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Weight Loss & Fitness 2012


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Just keep at it Raining. Your weight will fluctuate with retention and all. And plus 0.8 isn't bad at all.


Instead of concentrating on the weight, think about how much better you are feeling about yourself instead.


Thank you ^_^


I took it out on my training session this morning. Did a lot more than I expected and had no vomiting woo. My trainer has given me a pyramid routine as follows:



Kettlebell 2 hand swing x 10 (just a regular kettlebell swing) -8kg-

Trx rotational rows x10 (holding onto trx straps and doing a pull forward row, while twisting my hands from overhand to underhand) -bodyweight-

Clean and press (vipr) x 10 -10kg-

Kettlebell alternate hand swings x 10 -8kg-

Trx lunge and row ( in a pulled forward row, I push back into a back lunge and up again) -bodyweight-

Squat up & chop (vipr) holding middle of vipr in right hand. Squat and grab hold of front of vipr with left hand. Push up and push left hand up to touch left shoulder while stretching right shoulder as far as possible. X10 of each side. -6kg-



And repeat all of that with 12 reps, then again with 15. (except the squat up &chop, it's 10 each throughout as it's a very tough exercise)


Did the 10 and 12 set today and it took a good half hour, what a flipping work out. It's very simple once it's shown to me and doesn't take a lot of equipment or moving around the gym. I also did 1.4km on the cross trainer before that :)


Lots of what I call non scale victories, so the scale can go fuck itself lol. Plus I have muscles on my legs! And my size is definitely smaller!


Also I used a 10 kg vipr! Never used a 10kg weight before :D (asides swinging my dads monster 24kg kettlebell 3 times and nearly dying ha)

Edited by Raining_again
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Sounds like a good routine. However, I would strongly suggest that you take 12 or even 16 kg Kettlebells for the swings. There is absolutely no problem in doing that as it doesn't require much strength in the arms to do one. If I'm doing less than 50 KB swings in a workout, I use 24 kg as minimum. I would do it with 28 kg but they aren't available where I train and I think the jump from 24 to 32 is a big too heigh.


Besides, don't feel bad about gaining weight over small periods. Throughout a month your weight varies by a quite a few pounds and as you have been exercising more regularly, your body also gains muscle so you will be losing fat even though you see your weight rising.


My low-carb diet really works wonders for me and my girlfriend. I seldom eat bread now, and rice and pasta are never on the menu. Eggs, nuts, cheese, and meat have all gone up a bit, though, but so have all vegetables. Furthermore, I have without even trying at all gone from 67-68 kg to 65 kg in a couple of months. Actually, I would rather have gained weight but I might not gain weight because I do too many cardio-ish workouts instead of heavy-loaded workouts.

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I've only recently started back into my training routine. (like we're talking 2-3 weeks) Would probably use a 10 but they haven't got a 10 in my gym, and 12 is too much of a jump. 8 is the starting weight for women, I know lots of women that can barely press a 6, and theyre fitter than I am! Not enough weight training in their life methinks lol

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K I'm just going to sit here til my arse stops hurting :( I couldn't even get into my car earlier, fuck this really makes me feel unfit. I was so pissed at the scales that I took it out n my body and wrecked myself... Have to get a splint for my wrist as I've buggered it up as well. Yaaaay.


Ace job on the running ramar. (palindrome high five)

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Ok so there isn't a muscle on my body that isn't aching right now. That's a bloody effective workout!!


Oh and I'm really pissed off, have put on 3lbs overnight on top of the weeks 0.8. Arghhhhhhhhhhhh :(


Could it be that you could still be losing fat, but also gaining muscle?


I'm not saying you've put on 3 pounds of muscle overnight, but it could be a factor to it. As you've been exercising it's likely you will be increasing your muscle mass, and muscle is heavier than fat.


5 pounds of muscle vs 5 pounds of fat.


So as such I wouldn't worry about increasing muscle (which burns fat) and the weight that comes with it, though it may make your fat loss seem slower if you're purely watching the scales.


Would it be fair to assume your goal isn't so much to actually lose weight, but to loose fat? If you loose a pound of fat but gain a pounds of muscle, you might be down that you've not lost any weight, but actually you're on track. And eventually your muscle gain will level off leaving only fat loss.

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Oh and I'm really pissed off, have put on 3lbs overnight on top of the weeks 0.8. Arghhhhhhhhhhhh :(


You don't gain 3 pounds overnight. Your body weight just varies during the day. Stop weighing yourself every day and do it only once a week. There is nothing to gain by weighing yourself every day and weight loss doesn't happen overnight. I think someone on some pages back explained it nicely but I can't seem to find it right now.

