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Lego Black Ops Stop Motion


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In case any of you are interested, have posted a video on YouTube that my son did on his 3DS using the new stop motion feature.



Took him several hours just for 50 seconds of video!


Personally, I'm pretty impressed with the quality of video achieved. The file has not been altered in any way and was just uploaded directly from his 3DS's SD card.

Edited by darksnowman
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Excellent! icon14.gif

Really good for a 14 year old. :cool:


Personally, I'm pretty impressed with the quality of video achieved. The file has not been altered in any way and was just uploaded directly from his 3DS's SD card.
Yeah, the quality on stop motion (and regular video) from the 3DS is surprisingly good. :smile:
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Thanks for the compliments.


We're looking at maybe adding some sound to it to make it even better.


And yes, he's definitely going to be making some more. He's already getting the scenery sorted. He's also asked if I can buy him some proper lighting for his 'studio'.

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