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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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Vote Standings


Zell (6): Heroicjanitor, Dannyboy, The Peeps, Cube, Sprout, Eenuh (+mr-paul)


Dannyboy-the-Dane (1): Tales


Majority has been reached




October 14, 3:45 PM

District Court

Courtroom No.2


"Herren und Frauen! We may discuss what happened during the 20-minute break for as long as we want, but one fact remains: Herr Edgeworth is still our number one suspect!"


Broadcast Yourself




"Wow, pal, that is a convincing argument!"


"While it is my father we're talking about, I must admit that the case is compelling."


"If Edgey-poo agrees, so do I!"


"Rock on, Jim!"




(Are they talking about his arguments, or the sound of his air guitar?)


Gregory 'Zell' Edgeworth found himself cornered "My friends, I'm sure we can reach an agreement, here..."




"No chance, Mr.Edgeworth! Scientifically speaking, we have already reached majority! Don't even think into tricking us again, like last time!"


"Gah!" Zell was so taken aback by this statement, his glasses hopped into the air, did a 720º spin and fell back in place.


(Impressive, for someone without an in-game sprite!)


"This case is extremely clear. I see no reason for misinterpretation of the facts."


"So, it has come to this..."


"The court finds Zell...






...Well done. Excellent job, I must say."


Broadcast Yourself




"I will confess everything. I have been part of the mafia, ever since its inception."


(What is he doing...?)


"What I did...was shameful, and yet necessary..."


(Is he really going to rat us out!?)


"Some time ago, I grew disillusioned with our justice system. Corruption and wrongful verdicts were abundant."


(So that's how it is, is it? You coward...)


"Thus, a project to manipulate proceedings began. It was all to bring about fair verdicts, mind you, but it soon grew out of hand."


(Farewell, Zell...)


"I initially discussed the specifics of the plan with-"






Broadcast Yourself


"What the...?"


"A blackout?"


"But how could this-"




"Order in the court! Order in the court!"






"You couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you? Goodbye."








The lights soon came back on, only to reveal...the body of Gregory Edgeworth, shot through the heart.


Zell is dead. He was Guilty of working with The Mafia.


"Paramedics! Someone call an ambulance! To all of the remaining players, be at Courtroom No.3 at 4:00 PM. We will find whoever was responsible for this."




Remaining Players (10):











-The Peeps


The 8th Break will now begin


(Remember, breaks now last roughly 24 hours)

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October 14, 4:00 PM

District Court

Courtroom No.3


"Very well, then! Someone committed murder just not more than 15 minutes ago and we will find who did it!"


"I agree, Herr Judge! I will play to tha-"


"Hold it right there, Mr.Gavin!"




"Whaa-? What are you talking about, Herr Judge?"


"Why, in these past 15 minutes I've received complaint after complaint regarding your air guitar. Its sound is distracting other ongoing trials!"


(You sure that didn't have anything to do with the gunshot...?)


"Mr.Gavin, if you play that air guitar again, I will be forced to hold you in contempt!"










"...Herr Judge. Without music, there is no justice in the world."


Broadcast Yourself




"Order! Cease playing that air intrument this instant!"




"Very well, then. Take him away!"


Heroicjanitor was arrested. He was Innocent.




Remaining Players (9):


-Cube (Jacques Portsman)



-Dannyboy-the-Dane (Phoenix Wright)



-Dazz (Luke Atmey)



-Eddiecoleslaw (Mia Fey)



-Eenuh (Wendy Oldbag)



-mr-paul (Ema Skye)



-Sprout (Dick Gumshoe)



-Tales (Franziska von Karma)



-The Peeps (Miles Edgeworth)



Majority is 5


The Court is now in Session 9


(The session will end at Monday, 23:30)

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Night 2: Nintendohnut wad on his phone, he received a message and said "splendid".

Night 4: Diageo got whipped.

Night 6: darksnowman did nothing.


No target was sent during the day phases before the other nights.


Vote: Zell.


Fine. I'm a protector(which is why I got a little suspicious of danny yesterday). Against everything, positive, negative, arrests. I feared the mafia had discovered my role through my subtle hints and protected myself that night(and have since). One person targetted me(I get to know this) and there was no arrest. Lynch him.


Cube's info told me Diageo targeted me the night I protected myself and there was no arrest. The lynch wouldn't have happened without me so move on.

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Cube's info told me Diageo targeted me the night I protected myself and there was no arrest. The lynch wouldn't have happened without me so move on.


Ah, fair enough. :)


The information yesterday suggested that Eenuh or Dannyboy could be evil, unless a mafia member is untrackable.