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Would it be fair to assume your goal isn't so much to actually lose weight, but to loose fat? If you loose a pound of fat but gain a pounds of muscle, you might be down that you've not lost any weight, but actually you're on track. And eventually your muscle gain will level off leaving only fat loss.


I might be wrong, but I don't think R_A wants to end up looking like Arnie.

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Could it be that you could still be losing fat, but also gaining muscle?


I'm not saying you've put on 3 pounds of muscle overnight, but it could be a factor to it. As you've been exercising it's likely you will be increasing your muscle mass, and muscle is heavier than fat.


5 pounds of muscle vs 5 pounds of fat.


So as such I wouldn't worry about increasing muscle (which burns fat) and the weight that comes with it, though it may make your fat loss seem slower if you're purely watching the scales.


Would it be fair to assume your goal isn't so much to actually lose weight, but to loose fat? If you loose a pound of fat but gain a pounds of muscle, you might be down that you've not lost any weight, but actually you're on track. And eventually your muscle gain will level off leaving only fat loss.



This is important, @Raining_again. You should use a body fat scale and measure your bodyfat percentage rather than using BMI. BMI doesn't really tell you anything (my doctor friend confirmed this last night). Find out what your bodyfat percentage is and aim to reduce that.


I might be wrong, but I don't think R_A wants to end up looking like Arnie.


I assume you're joking here but this is actually a common misconception by a lot of women (and men, but men tend to want the bigger muscles more than women). They believe that if you lift weights you will turn out like Arnie.


This will not happen.


Bodybuilders have been lifting weights all of their life and work extremely hard at increasing the weights they lift.


Toning your muscles will make anyone look better. High reps and low weight is good for this. They won't grow as much but will be a lot firmer.


Weekly Update


I weighed my bodyfat last week. It said 16% which I would guess is about right, however the machine told me I weigh 77.7kg which is not correct.


Or it is correct and the 3 other scales that I use are all wrong (upstairs in the gym, downstairs in changing room, my own ones) all say 74-75kg.


Due to do my bodyfat again tonight, expecting it to be similar as this was a pretty big weekend with 2 meals out. However I did a shit load of exercise last week so I might be in luck.

Edited by Charlie
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They believe that if you lift weights you will turn out like Arnie.


You will if you gain a pound of muscle for every pound of fat you lose (like pratty said).


Obviously I know that gaining muscle is far harder than losing fat. As a man with arms like pipe cleaners, I know how hard it can be to build muscle.

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Gaining muscle is in fact rather easy. Easy in that it's pretty black and white how it's done. The actual doing of it might not be considered easy (in terms of the weight lifting) but for me personally I find it easier lifting weights than some of the cardio sessions i've done over the years.


Gaining muscle is simply the process of eating more calories than your normal intake and following a weight lifting regiment. Obviously you need to be eating the right stuff and not just 5 extra chocolate bars a day but it really is that simple. Eat a lot of chicken and vegetables and lift heavy weights at low repetitions.


As for women looking like Arnie, as Charlie said, not going to happen. Women simply don't produce testosterone like men do so their bodies aren't capable of looking that way without some added help.

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Gaining muscle is in fact rather easy. Easy in that it's pretty black and white how it's done. The actual doing of it might not be considered easy (in terms of the weight lifting) but for me personally I find it easier lifting weights than some of the cardio sessions i've done over the years.


Gaining muscle is simply the process of eating more calories than your normal intake and following a weight lifting regiment. Obviously you need to be eating the right stuff and not just 5 extra chocolate bars a day but it really is that simple. Eat a lot of chicken and vegetables and lift heavy weights at low repetitions.


As for women looking like Arnie, as Charlie said, not going to happen. Women simply don't produce testosterone like men do so their bodies aren't capable of looking that way without some added help.


Something being simple and straightforward does not make it easy. It might not be hard in the academic sense, but it's hard in terms of how much time and effort it takes.

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Something being simple and straightforward does not make it easy. It might not be hard in the academic sense, but it's hard in terms of how much time and effort it takes.


If by effort you mean having to get off your arse a few times a week for an hour, then yes it's incredibly difficult.

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I agree that weightlifting isn't that hard. But getting the bench when it's busy and trying to find the right exercises etc. can get a little annoying. That's why I prefer swimming. It has some cardio and muscle building and no waiting around. I'm currently on 2K, 3 times a week.

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You will if you gain a pound of muscle for every pound of fat you lose (like pratty said).


