, it all depends on how you feel about the amount of effort that is put into a photo. How much you rely on the camera etc.

Edited by nightwolf
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There's a difference between a Hipster photo and a vintage processed one though. I have nothing against the filters themselves (hell, I used my own one for the handbag shoot), it's more to do with people putting the filter over crap photos and adding some faux meaningful quote over the top as if it somehow makes up for it. The fact that the quotes usually express some oh-so-important inner struggle makes it even worse.


I have nothing against the filters, as they're just another style amongst many. I'll use that bird photo above as an example. I'm not a huge fan of the purpleness of it all, but the photo itself is great. Nice soft background and the bird is nicely in focus (which is quite a feat). It's a really well taken photo.


The top photo is ok. I quite like high contrast black and white images, but the quote spoils it. It's just another Hipster/emo/angsty teen whinging about how their life is so hard to me. Maybe there's a huge back story to it, but the photo on it's own just seems "oh whoa is me".



I don't have any strong opinions on it, I was more curious to see if I could create something similar by removing all input/creativity. The reason I didn't give a definite conclusion to my experiment is because I didn't feel it needed one. Art is subjective etc.

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I guess that is the problem, some people photography as simply taking good pictures, others take it as expressing how you're feeling - even if it means putting text over images.


Let's face it, some of those photos are creative, it all depends on your viewpoint, yours seems to be more the time taken = the more creative it is. But it doesn't have to be that way as such.


Sometimes the easiest things to make can be art/creative.


I also will put that I hate the term hipster, what does it even mean?! >.<

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I feel the quotes have to have some degree of stunningness though, you can't just place random emo messages over things and call it hipster.


That's the thing though, all the quotes I see aren't. To me it just seems like the difference between an Emo and a Hipster is a colour wardrobe and basic Photoshop skills.


But my experiment was more geared towards the photography side of things though. The quotes were mainly there to emulate the trend. I'm not a fan of text over images. If a quote is good, it shouldn't need a picture behind it. Equally, if a photo is good, it shouldn't need text over it.



Iunno, I was just bored and thought "what if?" I do that a lot. I had fun doing it and it hopefully gives people something to think about. Ideally, I'd like people to spend more time thinking about the images they're seeing.

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