I hope to have proved my innocence by now. I was the catalyst behind Zell's lynch. And Eenuh's not awfully suspicious in my eyes (though I'm by no means certain of her). I'm more inclined to believe it was an untraceable culprit.

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I'm quite sure Dannyboy is good. Hopefully I won't regret trusting him ;P


Eenuh doesn't really feel mafia. She was the first to post information about Sprout yesterday and it didn't conflict with anyone else's stuff.


I also trust Tales. To be honest my only real suspicion at the moment is EddieColeslaw but it's not really based on much.


mr-paul said Sprout was only targeted by Eenuh, heroicjanitor and Dannyboy but the killer would not have reached Sprout so may not be included in his results. I hope you targeted heroicjanitor last night mr-paul! I had a feeling we'd be losing herojan or Dannyboy seeing as I cleared them both in the last day phase. As outed kill-protectors they're obviously the best targets for the mafia.

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I'm quite sure Dannyboy is good. Hopefully I won't regret trusting him ;P


Thanks, you won't. :)


mr-paul said Sprout was only targeted by Eenuh, heroicjanitor and Dannyboy but the killer would not have reached Sprout so may not be included in his results. I hope you targeted heroicjanitor last night mr-paul! I had a feeling we'd be losing herojan or Dannyboy seeing as I cleared them both in the last day phase. As outed kill-protectors they're obviously the best targets for the mafia.


So did I, which I why I protected myself. :( My gut feeling said they were going for me, but my guy was wrong. :(


My GUT was wrong. Dammit.

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Ok vote Eenuh then.


Are you seriously considering me to be part of the mafia? An older but very respectable lady like me? I really hope you're not basing this on the info mister Dazz is giving out, because we all know how trustworthy he is...


I was first to say Sprout had been targeted by someone evil. And you may notice I have voted for every mafia member that's been lynched, never had any objections either. Unlike some other people... My suspicion right now is on mr-paul.


He voted early on innocent Cube, was second to last to vote for guilty ReZ, voted on innocent Supergrunch, didn't want to vote for guilty Diageo and didn't vote in time for guilty Zell.


Same for Dazz, but then he's not voted for -anyone- in a lynch. So I don't know what his part is in this trial when he doesn't give us any information and doesn't take part in finding people who are guilty.

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Tales, you do realise that's according to paranoid cop Dazz's results, right?


There's really no new info to go on? :hmm: I guess we'll have to follow our gut feeling again ...


Eenuh makes a good point about mr-paul; he hasn't voted for any of the mafiosos (at least only after majority had been reached) and has voted for all the innocents. It could just be bad luck, but it does make me suspicious.


What have you to say, @mr\-paul?

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I just don't trust him. Obviously a mafia member did target Sprout during the break 7.


It could've been Zell, which would mean mr-paul either lied about his result or didn't receive that info because Sprout was protected (seems a bit weird though because he did find out the other people who targeted Sprout). Or it was mr-paul himself who I saw coming for Sprout.

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I'm not voting because this game is just too bloody hard. I've been reading and reading and I literally don't know who to trust or what to do even. Obviously my power isn't useful and there's nothing I really can do so I tried to make myself useful by seeing if there's any differences in attitudes and behaviours and so on but it's hard to judge and I really don't want to vote anybody that's good out...There just got to be some way I can do something for the town. I know Jonnas' games and there's absolutely no way he would just give me a role being the paranoid cop with nothing behind it...




There's something I have to do to make myself useful. I have an idea but I'm not 100% on it.

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Unless Dazz is bluffing like a king, I don't believe that there would be a paranoid cop on the mafia's side. Or any kind of alignment cop, really. Has anyone even been encountering him during the night?


Dazz, what does "ZVARRI" mean?


I mean, I know your character says it, but does it have some kind of effect when you post it?

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Hey, pals! Just got back home, sorry that I haven't commented sooner. Anyway, I investigated Dazz last night and got an innocent result, pals.

@Dazz didn't you get an evil result on diageo? Guess you are paranoid then.
Well, he could still be a dumb cop, Mr. Edgeworth. After all, my investigation on Diageo was innocent, so I think Diageo was possibly someone who would look innocent under investigation, sir (or evil to a dumb cop).
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Unless Dazz is bluffing like a king, I don't believe that there would be a paranoid cop on the mafia's side. Or any kind of alignment cop, really. Has anyone even been encountering him during the night?


Dazz, what does "ZVARRI" mean?


I mean, I know your character says it, but does it have some kind of effect when you post it?


I thought of doing that like Diageo when he posted "Gotcha!" but no, I have nothing.


I wonder what it could be....

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