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Pokémafia 11 : Gold and Silver


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Zell must be the killer then. Jonnas can confirm I'm good.


I can also confirm Zell as good, so the point is moot.


What you were saying about Dazz was interesting though. I'd like to hear from him.


Guys, Dazz isn't the killer. The killer wasn't roleblocked, it tried to kill me and failed because of protection. It's the red, green and pale green pokémon.


...Which kinda fits Ellmeister's (Bellossom) colours, now that I think about it...

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You're right, that does sound like Ellmeister.


I'm sick of Dazz and Heroicjanitor putting off revealing their powers. I think it's clear that they don't have a proper alibi yet and want to put it off as long as possible.

I want Pokemon, power and targets.

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(Stupid 509 errors :()


Who said that Ellmeister is Bellossom? Must have missed it. Anyway, I would say it's more "red, green and pale green" AND yellow, but who knows.


I thought the "majestic brown, grey, dark grey and yellow Pokémon" sounded like a legendary...Entei? EEVIL, how come you can make fire rings appear too? :/




I was beginning to trust Jonnas, but not any more. Let's see: I am apparently evil. Peeps is also evil. Why did he immediately vote for me then?

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The intense frequency in which you have blatantly avoided the question has confirmed to me what could only be the behaviour of a cocky mafia member. If you are voting for Eddie, then I won't until at least I get more information.


Vote Heroicjanitor


It'd be better if you found it out through a bit of sense...You mentioned it once too. Vote: Eddie Vote: Eddie Vote:Eddie Vote:Eddie


Also it could be bellossom... I was picturing someone with an actual blade :s Bellossom has yellow too right? Suppose it is up to Rez though. Lynch Eddie before we do anything else.

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Amazingly blatant diversions :p It would be better actually. As I have said you already mentioned it. Actually you are behaving mafia so I may as well make sure the town knows too, I am a mirror tracker. There, power rendered useless now and you can stop wasting time. I have already said I am vileplume too.


Ellmeister isn't the killer because he targeted me on nights 3 and 4.


Also Diageo can you point yourself out in any write-ups? Until then I have a suspicion you are not Celebi. What is your attack called?

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I was beginning to trust Jonnas, but not any more. Let's see: I am apparently evil. Peeps is also evil. Why did he immediately vote for me then?


Because The Peeps can't be lynched, apparently. We tried. Twice. Plus, I can't actually vote.


In fact, this game is becoming frustrating beyond belief.

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I don't remember you ever saying that you were Vileplume. I asked you earlier and you completely ignored it, and if you had indeed said it before, then why not to casually mention it again?


I haven't been shown in many write-ups, but there was one or two where I was, can't remember now, and I'm in class so I'm not gonna go looking, but I pointed it out clearly the days I appeared in the write-up. However, I don't see you appearing in the write-ups much either.

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Or you could say who you are? Or give any information you have gained? :o


I don't gain information, unfortunately. I use my (beneficial) night power and hope for the best. It's to do with berries.


Diageo, what exactly have you got against heroic? You seem weirdly persistent...he's stated his Pokemon and power, isn't that what you wanted?

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I don't gain information, unfortunately. I use my (beneficial) night power and hope for the best. It's to do with berries.


Diageo, what exactly have you got against heroic? You seem weirdly persistent...he's stated his Pokemon and power, isn't that what you wanted?


The same berry abilities that Tales had defences against? :p Your berries seem to have a dark side.

Skiploom is dead. He could track other players and had defences against berry abilities. He was a member of the town, Tales is no longer in the game.

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Well now he has given me most of what I wanted so I would move onto Dazz and do the same, but we have little time left and he's unlike to answer an harder to antagonise, so I will put this day back on track and Vote EddieColeslaw.


I would be completely happy if heroicjanitor told me who has targeted him however.

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I'm not silenced, I've had massive difficulties trying to get on the forums since yesterday. The last post I made was in here telling everybody everything I know. I swear on my life that I posted last night revealing everything I knew about myself but something weird happened to the site and I couldn't get on, it said "500 error" or something. I've not read everything yet because I can't find my post anywhere but I 110% DID post. I'm going to try and re-do it again word-for-word...


I know its a little early to start throwing votes around but this looks a little wierd to me. So for now i'll vote: Dazz


I don't get why you think this is weird...


...however, I know a little more about some players here so, as I am a man of my word, I will tell you everything I know without quoting the PM (since I don't know if I can or not).


I am Sentret and I am Neutral. I have to collect 5 berries from different players. When I do, I will become one of the Town and will win with the Town.


This is everything I know.


Also, I'm digging the whole Eddie thing. We have no other leads so I apologise to Eddie if she is good: Vote: EddieColeslaw




That is what I posted, now I shall catch up with the thread...

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