I also said her muscle gain will likely level off. I'm not recommending she aim to add a pound of muscle for every pound of fat lost, I'm just saying she needn't worry if she gains a pound or two of muscle if her goal is to lose fat/mass. :)

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Also having to spend ~£30p/m on gym membership, and all the petrol costs of getting there, not to mention finding the time.


You can find Gyms cheaper than that. You don't have to drive, personally it takes me an hour to walk to my gym. As for the time, if it's something you want to achieve, then i'm sure you can find the little time that it takes.

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I know it's a bit of an obsession I can't let go of. :p I did gain 3lb but lost 4.8 last night. Exercise does tend to have that kind of effect on me. I've eaten perfectly, counted everything to minute detail and exercised 6 times in that week, and gained half a pound (this was a few years ago) I was so pissed off that I derailed my diet and caved completely. Not doing it again because that's what got me back up to 20 stone. I know I've lost inches so I'm not worried as such. It just worries me as a lot of gain tends to me I'm gonna have bowel problems or women problems very shortly. I'm well aware that I can't gain masses of muscle, that doesn't bother me, but I believe there's an element of truth to it. From what I gather muscle cells store glycogen, so the bigger they are the more they store. And they also retain water for repairing purposes. And when you lose weight you can hold water in the empty fat cells until the body sees it no longer needs the fat cells. There's so many different possibilities. All the little things adding up.


I'm dosed with a bad fevercold thing but I ain't letting it stop me. I'm for the gym tomorrow even if it kills me. Was gonna go for a spin but my new cycle shorts haven't arrived, so I'll have to get on and beat my training plan. I'm for doing all three sets of the ones I listed earlier. Only did 2 the first time. Pain is heading my way but no pain no gain!!!!!

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Dragged myself up to the gym this evening after falling asleep when I got in from work.


Cycled for 22 mins and did I think 12km which is OK. Sitting on a solid 74kg (which is down a bit from last week). My hope is that if I go down to 70kg, the majority of my loss will be fat and therefore bodyfat percentage should drop to 12%.


My aim is to get down to 70kg over the next few weeks (which is very achievable if I keep at it). I just hope I don't lose too much muscle in the process of cutting. I'm aiming for 4 cardio sessions a week and 3 resistance sessions (weights before cardio) so I should be OK in that respect if I carry on eating well.

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Found this today randomly. Thought you might like it. Apologies in the advance for the writers terrible writing skills!


Ooh thanks that's an interesting read. I totally believe in the whole theme of that post. I do aim as hard and fast as I can. I don't understand the point of sub 6kg weights :P I'm trying to push myself as hard as I can but I also have to go with caution to protect my joints (arthritis).


I pushed myself beyond anything I've ever done in the gym today. I had to stop a few times because my hr was hitting mid 180s... :0


Today I did:


Warm up - x trainer - intensity 4 - av speed 10 - 4 minutes




The cycle I mentioned before, going through 10, 12, and 15 reps of each ( doing all 10 reps first, then 12 then 15 so you aren't doing two sets of reps of the same exercise if that makes sense)


Kb 2 handed swing 8kg

Rotational row (trx body weight)

Clean and press (10kg vipr - log style weight)

Kb alternating hand swings 8kg

Reverse lunge & row (trx body weight)

Squat up and chop (6kg vipr)


Then after that I got on the vibrating plate for 3 x 60 intervals of


Left lunge, right lunge, squat.


And the squat up and chop is only supposed to be 10/10 (l/r) in each of the 3 phases as its a hard one, but I ramped it up and did the 10/10,12/12, and 15/15



I am going to HURT tomorrow but I feel fucking bloody brilliant right now :)


Also I lost another 1.8lbs, bout time. I've been surfing in the 250/240 region for too long and now I'm finally well into the 240s :)


Edit:I'm dosed with a really bad cold too. Hardcore gym ethics ftw. I'll probably die but whatevs :p

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My back is in a world of ache.... my form goes to pot a bit when my muscles are getting tired, so I think that might have aggravated my back. Not pain in a nasty bad way (like joint problems hurt) but fuck I'm aching a lot.


Is it your lower back?


I hurt mine a several months ago and basically had to stop everything and start my lifting from scratch again, so be careful. :)


Lower back injuries really seem to linger for a long time for me. I have started deadlifting again (back up to 100kg now) and even though I'm focussing on form more than ever I still feel some discomfort for a few days after.


Is it those high rep clean and presses that's stressing your back? If so using dumbbells held by your side instead of the Vipr might take some stress of your lower back.

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